You are exactly right. Definitely something I didnt think about. I asked my employees to all write down the word "gun" on a sheet of paper. I had 11 samples but unfortunately failed to ask them to do all lowercase letters so half of what I got is incomparable. Just for fun I will get a bunch more samples from people for "gun", "quiet" and "fellow" as both Z and Ross used those words. Im not gonna go digging for vintage samples as that would be very time consuming but will gladly work with something if you want to look. If I need to start filming these people writing the words down for provenance sake I suppose I can do that too
You’re right about getting a c sample; Just these 5 samples alone in comparison to Ross/Z make it that much MORE compelling! But yes, I know, we cant just go off of 5 samples.
This is already much more interesting. Perhaps you have a vintage sample in those 3 yearbooks. There seems to be a lot of interest on this thread in the lower case e and the h. Could you sample a bunch of e and h from the yearbooks, or some common words like "hi" maybe?
There are a number of things you can do from there. If you scale all the letters to the same size and overlay a grid on them, you can quantify differences in letter formation. Do the Sullivan and Z e and h cluster together and away from the rest of the sample?
…But again, it’s all rumors.
Is it? I’ll guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
Also, are the similarities remarkable? Why include a sideways "h" if the rest of it is worthy on it’s own? To show an example of how people write so similarly, take a look at the other autographs in red. Two of those with different names are practically identical.
Which ones?
I’m just trying to show how there are such similarities in many people’s handwriting and we can even find them in this yearbook. It would take quite an artist to pull off a forgery–that’s what makes it good enough for people to think it’s real. No matter who does it. It’s why we question many Zodiac missives today.
Let’s start with this. CLEARLY this begins with different handwriting, as well as the utensil:
We have this:
Just one example….the looped, high crossed T’s.
Real, fake, I don’t know. I’m certainly no expert either. It’s just something that stands out to me. I’m not the only one to notice this.
If you had Ross’ entire lifes handwriting and it matched the Zodiac letters better than any other suspect, it still wouldn’t prove he was the Zodiac. It would just keep him on the suspect list, unless he could be otherwise excluded.
Barring a lucky death bed confession from someone, this case ain’t getting solved. Even the DNA evidence and partial prints could be suspect after all this time. Handwriting alone is interesting but ultimately meaningless.
Just scored Ross’ sophomore yearbook for Binghamton 1957! Woohoo! I dont think there are sigs but still cool. It seems the pics we have of him in this book arent the greatest so I can take my own and if they come out better you can use them if you want
Since we are comparing writing samples, here is a comparison of numbers I did (with Ross’ samples from his Social Security Number application):
Some of this has been compared here:
The 8 is the most telling
…But again, it’s all rumors.
Is it? I’ll guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
This can hopefully be cleared up very soon. And after carefully reading again, something that looked concrete, looks a little more wobbly Think it’s good to let DNA do its thing.
There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer
That is very interesting.
That is very interesting.
Yes its interesting so I went and checked out my poi`s writing, in the limited amount we have he does the same. which makes it interesting from two fronts
How many people put equal distance between their punctuation marks and their words?? Zodiac did it all the time. Looks like Ross did too
That is a good catch
There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer
How many people put equal distance between their punctuation marks and their words?? Zodiac did it all the time. Looks like Ross did too
That is a good catch
Thanks! I cant believe it took me as long as it did; i stare at Zodiac letters for hours almost on a daily basis. Or should I say:
Thanks ! I cant believe it took me as long as it did ; I stare at Zodiac letters for hours almost on a daily basis.