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Paul Stine Taxicab

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Let’s suppose, for the hell of it, that Z was acquainted with Stine; perhaps, the two attended San Fran State, or simply knew each other from another venue. That being the case, it would not have been unusual for, during the course of a conversation, Stine to have mentioned that he drove a taxi. And, if he owned his taxi, or it was assigned to him, he might have gone on to say: "If you’re ever downtown at night and need a cab, I drive a Yellow Cab with a big dent in the driver’s side."
While I’m at it, does anyone know on which side of Stine’s cab Zodiac was, when he hailed it? Seems to me I ran across this info years ago. If, of course, Z hailed the cab from the passenger’s side, my clever theory collapses.

Posted : July 17, 2015 6:27 am
Posts: 1764
Noble Member

i thought it WAS coincidental that he was working that night. he was filling in for someone who called out. if i remember correctly he had been at a friend’s party and was called into work. i can look up the reference if necessary tomorrow but i’m pretty sure that’s the case.

That’s the most common version of events – yes.

I’m not sure if it has ever been absolutely verified, however.

Posted : July 17, 2015 4:10 pm
Posts: 1764
Noble Member

Let’s suppose, for the hell of it, that Z was acquainted with Stine; perhaps, the two attended San Fran State, or simply knew each other from another venue. That being the case, it would not have been unusual for, during the course of a conversation, Stine to have mentioned that he drove a taxi. And, if he owned his taxi, or it was assigned to him, he might have gone on to say: "If you’re ever downtown at night and need a cab, I drive a Yellow Cab with a big dent in the driver’s side."
While I’m at it, does anyone know on which side of Stine’s cab Zodiac was, when he hailed it? Seems to me I ran across this info years ago. If, of course, Z hailed the cab from the passenger’s side, my clever theory collapses.

Actually, I don’t see why you need the dent, Dag: If they knew each other, Z could have easily recognized Stine himself behind the wheel, rather than the dent in the door.

Posted : July 17, 2015 4:13 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

I know I’m not UK or Norse but I think I know the answer to the question. I believe it was the driver’s side that was dented. The passenger side does not look like it was dented to me.

I got the image from here-

http://www.bermuda-triangle.org/paul_st … 11-69.html

I got an image of the passenger side here-


The cab had been in a minor accident a day or two before the murder. Maybe that’s why there was a dent

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : July 17, 2015 4:32 pm
Posts: 794
Prominent Member

As per Morf, it would seem that the cab dent would not be crucial to my argument. Fair enough. It might be that, as I suggested, Z and Stine were acquainted, and Stine simply told Z that he drove a cab nights, often downtown. While carrying that night, Z recognized Stine driving the cab, and reasoned his acquaintance with Stine would lull any suspicions, and make Stine a "soft target."

Posted : July 17, 2015 5:15 pm
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

Since Stine wasn’t scheduled to work that evening, it would have been one lucky encounter–among all the cabs, that Zodiac (if he knew him) just came upon Paul.

If Zodiac knew Paul, it would be an entirely different scenario, imo.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : July 17, 2015 7:29 pm
Posts: 1764
Noble Member

Just for the sake of argument:

If Z was on the pavement looking for a cab, with the intention of killing the driver, regardless of who that driver was, it would be one hell of a coincidence if Paul Stine – whom he knew – of all people showed up (especially if Stine wasn’t even supposed to be working).

If Z wasn’t looking for a cab, however, but happened to spot Paul Stine – whom he knew – that wouldn’t be such a coincidence. Begs the question why he killed him, though. I take it that the assumption that Z knew Stine goes along with another assumption, namely that Z didn’t like Stine too much for whatever reason.

Posted : July 17, 2015 9:15 pm
Posts: 794
Prominent Member

Stine’s murder came only two weeks after Z’s previous efforts, which may mean Z was losing whatever control he might have had, and was looking for any opportunity to kill again–and soon. Hence, his packing a .38 pistol. I’m beginning to suspect Z’s fatal encounter with Stine was accidental; however, if Z and Stine were previously acquainted, Z might have been prompted, so to speak, to recognize Stine driving his cab. Z hailed the cab and Stine, being acquainted with him, might well have invited him to sit in the passenger’s side of the front seat.
The above is conjecture, of course. But, it may help to explain some puzzling questions.

Posted : July 17, 2015 11:22 pm
Posts: 643
Honorable Member

I have a question and I’ll apologize up front if it’s been covered. I’ve been reading through the threads involving how Z handled Paul’s body after the murder, pulling/pushing his body around to rip the shirt and so on… My question is, was Paul wearing his seat belt?

My though is that if he was, Z obviously had to unbuckle it, and that would be a logical place for him to have left a print or two. I’m sure LE checked, and if not it’s way too late. Just saying, as far as speculation whether the prints they have are Z’s or someone else’s, if they came from the seatbelt buckle and didn’t belong to Paul or another person in his company, they would almost have to be from Z, and not some previous passenger or LE checking Paul for vitals, etc.

The reason I thought of it is because of the damage on the cab. I would think cabbies would be well aware of the safety necessity of wearing their seat belts. Anyway, reading peoples’ scenarios of Z’s possible actions in the cab, I didn’t see mention of that.

Posted : July 18, 2015 1:53 am
Posts: 794
Prominent Member

The first seat belt was federal, and took effect January 1, 1968. Initially, use of a seat belt was not mandatory. New York was the first state to require that vehicle occupants wear seat belts; its law came into effect December 1, 1984.

Posted : July 18, 2015 3:16 am
Posts: 643
Honorable Member

Was it ever determined whether Paul had his seat belt on? Whether it was law or not, I would think it would’ve been common sense, especially driving a cab with that dent as a reminder what could happen. I also wonder if it may have been company policy.

I really don’t have a point to make with this, just curious as I try to envision what Z was doing in that front seat.

Posted : July 18, 2015 3:39 am
Posts: 1772
Noble Member
Topic starter

Possibly if he had the seat belt on the blood pattern on the front of the shirt may have indicated this with a different pattern, which it appeared not to. Just a thought. :idea:

Posted : July 18, 2015 9:12 am
Posts: 643
Honorable Member

Possibly if he had the seat belt on the blood pattern on the front of the shirt may have indicated this with a different pattern, which it appeared not to. Just a thought. :idea:

Back then (and confirmed by the photos I’ve seen of his cab,) there weren’t shoulder straps, just the belt. Stine’s shirt was tucked in. So I don’t think the seat belt would’ve covered his shirt or if it did at all, just on the very bottom. But with Z pushing him around, the seat belt would’ve been unbuckled long before the blood stopped flowing.

Posted : July 18, 2015 11:25 am
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

Stine’s murder came only two weeks after Z’s previous efforts, which may mean Z was losing whatever control he might have had, and was looking for any opportunity to kill again–and soon. Hence, his packing a .38 pistol. I’m beginning to suspect Z’s fatal encounter with Stine was accidental; however, if Z and Stine were previously acquainted, Z might have been prompted, so to speak, to recognize Stine driving his cab. Z hailed the cab and Stine, being acquainted with him, might well have invited him to sit in the passenger’s side of the front seat.
The above is conjecture, of course. But, it may help to explain some puzzling questions.

Stine was killed with a 9mm.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : July 18, 2015 9:59 pm
Posts: 794
Prominent Member

"Stine was killed with a 9mm." Thanks for the clarification.

Posted : July 19, 2015 2:04 am
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