Donald Fouke wasn’t responding to a murder at the point he encountered the WMA, just an assault & robbery.
I stand corrected.
The claim in the November 12th memorandum that he didn’t know if Zelms saw anything is absurd.
Absolutely. Impossible for Fouke to see what he describes without Zelm seeing something too.
the fact that Donald Fouke in 1989 stated he continued on Jackson towards Arguello Boulevard is proof enough he was directed there by a third party.
Excellent point!
That was too much!
Adding some Zynchronicity here again: “Fouke Monster” is the name given to a large, unknown humanoid that stalked a rural Arkansas town in the 1970’s. It is now a classic piece of American lore. I do not know if Officer Fouke is related.
That was too much!
When I first heard “Fouke” on Crimes Of The Century featuring Zodiac (c.1989), the Fouke Monster was my first thought.
That was too much!
Is it possible that there was no suspect description in the initial broadcast that Fouke responded to? That there was just a report of assault?
In episode #9 of “Zodiac A to Z” podcast interview, Pelissetti states that Fouke would have first heard the description of the suspect when Pelissetti himself called it out on radio after meeting with the witnesses on scene. Pelissetti has never claimed to have heard that call for a black suspect, so he would not have called to BOLO NMA.
If so, that paints a picture of Fouke (driver) responding to an assault call with no info about the suspect yet. Fouke is presumably responding to the same initial call as Pelisetti. Then Fouke & Zelm drive by the “Z” suspect. With nothing more than knowledge of an assault in the area, the cops might very well have asked an “innocent” pedestrian if anything was going on. They might very well respond to any tips the pedestrian provides (such as fleeing NMA with gun thataways!)
None of which can explain the alleged “BOLO NMA” from dispatch. I think that detail is apocryphal.
That was too much!