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Gaik's age – the exorcist letter

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Hi fellow members!!

For a while now I have been viewing Richard Gaikowski as a good suspect.

On January 29 of 1974 , San Francisco Chronicle received a letter from the zodiac

It says me – 37 , could it be his age ??

Because even if he is lying about his victim count , the increase is not logical.

Because I calculated his age and he would be 37 at the time when the letter was sent.

Please tell me what you think !

This is the Zodiac speaking ..

Posted : August 17, 2019 4:50 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member

Gaikowski was born on March 14, 1936, not May 14.

"me = 37" could mean Zodiac is telling us he is 37 years old. That’s a good observation. It is a pretty dramatic escalation in the body count. Maybe it does mean something else, like a clue to his age.

Gaikowski was 37 in 1974. But I don’t find that particularly interesting.

I used to be more interested in such number anomalies and numbers that match up to certain suspects. But I learned through experience that a number that occurs in the case and is said to have a unique tie to suspect a, will often prove to have an arguable tie to suspects b, c and d.

In just one example, take the three number eights that occur in the "my name is" code. I believe someone claimed that there were three number 8’s in Arthur Leigh Allen driver’s license number. So obviously that was a significant clue that Zodiac put into the code as a hint that he was actually Allen.

Unless you add the three numeral 8’s and come up with the number 24. Then obviously Zodiac was giving a clue to his birth year 1924, which is the birth year of Lawrence Kane. But that might be a little too obvious, perhaps we are meant to take the number 24 and reverse it to the number 42. And 1942 is the birth year of Ted Kaczynski.

You could take any given number and claim its significance to a particular suspect, for example take the number 37 and claim it has the unique significance to one particular suspect, as you do here.Well with a little bit of imagination, creativity and work, I would bet I can find that number ties into the life of one or more other suspects. It could be in their social security number, their driver’s license number, in a home address that they’ve lived at, their own birth year or something else.

Maybe "me=37" means he is 3 x 7, meaning he is 21 years old, or was 21 when he started the Zodiac crimes, or was born in 1921 meaning he is 53 years old, or lives at 21 Main Street or 37 Main Street.

I took the time to tell you this not to try to shoot down the idea you came up with or be negative but merely to introduce you to another line of thought on it, so that you might not spend hours pursuing these kind of ties, which from my own experience ultimately don’t add up to anything significant. They are also not the type of information that police find interesting or helpful. All that said, I could be wrong and what you choose to do is up to you. I’m just trying to give you a little bit of the benefit of what I learned from pursuing such anomalies and finding out that usually, they ultimately didn’t mean much.


Posted : August 17, 2019 11:27 am
Posts: 643
Honorable Member

Gaikowski was born on March 14, 1936, not May 14.

"me = 37" could mean Zodiac is telling us he is 37 years old. That’s a good observation. It is a pretty dramatic escalation in the body count. Maybe it does mean something else, like a clue to his age.

Gaikowski was 37 in 1974. But I don’t find that particularly interesting.

You could take any given number and claim its significance to a particular suspect, for example take the number 37 and claim it has the unique significance to one particular suspect, as you do here.Well with a little bit of imagination, creativity and work, I would bet I can find that number ties into the life of one or more other suspects. It could be in their social security number, their driver’s license number, in a home address that they’ve lived at, their own birth year or something else.

Maybe "me=37" means he is 3 x 7, meaning he is 21 years old, or was 21 when he started the Zodiac crimes, or was born in 1921 meaning he is 53 years old, or lives at 21 Main Street or 37 Main Street.

Or, R is letter 18 in the alphabet, S is 19, so 18+19 = 37, meaning Ross Sullivan is Zodiac. If you use your imagination, and especially if one tries to fit a favorite suspect into a manufactured clue, numbers can be manipulated in many, many ways.

I took the time to tell you this not to try to shoot down the idea you came up with or be negative but merely to introduce you to another line of thought on it, so that you might not spend hours pursuing these kind of ties, which from my own experience ultimately don’t add up to anything significant. They are also not the type of information that police find interesting or helpful. All that said, I could be wrong and what you choose to do is up to you. I’m just trying to give you a little bit of the benefit of what I learned from pursuing such anomalies and finding out that usually, they ultimately didn’t mean much.

This paragraph is one of the best I have read in awhile. Exactly right, IMHO.

Posted : August 18, 2019 2:56 am
Posts: 60
Trusted Member

Gaikowski was born on March 14, 1936, not May 14.

"me = 37" could mean Zodiac is telling us he is 37 years old. That’s a good observation. It is a pretty dramatic escalation in the body count. Maybe it does mean something else, like a clue to his age.

Gaikowski was 37 in 1974. But I don’t find that particularly interesting.

I used to be more interested in such number anomalies and numbers that match up to certain suspects. But I learned through experience that a number that occurs in the case and is said to have a unique tie to suspect a, will often prove to have an arguable tie to suspects b, c and d.

In just one example, take the three number eights that occur in the "my name is" code. I believe someone claimed that there were three number 8’s in Arthur Leigh Allen driver’s license number. So obviously that was a significant clue that Zodiac put into the code as a hint that he was actually Allen.

Unless you add the three numeral 8’s and come up with the number 24. Then obviously Zodiac was giving a clue to his birth year 1924, which is the birth year of Lawrence Kane. But that might be a little too obvious, perhaps we are meant to take the number 24 and reverse it to the number 42. And 1942 is the birth year of Ted Kaczynski.

You could take any given number and claim its significance to a particular suspect, for example take the number 37 and claim it has the unique significance to one particular suspect, as you do here.Well with a little bit of imagination, creativity and work, I would bet I can find that number ties into the life of one or more other suspects. It could be in their social security number, their driver’s license number, in a home address that they’ve lived at, their own birth year or something else.

Maybe "me=37" means he is 3 x 7, meaning he is 21 years old, or was 21 when he started the Zodiac crimes, or was born in 1921 meaning he is 53 years old, or lives at 21 Main Street or 37 Main Street.

I took the time to tell you this not to try to shoot down the idea you came up with or be negative but merely to introduce you to another line of thought on it, so that you might not spend hours pursuing these kind of ties, which from my own experience ultimately don’t add up to anything significant. They are also not the type of information that police find interesting or helpful. All that said, I could be wrong and what you choose to do is up to you. I’m just trying to give you a little bit of the benefit of what I learned from pursuing such anomalies and finding out that usually, they ultimately didn’t mean much.

This is one of the best posts I’ve ever seen on any Zodiac website. Thank you for sharing it.

On a related note, why do people think that Zodiac is littering every letter and card he sends with 100s of clues to his identity? I saw somebody dissecting the Halloween card and they were just pulling random numbers/clues out on everything. The way the skeleton’s fingers were pointed, if you take the position of the left eye compared to how many ribs were on the card and add it to the third letter of the second sentence….it clearly equals Egg. And we all know that (insert name of their favorite suspect) loved to eat eggs for breakfast.

Another example is Gyke being in one of the ciphers. If Gaikowski didn’t want to be caught, why would he put a form of his name in a cipher that was going to be on the front pages of newspapers? It’d be like if ALA put …well, if he put ALA in the ciphers. Or if Ross SUllivan put Sully in it. Or if Honcho put Honch in it.

Did Zodiac put random clues to his identity in his writings? Maybe. But I’d bet that if he did, it was more for his own amusement as opposed to putting his name out there in crazy manipulations of eight random things found on a card.

Posted : August 19, 2019 8:09 pm
Posts: 1352
Noble Member

Another example is Gyke being in one of the ciphers. If Gaikowski didn’t want to be caught, why would he put a form of his name in a cipher that was going to be on the front pages of newspapers?

Are you new to the case? Zodiac was brazen and took unnecessary risks.


Posted : August 20, 2019 12:23 am
Posts: 10
Eminent Member
Topic starter

Another example is Gyke being in one of the ciphers. If Gaikowski didn’t want to be caught, why would he put a form of his name in a cipher that was going to be on the front pages of newspapers?

Are you new to the case? Zodiac was brazen and took unnecessary risks.


Does it mean we COULD be on to something or am i just trying to make anything fit into my favorite suspect ?

This is the Zodiac speaking ..

Posted : August 20, 2019 12:20 pm
Posts: 209
Estimable Member

About 5 years ago on this forum, Emann started a thread about a theme he felt was prevalent in Zodiac’s written communications — "three 11s equals 33." Richard’s I.D. number in the Army was 55528350 — you also get the number 33 when adding up these numbers A few nights ago when I was reading this thread, I decided to see what the numbers in the date of the Exorcist letter added up to. I was surprised to find out the numbers(1291974) also add up to 33.

Link to Emann’s thread…


Posted : August 24, 2019 5:38 am