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Gaikowski's Writing Samples

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And, about 4 Months ago, I was in the chat room of a well know web site dedicated to this subject, and the owner of that web site stated to me that Bob Loomis had now recanted his original claims and letters as evidence. Being Highly skeptical I asked the person to confirm "Are you stating as a fact, on the record, that Bob Loomis has now recanted his claims, and the letters as evidence, and changed his story?" I didn’t get a reply to this question dispite asking several times. The fact is, Bob Loomis hasn’t recanted anything he stated. The web site’s owner then, after I refused to stop asking him to confirm his statement, simply angrily declared ‘Bob Loomis is not credable" before, once again, banning me from the chat room because I had dared to ask questions that challenged what he was claiming.

I received an email from Tom Voigt asking me to post a response to WC’s above statement. Tom does not have an account here and is unable to address this matter himself.

As far as anyone knows, Gaikowski’s DNA has never been compared to the Zodiac’s DNA. Where is this user getting its info, and why is it allowed
to post these claims unchallenged?

I never said that in chat or elsewhere, nor has Loomis ever recanted anything to my knowledge…although he has changed a couple of versions of
his story from what he told me in 2008 to what he told MysteryQuest a year later. That’s a different matter.

As far as the letters are concerned, there is nothing to recant; we have the postmark information as provided by Loomis years ago.

Prior to a letter from Gaikowski postmarked England, Feb. 16, 1969, Gaikowski had sent Loomis a series of letters from Albany. However, there is no
way to know exactly when they were sent, as Loomis did not date them or save the envelopes.

http://zodiackiller.fr.yuku.com/topic/3 … Y6BqrWThXw

On MysteryQuest, Loomis was shown examining the letters and claiming they "seem to indicate" Gaikowski was in Albany, NY at the time of the Lake
Herman Road killings, yet Loomis subsequently admitted it was nothing but an assumption since none of those letters were dated.

All existing evidence (postmarked letters, news articles, etc) place Gaikowski in Europe no earlier than 1969.

As far as the spelling of "GYKE" in the cipher, there are examples of Gaikowski spelling his last name Guyk, Gike, and Gaik. Therefore the odds
favor him spelling it GYKE at some point, even if he wasn’t the Zodiac. Of course, even if I find an example of him spelling it "GYKE," trolls
who intentionally post misinformation will simply erroneously claim it is insignificant due to Gaikowski being in Hong Kong on Oct. 11, 1969.


Posted : May 11, 2013 10:08 pm
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

And, about 4 Months ago, I was in the chat room of a well know web site dedicated to this subject, and the owner of that web site stated to me that Bob Loomis had now recanted his original claims and letters as evidence. Being Highly skeptical I asked the person to confirm "Are you stating as a fact, on the record, that Bob Loomis has now recanted his claims, and the letters as evidence, and changed his story?" I didn’t get a reply to this question dispite asking several times. The fact is, Bob Loomis hasn’t recanted anything he stated. The web site’s owner then, after I refused to stop asking him to confirm his statement, simply angrily declared ‘Bob Loomis is not credable" before, once again, banning me from the chat room because I had dared to ask questions that challenged what he was claiming.

I received an email from Tom Voigt asking me to post a response to WC’s above statement. Tom does not have an account here and is unable to address this matter himself.

As far as anyone knows, Gaikowski’s DNA has never been compared to the Zodiac’s DNA. Where is this user getting its info, and why is it allowed
to post these claims unchallenged?

I never said that in chat or elsewhere, nor has Loomis ever recanted anything to my knowledge…although he has changed a couple of versions of
his story from what he told me in 2008 to what he told MysteryQuest a year later. That’s a different matter.

As far as the letters are concerned, there is nothing to recant; we have the postmark information as provided by Loomis years ago.

Prior to a letter from Gaikowski postmarked England, Feb. 16, 1969, Gaikowski had sent Loomis a series of letters from Albany. However, there is no
way to know exactly when they were sent, as Loomis did not date them or save the envelopes.

http://zodiackiller.fr.yuku.com/topic/3 … Y6BqrWThXw

On MysteryQuest, Loomis was shown examining the letters and claiming they "seem to indicate" Gaikowski was in Albany, NY at the time of the Lake
Herman Road killings, yet Loomis subsequently admitted it was nothing but an assumption since none of those letters were dated.

All existing evidence (postmarked letters, news articles, etc) place Gaikowski in Europe no earlier than 1969.

As far as the spelling of "GYKE" in the cipher, there are examples of Gaikowski spelling his last name Guyk, Gike, and Gaik. Therefore the odds
favor him spelling it GYKE at some point, even if he wasn’t the Zodiac. Of course, even if I find an example of him spelling it "GYKE," trolls
who intentionally post misinformation will simply erroneously claim it is insignificant due to Gaikowski being in Hong Kong on Oct. 11, 1969.

I’ll reply once and state this once only for the record. A user at the site’s chatroom, with the screen name Rehab (Who i was subsequently informed was Tom Voigt), categorically stated to me that Bob Loomis had now recanted his claims. I have no cause or reason to lie, nor would I waste my time doing so. I accept that Tom states that it is only ‘to the best of his knowledge’, but I can assure you this was the statement he made to me in his Website’s chat area. There was a third party present in the chat room when this statement was made, and I will ask that person if they recall this statement being made.

As for Gyke vs Gaik and the odds of him spelling it Gyke at some point, I simply pointed out that, as far as we know, Gaikowski did spell it Gaik, but no evidence exists of him using GYKE, and used Bob Loomis as a point of reference. I find it very interesting that Tom here is perfectly willing to state ‘Therefore the odds favor him spelling it Gyke at some point’, yet when I made a reference to Larry Kane and the probability of him knowing Donna Lass due to her employment at Letterman, then her employment move to The Sahara Casino Hotel, and that Kane also happens to leave S.F around that time, and has employment in that very building also, Mr Voigt dismissed this as speculation and theory and demanded ‘Where is the evidence for that?’

And finally, in a conversation again relating to Lawrence Kane, Tom asked "Where is the evidence? Is there evidence to put Kane on or near Lake Herman Road on Dec 20?" I replied that ‘No, there is no evidence to place Kane on Lake Herman Rd on Dec 20, if there were, we wouldn’t be having this conversation because Zodiac would have been caught, if we could place Kane, or any other suspect, at Lake Herman Rd that night. But, it seems that I have discovered a new document in the FBI Files that would make me reconsider my stance on that last point. So, for Tom’s attention, and in answer to his question about any evidence for Kane being at or near the crime scene’s, I respectfully divert his attention to Exhibit A……

"Investigation has placed Kane in the Locales where several of the Zodiac’s victims either lived, or were killed." The first page of this report states that Vallejo PD had re-opened their Zodiac cold case, in 1991, based on this new evidence regarding Kane.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : May 11, 2013 11:57 pm
Posts: 2309
Member Moderator

Welsh Chappie, please wait for a PM from me before posting anymore Kane stuff in the Gaik thread or being confrontational in your posts.

Perhaps it was a mistake for me to post what I did. We can resolve this in PM’s and emails.


Posted : May 12, 2013 1:20 am
Posts: 240
Reputable Member

As far as I’m concerned this could all have been easily sorted back at the beginning. The was a chronological list of letters from Loomis that included:-

1. A few letters (not dated) "but probably 1968"
2. A letter from England feb 1969
3. More letters from France feb/march

There has also been much made of the report from Northern Ireland, that many have suggested could have happened at different dates. I disagree, the report in question dealt with the attack on Queen’s University students at a civil right march from Belfast. That March took place on October 5th 1968.

There is a claim that Giakowski spent time with Loomis at the time of the LHR murders. Apparently Loomis cannot remember or puts that time later, after Giakowski returned from Europe and just before he began work at the Good times.
If we have a string of letters from 68, is it not highly likely that Gaik would have mentioned he was on the way out to see him?
Surely whether he did or did not, a good indication might be had from the Feb letter from England….a thanks for the time he spent/ a record of what he was up to since they were last in contact. Loomis however was not asked (it was suggested that Loomis as a friend would not co-operate and did not believe Gaik was Z). Loomis was a friend and did not believe Gaik was Z but claimed he was willing to be persuaded if evidence came to light.
What I cannot understand is, if Loomis was not co-operating, why he offered these same letters for DNA checks (if didn’t happen but that was not down to loomis.

Posted : May 12, 2013 8:10 pm
Posts: 209
Estimable Member

The Belfast to Derry march that Richard claimed to have witnessed actually took place at the beginning of January, 1969.

Wednesday 1 January 1969
Approximately 40 members of People’s Democracy (PD) began a four-day march from Belfast across Northern Ireland to Derry.


"Not much later, he found himself in Northern Ireland where he witnessed a brutal attack on Queen’s University students who marched from Belfast to Derry with the People’s Democracy movement."


Posted : May 13, 2013 4:53 am
Posts: 2309
Member Moderator

Drew, if you know, could you please confirm the status of Gaik’s DNA?

It is my understanding that the TV show, Mystery Quest, did get permission from Bob Loomis to obtain DNA from the stamps on the letters he received from Gaik but LE declined to do a comparison. Is that correct?

Also, according to some there are serious doubts that there is even a valid Zodiac DNA sample which at best was partial to begin with.


Posted : May 13, 2013 5:32 am
Posts: 209
Estimable Member

Seagull, I don’t have any idea what is happening or has happened concerning Gaik’s DNA. I remember watching the Mystery Quest episode, and they contacted LE about a DNA comparison but nothing ever came of it.

Posted : May 13, 2013 6:06 am
Posts: 209
Estimable Member

Wier, you make some really good points about the contents of Bob’s letters. I’m really curious to know what Richard said in his mid-November letter — staying put in New York over the holidays, making travel arrangements to fly to California in December, 1968? If Bob can’t recall exactly when Richard visited, that particular letter should provide some clues.

Posted : May 13, 2013 2:28 pm
Posts: 240
Reputable Member

Well you would imagine it would/should be that straightforward. He stayed in regular contact with Loomis it seems. He would have told him he quit the paper and that he was heading to Europe. I didn’t actually know that they were able to date a mid november letter (all the better). If the next one is not until Feb from England, it could be telling in and of itself, he’s either busy preparing for his trip/on his trip (and busy with things in NI) or he’s out in California with Loomis. In any case, that letter should have details from the last time they were in contact. If he witnessed the riots in Belfast on Jan 1st, he was probably there and/or travelling at least a few days before that, the timeline is getting tighter and tighter and so too, should be the info he passed to Loomis, in the context of his whereabouts.

Posted : May 13, 2013 5:38 pm
Posts: 209
Estimable Member

This is a quote from Richard’s letter dated February 13, 1969…

"I was over in Northern Ireland for a week in January where I did a couple of articles for the K-N on civil rights struggle there…stayed…in Belfast and they introduced me to an IRA veteran who in one of his many battles with the authorities had lost an eye…"

So the question becomes…which week in January, 1969 was he talking about? The answer is the last week of January, 1969 because of certain details mentioned
in his Knickerbocker News article published on Feb. 1, 1969.

1/25/69- date of Deputy Premier Brian Faulkner’s resignation, mentioned in Richard Gaikowski’s Feb. 1, 1969 article about sectarian troubles in Ireland.
2/1/69- article titled "Civil Rights, Sectarianism Rock North Ireland" appears in Albany Knickerbocker News, authored by Richard Gaikowski.

Posted : May 13, 2013 7:12 pm
Posts: 17
Eminent Member

Surely LE would’ve investigated whether Gaikowski was in Europe when he said if they thought he was a viable suspect and there was some compelling evidence independent of what Blaine was saying? If a potential murderer says he was abroad as an alibi but can’t find my passport would they eliminate him on that basis alone without checking with the UK.airlines etc?

Posted : May 13, 2013 7:24 pm
Posts: 240
Reputable Member

This is a quote from Richard’s letter dated February 13, 1969…

"I was over in Northern Ireland for a week in January where I did a couple of articles for the K-N on civil rights struggle there…stayed…in Belfast and they introduced me to an IRA veteran who in one of his many battles with the authorities had lost an eye…"

So the question becomes…which week in January, 1969 was he talking about? The answer is the last week of January, 1969 because of certain details mentioned
in his Knickerbocker News article published on Feb. 1, 1969.

1/25/69- date of Deputy Premier Brian Faulkner’s resignation, mentioned in Richard Gaikowski’s Feb. 1, 1969 article about sectarian troubles in Ireland.
2/1/69- article titled "Civil Rights, Sectarianism Rock North Ireland" appears in Albany Knickerbocker News, authored by Richard Gaikowski.

Well if we can take that literally (that he spent only one week in NI and it was the last week in Janurary) it is at odds with his other statement about witnessing the attack on the Queen’s University students. Could it not also be that the original article was about the violence and the detail concerning Faulkner’s resignation was added later. Also he "did a couple of articles"..were there some that were not published or were they all placed together in one final piece?

In any case Drew can I ask how that Quote (from his feb 13th letter to Loomis) was obtained and if that information could be got, how come the full text from that and other letters is not out? Also please, do you have a copy of his Feb 1st article?

Posted : May 13, 2013 11:07 pm
Posts: 209
Estimable Member

Wier, here is a link to the Feb. 1, 1969 article in The Knickerbocker News — see below. Regarding my letter source, I’ll just say the source for it is 100% reliable. AK did a really nice job posting the different sections. One thing about the article is Richard did not include any "up-close and personal" accounts of the marchers and related violence. Judge for yourself.

http://zodiackillersite.forummotion.com … d-conflict

Posted : May 13, 2013 11:29 pm
Posts: 240
Reputable Member

Thanks Drew, unfortunately for the moment, I do not have access to the old board, so cannot review the link. I don’t doubt that your source is reliable, it’s just that I cannot understand why this angle wasn’t full checked out long before now, to a point where all relevant information from those letters could be explored in depth.

Remember too, if Giakowski was lying about being overseas on Dec 20th, I do not see the relevance of him lying about (seperately years later) witnessing the attack on the Queens University students on or about Jan 1st. That still doesn’t give him an alibi for LHR. Actually I don’t buy into the whole "I can’t find my old passport" thing as suspicious at all. If anything, it’s the other way around because if they genuinely felt he was a viable suspect these things could easily be checked and he’d have been caught out in a lie. They did it with Bruce Davis, going as far a checking with Interpol

Posted : May 13, 2013 11:55 pm
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

Wier, you make some really good points about the contents of Bob’s letters. I’m really curious to know what Richard said in his mid-November letter — staying put in New York over the holidays, making travel arrangements to fly to California in December, 1968? If Bob can’t recall exactly when Richard visited, that particular letter should provide some clues.

Well to quote Loomis directly: "I have letters from him (Gaik) in 1968, when the Lake Herman murders occurred, that seem to indicate he was in Albany, not out here on the West Coast. It would have been impossible for him to be at Lake Herman committing murders when he was back East."

I don’t know why Bob would come to this conclusion, and publically state it, if he didn’t have any reason/evidence in that letter (ie, date or an event mentioned that we know happened around mid to late Dec of 68) to do so.

As for the DNA, here’s the situation according to ZodiacCipher.com: Recently Bode Technologies have performed touch DNA on letters sent by Richard Gaikowski, but when the results came back they produced two mixed DNA profiles of a male and female assumed to be Robert Loomis and his wife, who had also handled the letters being friends of the suspect, so further tests were undertaken on the sealed part of the envelope ie:an area protected from extraneous handling and it produced a partial male DNA profile. In 2002 the San Francisco Police Department extracted a partial DNA profile from a letter sent to the San Francisco Chronicle and believed to be that of the Zodiacs.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : May 14, 2013 2:57 am
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