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What happened to Lynn Luray? Aug. 17, 1964 – Long Beach,CA

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Keith D. Gilbert
Posts: 82
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About Mormon connections:


And there were many. KDG, Esq.

No Shame, No Regrets, and No Apologies: Duty is Action; Fight or Die! Fight of I’ll Kill You Myself!

Posted : June 6, 2016 9:50 pm
Keith D. Gilbert
Posts: 82
Trusted Member

The Aryan Brotherhood: A creation of the MM with ties to Dr. Wesley Swift and as luck might have it, I am responsible for the AB name:

http://www.alternet.org/story/27726/hat … in_prison/

"In one example, the indictment alleges that in 1997, AB leaders responding to an outbreak of racial violence inside the federal penitentiary in Marion issued a "formal declaration of war" on black inmates throughout the federal prison system by using coded phone calls and messages written in a secret double alphabet invented by Sir Francis Bacon in 1652. When they received their orders, AB operatives in the federal pen in Lewisburg, Penn., executed a carefully coordinated, simultaneous attack on black inmates, killing two and severely wounding four."

"Most prisons were racially segregated until the 1960s. When they were desegregated, racial violence flared and inmates formed gangs along color lines. In 1964, white inmates at San Quentin Maximum Security Prison in San Quentin, Calif., founded the Aryan Brotherhood. From the beginning, the gang was steeped in racial hatred and neo-Nazism. The founders adopted swastikas and Nazi SS lightning bolts as the Aryan Brotherhood’s identifying symbols and tattoos. Recruits were ordered to read Mein Kampf and to "earn their badge" of membership by attacking — and often killing — black inmates."

KDG, Esq.

No Shame, No Regrets, and No Apologies: Duty is Action; Fight or Die! Fight of I’ll Kill You Myself!

Posted : June 6, 2016 10:19 pm
Keith D. Gilbert
Posts: 82
Trusted Member


This is how stories get all screwed up:

"There is an odd postscript to the assassinations of both Martin
Luther King and Malcolm X. A few days, in fact four days, after
Malcolm X was assassinated, that was February 21st, 1965, there was
an abortive attempt to assassinate Martin Luther King as well.
Martin Luther King was attending a movie in Los Angeles and police
received a tip and they discovered a large dynamite bomb at the
theater, which had it gone off, would have certainly killed Dr.
King and virtually anyone else in that theater. Eventually an
American neo-Nazi named Keith Gilbert, was convicted of this
assassination attempt on Martin Luther King. Gilbert maintained
that while in prison, he was receiving support from very powerful
forces. It later came to light that he was receiving money and
that the individual he was receiving money from was a fellow named
Loren Eugene Hall, himself a paramilitary white right-winger and
white-supremacist who had been one of the main informants for then
Reagan legal-counselor Edwin Meese concerning the case of Edgar
Eugene Bradley. Edgar Eugene Bradley was sought by Jim Garrison in
New Orleans in connection with the assassination of John F.
Kennedy. Edgar Eugene Bradley was a resident of the state of
California. Garrison filed an extradition request, then deputy
state attorney general Charles A. O’Brien (sp) reviewed the
Garrison extradition request, recommended that it be granted.
Activity on the Garrison extradition request for Bradley was
delayed by then-governor Reagan until after Richard Nixon was
elected president and then was turned down without comment. The
Edgar Eugene Bradley extradition request was handled for Reagan by
then Reagan legal advisor, legal counsellor Edwin A. Meese, who
later, of course, became attorney general of the United States and
who also was a highly ranked intelligence officer with the Army
reserve, both then and now."

Interesting enough, Keith Gilbert was linked to a fellow named
Michael Wayne. Michael Wayne’s name came up in connection with the
assassination of Robert Kennedy in Los Angeles. A Michael Wayne
was known to have been at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles,
asking what route senator Kennedy was going to take to exit from
his press conference. Michael Wayne was also a very, very close,
not a double, but he resembled very closely Sirhan Sirhan, the
patsy in the Robert Kennedy assassination. The individual
generally cited by most investigators as actually having pulled the
trigger on Robert Kennedy was a white supremacist named Thane
Eugene Caesar who worked for Lockheed’s Burbank facility, and
specifically worked in the top secret area associated with the
CIA’s U-2 project. Oswald also was affiliated with the U-2.
Caesar was working as a security guard for a security service in
the Ambassador Hotel the night of the shooting. He was a
documented white-supremacist and, again, he worked in the Lockheed
Burbank facility and another engineer in Lockheed Burbank was
Richard Gernt Butler, one of whose top lieutenants was Keith
Gilbert, whose name was linked in L.A.P.D. files to Michael Wayne,
a Sirhan double, who was in the Ambassador Hotel. And again, it
was Keith Gilbert who was convicted of this attempt on the life of
Martin Luther King four days after Malcolm was killed. Not that
that necessarily proves anything, but when you take those
coincidences in combination with the enormous number of evidenciary
tributaries linking various aspects of our assassinations and
political assassinations, it is pretty clear that this is more than
just coincidence, and I personally have always felt that the Keith
Gilbert-Richard Gernt Butler-Thane Eugene Caesar, Malcolm X
assassination-Martin Luther King assassination-Robert Kennedy
assassination link has never been properly investigated."

I had never been to jail or prison before the MLK event, certainly received no money from Loren Eugene Hall, was not convicted of anything to do with MLK, it was a ‘Health & Safety’ Code violation for illegal storage of explosives. KDG, Esq.

No Shame, No Regrets, and No Apologies: Duty is Action; Fight or Die! Fight of I’ll Kill You Myself!

Posted : June 7, 2016 4:33 am
Keith D. Gilbert
Posts: 82
Trusted Member

https://www.mail-archive.com/ctrl@lists … 50330.html

More answers looking for a question, see (55) in the article, ties Mower to Butler. "….���� The first indication that the Swift/Gale complex was interested in
more than preaching religion came from George Harding in April 1963 when he
informed the FBI that he was being recruited to become part of an eight man
team to assassinate three hundred public officials in high positions of
government.� According to WCD 39 and WCD 1107 �Harding claimed that the
leaders in the group were Dr. Wesley Swift, James Shoup and others…. The
second in command was a Colonel William Gale…who was supposed to have been
the youngest intelligence officer under MCARTHUR(sic).�
����� A related incident also occurred that April. Los Angeles physician Dr.
Stanley Drennan approached Captain Robert K. Brown, who was also involved in
anti-Castro activities during this period, stated that �while at Drennan�s
home, Drennan stated in general conversation that he could not do it, but
what the organization needed was a group of young men to get rid of Kennedy
and the Cabinet�Brown stated that he considered the remark crackpot; however
�he gained the impression that Drennan had been propositioning him on this
matter.�(23)�� Drennan, a member of the National States Rights Party and
associate of William Gale, also told an acquaintance, Al Raheb, that Drennan
went to Poor Richard�s Book Shop and discussed with others the plan for
assassinating �President John F. Kennedy, Attorney General Robert Kennedy
and twenty or thirty members of Congress�.Drennan said that they would
select a member of the military with a neutral political reputation and no
connection to the John Birch Society to perform the assassination.�(24)
����� The Secret Service and FBI generated another series of reports in
August 1963 triggered by the arrest of Gale�s associate George King, Jr.�
King was overheard discussing the possibility of assassinating the president
and was later arrested that month for the sale of illegal firearms.� A later
FBI field report, CO2-26104� #6419, stated that �King is extreme right wing,
hates Jews, was arrested by ATF O’Neil for illegal possession of firearms.�
Emotionally unstable.� Arrested 2-29-68 again.� This time for CCU, John
Bircher, Christian Def. League(sic), Am Nazi Party, Christian Defense
League.�(25) "

"Also of interest to Garrison was G. Clinton Wheat of Los Angeles.�
Wheat has been identified as an ex-Klansman that hosted meetings at his
house of the Church of Jesus Christ-Christian, the Christian Defense League
and the American Nazi Party.(34)�� An FBI informant described the speakers
at Wheat�s house as giving �classic examples of the hate-mongers sermons.��
He also goes on to describe William Gale as saying, �…I can show you
top-secret documents that prove that the six million Jews Hitler was
supposed to kill are right here in America….�� Garrison had information
that in September of 1963, Wheat had meetings at his house where discussions
were held on assassinating the President, and according to a former
neighbor, traveled to Dallas that same fall (1963) in a hurry after
borrowing four hundred dollars from him.(35)� Lawrence Howard further
identified Wheat�s house at Lafayette Terrace in Los Angeles as a place
�where paramilitary organizations held meetings and prepared
ammunition.�(36)�� Wheat disappeared shortly after Garrison attempted to
have him subpoenaed, reportedly on orders �from headquarters.� [Gale?]� He
was reported to be hiding out at Fred Lee Crisman�s ranch in Oregon(37)�
before moving to Burney, California from where he disappeared
����� Crisman is another intriguing character that became a subject of
interest by both Jim Garrison and the House Select Committee on
Assassinations.� He first came to Garrison�s attention after an anonymous
letter was sent from Orlando, Florida linking him to Clay Shaw, Sergio
Arcacha Smith, and Thomas Beckham.� The anonymous writer further tried to
implicate Crisman as a courier of funds between certain individuals and
�Cuban factions� imploring Garrison to place him under a lie detector and
ask him �certain questions.�(39)"

"Carol Aydlotte
described Bradley as an associate of Col. William Gale and that she was
certain that she saw him at Clint Wheat�s house with Loran Hall and Gordon
Novel.� Peter Noyes suggests in his book Legacy of Doubt that she may have
had an ulterior motive in linking Bradley to Gale.(54)"

Carol Aydlotte was a friend of Dennis Patrick Mower, he held meetings in her home…often getting overly friendly with her husband (Arthur ?) right there watching…Yes, this I saw myself, we were discussing the use of explosives, etc.

KDG, Esq.

No Shame, No Regrets, and No Apologies: Duty is Action; Fight or Die! Fight of I’ll Kill You Myself!

Posted : June 7, 2016 4:59 am
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

Thanks! You have given me a lot to research tonight at work. I actually found a website that has a ton of Swift’s sermons.I know I posted the link on my site, but can’t seem to find it now.
EDIT: just noticed you found the site and posted the link already.

I’m going to post all of the info I have on Mower in the Minutemen thread on this site in a little while and will post a link once I do so.

Here is a photo of William Francis Colley, 90 year old registered sex offender. Apparently he likes kids a little too much. Yuck!

Horrible quality, sorry. He is the guy who was the leader of the California Minutemen before Houghton pretty much "took" that position from him.

I will attempt to find contact info for some of Butler’s and reach out to them.

Paul Mullet, what a great name!

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : June 7, 2016 7:03 am
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

I also suspect that you may find some interesting things in:

http://library.duke.edu/rubenstein/find … oyeckardv/

"Collection includes Toy’s research files and related materials on various extremist groups in the United States, particularly right-wing Christian extremists, the Ku Klux Klan, and Holocaust revisionists. Files are arranged by group or topic and at times include Toy’s correspondence with various representatives. Notable groups include the Church of Jesus Christ Christian, various factions of the Ku Klux Klan, the German American National Political Action Committee (GANPAC), the Institute for Historical Review, and Christian Biblical America. Collection also contains Toy’s research on Francis Yockey and Gordon Kahl. Materials from the IHR include two VHS tapes and one audiocassette on Holocaust revisionism."

KDG, Esq.

I hate sites like that because I am very dumb when it comes to computers and have tried to get archived papers like this from other such sites and they just confused me with the paperwork they wanted me to submit. I will give this one a shot though and see what happens.

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : June 7, 2016 7:18 am
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

Here is the link on the info I have on Mower…

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : June 7, 2016 7:30 am
Keith D. Gilbert
Posts: 82
Trusted Member

I didn’t know Colley and don’t think I ever met him…my joining the MM was actually more of an afterthought…honestly, I was doing something else, similar but had recruited my own people, men and women, and had most of my contact with Mower…certainly there was no loyalty to the MM heigarchy and never financially supported them…I had access to things they wanted and my prices were right, how can you go wrong with that? I honestly have to admit that I was rather naive about what was going on…a bit fascinated and shocked by what I was hearing at the "Hollywood Women’s Club" meetings; Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights, quite often with the same crowd and a few different people depending on the night.

Growing up in Beverly Hills, going to high school there, etc., my childhood ambition was to become an actor, John Wayne being my roll model…but without the guidance of a father at home I just didn’t know how to get started in the business…ultimately though I did get into the studios as a Motion Picture Costumer, doing an apprenticeship at Berman’s Costume Co., and Western Costume Co., and in the process met a lot of actors…and they shared their trade with me freely; I was most impressed with the so called ‘method actors’ who got into their roles and lived the part for the show…there was one rule I might have given more thought to: "Don’t get carried away by the part!" I found the technique handy a number of times over the following years, got out of the motion picture industry when Hollywood went flat and went to Italy and Spain to do the spaghetti westerns…I was invited but having just returned from that part of the world a few years earlier had no interest in going back.

When introduced at one of Swift’s meetings it was as a Jew, and Joseph R. Carey spent quite a bit of his time ‘convincing’ me that with my blue eyes and blond hair I wasn’t so getting into the part I let them have their way with it…I had guns and ammunition to sell and found Swift’s sermons highly entertaining…to say the least…they were wild. He also was doing things that caught my attention, like the signal he would give the ladies operating the cassette and tape recorders to stop the machines while he broach a subject that he didn’t want recorded…Richard Gent Butler did the same thing when I encountered him in Hayden Lake, ID, in 1980. KDG, Esq.

No Shame, No Regrets, and No Apologies: Duty is Action; Fight or Die! Fight of I’ll Kill You Myself!

Posted : June 7, 2016 8:00 am
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

I didn’t know Colley and don’t think I ever met him…my joining the MM was actually more of an afterthought…honestly, I was doing something else, similar but had recruited my own people, men and women, and had most of my contact with Mower…certainly there was no loyalty to the MM heigarchy and never financially supported them…I had access to things they wanted and my prices were right, how can you go wrong with that? I honestly have to admit that I was rather naive about what was going on…a bit fascinated and shocked by what I was hearing at the "Hollywood Women’s Club" meetings; Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights, quite often with the same crowd and a few different people depending on the night.

Growing up in Beverly Hills, going to high school there, etc., my childhood ambition was to become an actor, John Wayne being my roll model…but without the guidance of a father at home I just didn’t know how to get started in the business…ultimately though I did get into the studios as a Motion Picture Costumer, doing an apprenticeship at Berman’s Costume Co., and Western Costume Co., and in the process met a lot of actors…and they shared their trade with me freely; I was most impressed with the so called ‘method actors’ who got into their roles and lived the part for the show…there was one rule I might have given more thought to: "Don’t get carried away by the part!" I found the technique handy a number of times over the following years, got out of the motion picture industry when Hollywood went flat and went to Italy and Spain to do the spaghetti westerns…I was invited but having just returned from that part of the world a few years earlier had no interest in going back.

When introduced at one of Swift’s meetings it was as a Jew, and Joseph R. Carey spent quite a bit of his time ‘convincing’ me that with my blue eyes and blond hair I wasn’t so getting into the part I let them have their way with it…I had guns and ammunition to sell and found Swift’s sermons highly entertaining…to say the least…they were wild. He also was doing things that caught my attention, like the signal he would give the ladies operating the cassette and tape recorders to stop the machines while he broach a subject that he didn’t want recorded…Richard Gent Butler did the same thing when I encountered him in Hayden Lake, ID, in 1980. KDG, Esq.

Colley left California I think in 1963 or 1964 to hide out in a cabin in Montana, but he was eventually busted. I don’t recall all of the details, but he continued to commit crimes into the 70’s and 80’s. Not important, though.

I really need to start listening to the Swift "sermons" although, I don’t think they would provide me with much info on any of the many subjects I am researching. Still probably entertaining though.

I didn’t know you had done some work in the film industry! I’m trying to get into that line of work myself, but that isn’t going too well. My brother is up in Colorado filming a movie right now. It’s got Ron Jeremy in it, haha. Not a porn flick, btw. I think it is some sort of zombie movie. Did you get any photos of yourself with any actors?

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : June 9, 2016 7:47 am
Posts: 624
Honorable Member

I found this wanted poster for Colley on Ebay when I ran a routine search for "zodiac killer":

Posted : July 2, 2016 5:55 am
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

I found this wanted poster for Colley on Ebay when I ran a routine search for "zodiac killer":

Wow, that actually came up in a search for "Zodiac Killer" huh? I have it posted on my Zodiac site, maybe that is why it showed up???


A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : July 6, 2016 8:01 am
Keith D. Gilbert
Posts: 82
Trusted Member

Had a computer problem and just now found this thread again.

Working in the motion picture industry can require many different talents depending upon what you want to do…and if you’re not ‘connected’ (and Jewish) it will be a struggle. My only suggestion would be to contact the various gilds (unions) associated with the trade…if you want to be a writer…it’s a maybe, if you want to act and haven’t gone to acting school…good luck.

Any luck finding a DPM photograph? He was arrested, there must have been a mug shot…LA, County!

KDG, Esq.

No Shame, No Regrets, and No Apologies: Duty is Action; Fight or Die! Fight of I’ll Kill You Myself!

Posted : August 21, 2016 6:43 am
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

Had a computer problem and just now found this thread again.

Working in the motion picture industry can require many different talents depending upon what you want to do…and if you’re not ‘connected’ (and Jewish) it will be a struggle. My only suggestion would be to contact the various gilds (unions) associated with the trade…if you want to be a writer…it’s a maybe, if you want to act and haven’t gone to acting school…good luck.

Any luck finding a DPM photograph? He was arrested, there must have been a mug shot…LA, County!

KDG, Esq.

I have some amazing ideas that would make for some kick ass movies, but I write slow. Movies have been shit for the last decade. It’s all remakes and super heroes anymore, but the film makers just butcher them. I want to bring back the 80’s vibe because movies were great back then. As far as acting, the talent pool is a joke now. Douchebags like Jonah Hill, Jesse Eisenberg and Michael Cera are some of the biggest movie stars out there and none of those guys can act worth a crap.

I haven’t done anything lately with my Minutemen research. My sleep schedule has changed a bit due to the kids being back in school, and I am just completely wiped out right now. Just taking a temporary break from it all. I would love to see Mower’s mugshot though.

Hope everything is going good up in Washington!

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : August 25, 2016 8:59 am
Keith D. Gilbert
Posts: 82
Trusted Member

Life is good here…enjoy your children while you can, they deserve it. As a father with adult children and grandfather with 6-20 year olds…it’s great fun to just meet the challenges; family challenges…and there is fun to be had like dead eyeing the nigger boy that wants to come over and ‘talk’ to the daughter/grand daughter…and since I live in a gentrifying neighborhood it is trying sometimes because we keep a peaceful neighborhood…hell, my black neighbors are some of the best I’ve ever had.

You could cobble together a pretty good script with some of the material I’ve given you…it’s all a minimally important part of our ‘history’ and some of it deserves to be told…today there are no consequences because most of those who ‘cared’ are dead!

Give it a thought…the so called ‘liberals’ are always looking for details regarding the ‘vast’ right wing conspiracy…in a movie they would just plain go bug fuck crazy to find out that they were actually right and LHO was not one of them as declared by the MM & JBS but rather a well trained activist among the Minutemen/Cuban Patriots & X-Pats.

I’m sure you’ve seen movie scripts (I’m guessing here) and it is the worst and hardest kind of writing to sell…but, well hell, just but; which says NO! It’s a more "do it if you dare" proposition than you might realize.

Back to the kids…they never really leave, when my oldest boy and daughter in law got out of the US Army they came and lived with me in my ‘tiny’ house for two years getting onto their feet. I enjoyed their company. KDG, Esq.

No Shame, No Regrets, and No Apologies: Duty is Action; Fight or Die! Fight of I’ll Kill You Myself!

Posted : August 25, 2016 8:00 pm
Keith D. Gilbert
Posts: 82
Trusted Member

It has occurred to me that there may not be a mugshot of DPM…back then if you bailed out after being booked they ofttimes didn’t take your picture probably for some economic reason. Just thinking here…KDG, Esq.

No Shame, No Regrets, and No Apologies: Duty is Action; Fight or Die! Fight of I’ll Kill You Myself!

Posted : August 27, 2016 5:48 am
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