Man.. I hope the hint at cracking the 340 is for real.
Maybe Dave or Mike can answer a question on last night’s episode.
I wrote about the 13 Moon Calendar connection in January 2013 and have done many articles on this since. This was presented last night as though it was a new finding. How did this find its way on to the History Channel?
Call me a jaded synic, but I was left a little disappointed last night. A computer (Carmen) that nearly turned a dig on Mt Diablo into another Oak Island show… then writes a poem? (Complete with too-long cheesy cgi graphic that shows a computer working? )I know it’s a TV show but this really made me groan. And as far as Mt Diablo goes… working for only 16 hours in a MASSIVE area and not finding a bomb (especially when you’re digging in a ridiculous spot where you see a fairly recent downed tree in the shot that obviously needed a stump excavation and ground clearing), does not allow you to declare there’s no bomb there. And what the hell is the helicopter for? Let’s hope next week reveals a found body (may she rest in peace) and if not answers, some new bonafied leads.
As far as I’m concerned the show really went off the rails last night. I had high hopes for the show, now it seems just to becoming very tabloidy. They’re just dramatizing things at this point and it’s becoming very cartoonish. I love all the detailed directions they were given last night into finding the body of Donna Lass. Sal says: I can’t believe how close the directions match up. Ya, because you’re being lead on a wild goose chase by crackpots.
Reward poster = No mystery.
Oh…and so people know, the area code on this poster didn’t come into play until late 1997.
Zodiac had nothing to do with this…I say this so the facts are out there for any newbies.
I appreciate this forum but can’t post much because I’m ill, however I do want to point out that the flyer shown on the show last night did not include the phone number. You can see it here at the 36 minute mark: … -uncovered
Overall I’ve been disappointed in this series so far, way too many poorly founded assumptions made by the investigators.
Call me a jaded synic, but I was left a little disappointed last night. A computer (Carmen) that nearly turned a dig on Mt Diablo into another Oak Island show… then writes a poem? (Complete with too-long cheesy cgi graphic that shows a computer working? )I know it’s a TV show but this really made me groan. And as far as Mt Diablo goes… working for only 16 hours in a MASSIVE area and not finding a bomb (especially when you’re digging in a ridiculous spot where you see a fairly recent downed tree in the shot that obviously needed a stump excavation and ground clearing), does not allow you to declare there’s no bomb there. And what the hell is the helicopter for? Let’s hope next week reveals a found body (may she rest in peace) and if not answers, some new bonafied leads.
As far as I’m concerned the show really went off the rails last night. I had high hopes for the show, now it seems just to becoming very tabloidy. They’re just dramatizing things at this point and it’s becoming very cartoonish. I love all the detailed directions they were given last night into finding the body of Donna Lass. Sal says: I can’t believe how close the directions match up. Ya, because you’re being lead on a wild goose chase by crackpots.
A crackpot who probably drove that route themselves and mapped their every turn. And no, not Zodiac!
I wish I wasn’t a Zodiac completionist or I’d have given up this show after the second episode.
I appreciate the case is getting out there, and there will certainly be falsehoods along the way. Whether intentional, or not, I hope that it can bring some good. I think part of it is showing they are learning as they go and altering their thinking–and being open to new ideas. I also appreciate they use the word "potential" a lot when it comes to the (potential) victims.
Maybe Dave or Mike can answer a question on last night’s episode.
I wrote about the 13 Moon Calendar connection in January 2013 and have done many articles on this since. This was presented last night as though it was a new finding. How did this find its way on to the History Channel?
Your site was surely mentioned by someone. Have you noticed the subject anywhere else?
Reward poster = No mystery.
Oh…and so people know, the area code on this poster didn’t come into play until late 1997.
Zodiac had nothing to do with this…I say this so the facts are out there for any newbies.
Appreciate the info. I don’t discount anything being from Zodiac however since we don’t know who he is. I’d say just the fact this poster showed up at such a recent date is enough to find it unlikely from Zodiac however.
No, it did not include the phone number. For good reason.
So, I’m confused now. Was the phone number added after the poster was "found"? Who’s number is it anyway?
Also, was the cipher on this poster the one they were running when the computer spit out the weird poem?
Maybe Dave or Mike can answer a question on last night’s episode.
I wrote about the 13 Moon Calendar connection in January 2013 and have done many articles on this since. This was presented last night as though it was a new finding. How did this find its way on to the History Channel?Your site was surely mentioned by someone. Have you noticed the subject anywhere else?
No I haven’t, it was written here 4 years ago, for the very first time. Nobody had ever suggested the idea prior to this. I’m not bothered, just wandering where the History Channel are claiming they got it from.
No, it did not include the phone number. For good reason.
So, I’m confused now. Was the phone number added after the poster was "found"? Who’s number is it anyway?
Also, was the cipher on this poster the one they were running when the computer spit out the weird poem?
They just removed the phone number for TV, apparently. The phone number is to the South Lake Tahoe Police Department. It was created by Harvey Hines and Donna’s family.
Maybe Dave or Mike can answer a question on last night’s episode.
I wrote about the 13 Moon Calendar connection in January 2013 and have done many articles on this since. This was presented last night as though it was a new finding. How did this find its way on to the History Channel?Your site was surely mentioned by someone. Have you noticed the subject anywhere else?
No I haven’t, it was written here 4 years ago, for the very first time. Nobody had ever suggested the idea prior to this. I’m not bothered, just wandering where the History Channel are claiming they got it from.
You should be flattered, but also, recognized for it.
So, if the Zodiac is still alive, and happens to be watching this…can you imagine how much he’s laughing about it?