rofit with no effort…How funny is that?Reminds me a poem I once read?Do you consider 5 one of your lucky numbers?Doesn’t the number 5 have a part in creatition/fertility?I believe only the Emperor of Japan was allowed to wear a five toed dragon.Do you follow the Zodiac signs?Hey….if you win the lottery with 5’s don’t forget about the MIGHTYQUINN…LOL.
The number 5 has been my lucky number most of my life, 5-55 was my first childs birthday. My shoe’s ,dresses,and ring size are all size 5 and I am 5ft tall.( No joke )
I am a 3 in numerology, so I get along with most people.Sense you enjoy my posts , I have just added most of my story about my suspects and how it has affected my life on the
"Sandy’s POI thread". I would like your feed back after reading it. (The story starts on page 9)Yes I do still follow the Zodiac signs ,if I win the lotto with 5’s you are in!
Sandz,I was actually reading your POI thread as you were making this reply earlier. Talk about Zynchronisity All righty then….you asked for my feedback…Ju Got it!Oh wait….before I start…Your rolling all fives across the board hon.You be single…<tongue hangin’outta mouth>
Is that you in the speedway pic?Hubba ..Hubba.Sorry..you know us guys get a lil carried away when trying to converse with pretty women.If I get outta line just smack me okay…and just so ya know I’m a Capricorn and my feelings are hurt very easily.so take er easy on me and please instruct your body guard to mind his own dam biz.LOL…Just messin’wit ya’NIN.
Down to bizz ness.Hope ya don’t mind some questions?
#1 I noticed you didn’t mention anything at all regarding this man to of worn eye glasses? Was he wearing them at all times and you just overlooked the fact? Any details you can remember about them? ie;Frames or head band?Lenses…Bi focals/shaded etc.
#2 You observed this guy on several occasions..up close.You remember him smoking "Pall Malls"right?Which hand was he using to smoke with?Do you remember which hand he was using when drinking that Bloody Marry?Lol…fitting drink for a Serial Killer huh?Also, when he was following you in the car, do you remember which hand was on the steering wheel? Right about now..everyone reading this is thinking: "do you want to know which hand he picked his nose with and so on". To be expected…Like I said before: "it’s those little things that seem meaningless that are all part of ZEE PUZZLE".
#3 What happened when you called this in with Napa LE?Did they give you the usual:You expect me to believe that The Zodiac Killer is stalking YOU?????Tell me Ma’am…and why is he stalking you??Oh’ he stole your clothes line too?And brought a new one back?Did he also leave laundry detergent and Snuggles softener?LOL.This case will never be taken seriously unless he kills again or someone pulls of his mask.You also mentioned the hood and all the other things from Berryessa.Why didn’t you take them to LE?Just curious?
I’m all questioned out and feel like a cop after asking all those questions.See what ya’do to me Sandz?LOL.Gonna take a breather…Till next time take er easy and stay safe!I hope you’re never bothered by him again but if you are…….DON’T HESITATE…PULL ZEEE TRIGA on his robotic talkin’azzzz.
rofit with no effort…How funny is that?Reminds me a poem I once read?Do you consider 5 one of your lucky numbers?Doesn’t the number 5 have a part in creatition/fertility?I believe only the Emperor of Japan was allowed to wear a five toed dragon.Do you follow the Zodiac signs?Hey….if you win the lottery with 5’s don’t forget about the MIGHTYQUINN…LOL.
The number 5 has been my lucky number most of my life, 5-55 was my first childs birthday. My shoe’s ,dresses,and ring size are all size 5 and I am 5ft tall.( No joke )
I am a 3 in numerology, so I get along with most people.Sense you enjoy my posts , I have just added most of my story about my suspects and how it has affected my life on the
"Sandy’s POI thread". I would like your feed back after reading it. (The story starts on page 9)Yes I do still follow the Zodiac signs ,if I win the lotto with 5’s you are in!
Sandz,I was actually reading your POI thread as you were making this reply earlier. Talk about Zynchronisity
All righty then….you asked for my feedback…Ju Got it!Oh wait….before I start…Your rolling all fives across the board hon.You be single…<tongue hangin’outta mouth>
Is that you in the speedway pic?Hubba ..Hubba.Sorry..you know us guys get a lil carried away when trying to converse with pretty women.If I get outta line just smack me okay…and just so ya know I’m a Capricorn and my feelings are hurt very easily.so take er easy on me and please instruct your body guard to mind his own dam biz.LOL…Just messin’wit ya’NIN.
Down to bizz ness.Hope ya don’t mind some questions?
#1 I noticed you didn’t mention anything at all regarding this man to of worn eye glasses? Was he wearing them at all times and you just overlooked the fact? Any details you can remember about them? ie;Frames or head band?Lenses…Bi focals/shaded etc.#2 You observed this guy on several occasions..up close.You remember him smoking "Pall Malls"right?Which hand was he using to smoke with?Do you remember which hand he was using when drinking that Bloody Marry?Lol…fitting drink for a Serial Killer huh?Also, when he was following you in the car, do you remember which hand was on the steering wheel? Right about now..everyone reading this is thinking: "do you want to know which hand he picked his nose with and so on".
To be expected…Like I said before: "it’s those little things that seem meaningless that are all part of ZEE PUZZLE".
#3 What happened when you called this in with Napa LE?Did they give you the usual:You expect me to believe that The Zodiac Killer is stalking YOU?????Tell me Ma’am…and why is he stalking you??Oh’ he stole your clothes line too?And brought a new one back?Did he also leave laundry detergent and Snuggles softener?LOL.This case will never be taken seriously unless he kills again or someone pulls of his mask.You also mentioned the hood and all the other things from Berryessa.Why didn’t you take them to LE?Just curious?
I’m all questioned out and feel like a cop after asking all those questions.See what ya’do to me Sandz?LOL.Gonna take a breather…Till next time take er easy and stay safe!I hope you’re never bothered by him again but if you are…….DON’T HESITATE…PULL ZEEE TRIGA on his robotic talkin’azzzz.
All rightly then, I will start with the glasses. In 1968 I don’t remember him having glasses on. In 1988 he had on bifocal dark horn rimed glasses held on with a one inch dark wide band. In 1990 he had wire rimed glasses tinted.
#2 smoking , in 1988 he used his right hand , in the picture I took of him in 1990 and in the mid 90’s when I was behind him he smoked with his left hand and held his drink in his right hand. I don’t remember which hand he used to drink the Bloody Mary.
#3 I was taken very seriously when I brought in the costume copy and spoke to LT Banducchi. I did not mention the clothes line, because I felt it was hard enough for them to believe the costume put in my car. If I told them too much,they wouldn’t believe anything. (It is still hard for me to believe ) He still calls and drives past my home from time to time, so he hasn’t stopped yet. And as I wrote in my story he hasn’t stopped killing and writing police either. It is sad to know that when the police did received his notes , they thought it was just a hoax.As far as I know they didn’t even bother to have a expert look at the notes.
Mr.Zodiac…..If you happen uoon this post don’t take it personal.I know you’re still very capable of unleashing your wrath if the feeling arises.I’ssss just messinn wit ya’ stud
.No I’m not being sarcastic either ….before someone else chimes in……CARRY ON SOLDIER!
Mr.Zodiac…..If you happen uoon this post don’t take it personal.I know you’re still very capable of unleashing your wrath if the feeling arises.I’ssss just messinn wit ya’ stud
.No I’m not being sarcastic either ….before someone else chimes in……CARRY ON SOLDIER!
You’re an odd one!
A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….