I have posted MrX’s ss application in the top secret zodiac suspect discussion….
How come hardly any comments on it????
Can´t find that thread could you post a link?
Morf I was going to say earlier that it’s probably best to place the SSN form for Kjell in a thread of it’s own in ‘Mr X’. At present it’s hid several pages into a thread that doesn’t specifically say Kjell’s SSN Ap. form is on there. Just a suggestion.
That thread is private for a reason though. Certain things should remain private.
That thread is private for a reason though. Certain things should remain private.
Ok that’s fair enough Tahoe but Morf twice asked for feedback on Kjell’s SS Ap. and i only suggested that because of where it’s located it isn’t easily going to be found to get peoples feedback. TheForeigner’s subsequent post cements my point when he/she commented/asked: "Can´t find that thread could you post a link?"
I think Morf has done a such great job in acquiring these documents that they should have their own place and not randomly hidden on page 4 of a thread that doesn’t specifically state that this is where the document can be found. Just my humble opinion.
"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.
Now that Chappie is gone, Kjell Qvale’s thread has gone cold. I don’t have anything new to add, just saddened that no one has commented here in over a month. He’s still my favorite suspect. I wonder whatever happened to getting that blacked out name from the Stine report.
Now that Chappie is gone, Kjell Qvale’s thread has gone cold. I don’t have anything new to add, just saddened that no one has commented here in over a month. He’s still my favorite suspect. I wonder whatever happened to getting that blacked out name from the Stine report.
Some of us are still interested in Mr. X. Sent you a pm, pls read!
Thanks, Zam*
If Zodiac ever joined a Z forum, I’m sure he would have been banned for not following forum rules. Zam’s/Quote
Anyone think it is possible that Mr. X hid Zodiac at his house after the murder, and then he went outside to scope things out?
A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….
Anyone think it is possible that Mr. X hid Zodiac at his house after the murder, and then he went outside to scope things out?
Yeah, I do. The connections between X and Z are too many to be coincidence IMO. It would also explain some of the issues people have on here with Fouke and Pelissetti’s timeline concerning the dog walker
Anyone think it is possible that Mr. X hid Zodiac at his house after the murder, and then he went outside to scope things out?
Qvale as the Imperial Wizard of Team Zodiac.
A bit Harry Martin, but I don’t know; it’s strangely tantalising.
Still raises the question of motive, though.
I think that one question that should be discouraged on message boards is the "Is it possible…?" question. The fact is that anything is possible except for that which has already been completely disproved. The question is if there is any evidence to support a given idea. Could he have hidden the killer in his home? Could he be the "Grand Wizard" of some nefarious plot? Sure. But prove it to us!
I have been open to a collaboration between two people (never thought of more than that, though) since early July 1999, when I thought about "The Mikado" in terms of a collaboration between two people–Gilbert and Sullivan. So that idea is a viable one for me and has nothing to do with the DNA "exclusion" of 2002, since I held out this possibility for over three years BEFORE the ABC show aired.
I agree that anyone coming to this case with an open mind will agree that there is too much pointing at KQ for him to be simply written off because of who he was. That is very 1990s and predates Richard Walter’s profile of a man who killed for power and from a position of power.
Mike Rodelli
Author, The Hunt for Zodiac; 3.9 stars on Amazon and
In The Shadow of Mt. Diablo: The Shocking True Identity of the Zodiac Killer, a second edition in print format. 4.3 Amazon stars and great Editorial reviews. Twitter:@mikerodelli
Anyone think it is possible that Mr. X hid Zodiac at his house after the murder, and then he went outside to scope things out?
Qvale as the Imperial Wizard of Team Zodiac.
A bit Harry Martin, but I don’t know; it’s strangely tantalising.
Still raises the question of motive, though.
I think KQ states his motive quite clearly in his letter to The Chronicle where he scapegoats the media and LE for the rise of violent crime. That letter to me is just a tamer version of a Z letter. I think he set out to demonstrate just how inept LE was and how The Chronicle was glorifying murder. Being rich and relatively known, KQ didn’t feel safe in his own home and decided he rather be the aggressor, the powerful controller, rather than feel like a victim.
I just discovered from a new blog called crackproof that Z mailed most of his letters from SF, not all that far from PH. Which for me is another indication that suggests KQ was involved.
I second what Mike said. I try to keep an open mind, but evidence of KQ’s involvement to me seems overwhelming. Would I charge him ( hypothetically, if I was LE and KQ was still alive)? No, but I would put money on it. If the redacted name the witness fingered on the Stine report turned out to be KQ than it would be unequivocal for me
Personally, I have been looking into William Thoresen III as being the one who had Zodiac doing his dirty work to cover up drug and weapons trafficking. Thoresen lived 8 or 9 blocks from Qvale. The thought crossed my mind because Thoresen collected Ferrari’s, and Qvale was a car importer. Not only that, but all the other stuff I have read about Thoresen makes me think he was involved. There are a number of ways to look at it. Was it to cover his drug and weapons deals, or was it to cover a massive attack on the U.S. Government that was being planned?
I was discussing it with a friend of mine last night who is really into the JFK assassination, and he now thinks that the gun that JFK was shot with may have originally came from Thoresen and that the Minutemen were the ones who planned it. I don’t know enough about the assassination to know for sure, but I plan on learning more.
One of the theories I have is that the Zodiac killings were a cover for the Minutemen’s plan to destroy the government. Thoresen was also selling weapons in Central America, where it is said that Guy Banister had connections. Banister is a guy that some believe was the one that sent Oswald to kill JFK. Again, I don’t know much about that. So take it all for what it’s worth, it’s just a theory with no hard evidence to back it up. You can say it’s a dumb theory or that it makes no sense, but like Mike said, anything is possible.
A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….
There is also the matter of Z possibly having "protection" or whatever. Thoresen had the money (and so did Qvale) to buy off any corrupt cop that they wanted to. And from what I understand, there were plenty of corrupt cops back then.
A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….
I’m coming more around to the idea that it was one man responsible for all the confirmed Z killings, and the more I re-read the reports, I can see now that this guy was indeed beefy or barrel-chested, and, in a nutshell, not fitting the description of KQ. I still think he is involved somehow though. But I have to accept that he doesn’t fit the general description, and that is important. I’m back to square one and thinking more and more that Z is none of our POIs.
Qvale owned a horse named….. Silky Sullivan. What a coincidence.
A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….
Qvale owned a horse named….. Silky Sullivan. What a coincidence.
Coincidence yes, but there’s no way I could see these two being connected. I could possibly buy Z being a lone psychotic person like Sullivan. But I couldn’t see someone like Sullivan working together with someone like KQ. Personally, I’m pretty sure whoever Z was, he wss most likely a socipath, not someone suffering from psychosis.