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Making a Murderer
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Making a Murderer

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I searched and did not find a thread on the popular Netflix series, but I am interested to get some opinions on the case. The documentary really focuses on one side of the story, so for anyone who has not seen it yet, keep that in mind and do some research so you can see what is left out of season one…

Season two just came out the other day and WOW, it is amazing. Kathleen Zellner is an incredible lawyer and really went above and beyond. But is it enough? If not then Steven Avery is screwed. Zellner is his last hope.


After the first season I was about 90% convinced that Avery was framed and 99% convinced that Brendan’s "confession" was not true. After seeing season two, I am 100% convinced of both. I originally thought Avery’s lawyers did a pretty good job, but now I have mixed feelings about that. They failed to do several things that would have won the case for Avery. His new lawyer, Kathleen Zellner, is a total badass! If she had represented him the first time around, he and Brendan would have never been convicted, although they were both presumed guilty before they even went to trial so maybe not.

My initial thought was that maybe the Manitowoc Co. Sheriff’s Dept paid Teresa to disappear and that she moved to Canada, but then I didn’t think that was likely. Then I thought that maybe THEY killed her and framed Avery. They definitely had the motive for it and have already proven that they were scumbags and capable of doing something dishonest like that. I also thought that Ryan Hillegas was the Sheriff’ Department’s "bitch" because you could tell he was hiding something. Look how nervous he is on the stand, shaking at times even. Just the way he carried himself was shady as hell. I also thought that Bobby and Scott were definitely lying at the trial but wasn’t sure why. Maybe it was as simple as having a grudge against Steven, or maybe they had something to hide. Pretty convenient that they drove past each other, or claimed to anyways. And now they have been accused of murder… GOOD!!!

So I had all of these ideas after season one, and now all of those questions have been answered and then some. Zellner did such a great job of collection new evidence, disproving the prosecution’s entire case, running all kinds of tests and getting experts involved to prove that there are two guys falsely imprisoned. All it comes down to is if she can get this into the courts. I guarantee that if there is ever a re-trial, Avery and Dassey will go free. The justice system is so messed up that they just deny everything right away. They let a weak minded 16 year old kid get pressured into a false confession. When I was younger I knew a couple of kids like Brendan, and I saw these kids get pressured into doing some pretty crazy things as well as say things about themselves that embarrassed them even though they knew that what they were saying were untrue. Anyone who watched the video of Brendan being interrogated can easily tell that the pigs are feeding him what they want him to say and they act disappointed anytime they don’t get their way with him. It’s complete bullshit! They entire case is, really. That pervert criminal Ken Kratz should be in prison. Mark Weigert and Agent Assbender should be in prison. Andy Colburn and James Lenk should be in prison. But no, our justice system is a joke!

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : October 24, 2018 12:53 pm
Posts: 353
Reputable Member

I am with you, Steven Avery has been framed. The first case was the perfect example of justice being violated. The perpetrators of this then had to strike again or they would have had to pay 30+M$. Was Teresa used to frame Avery, and was he so to save a bunch of important people’s asses? Yes, and yes. That wouldn’t be the first time people representing justice at a high level kill someone to cover themselves and elude the system they are supposed to help. And of course, the system itself won’t admit its faults so nothing is done to uncover such a horrid truth.

Posted : October 24, 2018 1:50 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

Just binged part 2…very good show. I think, no matter what, if Brendan Dassey’s ‘confession’ is thrown out or never happened in the first place, neither him or Steven is behind bars. To me, investigators clearly took advantage of a minor, with an lower than average IQ. I think it should be a law that minors shouldn’t be questioned without an attorney or guardian, and if they are, the confession should be thrown out. In this country, we know it by now- people confess to crimes they didnt do

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : October 29, 2018 8:58 pm
Posts: 1197
Noble Member

I binged watched it as well. sad reflection on the Police department for using those tactics on Brendan. clearly a troubled kid in the mental health area and an IQ lower than average, who was led all the way in that interview. Even more damning is that the district attorney used it in evidence and the judge allowed it to remain in evidence and the defence could not do anything about it.. its a shite system.. actually its really sad. lots of people confess to murders that they did not do, that’s why they hold back snippets of info from the general public to weed them out. Brendan did not confess! Brendan was easily coerced to say things that the police wanted and that’s a big difference when your IQ is on the lowest end of the spectrum.

The testing of blood spatter in the rear of the car was less than convincing and looked like it was performed by armature hour actors. as always you just have to pay an expert in his field to give you an independent report that is swayed by the check book held by the defence or prosecutor.
the blood on the rear cargo door for mine was someone simply a natural reaction to flicking the blood from ones hand after putting the body in or taking the body out of the rear cargo hold.

Posted : October 30, 2018 4:30 am
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

Making a Murderer deliberately omitted certain pieces of evidence and was skewed to paint a false picture. It is was made for entertainment and was not an impartial presentation of the case. The Brendan Dassey interview was edited. Watching shows like this and forming concrete conclusions is not advisable.

Posted : October 30, 2018 12:41 pm
Posts: 1197
Noble Member

yes i concur .. you can not make good concrete judgements on these shows.. they did have to edit the interview or we would have watched 2 3 or 4 hours of duh and i don know. what they did specifically edit to show in that episode was the coercive nature of the interrogation. (ask once its an interview asked three times you are being interrogated)
did brendan fluently in a fit state of mind under no coersion intimidation or duress as a minor admit to the murder and cover up. nope.. did he tell the police one thing that only they knew of the crime scene to make sure he was involved. nope. well not in the edited version we see.
still an interesting case with lots of flaws.

Posted : October 30, 2018 2:59 pm
Posts: 353
Reputable Member

Making a Murderer deliberately omitted certain pieces of evidence and was skewed to paint a false picture. It is was made for entertainment and was not an impartial presentation of the case. The Brendan Dassey interview was edited. Watching shows like this and forming concrete conclusions is not advisable.

Still, the extracts from the trials can’t lie, along with tons of other facts we know for sure are part of the case.

Posted : October 30, 2018 5:55 pm
Posts: 857
Prominent Member

Making a Murderer deliberately omitted certain pieces of evidence and was skewed to paint a false picture. It is was made for entertainment and was not an impartial presentation of the case. The Brendan Dassey interview was edited. Watching shows like this and forming concrete conclusions is not advisable.

I watched season 1 and was convinced they framed Avery.
However after listening to the GenY Podcast on this topic, I take the position that he probably did the crime.

This is a biased documentary as RG points out, and it’s important to keep an open mind. I don’t have a strong opinion one way or the other.
I do HOPE he is guilty simply because being locked up twice for 2 crimes he didn’t commit is an unbelievable injustice.

Another netflix crime show "The Staircase" is somewhat similar. However, that doc was made in collaboration with the defendant, and they leave out all kinds of evidence against him. In that case, I think he is more likely than not the perpetrator.

Posted : November 2, 2018 3:44 am
Posts: 353
Reputable Member

I’d like to see proof of Avery’s guilt that don’t seem biaised, thanks.

Posted : November 2, 2018 6:29 pm
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

I’d like to see proof of Avery’s guilt that don’t seem biaised, thanks.


Posted : November 3, 2018 11:23 pm
Posts: 353
Reputable Member

The first thing you see in this vidéo is Ken Kratz! Am I supposed to be impressed? :lol:

Posted : November 5, 2018 6:15 pm
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

Just watched a few episodes…until a huge logical discrepancy came up with Andy Colborn’s statement. He mentioned to not have seen the RAV when making the plate request. But had known about the tag number, possibly from the missing report (Theresa’s mother mentioned a Toyota RAV4).

AC, however, in his phone call to the dispatch Lindy, mentioned it to be a 1999 model. However, this was not mentioned by Theresa’s mother.

Has there been any additional (written) report, mentioning the model/year? Otherwise it must be assumed that AC indeed had seen the RAV before it was found as a piece of evidence.

It could have been any year but AC explicitly mentioned it to be a 1999 model (as a police officer well knowing about various car models).

In that case, not Stephen Avery but AC would have been the last person who had seen Theresa. Or did everybody there know Theresa as well as her car model/year?

Same approach: When was the car plate call made by AC, before or after Theresa had been reported missing?

Behaviour of Lenk & Colborn way overcautious, imo.

Found the Calumet County missing report. The 1999 built was indeed mentioned in the written report, a car search

‘I did call the ZIPPERER residence again and spoke with a male subject who identified himself as GEORGE ZIPPERER. I explained the reason for my call, and
ZIPPERER immediately raised his voice saying that the AUTO TRADER had trespassed on his property and he did not want any more calls from them. ZIPPERER said he was going to contact an attomey if these calls continued.’

Obviously Zipperer was mad on Auto Trader for ‘trespassing’ a possible motive.

‘GEORGE was unwilling to give me his personal information or his son’s. I asked GEORGE how to spell his last name and he spelled it ZIZORE. I asked GEORGE for his date of birth and he said he forgot it. (..) GEORGE said he worked hard and did not have time for this.’

George Zipperer forgetting his name, date of birth and not supporting a missing person investigation?

Inv John Dedering:

‘It should be noted I did refer to the 1999 Toyota RAV4 as a 1994 RAV4. I had faxed over a copy of our Affidavit of Return prior to noticing my mistake.’ 11/10/05
(Seven days after AC’s ‘1999’ request.)

‘An Attempt to Locate was issued for TERESA HALBACH and her vehicle, a 1999 Toyota RAV4, dark green, Registration #SWH582, registered to TERESA.’
Leslie Lemieux, Cpl – Calumat Co Sheriffs Dpt.

If the Attempt to Locate of Theresa’s 1999 Toyota had received the Manicowa Sheriff’s Department later than AC’s call regarding the plates, AC must have had seen the victim’s car before it was actually found two days later as an evidence.

But from 3pm (phone report) to getting the report written, faxed to Manicowa Sheriff’s Department, there might have been enough time to get knowledge about the 1999 year (which then was immediately requested by AC). Could be. But the reality is a different one:

At approximately 1700 hours on 11/03/05, I (Cpl. LESLIE LEMIEUX of the CALUMET CO. SHERIFF’S DEPT.) began the initial investigation of a possible missing person.`

So Cpl Leslie Lemieux began the initial investigation of a missing person Theresa Halbach. At that time, the report was definitely not written, yet. However, at the same time, AC was already requesting about a ‘1999’ model Toyota. Or was his phone call on the 4th?

Wiegert’s report from Calumet County to Colborn, Manitowoc County:

At approximately 1800 hours (…) At that time, I contacted the MANITOWOC COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT and spoke with Sgt. ANDREW COLBORN. I informed Sgt. COLBORN we were investigating a missing person’s complaint. I also informed Sgt. COLBORN that we had two residences we would like to have checked, one being the STEVEN AVERY property and the second one being the GEORGE ZIPPERER property. Sgt. COLBORN indicated to me he would go over and attempt contact with Mr. AVERY.

Still no official car information on 11/03/05, 1800 hours, for Manitowoc County (but the possibility to have spoken about it). Wiegert acted on Cpl Lemieux’s 1700 hours report (written missing report by her mother).

9:22pm: Andy Colborn calls Lynn at dispatch to Run Sam Willian Henry 582.’

http://www.stevenaverycase.org/wp-conte … Report.pdf
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I7B … SPRss/edit



Posted : November 7, 2019 8:23 pm
Posts: 1798
Noble Member
Topic starter

Andy Colborn is a scumbag piece of crap! I’m not a violent person or anything, but I wish bad things upon that man. Ken Kratz too. People like that should be in prison or face down in a ditch.

The thing I hate the most is that these people can make threats and tell people what will happen if they lie on the stand, yet they go up there and lie their asses off.

The sheriffs dept had no business being involved in the investigation. They weren’t supposed to be involved, yet they were. Why was this allowed? Why was there no action taken when the sheriffs dept would not allow the coroner access to the Avery property? They didn’t even notify the coroner. All kinds of laws being broken, but I suppose it’s ok since they put their man in prison. This is why I hate pigs, judges, lawyers and pretty much all authority. They do whatever they want.

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : November 18, 2019 10:02 am