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Ross Sullivan Pros Vs. Cons of him being Zodiac

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This thread explains the Disease- http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publicat … shtml#pub1
It’s the Govt’s website so I think it should be current. After reading it closely, some of it seems as if it could apply to Ross, and some of it does not. Overall, the symptoms of the disease sound quite scary, I couldn’t imagine having some of these symptoms.

Which Serial killer was most like Zodiac? I would say, SOS, David Berkowitz. His crimes closely mirrored Zodiac’s- attacks on lover’s lanes of couples, letters to the press,etc Berkowitz was diagnosed with schizophrenia – http://www.ranker.com/list/serial-kille … nker-crime

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : July 28, 2015 11:06 pm
Posts: 643
Honorable Member

Isn’t there ANY way to get LE to help with this just a little? I get it that there are privacy concerns involving mental hospitals, but would it be a violation of such privacy if someone in LE could gain access to the records at Patton and the other CA institutions, and then get back to us with:

1. Ross Sullivan cannot be Z, or
2. Inconclusive

I keep thinking that all the time spent on Ross could very well, and potentially very easily, be proven to be a wasted effort. While we’re theorizing about his mental state, or how well he matches the composites, there may be a document somewhere that makes it all moot.

Posted : July 29, 2015 6:04 am
Posts: 419
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You will need a states attorney to subpoena the records..odds of that are not good..i dont see that happening..but the info may may b in a case file already…but even with that the cases are not officially closed so even a foia request yields zip…they dont have to turn over that stuff

I really see the best bet is to convince, beg, RPD and ask why ross was cleared or not…we still wont be any closer because ross killed cjb, was z, and moved on to where they put flowers in your hair…

I understand the way people feel about ross..keep digging guys..he is a hell of a lead…we need explicit link not circumstantial findings

Posted : July 29, 2015 6:56 am
Posts: 1764
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Which Serial killer was most like Zodiac? I would say, SOS, David Berkowitz. His crimes closely mirrored Zodiac’s- attacks on lover’s lanes of couples, letters to the press,etc Berkowitz was diagnosed with schizophrenia – http://www.ranker.com/list/serial-kille … nker-crime

Yes – that’s to the point.

Berkowitz is very similar to Z in some respects.

Two points could be mentioned, though:

* Berkowitz’s letters differ very much from Z’s (they’re incoherent and unfocused in a way Z’s simply are not).
* Berkowitz was caught and subsequently interviewed/examined by experts. With Z all we have are the letters and what can be inferred from the crime scenes.

Touching on what was said above somewhere, the question here isn’t whether Ross Sullivan is schizophrenic as per the standards of the time. He was committed, examined and diagnosed. The diagnosis wasn’t based on a handful of letters he wrote to the papers with God knows what exact intention in mind.

Posted : July 29, 2015 3:51 pm
Posts: 7527
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Which Serial killer was most like Zodiac? I would say, SOS, David Berkowitz. His crimes closely mirrored Zodiac’s- attacks on lover’s lanes of couples, letters to the press,etc Berkowitz was diagnosed with schizophrenia – http://www.ranker.com/list/serial-kille … nker-crime

Yes – that’s to the point.

Berkowitz is very similar to Z in some respects.

Two points could be mentioned, though:

* Berkowitz’s letters differ very much from Z’s (they’re incoherent and unfocused in a way Z’s simply are not).
* Berkowitz was caught and subsequently interviewed/examined by experts. With Z all we have are the letters and what can be inferred from the crime scenes.

Touching on what was said above somewhere, the question here isn’t whether Ross Sullivan is schizophrenic as per the standards of the time. He was committed, examined and diagnosed. The diagnosis wasn’t based on a handful of letters he wrote to the papers with God knows what exact intention in mind.

I disagree, I see a lot of Zodiac in Berkowitz”s letters, just a sample here, but that is a whole other thread-

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : July 29, 2015 4:19 pm
Posts: 5315
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SOS mentioned "slaughtered" and talking about "draining" blood. Hmmmm ;)

I think anytime you have people murder others and who like to write bragging about it, there will be some similarities because it takes a certain type of person to do that and their reasons for doing it are somewhat similar, but SOS has crazy written all over that chit! (probably faking it, but who knows). My personal view is more of Zodiac wanting to come across of someone NOT like SOS. Even with the Belli letter (which I think was Zodiac mocking Belli). Zodiac threw out his little riddles, but he was quite different, imo.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : July 29, 2015 7:41 pm
Posts: 1764
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The main difference between B and Z – as I see it – is that B constantly offers various "explanations" for why he does what he does. It’s the father, it’s the dog, it’s…whatever, but "it" is the reason behind his "thing".

Z never offers any explanations or reasons whatsoever beyond claiming that he’s collecting slaves for the afterlife (which is either bullshit or, if true, something he simply states as a matter of fact, without further reasoning).

B offers himself up as a nutcase, to put it crudely. Z does nothing of the kind. The only thing which can be construed in such a direction is the Belli letter – but that too is wildly different from anything B writes. And there’s a distinct possibility that Z isn’t even serious (the sarcasm he often displays is arguably the most telling feature of his writings).

Posted : July 29, 2015 8:03 pm
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The main difference between B and Z – as I see it – is that B constantly offers various "explanations" for why he does what he does. It’s the father, it’s the dog, it’s…whatever, but "it" is the reason behind his "thing".

Z never offers any explanations or reasons whatsoever beyond claiming that he’s collecting slaves for the afterlife (which is either bullshit or, if true, something he simply states as a matter of fact, without further reasoning).

B offers himself up as a nutcase, to put it crudely. Z does nothing of the kind. The only thing which can be construed in such a direction is the Belli letter – but that too is wildly different from anything B writes. And there’s a distinct possibility that Z isn’t even serious (the sarcasm he often displays is arguably the most telling feature of his writings).

Well, I know this could turn sideways, and maybe this discussion deserves it’s own thread, but, ‘IF’ Z wrote the Bates confession letter, he does offer himself up as a nutcase, "I am not sick,I am insane". And Z does give a reason for killing(whether true or not)"I like killing people because it is so much fun" & "I can not reach out for help because this thing inside won’t let me"

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : July 29, 2015 10:55 pm
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To get back on topic, I started a thread for comparing the Z crimes to the SOS crimes-

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : July 29, 2015 11:14 pm
Posts: 794
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I’ve been busy with my own "POI", so haven’t closely followed the threads concerning Sullivan. I know Morf believes that both Zodiac and Sullivan shared, so to speak, the RCC Library. While Sullivan was scaring the bejesus out of the Library staff and plotting Cheri Bates’ death, apparently Zodiac was engraving a desktop with gruesome poetry that, in many respects, described Bates’ murder. An obvious question is: could the two have known each other, and possibly worked together?

Posted : August 13, 2015 2:28 am
Posts: 857
Prominent Member

I don’t know if Kathleen Johns encountered Z. But this relates to Ross.

http://s254.photobucket.com/user/tahoe2 … f.png.html

Ross was a dishwasher. On the dashboard were "plastic scouring pads."


Posted : December 19, 2015 11:21 pm
Posts: 7527
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I don’t know if Kathleen Johns encountered Z. But this relates to Ross.

http://s254.photobucket.com/user/tahoe2 … f.png.html

Ross was a dishwasher. On the dashboard were "plastic scouring pads."


Interesting, I am up in the air as to whether KJ was a Z Victim or not, but she certainly took sharp mental notes about her attacker’s car. One issue is, she described her attacker as being well under 200 lbs, which couldn’t be Ross

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : December 20, 2015 1:00 am
Posts: 794
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Question: was/were Z’s vehicle (or vehicles) identified as to make, year and model? If so, could our likely POIs be checked out via MVD re their vehicles at the time of Z’s attacks?

Posted : December 20, 2015 2:40 am
Posts: 857
Prominent Member

Question: was/were Z’s vehicle (or vehicles) identified as to make, year and model? If so, could our likely POIs be checked out via MVD re their vehicles at the time of Z’s attacks?

It would be great to know what POI was registered to what car. The CA DMV apparently no longer has records from back then.

The only car that seems to match an exact model was seen at Lake Berryessa and was most likely a 1966 Impala. A very new car for the time.

Even the interior fits what KJ described.
http://cdn.barrett-jackson.com/staging/ … or_Web.jpg

As for Ross, it seems doubtful he could afford a new car like that. However, in late 1968 Ross’s father passed away. It would be very interesting to find out what kind of car he owned and what ended up happening to it.

Posted : December 20, 2015 3:29 am
Posts: 7527
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Don’t forget, the car that pulled up behind Brian’s at the lake was Z, the wingwalker tracks lead down from it and back up to it, and the tires were mismatched & worn,pointing towards a poor person driving it

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : December 20, 2015 5:24 am
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