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Death Threat @ Diablo Valley Collage

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Posts: 1266
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Thanks, Zamantha, for posting this but I don’t think it should be in the "NON-Zodiac Crimes" section. The handwriting and wording appear similar to Zodiac, and it could very well be from him. What troubles me is there are a lot of people who are certain the Zodiac is dead with zero hard evidence to base it on. It would be a shame if an opportunity to catch the man presents itself but slips away because of people’s unfounded biases.

Obviously I would like to be Zodiac. It would make it easy to catch him if he left a trace of DNA from the writing or was caught on CCTV (a weird old man prowling around the college). I just think it’s too good to be true.

Posted : December 15, 2018 11:14 pm
Posts: 1588
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There was a counselor murdered at DVC in the late seventies. When someone walked into the counseling building wearing a clown mask and into the counselor’s oficce and shot them, and then ran off. The counselor’s building was in the center of campus, and I think it was on a Friday when there wasn’t as many of students on campus.

Hi Jay St,
Yes I recall reading about that strange clown crime. Thanks for reminding us.
Merry Christmas


If Zodiac ever joined a Z forum, I’m sure he would have been banned for not following forum rules. Zam’s/Quote

Posted : December 15, 2018 11:32 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Jay st , thanks I didn’t remember about that murder.

At the bottom of the note and to the right where I thought it looked like GS or 68. Richard G confirmed it is 68 and of course we know that the 50th anniversary of those murders was in 68 by a gun.

Even though this seems too good to be true, that is why so much hasn’t been done in this case when ever it sounds too good to be true! This rings loudly to me that it is not a copy cat, but is Zodiac wanting some more attention! ( Being that it is so close to his first shooting in northern Ca.) There is no way that he could let this time go by without doing something to let us know he is not dead like so many want to believe.

Posted : December 16, 2018 12:23 am
Posts: 1266
Noble Member

Jay st , thanks I didn’t remember about that murder.

At the bottom of the note and to the right where I thought it looked like GS or 68. Richard G confirmed it is 68 and of course we know that the 50th anniversary of those murders was in 68 by a gun.

Even though this seems too good to be true, that is why so much hasn’t been done in this case when ever it sounds too good to be true! This rings loudly to me that it is not a copy cat, but is Zodiac wanting some more attention! ( Being that it is so close to his first shooting in northern Ca.) There is no way that he could let this time go by without doing something to let us know he is not dead like so many want to believe.

I hope you’re right. And if that is the case we could have a breakthrough in the case very soon.

Posted : December 16, 2018 12:39 am
Posts: 41
Trusted Member

Thanks, Zamantha, for posting this but I don’t think it should be in the "NON-Zodiac Crimes" section. The handwriting and wording appear similar to Zodiac, and it could very well be from him. What troubles me is there are a lot of people who are certain the Zodiac is dead with zero hard evidence to base it on. It would be a shame if an opportunity to catch the man presents itself but slips away because of people’s unfounded biases.

Obviously I would like to be Zodiac. It would make it easy to catch him if he left a trace of DNA from the writing or was caught on CCTV (a weird old man prowling around the college). I just think it’s too good to be true.

I hear ya, Jacob. But remember, if the Golden State Killer hadn’t been caught by those extraordinary means, he’d still be a weird old man yelling obscenities from his yard in Sacramento. I just want people to keep an open mind and not shrug off clues based on presumptions. I have no idea if the person who wrote that note is Z, but there are elements there that make it hard to dismiss right off the bat.

Posted : December 16, 2018 5:07 am
Posts: 1266
Noble Member

I agree, Kay. There are aspects of the graffiti I find intriguing: the writing style, the strange markings, the handgun drawing that reminds me a lot of Zodiac’s bomb diagrams.

As I said, if this has anything to do with Zodiac, then it is at least by someone with knowledge of the case doing a very good imitation.

In the extraordinary event this was Zodiac himself, then I can only think he now lacks fear of being caught.

Posted : December 16, 2018 5:31 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

For sure he feels safe from ever being caught, its been 50 yrs, who wouldn’t think they could never be caught?

Look at the words he used, I would think a copy cat would start out with "This Is the Zodiac" or something that would be more obvious , not just a Z.

It is the game of taunting that Zodiac loves so much. Only the people who know the case very well and his printing ,would have recognized the Zodiac’s style.

Zamantha sent me the link to the writing early in the morning, to ask what I thought about it? She knows I have studied this case for most of my life and know the different styles Zodiac has used. All I could think to say to her was WOW, that looks very much like his writing!

There has been a lot of attention the past couple of weeks about the 50th coming up and the sicko who caused Tom to scrap the bus tour of Vallejo on Dec 20th. Then on Monday the 10th , my TV appearance on NBC Bay Area News talking about the anniversary and saying "He Needs to be caught". The Article in the Vallejo Times Harold last week about some of us Z sleuths, who work on the Zodiac case and again my name is mentioned as a person who believes she escaped the Zodiac in 1968.

I haven’t been bothered by my suspect for almost a year, until the afternoon of Dec. 12th, with the same odd calls that I use to get. I can’t post what he does that lets me know its my suspect again. He calls when he is up to something or is back in the area. He writes exactly like the Zodiac and enjoys drawing me pictures. Like his killing map and other handwriting , that is on the Sandy’s POI thread.
He and I know what that is,too many nuts would have fun with that information is why I don’t say what that is.

Posted : December 16, 2018 6:48 am
Posts: 41
Trusted Member

There was a counselor murdered at DVC in the late seventies. When someone walked into the counseling building wearing a clown mask and into the counselor’s oficce and shot them, and then ran off. The counselor’s building was in the center of campus, and I think it was on a Friday when there wasn’t as many of students on campus.

Wow. Mask + gun. Stunning. I assume the perp was never caught. I just pray the authorities are paying attention to at least some of this.

Posted : December 16, 2018 7:01 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

There was another gun threat at that same collage on March 22 2018.

That is the anniversary date of Kathleen Johns abduction! Coincidence?????

Posted : December 17, 2018 5:51 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

There has been some discussion about the drawing on the note on the upper left corner. Some think its a square for the meaning of people who were square back then.

I am with the poster who says it looks like a bullet hole in metal. I agree it looks like a bullet hole, but now I am thinking it is like the hole Zodiac made on the left side of David Farady’s head.
It came to me when I wondered why he drew what he drew and where? That is when it came to me why the upper left.

Posted : December 18, 2018 1:34 am
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