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MT. Clue for Ross?

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look on Tom Voight’s site under DNA. a woman with LE in 2013 stated
they had it. no questions asked. so now what? why are we chasing
a bunch of circumstantial evidence and playing he said, she said.?

They have DNA from somebody. How are they going to get Ross’s DNA, he’s dead and buried. They would need a court order to dig up a grave. A judge needs much more than that to allow such a thing. His surviving family doesn’t want to cooperate in the investigation. There is nothing more they can do.

Ross was cremated. My point above was that the DNA could be tested by itself, without needing (for now) to be compared to a POI. If Z was 80% Italian, and Ross’ maternal and paternal ancestry is mostly Irish, that tells us something.

This could be done without Ross’ DNA, or that of his surviving family members.

Posted : September 3, 2015 6:27 am
Posts: 553
Honorable Member

look on Tom Voight’s site under DNA. a woman with LE in 2013 stated
they had it. no questions asked. so now what? why are we chasing
a bunch of circumstantial evidence and playing he said, she said.?

They have DNA from somebody. How are they going to get Ross’s DNA, he’s dead and buried. They would need a court order to dig up a grave. A judge needs much more than that to allow such a thing. His surviving family doesn’t want to cooperate in the investigation. There is nothing more they can do.

Ross was cremated. My point above was that the DNA could be tested by itself, without needing (for now) to be compared to a POI. If Z was 80% Italian, and Ross’ maternal and paternal ancestry is mostly Irish, that tells us something.

This could be done without Ross’ DNA, or that of his surviving family members.

That’s a good idea. At least it can rule out somebody.

Posted : September 3, 2015 6:33 am
Posts: 541
Honorable Member

I do wonder if Katz or others would have Tim DNA on something for MtDNA.

Posted : September 3, 2015 9:57 am
Posts: 553
Honorable Member

I do wonder if Katz or others would have Tim DNA on something for MtDNA.

All they need is a few exfoliating cells contained in saliva from a relative of the guy. A plastic water bottle discarded, would be a start. The big problem is how are you going to convince LE to do the testing. Unless they recover it themselves, and compare it to their DNA sample they think is the Zodiac, the trail goes cold again.

Posted : September 3, 2015 5:30 pm
Posts: 553
Honorable Member

The Boston medical examiner in 1962 put samples of the Strangler’s hair and other things, and stored them away for future analysis. Dr. George believed new advances in science would someday be able to use this evidence. By 1969 the FBI was well aware that in theory DNA could be utilized. They have hair from the Zodiac.

Posted : September 3, 2015 5:38 pm
Posts: 643
Honorable Member

I do wonder if Katz or others would have Tim DNA on something for MtDNA.

I’m going to make an assumption here – maybe those of you who have had interaction with Jon Sullivan might want to correct me. The impression I have gotten, from reading just about all the posts here regarding Ross as a POI, is that Jon doesn’t want to answer (endless) questions posed by amateurs like us, regarding his very disturbed, deceased brother.

I find that extremely understandable. I also think that it is a leap to think that Jon would refuse to provide a DNA sample if requested by LE. So, it might be safe to say, if more evidence could be found that makes Ross an increasingly interesting suspect, DNA would be available to compare. I don’t think that’s the issue. The issue is, can a decent enough case be put together that LE would have interest in obtaining Jon’s DNA and then testing it?

LE could do so many things regarding Ross, from the DNA testing to obtaining various records and so on (the records would be redundant if the DNA was a match.) I wonder what the tipping point would be, where Morf could go to them and say, "Here’s the circumstantial evidence we have regarding Ross. Is this enough for him to be scooted up the list of prominent suspects?"

Posted : September 3, 2015 6:53 pm
Posts: 7527
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If I was Jon,I’d want to prove these ‘internet kooks’ wrong,and I would release info to shut them up if it proved he could not be Z.
I would release writing samples, his mental hospital stays, etc.
If his Brother Jon was willing to give DNA,I would pay for the testing.
Instead, he does none of this,he simply says that we are wrong, and Ross was a sick Guy. When he is asked about Tim’s suspicions of Ross, he brushes it off as, "Tim was sick too".

Who knows what Jon’s level of familiarity is with the Zodiac case. I would think,after his Brother getting all the attention in regards to Z, he would want to learn more about the case, and why people are suspicious of Ross,and he would learn that Ross was connected to the RCC Library where Zodiac’s writing was linked, and that Ross looked just like the Z sketch. He would learn that Ross knew Cheri, and that Z possibly killed her or at the least, likely wrote letters about her. My guess is, he has read these threads, and that he has nothing that can counter the argument that Ross may have been Z

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : September 3, 2015 7:15 pm
Posts: 553
Honorable Member

That’s it, the whole thing right there.

Posted : September 3, 2015 7:22 pm
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

We don’t know what has been done though. There could be valid reasons Ross is not considered by law enforcement. Our inquiring minds my want to know, but those who have the power to do something may already know they don’t need to.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : September 3, 2015 7:42 pm
Posts: 338
Reputable Member

We don’t know what has been done though. There could be valid reasons Ross is not considered by law enforcement. Our inquiring minds my want to know, but those who have the power to do something may already know they don’t need to.

Here’s the thing. When LE dismissed Ross they didn’t know about the Cheri connection. That’s what we have that no one else has ever had. And that was what RPD were looking at strongest. They believed, rightly IMO, that Cheri knew her attacker. It is almost certain that they didn’t know of this connection. If they had they probably would have taken Ross more seriously.

After all, I had read the librarians letter prior to learning about Katz and didn’t really think anything of it. It wasn’t until you learn Katz’ story about Ross’ brother, and when we discovered that Bonnie and Cheri were close, that suddenly what the librarians had to say became all the more interesting.

It’s because you have two broken pieces, neither side knowing of the other, that when put together tells a more complete story.

How do we know that police didn’t know of the Ross-Cheri connection? Because Ross’ brother and his then wife, Bonnie, were living in San Francisco and were never questioned. The only reason the two things were ever put together at all was because Katz knew Noel Jette independently of Timothy/Ross and Noel knew Ross. Noel, like Katz, went to UC Riverside. Katz had known of Ross because he was the brother of a close friend from high school.

I doubt Katz knows more than he has told us, but what he knew (as little as what it was) was significant because he is the link between those two facts and was the only person who would have realized the importance of those two facts.

1. In the letter, Jo ann Bailey knew of some link between Ross’ brother and Cheri but didn’t know what it was. She mentioned something about hearing a rumor about Ross’ father ministring in Cheri’s church. We know this wasn’t true. So even if she had mentioned this to police, it would have turned up a dead end. She never knew what the connection was. We know she spoke to the police, so if they had known the connection it’s likely she would have known.

2. By the time Cheri was murdered, everyone who knew the connection no longer lived in Riverside save Gerald. Tim and Bonnie lived in San Francisco. Others like Dannell lived in San Diego and then moved to San Francisco.

3. According to Katz, none of them spoke to the police that he’s aware of.

Therefore, the police had no way to know Ross had a connection to Cheri. The coincidence to me is just TOO GREAT. I don’t know if Ross was the Zodiac, there is some interesting circumstantial evidence but nothing conclusive, but I AM POSITIVE he killed Cheri.

Posted : September 3, 2015 9:06 pm
Posts: 857
Prominent Member

Therefore, the police had no way to know Ross had a connection to Cheri. The coincidence to me is just TOO GREAT. I don’t know if Ross was the Zodiac, there is some interesting circumstantial evidence but nothing conclusive, but I AM POSITIVE he killed Cheri.

And it wasn’t like this connection to CJB was years prior, or even 6 months. It was mere days prior to the murder. A very new and fresh connection. The misdirection of the confession letter even hints at this. He tries to throw off the investigators by claiming they knew each other for years and were in high school together. Why would a killer give up this info if it was accurate? It had to be misdirection.

Posted : September 3, 2015 9:27 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin
Topic starter

I could see this scenario….

Cheri is killed

The Library staff quickly turn Ross in as a Suspect, and they check him out and he really does have an airtight alibi.

Ross later writes the Bates letters

Later, Ross moves on to become Zodiac, and the ‘Riverside connection’ is exposed.

Zodiac investigators contact RPD and ask them if they have a good suspect, and RPD tells them about Bob Barnett(but not Ross or any other cleared Suspects).

Ross slips thru the cracks on both ends.

I’m not saying the above is exactly how it happened, but it may very well have happened that way.

Now, I would hope Z investigators went down to RCC to look for Suspects around the Library since the writing was linked inside the library. If they put 2 and 2 together, they would know what Zodiac looked like from the sketch,and would be looking for Guys that looked like the sketch that could have been in the library. Like I said, I hope this happened,but am not sure it did. Give me somebody else in that Library that looks exactly like the Stine sketch of Z, and they will get the same man hours that I have given to Ross.

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : September 3, 2015 10:12 pm
Posts: 140
Estimable Member

I could see this scenario….

Cheri is killed

The Library staff quickly turn Ross in as a Suspect, and they check him out and he really does have an airtight alibi.

Ross later writes the Bates letters

Later, Ross moves on to become Zodiac, and the ‘Riverside connection’ is exposed.

Zodiac investigators contact RPD and ask them if they have a good suspect, and RPD tells them about Bob Barnett(but not Ross or any other cleared Suspects).

Ross slips thru the cracks on both ends.

I’m not saying the above is exactly how it happened, but it may very well have happened that way.

Now, I would hope Z investigators went down to RCC to look for Suspects around the Library since the writing was linked inside the library. If they put 2 and 2 together, they would know what Zodiac looked like from the sketch,and would be looking for Guys that looked like the sketch that could have been in the library. Like I said, I hope this happened,but am not sure it did. Give me somebody else in that Library that looks exactly like the Stine sketch of Z, and they will get the same man hours that I have given to Ross.

it all seems possible Morf, except Ross wrote the letters and then
"graduates" to become a serial killer? if Ross was Z, he killed CJB.
please spell out clearly your reasons for regularly posting your
suspicion he wasn’t her killer. i for one, would be interested in
hearing them. thanks.

Posted : September 3, 2015 11:31 pm
Posts: 553
Honorable Member

If that guy was a schizophrenic and he took LSD, which there is mention of with these people, that would really set him off. It isn’t my opinion here, it is on record. I know about LSD very well. If he took that he would be put into a state of pure craziness. Maybe somebody who gave Ross the acid is afraid they could be charged as accessory before the fact. The last thing in the world you want to do is give LSD to a schizophrenic person.

Posted : September 4, 2015 12:14 am
Posts: 553
Honorable Member

The most perfect example of this situation is the case of Syd Barrett, the founder of a Pink Floyd. He had Schzophrenia and took LSD. He went bonkers man. He started putting a lb of butter on his head, and letting the butter melt under the stage lights, and drip down his body. Before he took those drugs he just had some drinks and ate at the steak bar.

Posted : September 4, 2015 12:20 am
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