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a possible relative at Washington and Cherry?

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There is a Lawrence W. Dickey at 3947 Washington St. in the 1969-1970 directory. That is half a block east of Washington and Cherry. Trying to find info on the guy, but there are a few people with that name. I found one guy with that name who was also born in Texas, but wasn’t born until 1956. Maybe he was a Jr and his dad was a brother or cousin to Rick. I will post more on this if I find anything.

The guy I think on Washington St. was born around 1917 (born in CA.) and may have acted in a play at Bohemian Grove in the 1940’s, but I’m not sure how accurate this is.

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : May 10, 2016 1:51 pm
Posts: 2309
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The Lawrence W Dickey that lived on Washington St. is the one born in 1917 in Alameda County.

He is Lawrence Winant Dickey Jr. with a wife named Catherine.

Here is his marriage record.

Some of the records have his first name spelled as Laurence including his headstone.

http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse. … ource=5247

The Find a Grave link has a newspaper article written upon his marriage to Catherine with a picture of him.

I’m not really up on Rick Marshall, why do you think there might be a relationship between Dickey and Marshall? There is at least one extensive family tree at Ancestry for the Dickey family and I can look through that for a relative in common if you can tell me who the common relative might be. Just a last name might do it.


Posted : May 10, 2016 7:36 pm
Posts: 1764
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I’m not really up on Rick Marshall, why do you think there might be a relationship between Dickey and Marshall?

There’s a story about Marshall’s real name being Dickey: I don’t remember the details but I think this story pretty much presupposes that Marshall was Z, and that he at some point killed a man and robbed his identity.

I have NO idea what – if anything – this is based on. Sounds very outlandish to say the least.

Posted : May 10, 2016 11:35 pm
Posts: 2309
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Thank you, Norse! I found Marshall’s death info. Richard Reed Marshall born April 7, 1928 died Sept. 8, 2008 in Sacramento CA. SSN issued 1954 Washington.

I also found an article about him that was in the Marin Independent Journal August 26, 1972. That said he was a "native of Texas" and had served in the military during WWII and Korea. So, I did a search at Ancestry. The records for Texas are very good but I could not find Richard Marshall as having been born there on the date given as his birthdate on his death certificate. I even looked for all males born on that date in Texas and nothing jumped out at me that related to Marshall, Reed (his middle name) or Dickey but there were 155 boys born in Texas on that date although only one Richard.

I could not find that Richard Marshall born on that date was in the military records either.

Since Marshall’s first name was Richard his nick name could have been Dick, Dickie, Dickey etc. and that is where the Dickey came from but the fact that I could not find any birth records for him at Ancestry using the info he supplied for the article tells me something isn’t quite correct. Also, the fact that his SSN was issued in Washington after WWII seems a little odd if he did indeed serve in the military at that time.


Posted : May 11, 2016 1:04 am
Posts: 7527
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Don’t forget,someplace around here, we have his SS application posted

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : May 11, 2016 7:05 am
Posts: 2309
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Don’t forget,someplace around here, we have his SS application posted

I’ve looked everywhere for that SS app and don’t see it. There was that poster from the theater that Marshall apparently printed, so we have his handwriting. Generally when there are no other sources for handwriting you send for the SS app. Also, I found where you said you sent for any FOIA docs on Marshall and you were told that since Marshall had died and he had been ruled out, the FBI/DOJ had destroyed his file.


Posted : May 11, 2016 8:59 am
Posts: 2614
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Here is the ss application: http://zodiackiller.fr.yuku.com/topic/7 … pplication


Posted : May 11, 2016 2:21 pm
Posts: 1798
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Weren’t there upper case R’s in the "Red Phantom" letter that look similar to Marshall’s? And he was not actually born as Joe Don Dickey then?

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : May 11, 2016 2:45 pm
Posts: 1764
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Did some digging to freshen my memory. There’s more to this theory than I thought – but it’s still more than a little outlandish.

Supposedly Marshall’s real name was Joe Don Dickey. At some point (before the Zodiac era) he picked up a hitchhiker whose name was Rick Marshall. The latter was never heard of again, and Dickey assumed his identity (for reasons unknown – at least to me).

According to Tom Voigt, Marshall (the man we know as Marshall) had money (in the form of checks) sent to him in the name of Dickey – so based on that there seems to be some sort of connection here, whatever that connection might be (if the story as such is even true).

But IF it is true, it would seem that Marshall (again for reasons unknown) did use the name “Dickey”.

Furthermore, there was a person named Joe Don Dickey who was roughly as old as Marshall, and who also hailed from Lubbock, Texas. This person supposedly died in 1975, so it doesn’t fit the plot: It would rather seem as though Marshall was plain old Marshall all the way, but that he had some sort of connection to this Dickey character – and that he may have used his name (and his identity) for whatever purpose (probably some kind of financial angle).

Like I said – outlandish. But if you have some time to kill, I suppose it could be interesting to see what you can dig up on Dickey: Born Lubbock, Texas – died 1975.

That’s all I can gather at the moment – and I can’t find the original story (the hitchhiker plot) anywhere.

PS It might be worth to check out the so-called file on Marshall that some informants sent to the police back in the 70s (which was what launched Marshall as a Z suspect in the first place). There might be something there about this Dickey business.

Posted : May 11, 2016 3:09 pm
Posts: 1764
Noble Member

Weren’t there upper case R’s in the "Red Phantom" letter that look similar to Marshall’s? And he was not actually born as Joe Don Dickey then?

Marshall also has a connection to San Rafael (where Red Phantom was posted). I speculated a while ago that the San Rafael connection may have been why Red Phantom was flagged (because Marshall was interesting to LE at the time) – but this would depend entirely on when the informants sent their file to the police: I have a feeling that was later than 1974, in which case the theory above has to be scrapped.

Posted : May 11, 2016 3:15 pm
Posts: 2309
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Doranchak, thanks for finding the SS app. We really should have it posted here, too!!! I will check out the info on the app but I feel fairly confident that Marshall was not being honest on the app.

Here is the link to the letter from the informants that Norse mentioned. It is dated after 1974.



Posted : May 11, 2016 6:17 pm
Posts: 1764
Noble Member

Heh, this is pretty intriguing in a general sort of sense. Not necessarily in a Zodiac sense, one has to stress – but Marshall is an interesting character.

The SS application is dated 1950 unless I’m mistaken. So, that’s at least a tangible…something.

Some points:

If the Dickey mentioned above is a real person (born in Texas, in the same county Marshall was purportedly born in, around the same time) who died in 1975, it seems impossible that Marshall (as we know him) was actually this person. Marshall died fairly recently.

So, the question becomes why Marshall (who cannot be the Dickey mentioned above) submitted info on his SS application (in 1950) which does not tally with official records. And why he – possibly – in some form or other used this person as a…what? Alias? Including getting checks sent to him in that same name?

Another – general, if you will – question is to what extent someone could get away with submitting false or inaccurate information on an SS application.

PS This is information gathered by Nin (a well known member of several Zodiac forums, including this one unless I’m mistaken) pertaining to Dickey (the character mentioned above):

Name: Joe Don Dickey
Date of Birth: 13 Mar 1926
Gender: Male
Birth County: Lubbock
Father’s name: Jewel Silvester Dickey
Mother’s name: Ollie Mae Scarborough
Roll Number: 1926_0002

As we can see, this person is – as suggested above – roughly Marshall’s age and born in the same Texas county.

Seagull – I leave it to you to check out these facts and figures, but I repeat that this whole…phenomenon is pretty intriguing. In a general sort of way.

Posted : May 11, 2016 6:44 pm
Posts: 1764
Noble Member

Also, as a very general question: The SSN as such was introduced as part of the New Deal in the second half of the 1930s – and nobody born before that would automatically appear in any record unless they were registered by their parents (if said parents could claim that they supported said child).

But for someone Marshall’s age (or Dickey’s!), when did you apply? What prompted you to apply? Work? Or was it something more set, like how old you were? Could someone simply not apply? And thus go on below radar (so to speak)? People would have been registered elsewhere, I suppose – if they were baptized or caught up in a census. But – yes – when would an average person born around 1930 (before the system was introduced) apply?

Posted : May 11, 2016 7:06 pm
Posts: 2309
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Norse it is intriguing!

This is the SS app for Marshall.

The information on Joe Don Dickey’s birth record supplied by NIN is correct.

Joe Don’s parents marriage record.

Joe Don’s mother Ollie Dickey who died in 1930 is buried in Slaton, Lubbock County Texas. Richard Marshall said on his SS app that he was born in Slaton, Lubbock County Texas.

http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cg … =101669006

It is difficult to read the year that Richard Marshall applied for his Social Security number but it would be fair to say it was the first half of 1950.

Joe Don Dickey was in the military and served in WWII.

There are no more records for Joe Don Dickey after his military service.

Joe Don Dickey had two siblings, both older. One sibling was an infant who died in 1922 and is buried in the same cemetery as Ollie Dickey. Click the link on her Find A Grave page.

His other sibling was Aubrey Dale Dickey who informally went by the name Dale though his vital records are in his legal name.

Aubrey Dale Dickey moved to Sacramento CA at some point. The oldest address I found for him was 1993. North Highlands is in Sacramento County, Roseville is just across the county line in Placer County.

Aubrey Dale Dickey is buried in Sacramento.

http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cg … 1&ref=acom

Richard Marshall ended up going to Sacramento to live out his final years.

I almost forgot. Joe Don’s father, Jewel Dickey, died in 1975. This date would be in keeping with the date supplied by the informant that suspected Richard Marshall of being Zodiac. The informant said that Marshall was receiving money from an inheritance in 1976.

There actually is plenty of information to believe that Richard Marshall was Joe Don Dickey.


Posted : May 11, 2016 8:53 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

Really intriguing thread this has turned into. Marshall seems to have had something to hide,Zodiac, or not.

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : May 11, 2016 9:13 pm
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