Is it known if Ross had any romantic girlfriends his entire life?
If Ross ever had a steady relationship, his partner would be in a position to observe him closely and might have insights into his behavior and interests.
Conversely, if Ross never had a girlfriend his entire life, he likely had a high degree of sexual frustration. If Ross is Zodiac, perhaps that helps us understand the extreme violence he perpetrated on young couples. Perhaps Zodiac was envious of couples in relationships if Zodiac was unable have or maintain romantic female relationships of his own.
In the Z408, Zodiac makes reference to killing being "better than getting your rocks off with a girl."
That suggests that Zodiac had intimate relations with a female. If Ross is Zodiac, and he never had a girlfriend, what are chances that he frequented prostitutes to "get his rocks off?" If Ross was ever arrested for solicitation of prostitution, would police records still exist today — including mugshots, fingerprints and current weight?
Longing seems to be there, unrequited fantasy…if the Bates confession letter is indeed him…
In the Z408, Zodiac makes reference to killing being "better than getting your rocks off with a girl."
That suggests that Zodiac had intimate relations with a female.
I think it suggests the opposite. For him to include that line makes me think he was trying to brag about himself, as usual. His bragging usually comes across as overstating or flat out lying. It reminds me of the Bates letter, when he talks about how her breast felt. Why include that unless you’d been wanting to touch her for a long time or to show you finally did regardless of her wishes? The only thing I can think of is he was bragging that he finally touched one. That would negate his rocks off comment, if I’m correct. Pair that with him almost always attacking couples, he clearly had an issue with women. If I had to guess, he said it so police wouldn’t look for a loner that was bad with women. He was hoping they’d believe he was with women and the exact opposite of what he actually was. Almost everything he wrote was to control the narrative and direct police in the wrong direction. I feel this is likely another example of that.
Another (useless) new thread about Ross although there is one where you can post all of that stuff..
Another (useless) new thread about Ross although there is one where you can post all of that stuff..
Are you a self-proclaimed arbiter of thread content value on this forum? If so, is this thread as useless as the one you started, called "Zodiac – Attorney?" ==> viewtopic.php?f=96&t=1941&p=24396#p24396
Let’s assume for a second that Zodiac was an attorney.
At some point of time, Zodiac focussed on Melvin Belli. First, there is the Dunban TV show. Second, Melvin Belli did recieve a letter on Dec, 20, 1969. Furthermore, he not only did send him this letter, but also referred to him in the Dragon Card (‘Please no nasty ones like melvin’s). Latter happened in his last sentence in his April 28, 1970, letter. That was four months later. It appears that, after having finished this letter, he felt like adding something more relating to Belli. In a third letter on June 26, 1970, Z again refers to the ‘buttons’. I understand this to be again a reference to Melvin Belli’s button although he wants them to be with the Z symbol on it. And finally, Tarbox, a SF lawyer claims to know who Z is. So overall, there is some reason that Z might have been a lawyer.
Assuming that Belli’s button was one of the American Bar Association (or Californian), it could be a scenario that Z was dismissed out of such a lawyer’s association.
If this was the case, Z could still have been a lawyer in SF for a certain period of time. It therefore is possible to find a name of a lawyer that could match e.g. the my-name-is-cipher.
Such a person (I checked approximately 16,000 names of Riverside area high schools – not a single one was a match), would imo somehow be a POI. Again, such a person being connected to SF area and Riverside, would back such a theory.
He’s against everything Ross. Just ignore the snide remarks.
Before you guys hop-in and post useless stuff, why not read the forum first? The point is, there is no input..nothing. Just raising questions like "Did Ross have a car" or "Did Ross have a girlfriend".
Did Ross have a soap dispenser?
He’s against everything Ross. Just ignore the snide remarks.
Would you please post where I have claimed that Ross could not be Z? As you claim I’d be against everything Ross?
"If anyone needs anything as far as help, or questions answered, please PM me. If I don’t know the answer, I am sure there are others here that will know,and we have a great team of moderators here."
Please read the forum rules first.
Did Ross have a soap dispenser?
The ladies at RCC Library said he had BO Plenty so I think we can answer your question with a no. Finally something we can put a period on.
Before you guys hop-in and post useless stuff, why not read the forum first? The point is, there is no input..nothing. Just raising questions like "Did Ross have a car" or "Did Ross have a girlfriend".
Did Ross have a soap dispenser?
"Zodiac refers to the ‘buttons’…was Zodiac an attorney?"
Might I suggest you reflect on the value of your own content before you post inflammatory messages attacking others.
In the Z408, Zodiac makes reference to killing being "better than getting your rocks off with a girl."
That suggests that Zodiac had intimate relations with a female.
I think it suggests the opposite. For him to include that line makes me think he was trying to brag about himself, as usual. His bragging usually comes across as overstating or flat out lying. It reminds me of the Bates letter, when he talks about how her breast felt. Why include that unless you’d been wanting to touch her for a long time or to show you finally did regardless of her wishes? The only thing I can think of is he was bragging that he finally touched one. That would negate his rocks off comment, if I’m correct. Pair that with him almost always attacking couples, he clearly had an issue with women. If I had to guess, he said it so police wouldn’t look for a loner that was bad with women. He was hoping they’d believe he was with women and the exact opposite of what he actually was. Almost everything he wrote was to control the narrative and direct police in the wrong direction. I feel this is likely another example of that.
This is the impression I’ve always gotten from that statement, too. There’s a hint of bitterness and inferiority in the words. I could well imagine Zodiac hearing his co-workers talk about women at work, thinking something like "what losers, I kill people".
Before you guys hop-in and post useless stuff, why not read the forum first? The point is, there is no input..nothing. Just raising questions like "Did Ross have a car" or "Did Ross have a girlfriend".
Did Ross have a soap dispenser?
I have to admit, this gave me a chuckle.
Before you guys hop-in and post useless stuff, why not read the forum first? The point is, there is no input..nothing. Just raising questions like "Did Ross have a car" or "Did Ross have a girlfriend".
Did Ross have a soap dispenser?
I have to admit, this gave me a chuckle.
Before you guys hop-in and post useless stuff, why not read the forum first? The point is, there is no input..nothing. Just raising questions like "Did Ross have a car" or "Did Ross have a girlfriend".
Did Ross have a soap dispenser?
I have to admit, this gave me a chuckle.
I wish we had a like icon, I’d like QTs post.
For the new people here, go read the rules, and be respectful of those that have been here years longer than you.
For the new people here, go read the rules, and be respectful of those that have been here years longer than you.
Thanks. I’m new here. I read morf13’s welcome and it says this:
"I want everyone that becomes a member here to feel comfortable, and have a good time. At this forum, you won’t get talked down to, no matter what your level of knowledge regarding the case, and you will not have to worry about being banned for having your own opinion, or not agreeing with the powers that be."