"Attempt to locate the keys which Officer P**** (Indistinguishable name due to poor quality print) advised he had observed on the seat of the vehicle shortly after the fire had been extinguished."
"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.
"Attempt to locate the keys which Officer P**** (Indistinguishable name due to poor quality print) advised he had observed on the seat of the vehicle shortly after the fire had been extinguished."
Bravo Welsh Chappie, you’ve done it again! I have to apologize I went browsing for the police reports (two of which are unreadable), which I didn’t find, but read about growing doubts in KJ’s story. I stopped myself short as to not borrow from another ZK site.
"Jerry, just remember, it’s not a lie if you believe it." George Costanza from Seinfeld
"Attempt to locate the keys which Officer P**** (Indistinguishable name due to poor quality print) advised he had observed on the seat of the vehicle shortly after the fire had been extinguished."
Bravo Welsh Chappie, you’ve done it again! I have to apologize I went browsing for the police reports (two of which are unreadable), which I didn’t find, but read about growing doubts in KJ’s story. I stopped myself short as to not borrow from another ZK site.
(sigh) I couldn’t fight off temptation. This is probably nothing new but, according to Howard Davis, KJ later "officially" fingered Lawrence Kane as the wheel man.
"Jerry, just remember, it’s not a lie if you believe it." George Costanza from Seinfeld
Yeah I know that’s what the claim is regarding Kathy’s ID of suspect Kane. I have seen many claim that this document, along with others, are forged by Howard and I have never seen evidence of this and if it were the case that this ‘report’ is not an official report as it is claimed to be then my question is obviously this: Why would Howard go out of his way to fake a document that does not, in any way, forward his case and claim that Bruce D is Zodiac? In fact, he would be claiming a document is official that alleges that Kane is Zodiac and therefor would make absolutely no sense at all surely?
"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.
Kathy Johns also thought, at one point, that Bruce Davis looked a lot like her kidnapper.
Yeah I know that’s what the claim is regarding Kathy’s ID of suspect Kane. I have seen many claim that this document, along with others, are forged by Howard and I have never seen evidence of this and if it were the case that this ‘report’ is not an official report as it is claimed to be then my question is obviously this: Why would Howard go out of his way to fake a document that does not, in any way, forward his case and claim that Bruce D is Zodiac? In fact, he would be claiming a document is official that alleges that Kane is Zodiac and therefor would make absolutely no sense at all surely?
No, you’re right. It doesn’t make sense. But I don’t see where the questionable report couldn’t have been corroborated by LE. I’m also reading where KJ claims to have also gotten a Halloween card like Paul Avery that she was talked into sending PA, instead of the police, though she was upset with him and it wound up getting lost. What a tangled web.
"Jerry, just remember, it’s not a lie if you believe it." George Costanza from Seinfeld
Zodiac himself mentioned, totally unprovoked, giving a rather interesting ride to a women and her baby one evening (albeit a tiny piece did appear buried in the latter pages of the Chronicle).
I feel like I have to put in the link over and over…
It was the S.F Examiner. It was bolded and framed at the top of page 4. Hardly a tiny piece buried in the latter pages.
It was also in the Modesto Bee and put out as an AP story.
Totally unprovoked?
Zodiac himself mentioned, totally unprovoked, giving a rather interesting ride to a women and her baby one evening (albeit a tiny piece did appear buried in the latter pages of the Chronicle).
I feel like I have to put in the link over and over…
It was the S.F Examiner. It was bolded and framed at the top of page 4. Hardly a tiny piece buried in the latter pages.
It was also in the Modesto Bee and put out as an AP story.
Totally unprovoked?
Ok Tahoe fair and good point. I am not convinced of Zodiac being involved myself, but not easily dismiss him as a suspect easily either. Any criminal act on Zodiac’s likely offending level would make the papers because they are going to be, in every likelihood, the top of the list of serious criminal offences. Anytime he commits murder, the papers will report it before he has chance to pen and send a letter to claim responsibility. So while I agree totally that what he said in taking credit in his letter for being KJ’s abductor was nothing that didn’t appear in the press, it could also be argued and asked what else could he really offer from simply driving aimlessly around quiet roads and saying a few words? There not a whole lot of action taking place to enable the Zodiac if he were the abductor to boast ‘To prove I am the Zodiac and KJ’s abductor, ask the pick up driver of the exit road I drove the wrong way down into his oncoming lights about my stupidity in not being able to differentiate between a highway exit road and a highway entrance road. Me – Totally moronic, SFPD – didn’t see me.
"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.
…So while I agree totally that what he said in taking credit in his letter for being KJ’s abductor was nothing that didn’t appear in the press, it could also be argued and asked what else could he really offer from simply driving aimlessly around quiet roads and saying a few words? There not a whole lot of action taking place to enable the Zodiac if he were the abductor to boast ‘To prove I am the Zodiac and KJ’s abductor, ask the pick up driver of the exit road I drove the wrong way down into his oncoming lights about my stupidity in not being able to differentiate between a highway exit road and a highway entrance road. Me – Totally moronic, SFPD – didn’t see me.
He spent not more than a minute or two at LHR & BRS, but offered info about those crimes no one else (supposedly) knew.
IF it was him with Kathleen and her baby, they rode around for two hours. I bet he could have come up with something.
…So while I agree totally that what he said in taking credit in his letter for being KJ’s abductor was nothing that didn’t appear in the press, it could also be argued and asked what else could he really offer from simply driving aimlessly around quiet roads and saying a few words? There not a whole lot of action taking place to enable the Zodiac if he were the abductor to boast ‘To prove I am the Zodiac and KJ’s abductor, ask the pick up driver of the exit road I drove the wrong way down into his oncoming lights about my stupidity in not being able to differentiate between a highway exit road and a highway entrance road. Me – Totally moronic, SFPD – didn’t see me.
He spent not more than a minute or two at LHR & BRS, but offered info about those crimes no one else (supposedly) knew.
IF it was him with Kathleen and her baby, they rode around for two hours. I bet he could have come up with something.
Along those same lines of reasoning, The Z. had her "dead to rights" when she stopped to have her tire rigged and when it came off like the victims at LHR, BRS, and SF – attacked while in their vehicle. There really wasn’t a need to take them for a long ride.
"Jerry, just remember, it’s not a lie if you believe it." George Costanza from Seinfeld
…So while I agree totally that what he said in taking credit in his letter for being KJ’s abductor was nothing that didn’t appear in the press, it could also be argued and asked what else could he really offer from simply driving aimlessly around quiet roads and saying a few words? There not a whole lot of action taking place to enable the Zodiac if he were the abductor to boast ‘To prove I am the Zodiac and KJ’s abductor, ask the pick up driver of the exit road I drove the wrong way down into his oncoming lights about my stupidity in not being able to differentiate between a highway exit road and a highway entrance road. Me – Totally moronic, SFPD – didn’t see me.
He spent not more than a minute or two at LHR & BRS, but offered info about those crimes no one else (supposedly) knew.
IF it was him with Kathleen and her baby, they rode around for two hours. I bet he could have come up with something.
Umm, what exactly did Z offer by way of detailed and specific evidence when it comes to Lake Berryessa? He seemed uninterested in any letter to confirm it was him and instead wrote corresponding dates of known Zodiac attacks and added the current date Sep 27 as the new one at this location and added, just incase we missed his method of operation on this instance that it was "By Knife."
To the best of my knowledge he offers nothing in way of specific details that could only be known to the hooded nut case responsible.
Two weeks later he seems to be almost unable to control the anticipation of confessing to the murder of the Taxi Driver in Plush Pacific Heights. He dashes to the postal box the day after shooting Stine to mail his confession letter informing San Fran that he pulled the trigger on the corner of W & M and to prove this here’s your evidence and so on. San Fran has hardly been given time or chance for the news to spread to the majority of SF before Zodiac’s uncontrolable enthusiasm gets the better of him and he’s stumbling and shuffling his way to the nearest post box concealing on his person the confession letter fessing up to everything he did and who was responsible and how his opponents could have won the game and captured him if only they would try and drag themselves away from playing with their motorcycles making as much noise as possible. This over eagerness to confess and anticipation to make his boast all comes after he knows fully well that he had a close encounter of the First kind on that night with SFPD. To him that seems irrelevant and he couldn’t seem at all bothered about, he simply cant help himself and must write to take the credit. Other than the Lake B post incident phone confession he makes and the declaration he leaves behind on Hartnell’s door, what other evidence or even other reference does he make to Bryan and Cecelia’s attack?
"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.
…So while I agree totally that what he said in taking credit in his letter for being KJ’s abductor was nothing that didn’t appear in the press, it could also be argued and asked what else could he really offer from simply driving aimlessly around quiet roads and saying a few words? There not a whole lot of action taking place to enable the Zodiac if he were the abductor to boast ‘To prove I am the Zodiac and KJ’s abductor, ask the pick up driver of the exit road I drove the wrong way down into his oncoming lights about my stupidity in not being able to differentiate between a highway exit road and a highway entrance road. Me – Totally moronic, SFPD – didn’t see me.
He spent not more than a minute or two at LHR & BRS, but offered info about those crimes no one else (supposedly) knew.
IF it was him with Kathleen and her baby, they rode around for two hours. I bet he could have come up with something.
Umm, what exactly did Z offer by way of detailed and specific evidence when it comes to Lake Berryessa? He seemed uninterested in any letter to confirm it was him and instead wrote corresponding dates of known Zodiac attacks and added the current date Sep 27 as the new one at this location and added, just incase we missed his method of operation on this instance that it was "By Knife.
I think those who believe this to be Zodiac would argue that the writing on the car door was his proof he was there.
It’s often brought up and debated as to why it seems to be that he doesn’t seem to be at all remotely interested in writing about doing his thing at Lake B. Maybe the fantasy he had of what it would be like to murder with hands on approach and use of a knife wasn’t what he thought in his twisted and warped fantasy it would be. Maybe Z discovered that the hands on act of murder that is so personal really had a negative, non desired effect on him and that maybe why he felt he needed to go out so soon and rediscover what he found so fantastic it was even better than getting his rocks off with a girl and re-enter his faithful and preferred style of murder by gun after a cooling off period of no less than 14 days after The Lake B disappointment?
"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.
Umm, what exactly did Z offer by way of detailed and specific evidence when it comes to Lake Berryessa? He seemed uninterested in any letter to confirm it was him and instead wrote corresponding dates of known Zodiac attacks and added the current date Sep 27 as the new one at this location and added, just incase we missed his method of operation on this instance that it was "By Knife.
I think those who believe this to be Zodiac would argue that the writing on the car door was his proof he was there.
I don’t question that T, I question his unusual silence and lack of mention at all in any letters to this specific incident and the reasons why?
"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.