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Paul Stine's employment

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Does anyone know what Paul Stine did, if anything, besides drive cab? I thought someone might have said sold insurance?

Posted : April 12, 2014 2:08 am
Posts: 249
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I saw on that other site that he sold life insurance, would anyone know for which company?

Posted : April 12, 2014 3:32 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
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Rumour is that he was due to start work for the Chronicle but was murdered shortly before he was due to start. I say rumour because I can’t say if this is true or not.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : April 12, 2014 5:20 pm
Posts: 1764
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I’ve seen that too. Apparently Voigt had this confirmed by a source – he, Voigt, has even stated that Stine had been "officially" hired by the S. F. Chronicle just prior to his death. I don’t know, sounds strange to me – surely it would be easy enough to confirm it if he had signed a contract, or whatever "officially" means in this context.

Here’s a thread on Voigt’s board which deals with the subject (the OP is where V makes the claim and mentions his contact). Make of what you will, as they say:

http://zodiackiller.fr.yuku.com/topic/5 … MED?page=1

Posted : April 12, 2014 5:54 pm
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thank you Norse

Posted : April 12, 2014 7:08 pm
Posts: 1764
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No problem, (the) dude!

I find it interesting that Stine’s nephew apparently said that the family had a celebration of sorts on the night of the murder – because Paul had gotten a new job. A professorship no less. Now, that has to be nonsense. Paul Stine was possibly aiming for some sort of academic career – but you don’t jump right into a professorship at 29, with his academic credentials. If Stine was a likely candidate for a professorship he wouldn’t have been driving a taxi for a living – he would’ve been employed at the university already, that’s how it usually works. A professorship isn’t the sort of job you just throw in an application for.

Posted : April 12, 2014 8:58 pm
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

Well Stine’s sister says that several years before Paul’s murder, he had gotten into drugs and not just recreationally either. She has gone on record as saying that Stine’s ‘bad habits’ led him all the way to a mental institution for treatment. Again, interesting back story, but is it relevant to this case? I can’t see it. Speculation is that if Paul allowed his fare to ride up front with him (as some think he did) then he must have known him because, again according to the word of his sister, Paul never broke his rule of not allowing customers to ride up front with him that he did not know.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : April 12, 2014 10:28 pm
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for me, I am interested in which insurance company he worked for. Im researching out someone who worked at Johnson and Higgins selling marine insurance. If anyone out there knows, that would be helpful.

Posted : April 13, 2014 12:21 am
Posts: 367
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Speculation is that if Paul allowed his fare to ride up front with him (as some think he did) then he must have known him because, again according to the word of his sister, Paul never broke his rule of not allowing customers to ride up front with him that he did not know.

What are the odds that even a guy Paul knew could have found out where he and his cab were that night?

Posted : April 13, 2014 12:37 am
Posts: 273
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I’d say about slim to none Nach….But good point you make….Not like Paul’s Yellow Cab looked any different then the other 20 Yellow Cabs out there that night. And if Z hailed down Paul on the road while Paul was enroute to pick up his fare I’d have to take the slim away.

Posted : April 17, 2014 8:33 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

Speculation is that if Paul allowed his fare to ride up front with him (as some think he did) then he must have known him because, again according to the word of his sister, Paul never broke his rule of not allowing customers to ride up front with him that he did not know.

What are the odds that even a guy Paul knew could have found out where he and his cab were that night?

Extremely slim, I agree. I wasn’t thinking he deliberately or strategically positioned himself on the road because he knew Paul would drive down that street. If Paul did know him then it’s fairly certain that the encounter was by chance and not planned. I said before that if your looking for a profession of unpredictability then Taxi Driver is it because Stine doesn’t know how many customers he’ll have before he starts his shift, doesn’t know who they’ll be, no clue where they may wish to be taken and so on and so for Zodiac to predict Paul will be at a certain place at a certain time is practically impossible.

I was implying that if the two were known to each other then the encounter would be a completely random, and very unfortunate, one on for Stine.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : April 17, 2014 6:02 pm
Posts: 273
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And practically impossible.

Posted : April 17, 2014 11:46 pm
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

I don’t think the Passenger and Driver knew each other in the most basic sense at all because it’s such a risk to take if he picks a victim that knows who he is because he’s not stood in the Theatre District with arm outstretched and waving Paul down while wearing his Berryessa outfit. So Paul would not fail to notice that it’s ‘Bob’ the car salesman or ‘Jim’ from the murderous lunatic Society of SF or whatever. Remember that two weeks before he wave’s Paul to a stop he’s attacked and repeatedly stabbed a male victim and was probably 99.9% sure if he wasn’t already dead by the time he walked back to his car, then he most certainly would be before any medical help can be summoned so imagine his shock as he sits down to have supper the following evening and switches the TV on to see Bryan Hartnell sat up recounting what happened the day before.

What if he puts the pistol to Paul’s temple and pulls the trigger and….. Nothing happens? The gun has jammed and by the time he manages to unjam it to attempt a second shot at his target, it’s a bit more tricky this time what with Paul now half a mile away having fled on foot instantly. Or even if nothing goes wrong, the gun doesn’t jam and the bullet is placed in position within Paul’s skull and he is happy all is well and went accordingly until once again the news flash at midnight that night alerts the citizens that a cab driver was shot in Pacific Heights tonight Near the Presidio and Julius Kahn Park Area of Pacific Heights. The Driver, 29 year old Paul Lee Stine was rushed to hospital where an update on his injuries are said to be serious but his condition is stable.

He’s up the creek now with no paddle anywhere in the vicinity. If he knew Paul, and Paul doesn’t die then it’s game over. He may not be unmasked as the Zodiac but he’ll be unmasked as the Cabbie attacker and a swift charge of robbery, theft, felonious assault and attempted murder etc etc will follow.
I know that the odds of surviving being shot at point blank range in the head is minimal but minimal as it may be, it is still possible. Case and point: I watched a documentary last week where a wife is in the process of divorcing her abusive and controlling husband and has taken out a protective order in the process against him. Week or two after this she gets into her jeep to make the journey to pick up her kid from school. She pulls out onto her street when she hears a greeting of "Hello Suzy" from inches behind her and turns to see her soon to be Ex Husband holding a gun to her head and not just any gun, one of the most powerful revolvers on the Planet – a 357 Magnum. He shoots her not once, but twice at point blank range in the back of her head and the vehicle careers off into a tree. 90 minutes later, having been recently awarded custody of two 357 rounds to the brain where they are still residing, she is sat up in her hospital bed telling police and detectives that her husband did it and gives them a full statement. The cops on the show that were interviewed made no attempt to hide their absolute amazement at this. The doctors and surgeon also said that they were asked by Detectives will she survive and they were fairly unanimous in their response of "No, not from two 357 rounds to the head" and saying she would soon go into shock from the bullets cutting through the brain. She never lost consciousness as it turned out and made a full and complete recovery to testify against her husband in court.
Zodiac and Paul knowing each other or even acquainted? Naa, far too risky for me. Just my opinion though.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : April 18, 2014 4:01 am
Posts: 273
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Yeah I agree I don’t think Paul knew his killer, or his killer knew him. I think by Z handling Paul to get his shirt after the fact assured Z he wasn’t leaving another victim alive. You know it really had to be a shock and upset Z to first find MM had survived, and then to find BH survived also. Some took that to perhaps indicate that Z had more of an angst against the gals then he did the guys, maybe he did, but I really think he did everything at the time that he felt needed to be done to kill the guys as well. Amazing that they survived. if they hadn’t survived just think of how little we would know about Z.

Posted : April 21, 2014 8:27 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

Well there could be a case to ask the question ‘why was Z so concerned with wiping away any prints he’d left in the cab?’ I mean you could take from his determination to remove all evidence of himself and his prints that he has been arrested prior to embarking on Zodiac murder spree because to be so concerned with prints being left may imply that he knows that his prints are retained by LE for a potential comparison to be made. But even if that were the case, there’s still a legitimate argument in defence in the event his print was found in Stines cab and it’s the obvious: It’s a public taxi cab that his prints are found in because he used their services the day before the murder occurred. A defence lawyer would argue that this explains the prints of his client being present in the cab along with a dozen sets of other unidentified prints found in the cab also.
If the prints were left in blood then fair enough, then there is a need to remove them but the witnesses said he was leaning over Paul wiping down the dash area inside, then exiting and wiping down the exterior doors etc and took so much time and effort to do so that it resulted in him delaying his escape and allowing patrol officers to roll straight up next to him.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : April 25, 2014 5:05 pm
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