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Jon Benet Ramsey
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Jon Benet Ramsey

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I think Patsy wrote the note but a non-family member intruder killed JBR. Let me explain.

Somebody snuck into the house and took JBR to the basement in preparation for taking her away completely. It could’ve been McReynolds, Helgoth, or any number of people; doesn’t matter. They dropped her while trying to exit the basement window or otherwise accidentally inflicted the head wound. Finding her insufficient for her intended use (i.e., the same use to which Madelyn McCann was probably put), that person garrotted JBR to ensure that she was no longer alive to be a witness. Understandably, the best decision was then to hide the body somewhere in the basement. That’s better than taking it out of the house because it would ruin his political career, if nothing else (see Edwin Edwards–the former governor of Louisiana, NOT Edward Edwards–the serial killer). Likewise, there is nothing to be gained from taking the body back to the bed or anywhere else upstairs.

Now, imagine Patsy (crazy Patsy) waking up early to get on that plane. She goes into JBR’s bedroom and the kid is not there. She asks John, "where is the kid?" She wakes up Burke–"have you seen your sister?" A quick search of the house reveals no JBR. In my opinion, this search would’ve been limited to running through the most commonly-used areas, flinging open closet doors, and shouting her name. They know their 6-year-old didn’t drive to the store; she didn’t run away. They KNOW their child. Patsy, having been inundated by the standard "gotta wait 24 hours to file a missing person report" theme in movie and television dramas, is concerned that they won’t be taken seriously. So, she comes up with a brilliant idea: if I write a ransom note then they will take this seriously. They won’t make me wait. They won’t consider her a runaway. She probably told John she was doing it (or gonna do it), and it probably didn’t take nearly 21 minutes. He almost certainly told her not to write it, but she wouldn’t listen. She wrote the note figuring that it would be forgotten when they found her child in the clutches of a bad guy. Or, it would be easily forgiven as the effort of a grief-stricken mother to be tsken seriously. There are myriad reasons she could’ve justified it to herself, and she may not have even thought ahead enough to worry about how it would work into the investigation. She was distraught and wanted her baby back. I think all of this happened in the time between 5:30 when we know John woke up and 5:52 when the call was made. Patsy had that aura of "I’m more important than all of y’all, and I’ll do whatever I need to do to make things work out the way I want them to." In her pride and hubris, she had no way of knowing exactly how bad she screwed up the investigation. She just wanted her baby back. Writing a ransom note without knowing about or participating in ANY crimes against her child is exactly the kind of thing that Patsy would do, if you consider her personality.

Let me tell you what sent me down this path. As a criminal defense lawyer, I raised an eyebrow when I found out that John had hired a lawyer for himself AND a separate lawyer for Patsy. Most people know about attorney-client confidentiality, but there is also a marital privilege, too. So, for most basic purposes, one lawyer could advise both spouses simultaneously and there is no jeopardy to the privilege. However . . . if there is an asymmetric level of responsibility, then the lawyer couldn’t advise both spouses. In other words, that ransom note could’ve led to charges independently of the murder. I believe John is a sophisticsted and wise business man. He couldn’t stop his wife from doing something stupid, but he could help her out by providing her a lawyer that was free to offer candid advice.

Sorry for the lengthy post. Also, I’ve seen at least a dozen reports of "sexual abuse" in autopsies or medical records which later turned out to be innocently-obtained injuries or completely wrong. I saw the autopsy in this case. I seriously doubt she was sexually abused at all.

But, of course, I could be wrong about every bit of this.

Posted : May 1, 2019 5:10 am
Posts: 810
Prominent Member

I may have stated this before…

Criminal Minds aired an episode once about a family that had two sons. The youngest son went missing and the FBI came in to help find him. Turns out the eldest son was a sociopath and killed his younger brother in a fit of anger. The parents realized that he did it and took the younger boy off to a park, to be later found and, tried to make it look like someone else did it. They were just trying to protect their oldest son who, they were sure, killed him by accident. One boy was lost and they didn’t want to lose another. They realized in the end what their son was.

When I think about the JBR case I think about that episode of criminal minds. Not saying the brother was or is a sociopath but I believe everything else to be a true comparison.


Posted : May 1, 2019 7:26 am
Posts: 753
Prominent Member

What is most striking is the parents (mother) never followed the extremely clear instructions of the ransom note.

$118,000 in cash should have been found at the home, instead they found her body.

Yes, dyslexia is probably my first undiagnosed language.

Posted : May 1, 2019 9:18 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Did any of you watch the Dr Oz show with John Ramsey and his PI? If not, you missed a very good show and a better understanding of the case. John mentioned about the $118, 000 , he said that anyone who went through their drawers would know about the amount of money he received.

There is a go fund me page. to get money for more DNA testing , John is hoping that the Boulder police will put the DNA they have into GED Match to find the killer.
I hope that they will do that , it could be solved that way for sure!

What will it take to get Boulder PD to get that done? Media pressure?

Posted : May 2, 2019 9:46 pm
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

Ok I will try to narrow in the suspects of JBR.

First of all:
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/201 … ives#img-4

If you have a closer look on that note, you will see three ‘t’s’ in the lower left corner on the third page. Although the handwriting appears to be a bit ‘weak’ or even faked, those three t’s are absolutely similar to each other.

Conclusion is that the note had been written by an ‘experienced’ writer. An adult. Ruling out her 11-year old brother, for sure. What about the alibi of her other relatives?

Second: Have a look at the ‘Victory’ signature. If you had doubts regarding my first statement, you will find this one for sure written by an adult and an adult only. Jealousy?

Getting to it’s content….VICTORY is exactly what JBR’s life was about. Victory over other beauty contest girls. The person who had written the note was not only know to the family, very closely, but had interest in victory, fancying it or not, of beauty contests as well. Sarcasm?

Third: A garrot was used to kill that little girl. Who tf ‘needs’ a garrot to kill such a little girl? Only a sadist or someone making pictures/movies of her dying. Or somebody who is going for the heritage. Or somebody who doesn’t want to touch her, hates her fully from his/her ‘heart’. Male or female handwriting?

Now the interesting part is in this combination: Adult, known to family pretty well (118′), garotting. I’d say it could have been one of her parents, maybe. But on the other hand, I would like YOU to decide if the handwriting is male or not. And I doubt regarding the parents. But I bet on another relative.

Also, the room she had been found later-on was the ‘present’ room for Christmas. She died on Christmas. Did she violate a rule to not go in there? No. It was later that she had died. As JBR had died on the 25th, if so, my first question is: Who was guest on 24th? One of those persons, imo, had not left that house on 24th as expected. JBR died on the evening of 24th of December, imo. And whe was tricked into that ‘present room’.

Was her bed used from 24th to 25th? I doubt it. Oh, btw. It might be easier to trick that girl downstairs than carrying her, with her parents still in the living room. They talked. He or she decides. Acts. JBR dies. Writing the note was an after-crime action, most likely. But it was not folded, however. Why? Because it was left where it was found, on the same evening.

Magic ‘mother’s’ Christmas decoration:

Oh and she was covered under some linen, so the killer new her for sure. The mother is so creepy (‘Wave, JonBenet!’) I wouldn’t even dare to think she is the killer. 99% somebody who hated the mother..or was it her, using the garrot so she hadn’t to do it by herself? Well, who knows.

The garrotte was well prepared, HOWEVER it was made of some linen plus a stick you can find anywhere around the house, as if you had just gone outside before..IT WAS A GUEST.

SBTC – what about ‘Southern Beauty Tournament Colorado’?



Posted : February 2, 2020 6:04 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Indeed, morf. Sorry for the disgusting imagery but I think the absolute depravity of strangling a child is significantly rare in both of these cases. As I said, how many others would enjoy taunting the family in this way?

Believe it or not, Darlene’s sister Pam received a Barbie Doll in a coffin shaped box to represent Darlene in her coffin I guess? So Zodiac was also a sadistic killer who enjoyed tormenting family members by using Barbie Dolls.

I believe whoever was Jon Benet’s killer , had a hatred for her father John and the punishment was to kill his daughter. I believe that was the same reason Cheri Jo Bates was killed.
Why else would a killer address a letter to the fathers of those two victims?

Posted : February 2, 2020 10:49 pm
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

You are definitely right. No need to write to the father at all. ‘Bates had to die’. That sentence alone doesn’t make sense. However in CJB case the father was the main address to send such a bragging letter to. JBR is different. ‘Victory’ was important, so was money. And who had most interest in the ‘victory’? Not even her competitors were more interested in that than her own mother.

Her handwriting analysis was non-conclusive. Maybe JBR was not thankful enough, was not supposed to sneak into the present room. Or she just started to grow up. I think the chance that a mother would fake the letter, pretending to find it – before 6am… – is not that low. However: She was cleared. Male DNA identified, instead.



Posted : February 2, 2020 11:01 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

QT, I have been trying to find the address for John Ramsey’s Access Graphics in the SF area, where I did read he had and office there in the late 1990’s.

While doing the search I found he had many connections to Calif. There was an article written by Tom Locke of The Daily Camera of Boulder Co.,about John Ramsey on Dec 21st 1996 and how the company had reached 1 billion at that time! There was a huge celebration at some Hotel there. Apparently Access Graphics Inc had sevearl warehouses in Ca. One on line site named "Bizapedia" wrote about Access Graphics Inc and mentioned it was a Calif. "Foreign" corporation, the file number in 1989 was C 1633337 reg. agent was CT Corporation Systems 818 West 7th street Los Angeles Ca.
The company sold Hardware and software to Sun Microsystems Inc. in Mountain View Ca,as well as to "Silicon Graphics"in Mountain View and Hewlett Packard of Palo Alto Ca.
The importance of the above information is to show just how huge John’s company truly was and that it was also In Ca. and many other states as well. John could have had a disgruntled employee who was also a sick killer? The word "Foreign" jumped off the page when I saw that and knew that was a word used by the killer.

Someone in a previous post asked if Jon Benet had slept in her bed that night? The answer is yes she did. Lou Smit who was hired by the family believed the killer hid under her bed the night he killed her and had waited for everyone to fall asleep ,before using the stun gun on Jon Benet and carrying her down stairs to the basement. I pray that they do something with the DNA to solve that case.

Posted : February 3, 2020 12:08 am
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

500 bucks that the killer’s name is on that guest list. Another 500 that he was at Ramsey’s home on 24th/25th. Guess he did not stay under her bed but very simply in the present room in the cellar.

No stun gun necessary for a child of 6. She would have screamed of pain…no pain until the garrotte came, imo.



Posted : February 3, 2020 12:50 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

500 bucks that the killer’s name is on that guest list. Another 500 that he was at Ramsey’s home on 24th/25th. Guess he did not stay under her bed but very simply in the present room in the cellar.

No stun gun necessary for a child of 6. She would have screamed of pain…no pain until the garrotte came, imo.


I agree a stun gun was not necessary, but there was one believed to have been used on her, because the marks found on her body matched a stun gun. We know the killer was at the home on the 24th possibly still there the 25th? It was the 24th that they had gone to their friends home, came home and put JonBenet to bed. The killer more than likely hid somewhere in the home on the 24th, helped himself to the pen and paper and probably took his time writing the "three"page note imitating the Zodiac style writing before they got home. If he knew they would be leaving on Christmas day, hiding in a room where there was a suitcase wouldn’t be very smart. Lou Smit was a good investigator and believed the killer did hide under one of the beds in JonBenet’s bedroom, something he saw with the bed skirt that caused him to believe that. There is a very good chance that the killer was listed on the guest list. I believe he was the one who called 911 during their house party a few nights before, to see just how long it would take for the police to arrive, sort of a test run?

Posted : February 3, 2020 3:35 am
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

Good summary about the case

https://www.crimemuseum.org/crime-libra … et-ramsey/

Another hint that an intruder would have known her father, John, pretty well:

"Use that good southern common sense of yours."
(ransom note)


– name of her father (‘Mr. Ramsey’, ‘John’)
– the address of their home
– the height of the bonus payment
– the fact that the Ramsey’s had a daughter
– but not mentioning JonBenet’s name

could rather indicate towards a colleague or employee of Mr. Ramsey?

‘99% chance’
‘scanned for electronic devices’
‘follow our instructions’
‘deviation of my instructions’
‘from your account’
‘respect your business’

This is all business language..and indeed Had Mr. Ramsey a suspect from his company, who had been fired:

Mr. Ramsey had only one possible suspect from the business. (..) He had been terminated and may be upset with Mr. Ramsey.

(police report)



Posted : February 3, 2020 12:08 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Thank you QT, I hope that the people read every word and realize that no one in the Ramsey family had anything to do with JonBenet’s horrific murder. This had to be done by a very sick individual who has killed before, it was an overkill! The killer dropped some blood on her, could that have been caused by a splinter from the handle of the paint brush that was used?
I am wondering why there was no mention of the red painted heart on the palm of her hand that was done by the killer? Or the white Christmas bear, no one knows where it came from? I would also like to know the size of the boot print?

There is one video of her performing, that shows two workers on the upper right of the screen, who were working on the staircase in the background. One man turns to watch her. It did not show his face, but it did show he had on work clothes and he was watching her. I would like to see that video again. Perhaps there is a longer video that will show the face of the worker,instead of the short clip?

I agree that it sounds like a disgruntled employee, but the article that came out on Dec 21st 1996 told enough about John Ramsey and his business to be used in the 3 page letter. I also still believe that the letter was written before she was murdered and that the killer at that time was planning on kidnapping her to get the $118,000.

Something happened that caused him to change his mind and kill her instead. I have mentioned on this thread about a picture that was on the internet for a very short time ,maybe only seconds? It showed JonBenet’s body with a baseball bat next to her head. That bat was found later outside, so only the killer could have taken the picture and posted it! That was probably what was used to crush her skull? Do any of you remember about the painted red heart drawn on her hand?

I would like to see Boulder PD do a DNA test to show what the ethnic background is of the killer. It can give the eye color , hair color etc.

Posted : February 3, 2020 11:56 pm
Posts: 132
Estimable Member

I disagree that the language in the letter includes "business terms".

It’s more like what a 16 year old boy thinks are "business terms"

I think it’s basically impossible that this was written by anyone in the house.

The only thing I can’t reconcile is that the writing appears more "feminine" to me in visual style.

I could sort of imagine a man dictating this to a woman – (NOT ramseys)

But then I can’t reconcile the garroting with two people being involved.

Posted : February 4, 2020 9:39 pm
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

At least the author of the note used the note ‘business’ and was focussed on a detailled amount, whatsoever.

While JBR was sexually abused, another person might have held her with the garrotte.

I disagree however that the letter was not written inside the house: Same pen, same notepad. And it was found on the stairs towards the cellar, where JBR was later found. If the note had been written elsewhere, it would have been a different paper, I guess.



Posted : February 4, 2020 10:06 pm
Posts: 132
Estimable Member

Hi QT, I agree it was written in the house – I’m just saying I think it’s very unlikely the family wrote it.

Posted : February 4, 2020 10:29 pm
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