It’s good to be here. I’m no expert when it comes to the Zodiac, but thoroughly enjoy reading about the case. It seems that many plausible avenues have been researched but the perpetrator either remain at large or is deceased. Anyway, I will drop in once in a while to check on the status of affairs. Thank you.
Question everything, learn something.
Hi & Welcome. Thanks for telling us a little about yourself.
Hope all posters, who never made a post or introduction, please do so.
If Zodiac ever joined a Z forum, I’m sure he would have been banned for not following forum rules. Zam’s/Quote
Hi Dave, welcome!
There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer
Welcome, Mr. Francis! Be forewarned, we posters constitute a motley crew who agree on only one thing: debunking your fellow poster’s pet theory. And yours is….
Welcome, Mr. Francis! Be forewarned, we posters constitute a motley crew who agree on only one thing: debunking your fellow poster’s pet theory. And yours is….
Many thanks Mr. Maclugh. I take your warning seriously. There is no need to debunk my theory as I have still to assemble my Howitzer. As of now, I have not been able to keep a steady sight on my target. Hopefully, and soon, I will be able to conjure something up so as to allow the Sharks to go on a feeding frenzy. I truly hope they will enjoy the feast.
Question everything, learn something.
Welcome, David.