Zodiac Discussion Forum

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Richard Grinell
Posts: 717
Prominent Member

This forum has an issue at the moment so am finding it difficult to access the topics. I can only access through the cached version. Whether I attempt to enter it from Google, the link on my site, reddit or click active topics inside the cached version, instead of reaching the desired page it just keeps downloading empty search files into my computer. It is the only site on the internet that does this, so I shall avoid the site for a while until resolved.


“I simply cannot accept that there are, on every story, two equal and logical sides to an argument.” Edward R. Murrow.

Posted : April 19, 2019 3:07 pm
Posts: 1266
Noble Member

This forum has an issue at the moment so am finding it difficult to access the topics. I can only access through the cached version. Whether I attempt to enter it from Google, the link on my site, reddit or click active topics inside the cached version, instead of reaching the desired page it just keeps downloading empty search files into my computer. It is the only site on the internet that does this, so I shall avoid the site for a while until resolved.

Same problem here, but only on Google Chrome. I had to use Microsoft Edge to get access.

Posted : April 19, 2019 4:38 pm
Posts: 1328
Noble Member

This forum has an issue at the moment so am finding it difficult to access the topics. I can only access through the cached version. Whether I attempt to enter it from Google, the link on my site, reddit or click active topics inside the cached version, instead of reaching the desired page it just keeps downloading empty search files into my computer. It is the only site on the internet that does this, so I shall avoid the site for a while until resolved.

Same problem here, but only on Google Chrome. I had to use Microsoft Edge to get access.

I use Linux/Firefox and last night when I clicked on my bookmark for the forum it would bring up a file to open. Weird. I could still access the forum by clicking on an older thread I have bookmarked. It’s all normal today.

Posted : April 19, 2019 7:58 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Is there any way that Gykes face could have become more round by 1969? Most witnesses said Zodiac had a round face.

Posted : April 23, 2019 4:36 am
Posts: 1352
Noble Member

Is there any way that Gykes face could have become more round by 1969? Most witnesses said Zodiac had a round face.

Here’s Mageau’s description: http://www.zodiackiller.com/DFR10.html

Nothing about a round face.

Of course there were no witnesses at Lake Herman, and Cecelia didn’t describe his face as being round at Berryessa.

So we are left with the Stine witnesses, and their sketch (especially the amended sketch) has great similarity to Gaikowski IMHO, especially the strong jaw..

Posted : April 23, 2019 7:43 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

When Mike M said the shooter had a" large face",Mike also said his face was full in another interview, I probably assumed that meant round. I wish he would have also described the man who was parked , who drove away and drove back again.

Darlene’s babysitter said something about the man parked across the street having a head shaped like a basket ball?

The man I got away from in 1968 Vallejo/Napa had a round face with a head shaped like a basket ball. Because of the Afro style hair making his head look larger. ( Could have been a wig? )
The Lake Berryessa composite shows a round face, even though we don’t know for sure that was Zodiac. If it was Zodiac, that person had a round face.

My RH suspect has a face shaped closer to the SFPD composite, that face is oval.

Posted : April 23, 2019 8:31 pm
Posts: 139
Estimable Member

People’s Democracy March. January 1st 1969 to January 4th 1969. Belfast to Derry. The attack at Burntollet.
What do you reckon to the likeness? Somebody gave me this image.

The Picture below is from Gykes late 1968 Passport and the Picture of Gyke in Ireland is from early January 1969.
Notice his longer scraggly hair in the rain.

Posted : November 16, 2019 7:45 am
Posts: 38
Eminent Member

IMHO looks nothing much like him at all.

Posted : November 16, 2019 6:16 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

For what is is worth, I am a artist and do sculptures, I am pretty sure I know face shapes better than people who are not artists. The picture looks very much like him as far as the high cheek bones, nose, chin , hair, glasses. The shadow under his bottom lip makes the lip look a bit more full than Gykes. If the lighting caused the lip to look more full, then I would say that is Gyke in that picture.

We know that he was in Ireland regardless of that picture,Gyke fans have a problem with the dates on the passport. People who fill out the dates on the form believe at that time , will be the dates they will be at their destination, many times those are approximate dates. They can very easily get extensions, if they need to be there longer than first thought.

Posted : November 16, 2019 9:37 pm
Posts: 209
Estimable Member

The passport application tells us about Richard’s travel plans, but we have no real evidence that he actually went to Europe. I can’t imagine any journalist or editor giving him a pass on that February 1, 1969 article. And now we have Bryan Hartnell saying he is 97 percent certain that Richard’s voice is a match for Zodiac.

Posted : November 17, 2019 3:16 am
Posts: 207
Estimable Member

The passport application tells us about Richard’s travel plans, but we have no real evidence that he actually went to Europe. I can’t imagine any journalist or editor giving him a pass on that February 1, 1969 article. And now we have Bryan Hartnell saying he is 97 percent certain that Richard’s voice is a match for Zodiac.

The Reddit post clearly states that is an unconfirmed statement thus far though ….

Bryan Hartnell In new interview; One suspect sounded 97% like the Zodiac

So supposedly and I stress supposedly Bryan Hartnell in a new interview has said the following.

(I stress Unconfirmed but people are talking about it on the forums.)

https://www.reddit.com/r/ZodiacKiller/c … e_suspect/

Posted : November 17, 2019 7:10 am
Posts: 1352
Noble Member

"Margie" is on reddit, you guys. If that doesn’t help solve this case, nothing will.

Posted : November 17, 2019 10:28 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Thanks Tom I needed a good laugh this morning, we know about that trol site. Do they ever get anything right?

Posted : November 17, 2019 8:17 pm
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

When Mike M said the shooter had a" large face",Mike also said his face was full in another interview, I probably assumed that meant round. I wish he would have also described the man who was parked , who drove away and drove back again.

Darlene’s babysitter said something about the man parked across the street having a head shaped like a basket ball?

The man I got away from in 1968 Vallejo/Napa had a round face with a head shaped like a basket ball. Because of the Afro style hair making his head look larger. ( Could have been a wig? )
The Lake Berryessa composite shows a round face, even though we don’t know for sure that was Zodiac. If it was Zodiac, that person had a round face.

My RH suspect has a face shaped closer to the SFPD composite, that face is oval.

The "large face" always makes me think of Troy Houghton.

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : November 18, 2019 9:59 am
Posts: 89
Trusted Member

Thanks Tom I needed a good laugh this morning, we know about that trol site. Do they ever get anything right?

I saw on Reddit and they say bad things about you and Tom. They are beginners at this case and do not have the knowledge and understanding to solve the murders. You and Tom tour the sites of the murders and are both experts on the Zodiac case. I read a little on reddit and understood quite quickly that the posters there were dullards.

Posted : November 18, 2019 6:54 pm
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