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One thing about Gaikowski and Ireland ….. the last 18 unused letters of the 408 can be arranged to something like Robeet Emet The Hipie. There’s a statue of an Irish nationalist named Robert Emmet in Golden Gate Park. Or so Google tells me.

Regardless of Gaikowski as a suspect, I think this is a plausible explanation assuming Zodiac lived or spent time in San Francisco.

Posted : December 14, 2020 12:54 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

One thing about Gaikowski and Ireland ….. the last 18 unused letters of the 408 can be arranged to something like Robeet Emet The Hipie. There’s a statue of an Irish nationalist named Robert Emmet in Golden Gate Park. Or so Google tells me.

Regardless of Gaikowski as a suspect, I think this is a plausible explanation assuming Zodiac lived or spent time in San Francisco.

jacob, All of us spent a lot of time in SF, that was the place to go for the best entertainment and it had some great after-hours clubs! Some of the known victims had planned the day they were killed, to go to SF, Betty Lou and David, Cecelia, and Bryan.

Zodiac craved attention is why I think he chose to go to San Francisco to kill. A guy who couldn’t afford to buy new tires for the car he drove to Lake Berryessa, would have a hard time paying the rent in SF unless he borrowed that car and his other car was at his home?

Back to Gyke, his boss knew he was in Ireland and wrote about it in Jan 1969. I know that the person who told me he was interviewed by an" American reporter" during the march, was the person Gyke named. So that tells me the "historian" didn’t know everything about who was there and who was not! No one could possibly know everything about everything. The date on the passport could have been a generalized date, he could have been in Ireland as early as Dec,20 68 for all we know? That wouldn’t be too soon before the start of the march starting the first of Jan 1969. The historian that was referred to at Zkiller.com, candy-coated what really took place, which Gyke did not lie about. Please see for yourselves and google it, I just did that again to make sure I read it correctly the first time.

Posted : December 14, 2020 3:37 am
Posts: 209
Estimable Member

The only people Richard claimed to have spoken to in Ireland for the Knick article were not identified by name. Furthermore, he botched the pronunciation of "Teaude"(according to Eddie’s source) and clearly plagiarized the man-in-the-street quote.

From Gaikowski’s 2-1-69 story:
"Teaude" is local slang for Catholic and "Prod" for Protestant. I tested several who claim to have a special talent and even though I couldn’t detect one clue which would reveal a man’s religion to me, these men, both Protestants and Catholics didn’t miss once.

From Mary Holland’s 1-5-69 story:
A pleasant, poor-looking man who told me he worked with Catholics and filled in the pools with his workmates, said:
‘If they get control of this city they will kill us in front of the walls, as they did during the siege.’

From Gaikowski’s 2-1-69 story:
One young Protestant who was ready to charge the barricades told me,
"If they get control of this city they will kill us in front of the walls, as they did during the siege."

Posted : December 20, 2020 7:19 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

I sure as heck did not make up the fact that he did name two men he interviewed! You may think you have read every article he wrote, but you obviously missed the one he named those two people in that march. Did you read the articles that were in the Irish newspaper? ( I did )

Posted : December 21, 2020 10:37 pm
Posts: 209
Estimable Member

Sandy, can you tell me the name and date of that newspaper?

Posted : December 22, 2020 12:43 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Sandy, can you tell me the name and date of that newspaper?

I will do my best to find it in one of my many notes books on the Zodiac case. I know that I would not have thrown it away.

Drew did you know that Jim Phillips did not work for the Knickerbocker newspaper? He worked for the Albany Times Union. Those papers didn’t merge until 1988! When Jim was asked if he ever met or knew Gyke aka Richard G., he said no he did not!

Posted : December 31, 2020 10:55 pm
Posts: 1352
Noble Member

Sandy, can you tell me the name and date of that newspaper?

Drew did you know that Jim Phillips did not work for the Knickerbocker newspaper? He worked for the Albany Times Union. Those papers didn’t merge until 1988!

Both newspapers were housed in the same building when Gaikowski and Crabtree worked there.

Posted : December 31, 2020 11:55 pm
Posts: 1352
Noble Member

Jim was asked if he ever met or knew Gyke aka Richard G., he said no he did not!

Jim also denied being the Unknown Man.

Posted : December 31, 2020 11:56 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Jim was asked if he ever met or knew Gyke aka Richard G., he said no he did not!

Jim also denied being the Unknown Man.

Correct Jim is a liar, but people who favor their theories based on what they are told without proof, shouldn’t pick and choose what they want to believe to make a case in favor of any suspect, not just Gyke. I see this happening all the time with many suspects and it is very frustrating. I and I know you as well, want to get to the bottom of all of this, that you also look for the truth.
I put out what I am told is the truth and try to verify what I am told. Like the gloves in Stine’s cab, we believed that falsehood for so many years, because we were told they belonged to a female.

I pushed SF Tech Pam Hoffsass to check those gloves out for DNA because I had a gut feeling they did belong to the killer. We still don’t know for sure if those were the killers, but at least now we know they were not females and it is possible those were Zodiacs! All I am trying to do is find the truth, by finding the truth we can solve the case, which is what I am hoping for as well as I know you are.

Posted : January 1, 2021 1:27 am
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