Last seen: April 10, 2023 5:51 pm
Tells us that Zodiac never encoded actual clues into cyphers. The codes were merely an anti-social attention game for him.
What development language is used for the decoder? Java? C+? C#? Python?
I agree. The detective was attempting to tease out info that Hartnell just could not recall. “Deer Lodge” is just an assumption.
I think Zodiac had an intimate knowledge of the presidio and theater area, probably related to employment (at one time or another). Z found a parking …
That would create a witness to that evening who never since came forward. But not an impossible scenario. People really did share cabs, hold cabs, b…
Guy seems to be more of a high roller than Zodiac, who did not even have a matched set of tires on his car.
@tegean Zodiac driving to SF, parkingⁱ near the theaters and then commuting/walking the remaining distances seems like a familiar behavior to him -…
@tegean Thank you for your thoughts on this!
Pardon my ignorance on this point, but what does the “Fifth Avenue” watermark tell us? Is that a brand, a location? Does it point to locations where t…
AS to the image of this person – I am reminded also that Dan “DB” Cooper is a pretty good match for the Zodiac SF sketch.
Not to imply that the sketches could not depict the same person. I simply think the two are different enough to warrant skepticisms.
What concerns me the most is how little the Berryessa subject head sketch resembles the Presidio Heights subject head sketch. Is that really the same …
“Experts say it belonged to a series of 13 coins that depicted the 12 zodiac signs and the complete zodiac wheel.” M. Cole’s discussion of the Zodia…
The Murder of Robert Salem & Zodiac connections are new to my ears. Gotta hear this one more than once!