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One Man and His Dog.

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Norse stated….

"Yes – I think we can all agree that turning east onto Jackson needs some explaining. If Z intended to vanish into the park or get to a vehicle parked on W Pacific somewhere (those seem to be the most popular theories) it really makes no sense to move east on Jackson, rather than just heading straight north."

I think for Z it makes a lot of sense that he goes east on Jackson. His initial plan was for Maple/Washington, so heading east on Jackson gets him back to Maple. We know Z stays in the area, he can’t see the activity in the park, but he can hear it. So he is close by. I like the location of 3636 Jackson. I’ve always envisioned Z either having a place to go to, but not living there. He had to have had a plan. We know his plan got altered at Maple/Jackson, and then falls all apart when he runs into Fouke within minutes of him killing Stine. I’ve read before that once a serial locks into killing someone, the urge for them to kill overcomes any reasoning. To me killing Stine in front of the last house before Cherry, not knowing, who or what is around the corner on Cherry seems totally out of reason. But we know that’s what Z did. He threw any caution to the wind.

Posted : March 19, 2014 9:27 am
Wolf 49
Posts: 19
Eminent Member

Forgot to mention in the above post that if he’d gone to a public place that would be open at that time of night such as a bar or restaurant, he could have planned to just stay there until closing time which would have been 2:00 a.m.

Are you deliberately overlooking the fact that he’d probably be covered with blood..?

Why would he be covered in blood?

The shot that killed Stine was taken from the back seat. And a single shot like that does not require the shooter to be pressed up close to the victim. Zodiac could have sat even a little to the left of Stine’s immediate rear, meaning blood spatter from the wound would have landed more on the rear seat and not all over Z’s chest. (Anyone aware of anything in the police report detailing blood on the backseat?) I’ve always been puzzled by this assumption Zodiac would have been covered in blood. The Chinese and the Russians execute prisoners with single shots to the back of the head, and the executioners don’t walk away with their uniforms spattered with blood.

There was quite a lot of blood on the ground outside the cab’s passenger door, where Stine was draped out over the edge of the seat. That means his heart was still beating when he was positioned there, causing more blood flow/blood loss that spilled out onto the street. He didn’t die instantly. Maybe the shot was relatively bloodless at the point of entry, and Zodiac got away clean, in more ways than one (to modify a cliche). Maybe Stine slumped over instantaneously, and spared Zodiac the bloodbath (sorry; I did it again…) Anyway…. I’m just not sure it’s clear and accurate to presume the shooter in this murder was probably covered n blood.

"All he said was life is bullshit, and it is, so what are you screaming about?"

Posted : March 19, 2014 9:46 am
Posts: 273
Reputable Member

Wolf Stated…..

"Why would he be covered in blood?

Wolf the thought that Z would be covered in blood comes from the kids. They saw Z in the front seat with Stine, with Stine supposedly in Z’s lap. Well we know Z went into the front seat area of the cab to get Stine’s wallet, keys, and tore off a portion of his shirt. So on the surface it would make sense that Z was covered in Stine’s blood. This is what LE have always thought would be the case. Stine was wearing a jacket and if it were me I would wrap Stine’s head in his jacket before putting him in my lap. Of course I don’t know that Z did this. I’ve always wanted to see the outside of Stine’s jacket like the lower back end to see if there was a lot of blood there. I can’t think how Z could have totally eliminated getting some blood on him though.

The shot that killed Stine was taken from the back seat. And a single shot like that does not require the shooter to be pressed up close to the victim. Zodiac could have sat even a little to the left of Stine’s immediate rear, meaning blood spatter from the wound would have landed more on the rear seat and not all over Z’s chest. (Anyone aware of anything in the police report detailing blood on the backseat?) I’ve always been puzzled by this assumption Zodiac would have been covered in blood. The Chinese and the Russians execute prisoners with single shots to the back of the head, and the executioners don’t walk away with their uniforms spattered with blood."

The official belief of the detectives was that Z rode in the front seat. They have stated a witness saw Z get in the front seat. I myself don’t buy that one, for a number of reasons, least of which is the coroner’s report. I don’t see Z putting himself in the front seat, at a disadvantage, when shooting from the back seat would be much easier and controlled by Z. but that’s my opinion, solely.

"There was quite a lot of blood on the ground outside the cab’s passenger door, where Stine was draped out over the edge of the seat. That means his heart was still beating when he was positioned there, causing more blood flow/blood loss that spilled out onto the street. He didn’t die instantly. Maybe the shot was relatively bloodless at the point of entry, and Zodiac got away clean, in more ways than one (to modify a cliche). Maybe Stine slumped over instantaneously, and spared Zodiac the bloodbath (sorry; I did it again…) Anyway…. I’m just not sure it’s clear and accurate to presume the shooter in this murder was probably covered n blood."

I’m not convinced that Z would be covered in blood either. I would think he would have some on him, just because there was a lot of blood and Z handled Stine after shooting him.

Posted : March 19, 2014 10:20 am
Wolf 49
Posts: 19
Eminent Member

I’ve never believed for a second that Zodiac rode in the front seat. He was right-handed. If he’s in the front seat he either a) shoots Stine left-handed, after pulling a gun out without Stine seeing him do it, or b) he reached across his own body to shoot Stine point blank behind the ear. Why on Earth would he place himself in such an awkward position when he knew in advance he was going to shoot the driver? That would not only place him in an awkward posture, unnecessarily, but it would also necessitate him being covered in blood after the shooting. It makes no sense he would ride in the front seat. This is a guy who pre-cut his ropes before the LB attack and directed a cab driver to an area he knew (or assumed from experience and knowledge of the neighborhood) would be dark and quiet at 10 p.m. He didn’t leave all that much to chance, and sitting in the front seat leaves too much to chance, not the least of which is it gives the target a chance to fight back when/if he sees the gun come out.

A lot of this case is speculation, but I’d bet Warren Buffett’s bank account that Zodiac was seated directly behind Stine when he shot him.

"All he said was life is bullshit, and it is, so what are you screaming about?"

Posted : March 19, 2014 11:43 am
Posts: 208
Estimable Member

he reached across his own body to shoot Stine point blank behind the ear. Why on Earth would he place himself in such an awkward position when he knew in advance he was going to shoot the driver?

Two points here – firstly Stine wasn’t shot behind the ear, he was shot in the cheekbone in front of the ear. Secondly, we can’t 100% assume that this was a totally pre-planned attack. Yes, Z had a gun (and maybe a knife on him) but he may have carried a weapon frequently & just had a sudden urge that night or argued with Stine leading Z to spontaneously combust & pull a gun.

For a pre-planned attack there was an awful lot of loose ends. We know that he changed the final destination by one block at the last minute, got witnessed in the act and almost caught by the police, put his handprints all over the cab then had to rush to wipe them off whilst being watched and finally he didn’t manage to get to a phone box to taunt the police (was he stuck in a house/hiding place close by?).

There’s a lot to suggest that he was actually travelling to that neighbourhood that night then for some reason ended up committing a murder and then thought on his feet to clean up & take some evidence with him.

Posted : March 19, 2014 1:32 pm
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member
Topic starter

Don Fouke must have recognised the man that turned onto the steps (which considering Pelissetti would later claim in a taped interview that Kjell Qvale was ‘In a driveway, just standing there’, it’s likely both Officers saw the same man, Mr Qvale) or the following would be the case.

Fouke responds to the dispatchers orders and heads toward Cherry Street along Jackson. As he is at or near Maple intersection, he noticed a white male walking slightly oddly who puts his head down and turns onto a pathway leading to a home. Fouke notes this guy is White and gets a fairly good look at him before picking up speed again and seconds later turns onto Cherry Street where, seeing fellow Officer Armond Peissetti on foot heading for Jackson (or back from Jackson depending on which version you believe) and Don stops to asks Armond does he know anything or seen anyone and Armond then tells Don that he’s looking for the white male that had just gone down the street. Then Fouke says he first became aware that the suspect they were looking for was white. Armond gave Fouke the brief description of what he looked like according to the three teen witnesses and then, Don says "Ohhh, that was the suspect!" referring to the man that had just gone toward a house seconds before.

Now, Fouke is well aware at this stage that this man responsible is both armed and dangerous and won’t think twice about introducing a bullet to a citizens head because he’s just done exactly that right in the middle of an extremely affluent area right on a 4 way intersection. So knowing how dangerous and seemingly brazen this killer is, you’d think that Don’s immediate concern is now going to be "He may be hiding in that residence, holding the occupants hostage at gun point, we better go back there immediately and make sure he doesn’t kill them also." No, not a bit of it. Don isn’t stupid, if that white guy was just ‘Average Joe’ that he didn’t know, then when he was told the suspect was white, would have dashed back to 3712 to ensure that nobody there was being held at gunpoint by a gun man in a panic knowing police are coming from all directions. Otherwise he could return the next afternoon to ask if they heard or saw anyone last night only to find that they are not able to answer his questions at this time due to them being dead, each shot in the head. Fouke didn’t dash back there and there is simply no way on this Earth he wouldn’t go back to that house, especially after the Presidio is searched and finds no suspect. Now, after this search ends with negative results, it’s not only now a case of ‘well, there could be a chance he’s in 3712’ to one of ‘Well, he isn’t anywhere out here, so considering I saw him going toward that house, he has to be in there!’ But Don doesn’t. Why? Can only be one answer that I can think of that would be acceptable, even allowable, given the circumstances and that is that he knew who it was that went toward that house. Lets say for the sake of argument that he knows that the man he saw, possibly even stopped and spoke with, was Kjell Qvae, then this could give him a reason not to go dashing back there because Qvale is local to that area, lives on that very street actually and therefore has legit reason to be there.

And so the only answer to the question of why didn’t Fouke immediately dash back to 3712 is: Because he knew who that guy was because if he didn’t then the implication as to Fouke’s behaviour/actions is obvious and it would be that having just seen a unknown White Male Subject who, after passing him seconds ago because he was told the suspect was black, now knows that the suspect is white and the description of the white suspect matches the offender’s description and in spite of that, Don decided that there’s is no point, nor any need, to go back there immediately and make sure the occupants are not in danger. And he came to this conclusion about a suspect that has just blown a mans head off in the middle of an upper middle class street? There’s just no way in my opinion. However, if he realised as he passed him that it was Kjell, then it is understandable that he may have dismissed the idea of going back there because that wasn’t the man we are after, it was ‘The’ Kjell Qvale.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : March 19, 2014 8:34 pm
Posts: 1764
Noble Member

I don’t think we can simply presuppose that Z was covered in blood either. He might have done all the things we know he did (shoot Stine, grab his things, including the shirt swatch) without getting blood all over him. Even if Stine was on his lap, as the kids said, he could have taken precautions not to get blood on him – and we don’t even know how accurate their description actually is. If Z wasn’t already covered in blood it’s hard to imagine that he would have gone for Stine’s wallet (not to mention the piece of shirt) if this involved getting blood all over him.

On a slightly different note, I read something on Butterfield’s forum a while ago which I found interesting; a theory which goes something like this: the cab did stop on Washington/Maple and that’s where Z shot Stine. But Stine didn’t put his cab in park – so when Z shot him the car started rolling downhill. Z then had to climb over to the passenger seat and gain control of the car, which he managed. He then parked on Wash./Cherry.

It’s certainly out of the box as far as theories go – but it could explain, for one thing, why Z took Stine’s keys rather then leaving them in the ignition. He would have left prints on them, when re-starting the engine. I don’t know – too far fetched?

Posted : March 19, 2014 8:53 pm
Posts: 1764
Noble Member

Welsh: What you propose there makes some sense. But if you’re right we’re talking about a real cover-up on Fouke’s part. And I’m not sure if I’m ready to buy that. If Fouke passed Kjell that night and recognized him – surely the obvious thing to do was simply to omit this encounter from any report he made subsequently, rather than inventing a Welsh coal miner type who resembled the man the kids saw at the crime scene?

And then there’s his outburst after getting the updated info from Pelissetti: He seems to have realized that the man he encountered was the killer and he expressed something like this to Pelissetti. Which he wouldn’t have done if he knew that it was Kjell he had passed – right?

Posted : March 19, 2014 9:06 pm
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member
Topic starter

Or, maybe Fouke didn’t recognise him as the legendary vehicle importer Kjell Qvale. Maybe he only knows because Armond told him that is who it was. Ahh, that would make sense now.

Don see’s a white male on Jackson and doesn’t realise, or recognise that, it’s Qvale, the famous multi millionaire business tycoon. So, when Armond tells Don, ‘No, the suspect wasn’t Black, that was an incorrect broadcast, he’s a White Guy’ Don then tells Armond, as he says in the documentary, "Ohh, that was the suspect" (meaning that guy we just saw turn into that entrance of a house). Then Armond, heading in that direction anyway, tells Don he will check out residence and it’s driveway after Don explains its the ‘Last house on the left’ before maple on the left side as you go down the hill. Armond then quickly makes his way to that area and the house and driveway that Don claims to have seen the suspect turn onto and Armond looks onto the pathway that has steps leading to it, and see’s nothing. He takes a couple more steps and looks left again, expecting to have the same result and is shocked when, standing on the driveway adjacent to the main path and steps, is a White Male that he recognises as Mr Kjell Qvale. After he asks Kjell has he seen anyone go by and Kjell says no, A.P turns around to head back to the scene while Don and Eric are now parked up on West Pacific anticipating a fleeing white male to come over a back yard fence having been flushed out by A.P. Sometime soon thereafter, Don approaches A.P and asks was the suspect still there and A.P answers by telling Don that someone was there on the driveway of that property yes, he was just standing there in the drive, it was Kjell Qvale. Don ask ‘Who?’ and Armond then explains who Kjell Qvale is.

See now for me, that sequence would explain why A.P never went past Maple Intersection, and simply turned back up the hill immediately after seeing Kjell because that’s the only reason Armond was going that far anyway, to check the last house on the left at Maple intersection based on a fellow officer telling him someone matching the description had just turned onto the pathway when he saw Don approaching. Armond may have only been intending to go as far as Cherry & Jackson as he initially sets off from the scene just to look down the hill and see if he can see anyone on the street but then Don pulls up and tells him of his encounter which gives Armond a reason to walk down to Maple.

If it was Qvale that A.P saw and spoke with on a driveway then I can understand his thinking that because of who he actually is, this can’t be the guy who just shot a cabbie and stole his wallet with a few dollars in it, Kjell is a millionaire, and a famous one, too. But if it were me personally, I’d would have thought the same that this guy isn’t at all likely to be our offender and all that but, I would wonder why this man, as successful and admired as he is, why is he standing in someone else’s front yard drive? He has no brush sweeping leaves with, he’s not there having a friendly chat to Fred or Helen who live there, he’s doing anything at all other than just standing there. I mean even if I saw the President of the United States standing in that driveway I’d not suspect such a high profile person to be my suspect, but I’d definitely ask Barack "Sir is there any reason why your in someone else’s front yard driveway and doing nothing?"

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : March 19, 2014 9:45 pm
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member
Topic starter

"Welsh: What you propose there makes some sense. But if you’re right we’re talking about a real cover-up on Fouke’s part. And I’m not sure if I’m ready to buy that."

Norse, That’s understandable. Nobody wants to believe that those we trust to protect us by removing dangerous criminals from the streets would ever be guilty of actually conspiring to cover for them. But this guy that was out there that night isn’t your average nobody that works at the store, this is ‘The’ Kjell Qvale, Mr Automobile himself. My opinion is, had the white male standing on that driveway been just that, some white guy, then Armond wouldn’t have given it a second thought, he’d have ordered, at gun point, the suspect to lie face down and not move in preparation for his imminent arrest. You do that to Kjell Qvale and you’ll find yourself out of a job and possibly having to pay Kjell compensation.

As humans we have created a society that we separate into different classes and importance and which class you belong to and your level of importance depends on how much money you have. It is something that I myself think ‘Can only be deplorable at best!’ But that’s just how it is, and as much as I’d like to also believe that the Queen of England would get a speeding ticket the same as I would it’s not going to happen ‘Because of who she is.’

I also do see how what I am asking people to consider is going to be controversial, even offensive to some people. But as I always make a point of pointing out, this scenario and it’s possibility of being closer to the truth isn’t one that I propose just because I think it sounds more James Bond or because I have decided that I don’t like Don Fouke, that would waste not only my time typing it, but everyone else’s that read it. And so I’d understand if anyone does want to ask what gives me the right to question such people in a respected position, but my answer to them would be …. They do, Don and Armond. They themselves give me the right when they opened their mouths to deliberately lie about what they saw and where they saw it’

I was thinking about this the other day and I found myself realising why this case is still unsolved. It’s difficult enough to solve a series of ‘stranger to stranger’ murders as it is but when you have Law Enforcement aswell as the offender telling you lies mixed with some truth then this case will never be solved because it will be just like Zodiac’s second and third ciphers, unsolvable. The Law Enforcement community themselves have saying they like to use and it says "Your only as good as the information you have available to you." Well when that information available to you comes from a source that should be beyond question as to it’s integrity in reporting the facts but you then learn that their reports are deliberately misleading, deliberate location errors and straight up lies about where suspect A was last seen going then you have no chance of getting to the bottom of this case because just as the Police are only as good as the information they have to work with, so are we the public. And we as the public have no choice other than to get the official accounts and evidence etc from Law Enforcement and if Law Enforcement give the public several pieces of information to work with knowing that the information itself is inaccurate and misleading at best, outright lies and falsifying evidence or events at worst, then what you’ll have is people taking that information and running around using it to help uncover leads and clues when all along it’s a dead end street because the information you have to act on is false in the first place, which means anything you uncover using it will be also.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : March 19, 2014 10:54 pm
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member
Topic starter

If Kjell was the Zodiac, then taking Pauls wallet now makes sense. Zodiac has never once used it as proof of claim like the shirt tails, and why would he even take the extra time to get the shirt tails when he can just use the wallet and drivers licence to do the same with? He never wanted the wallet for that purpose, nor would it be a trophy because Hartnell basically dropped his wallet at Zodiacs feet a fortnight prior and Zodiac attacked the couple and just walked away leaving the wallet on the floor so why would he want Pauls? Well it’s obvious, if Kjell is the Zodiac, who is going to ever believe that a multi millionaire would murder a cab driver for 6 or 7 dollars? Defence Lawyers would be lined up for miles wanting to represent the defendant and not because of the defendants wealth and handsome ability to pay in excess for their services, but because this would be the easiest case to win in the history of the criminal trail. The Judge may even have to recuse himself due to bursting out laughing during the D.A’s opening argument to the jury. Lol.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : March 20, 2014 12:54 am
Posts: 567
Honorable Member

Well since Kjell was so wealthy, it shouldn’t be too hard to go back in time and determine his whereabouts when the previous murders occurred.

I’d think he’d have been quite busy and would have had a passport among other records. Surely he must have had credit cards and frequented restaurants and other public venues.

Posted : March 20, 2014 1:50 am
Posts: 273
Reputable Member

Welsh Stated

"Don Fouke must have recognised the man that turned onto the steps (which considering Pelissetti would later claim in a taped interview that Kjell Qvale was ‘In a driveway, just standing there’, it’s likely both Officers saw the same man, Mr Qvale) or the following would be the case."

I’m not sure how you arrive that Fouke "must have" recognized the man he saw. As I stated earlier I’m not aware of a taped interview with Pellessetti where he states KQ was in the driveway, just standing there. What driveway? Did Pellessetti have a conversation with KQ? Did Pel. recognize KQ. And why wouldn’t Fouke tell detectives, or anyone, he recognized the guy he saw? I’m familiar with Pellessetti stating 2 times that he encountered a much older gentleman, who Didn’t fit the description the kids had given him (older and skinny) walking his dog down Maple.

" Fouke responds to the dispatchers orders and heads toward Cherry Street along Jackson. As he is at or near Maple intersection, he noticed a white male walking slightly oddly who puts his head down and turns onto a pathway leading to a home. Fouke notes this guy is White and gets a fairly good look at him before picking up speed again and seconds later turns onto Cherry Street where, seeing fellow Officer Armond Peissetti on foot heading for Jackson (or back from Jackson depending on which version you believe) and Don stops to asks Armond does he know anything or seen anyone and Armond then tells Don that he’s looking for the white male that had just gone down the street. Then Fouke says he first became aware that the suspect they were looking for was white. Armond gave Fouke the brief description of what he looked like according to the three teen witnesses and then, Don says "Ohhh, that was the suspect!" referring to the man that had just gone toward a house seconds before."

And this conversation is in question. At least by Pellessetti….Fouke sees Z walk up the stairs at 3712 Jackson, he says Z never gets to top of stairs.

"Now, Fouke is well aware at this stage that this man responsible is both armed and dangerous and won’t think twice about introducing a bullet to a citizens head because he’s just done exactly that right in the middle of an extremely affluent area right on a 4 way intersection. So knowing how dangerous and seemingly brazen this killer is, you’d think that Don’s immediate concern is now going to be "He may be hiding in that residence, holding the occupants hostage at gun point, we better go back there immediately and make sure he doesn’t kill them also." No, not a bit of it. Don isn’t stupid, if that white guy was just ‘Average Joe’ that he didn’t know, then when he was told the suspect was white, would have dashed back to 3712 to ensure that nobody there was being held at gunpoint by a gun man in a panic knowing police are coming from all directions. Otherwise he could return the next afternoon to ask if they heard or saw anyone last night only to find that they are not able to answer his questions at this time due to them being dead, each shot in the head. Fouke didn’t dash back there and there is simply no way on this Earth he wouldn’t go back to that house, especially after the Presidio is searched and finds no suspect. Now, after this search ends with negative results, it’s not only now a case of ‘well, there could be a chance he’s in 3712’ to one of ‘Well, he isn’t anywhere out here, so considering I saw him going toward that house, he has to be in there!’ But Don doesn’t. Why? Can only be one answer that I can think of that would be acceptable, even allowable, given the circumstances and that is that he knew who it was that went toward that house. Lets say for the sake of argument that he knows that the man he saw, possibly even stopped and spoke with, was Kjell Qvae, then this could give him a reason not to go dashing back there because Qvale is local to that area, lives on that very street actually and therefore has legit reason to be there."

And again Fouke wouldn’t ID him because? We know Fouke blows it. To me the most logical way to handle the situation is to go back to the last place where the perp is seen. We know Fouke doesn’t do that, but to inject that’s because he recognized him? Why would he recognize him? KQ if known by Fouke is entering an entrance to a home where he doesn’t belong. But I agree Fouke’s blew it by not going back to 3712 Jackson. I bet he’d admit that today if asked. It’s kind of a given I would think. You know Fouke wasn’t patrolling PH, he was on his way to the neighborhood that he patrolled, when he received the call. So I don’t know that Fouke would know the residents of PH. And if he worked at night, would be very doubtful.

"And so the only answer to the question of why didn’t Fouke immediately dash back to 3712 is: Because he knew who that guy was because if he didn’t then the implication as to Fouke’s behaviour/actions is obvious and it would be that having just seen a unknown White Male Subject who, after passing him seconds ago because he was told the suspect was black, now knows that the suspect is white and the description of the white suspect matches the offender’s description and in spite of that, Don decided that there’s is no point, nor any need, to go back there immediately and make sure the occupants are not in danger. And he came to this conclusion about a suspect that has just blown a mans head off in the middle of an upper middle class street? There’s just no way in my opinion. However, if he realised as he passed him that it was Kjell, then it is understandable that he may have dismissed the idea of going back there because that wasn’t the man we are after, it was ‘The’ Kjell Qvale."

Again, so Fouke would never ID KQ because?????? You say this is the ONLY answer? So therefore KQ must be Z based on????? I’d like the address of the driveway that Pellessetti see’s KQ at and the evidence that Pellessetti has ever stated that. As I said earlier this theory sure makes the SFPD, now the cops totally stupid, and makes the SFPD investigators look like stooges. I don’t quite buy into this. were there mistakes? You bet there were.

Posted : March 20, 2014 12:32 pm
Posts: 273
Reputable Member

Welsh Stated…..

"Or, maybe Fouke didn’t recognise him as the legendary vehicle importer Kjell Qvale. Maybe he only knows because Armond told him that is who it was. Ahh, that would make sense now.

Don see’s a white male on Jackson and doesn’t realise, or recognise that, it’s Qvale, the famous multi millionaire business tycoon. So, when Armond tells Don, ‘No, the suspect wasn’t Black, that was an incorrect broadcast, he’s a White Guy’ Don then tells Armond, as he says in the documentary, "Ohh, that was the suspect" (meaning that guy we just saw turn into that entrance of a house). Then Armond, heading in that direction anyway, tells Don he will check out residence and it’s driveway after Don explains its the ‘Last house on the left’ before maple on the left side as you go down the hill. Armond then quickly makes his way to that area and the house and driveway that Don claims to have seen the suspect turn onto and Armond looks onto the pathway that has steps leading to it, and see’s nothing. He takes a couple more steps and looks left again, expecting to have the same result and is shocked when, standing on the driveway adjacent to the main path and steps, is a White Male that he recognises as Mr Kjell Qvale. After he asks Kjell has he seen anyone go by and Kjell says no, A.P turns around to head back to the scene while Don and Eric are now parked up on West Pacific anticipating a fleeing white male to come over a back yard fence having been flushed out by A.P. Sometime soon thereafter, Don approaches A.P and asks was the suspect still there and A.P answers by telling Don that someone was there on the driveway of that property yes, he was just standing there in the drive, it was Kjell Qvale. Don ask ‘Who?’ and Armond then explains who Kjell Qvale is.

See now for me, that sequence would explain why A.P never went past Maple Intersection, and simply turned back up the hill immediately after seeing Kjell because that’s the only reason Armond was going that far anyway, to check the last house on the left at Maple intersection based on a fellow officer telling him someone matching the description had just turned onto the pathway when he saw Don approaching. Armond may have only been intending to go as far as Cherry & Jackson as he initially sets off from the scene just to look down the hill and see if he can see anyone on the street but then Don pulls up and tells him of his encounter which gives Armond a reason to walk down to Maple.

Except Armond never says he saw anyone at 3712 Jackson. Armond says the conversation you’re stating between he and Fouke never took place. Even Fouke never says that he told Armond where he saw Z, but you have Armond going to the very location, or looking at that very location. And I believe, I’ll have to look at my pics, but the driveway to 3712, is actually to the west of the steps to 3712 Jackson. So Z, or KQ, would have to backtrack to the west from the steps, in other words after Foukes leaves Z, Z is just hanging out. He doesn’t need to try and get away. There is no pathway, the steps are right on Jackson. and that’s where Fouke sees Z.

If it was Qvale that A.P saw and spoke with on a driveway then I can understand his thinking that because of who he actually is, this can’t be the guy who just shot a cabbie and stole his wallet with a few dollars in it, Kjell is a millionaire, and a famous one, too. But if it were me personally, I’d would have thought the same that this guy isn’t at all likely to be our offender and all that but, I would wonder why this man, as successful and admired as he is, why is he standing in someone else’s front yard drive? He has no brush sweeping leaves with, he’s not there having a friendly chat to Fred or Helen who live there, he’s doing anything at all other than just standing there. I mean even if I saw the President of the United States standing in that driveway I’d not suspect such a high profile person to be my suspect, but I’d definitely ask Barack "Sir is there any reason why your in someone else’s front yard driveway and doing nothing?"

So Pellessetti is yelling across Jackson St. cause Pel never goes on the north side of jackson at KQ, who is Z, who is just hanging on the street after blowing a cabbie away. And Pel was just confused where he saw this dog walker? the only person he runs into, and on the night of the murder when he writes his report he places the dog walker on Maple, coming down from Washington. So when Fouke sees KQ (no doggie), when Pellesetti sees KQ he has a dog. the dog is at home a block away. so KQ runs home to get his dog?????

Posted : March 20, 2014 12:55 pm
Posts: 273
Reputable Member

One interesting thing to remember…Armond says he was very close to Cherry/Washington when he gets the call, unlike Fouke who when he received the call turned on his running lights only, Pellessetti states he turned on his lights and siren. so when Pel pulls up to Cherry/Washington and parks his car, facing Stines, but Pel’s car is blocking Cherry. siren going, had to scare the crap out of Z. and was probably visible to Z. But not only might Z have seen Pel pulling up, he would certainly hear the siren (very close) as soon as Pel turned it on. And then boom turns east on Jackson heads that way, and runs into Fouke.

sorry didn’t mean to digress from the dog walker.

Posted : March 20, 2014 1:05 pm
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