Hi everyone!
My name is Nicolas, and as the title of this introduction suggests, I come from France. I started getting interested in the Zodiac case quite a long time ago, even before David Fincher’s movie
I’m married and a father of 2, I’ll turn 40 in a few weeks and I work in the translation field.
I’ll most certainly ask more questions than I bring possible answers, but this board is an amazing source of information, the work that has been done here and keeps being done is incredible! I hope the Zodiac will be caught some day but I doubt he’s still alive, so I just keep my fingers crossed that he is at least identified.
Oh, and in case you wonder if my pseudo has anything to do with the band Primus, yes it does!
You’re very welcome!
Holy Mackerel it’s good to have you here and thanks for joining us … and for the intro.
I understood that reference.
Also, welcome OP!
"There are such devils."
-The Pledge
Primus sucks!
Primus sucks!
Wasn’t really my thing either. My friends were all raving about them and I didn’t get it at all. Then when The Holy Mackerel came out I thought I’d try it out of obligation … a bass player thing you understand. I found it tolerable.
No, that was their motto!
Primus sucks for sure! ^^ But I love bass so I can’t help listening to their music, what a b*****d I am!
Bonjour, mon ami!
Merci à tous (Thanks all!)!
I love Primus. Nice when you want to slow things down with a little funky twang. Totally unique.
Thanks Tahoe!