The biggest machine they had there is called a "Credibility Dissipator." It seems to have been functioning perfectly.
We should take a survey – did this help or detract belief in Richard Gaikowski being The Zodiac?
"Jerry, just remember, it’s not a lie if you believe it." George Costanza from Seinfeld
The people you should survey are the police. And I think I know what the answer would be already…
Mike Rodelli
Author, The Hunt for Zodiac; 3.9 stars on Amazon and
In The Shadow of Mt. Diablo: The Shocking True Identity of the Zodiac Killer, a second edition in print format. 4.3 Amazon stars and great Editorial reviews. Twitter:@mikerodelli
Clyde Lewis & Ground Zero. … oplay=true
If Zodiac ever joined a Z forum, I’m sure he would have been banned for not following forum rules. Zam’s/Quote
It was interesting to see how and what they do to try to reach the other side. I did hear faint voices coming from the machine. If that was Darlene speaking from the grave who answered my questions . The name chip didn’t ring any bells for me, until later when I remembered that we called CHP officers Chips back then. I think mistakes were made when they tried to talk to Gyke and put him as Zodiac. It would have been better if they just tried to talk to the ghost of Gyke and not include the name Zodiac, whom I believe is very much alive. It is news to me that Darlene said the name Richard, when she and Mike saw the man parked at Blue Rock Springs ? If that were the case,the police would have looked for someone named Richard in 1969, but instead they were looking for a man named Paul . The person named Rick at the so called "painting" party was Rick Crabtree who went to Hogan. I would like very much to know who the person was that knew Gyke well enough to claim they saw him at that party ? I know of only one person who told Ken Narlow that Gyke was at that party and that was Pam, Darlene’s sister, who didn’t know who Gyke was at that time. She told me that the man she met later at Gyke’s home, was not the man who’s picture she has seen on the internet as Gyke. If that is true, then she couldn’t know who he was at the party either. There is a some good information that makes Gyke an interesting Z suspect, so I wouldn’t discount him , but I would like to see more.
WHAT! I though Zodiac said that upon his departure from this World his spirit would be allocated a place in ‘Paradice?’ And now we learn he’s hanging out at a radio station dedicated to the Paranormal? How disappointing!
But lets look on the bright (other) side for the positives. I haven’t watched this yet, but I assume that The Zodiac agreed to a Live ‘On Air’ interview before the host had a mental breakdown on the air what with such a strong ‘EVIL’ presence felt in the room. Judging from your comment Sandy hun, I assume that Darlene was asked, then responded to, a question? That makes sense, Darlene turning up to answer viewers questions with The Zodiac himself present in all his Evilness (Hehe).
Even if I believe the DJs feelings, and his reaction to them, were real, then for me that would not so much be the power of Evil Spirit Zodiac, but rather, the power of suggestion. It’s been tested and proven by sceptics that if you take a person, or group of people, and tell them that the location where they will be staying that night has a history of poltergeist activity where chairs move on their own, ghostly apparitions are seen of a man in white for example, then studies have repeatedly shown that the group staying there will experience what they consider paranormal activity, which will usually be what you’ve already said others have reported seeing/feeling. The next day after the group reports paranormal encounter after paranormal encounter, the host of the experiment explains that actually, nothing paranormal has ever been reported there, he made it all up and the place is not haunted. Its simple suggestion. If I put blindfold on someone who has severe arachnophobia and then tell them that the tickling sensation they feel on their forearm is fine its just a tarantula crawling up their arm, they’d go nuts, shake their arm violently while ripping the blindfold off to see a feather being brushed on their forearm. Suggestion can be a powerful thing!
"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.
hAY…cHAPPIE, i’M WITH YOU. I would need to be their and
IT FOR MYSELF. Then he(Z) said, 8 murders on the recorder. I don’t believe it. It’s like you said, Chappie
They may have a cooling off. But, they get right back to the name of the game. dON’T GET ME WRONG,I do believe that people are Haunted. That their are bad man who do bad things. I do AGREE that suggestions can be a powerful tool(mind games). But, to tick amd mess around with the paranormal. I don’t find that funny at all.
You both could be right, but I did see flashlights turn on and off and no one touched them, I can not explain that for sure. I do believe that Zodiac never stopped killing, he only stopped telling us when and who, just like he said he would do. The number of only 8 I think is way off, my guess is over the 37 that he once claimed.
It was interesting to see how and what they do to try to reach the other side. I did hear faint voices coming from the machine. If that was Darlene speaking from the grave who answered my questions . The name chip didn’t ring any bells for me, until later when I remembered that we called CHP officers Chips back then. I think mistakes were made when they tried to talk to Gyke and put him as Zodiac. It would have been better if they just tried to talk to the ghost of Gyke and not include the name Zodiac, whom I believe is very much alive. It is news to me that Darlene said the name Richard, when she and Mike saw the man parked at Blue Rock Springs ? If that were the case,the police would have looked for someone named Richard in 1969, but instead they were looking for a man named Paul . The person named Rick at the so called "painting" party was Rick Crabtree who went to Hogan. I would like very much to know who the person was that knew Gyke well enough to claim they saw him at that party ? I know of only one person who told Ken Narlow that Gyke was at that party and that was Pam, Darlene’s sister, who didn’t know who Gyke was at that time. She told me that the man she met later at Gyke’s home, was not the man who’s picture she has seen on the internet as Gyke. If that is true, then she couldn’t know who he was at the party either. There is a some good information that makes Gyke an interesting Z suspect, so I wouldn’t discount him , but I would like to see more.
Well Mike Mageau ‘remembered’ in 2008 that Darlene had referred to their attacker as ‘Richard’. This was after Gaik was brought forward by Blain as a suspect. He’d picked Arthur Allen out of a line up before this remember. Listening to Mike’s interview in 08, I personally think he’s suffering from ‘Survivors guilt’ as well as the trauma of being shot repeatedly himself because he says: "Physically I’m fine, but mentally and emotionally the scars are still there. It would make me feel real good if they caught the guy and put him on death row, to solve the murder case against Darlene who was a nice, innocent and good person, an innocent victim of circumstance. People put her down and say she was a whore and whatever, but she wasn’t, she was a very nice human being and I did love her, I still love her. She got murdered needlessly at 22 years old, I was 19 but I’ve lived a long and good life after I got shot but she got killed that day, and I can’t forget that."
I don’t think Mike’s intentionally lying when he says Dee called the man Richard, I think due to the psychological damage inflicted on him by being shot in and of itself, then surviving, and knowing Dee died, his subconscious mind has distorted certain things in order to block out what it is too painful to remember and invented things that he thinks will be helpful and what people want to hear, like Dee calling the shooter Richard. I don’t think this is intentional on Mike’s Part, it’s just the trauma and possible survivors guilt he is suffering.
"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.
Good call, on your part CHAPPIE…(Trauma and Survivors guilt)
There are other People not only Mike who are affected by Zodiac, we all want him caught. Sadly I think that when a new suspect is brought up, that they believe could be the true Zodiac, they think they rememeber things like names or how all fo a sudden he is a tall thin guy, when in fact in the police report Mike said he was short.
Mike is suffering mentaly I agree, his wounds still hurt him as well, I do feel sorry for him, but I do not believe Darlene told Mike the name of her stalker as Richard, Robert maybe, but not Richard. Remember when Art Leigh Allen (aka Lee) was Zodiac and how much eveidence showed he had to be ? People who were related to Darlene said Lee was a name that Darlene told them. If Darlene told anyone his name, I doubt they remember it now ,sorry but that is what I believe. There was a much better chance of someone in 1969 remembering his name than now.
One of Darlene’s close friends back then was named Richard and he had a middle name of Lee. Apparently he wasn’t too fond of some of her other friends. Mike could have simply been remembering him.
Ok if we are getting all paranormal I suggest we waste no time in breaking out the Ouija Board to contact the discarnate entity in the spirit world known informally as ‘Zodiac.’ Ha!
No but serious, here’s another serving of paranormal excellence in the form of ‘Rev’ James Douglas Cottrell, ‘PhD.’ Cottrell is a practitioner of DTM, or Deep Trance Meditation, where he claims he can remotely view events that are yet to come, aswel as those that happened in the past. He also claims the ability to interact with discarnate entities, or as I call them, ‘Ghosts.’
"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.
Welsh Chappie, I think you have a great idea there and that it would be interesting to try asking the Oija board for someone who feels comfortable doing so. Have you ever heard of consulting the "I Ching?"
I have an open mind now that I’m older about these things since I’ve been reading here and remembering some things from long ago and I mean 1960-61 and then in the late 1970’s.
In the sixties, I was a senior in high school and visiting a friend with my sister. We didn’t believe in those things but had heard of them and the friend had one and considered it a game, just for fun. Her mother was home and we got it out and began asking it questions such as did certain boys like us, would we marry and what would be the name, would we have children and how many…..questions along that line.
When I began having "flashbacks" I couldn’t believe my recollections of this evening at the friend’s home. Her parents were there btw and her mother was keeping an eye on us and they were very responsible people.
After lots of thinking about this and many other things, I am almost positive my recollections are exact and not "wishful thinking" or false memories.
My sister ended up marrying a man whose name the Ouija board foretold and has 4 children which it also said she would. At the time, we were all laughing since she was only about 15 years old and didn’t know anyone with the name and the last name is one that is kind of easy to joke about if someone wanted to. I can remember now like it was yesterday, our friend’s mother explaining that it didn’t mean that my sister knew the person then…that it could be that she’d meet him years later which is exactly what happened and then at the time we were laughing about the joke pertaining to the surname!
The things I remember the Ouija board said about my friend’s relationships and mine have been accurate as well, as best I can remember.
Then later on after I’d finished college and was working in a professional capacity, I had a co-worker who believed in the "I Ching". I’d never heard about it and the co-worker spent a lot of time telling me all about it and how she’d ask it various questions and use the answers to make decisions in her work! This lady was also heavily into holistic medicine and natural foods which seemed a little quircky at the time but not so much these days!
Had it not been for my very own personal experience at the friend’s house and knowing my co-worker, I would think offhand that checking these things was just plain nuts but go ahead if you have one or know someone who does because it just may have the answers nobody else seems to!!!
Please make sure to inform us asap of any stunning results!
One of Darlene’s close friends back then was named Richard and he had a middle name of Lee. Apparently he wasn’t too fond of some of her other friends. Mike could have simply been remembering him.
Thought it would be worth mentioning that on Page 157 of "The Most Dangerous Animal of All" , Gary Stewart indicates that Earl Van Best used an alias of ‘Richard Lee’ which is supposedly listed in his criminal file with the FBI. These are the types of claims indicated in his book that I would like to be able to validate.
Urgh! I just listened to the second half of this, as apparently the first half was pulled because the host Clyde had a bit of a shocker on air.
I have to say I used to belong to a paranormal group several years ago myself, and I DO believe in the paranormal. I also know that the field is rife with kooks and that was why I got out of it. Nothing should be left behind in trying to understand this case, but I feel strongly that appearing on shows like that marginalizes the whole thing. Zodiac investigators should not be instantly linked in people’s minds with the lunatic fringe. And there is something about a paranormal "ghost hunting" radio show that just smacks of the lunatic fringe for me. I mean, ghosts, on the radio? Really?
Do people who investigate the Zodiac case just start going insane after awhile? Its like a drawing- many times if you work on a drawing too long you lose all perspective. There is something about this case that brings that out in people.
I am actually rather disappointed. I really respected Tom Voigt. Sorry if he is personally known to any of you and I think he has brought loads to the case and should be lauded for that. But this- this was a disappointment.