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Ross Sullivan: Timeline of primary sources

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Shepard said maybe an inch or two taller than the 5’10" officer which will be 6 foot, not 6’2"

So we should write off Ross because of 2 inches?

You are just the latest know it all to come on here and make the same 2 claims:

1) That you know how tall Z was, and attempt to eliminate a suspect based on that unknown factor.

2) Ignore all the other evidence in the entire case. Ignore all the evidence that suggests Ross is a suspect at the very least worth a good look. Then base the entire case to clear him on again: an unknown factor.

You also make claims that "no doubt "Barnett" was involved," so we can already see how objective you really are.

Posted : June 15, 2017 7:00 pm
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

One of the few times Paul_Averly and I actually agree. :)

If we go with 5’8" to 6’2", THAT would be more compelling, but even that in itself wouldn’t be enough to dismiss a suspect. People are sometimes, simply, wrong.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : June 15, 2017 7:55 pm
Israelite Wolfman
Posts: 80
Estimable Member

Shepard said maybe an inch or two taller than the 5’10" officer which will be 6 foot, not 6’2"

So we should write off Ross because of 2 inches?

You are just the latest know it all to come on here and make the same 2 claims:

1) That you know how tall Z was, and attempt to eliminate a suspect based on that unknown factor.

2) Ignore all the other evidence in the entire case. Ignore all the evidence that suggests Ross is a suspect at the very least worth a good look. Then base the entire case to clear him on again: an unknown factor.

You also make claims that "no doubt "Barnett" was involved," so we can already see how objective you really are.

Cry me a river. Do u practice what u preach? u sound more like a "know it all" urself than I do. At least I speak facts, not bullshit from the back of my skull about events that I was never at. I bet you’re one of the losers who secretly admire this short psychopath. "Barnett" himself was recorded in the case files as telling his friends, while is stressed, that night he killed Cheri Jo Bates and asking a friend to give him a lift there where they allegedly searched for something with a flashlight and were spotted by 2 people, what u gonna do against it? Travel in time and prevent them from giving a testimony cause it doesn’t work with ur theory?

1+2) Ross Sullivan was a weirdo alright, but there is nothing other than a letter from library coworker who blamed him in the name of her and others (and we can’t even verify if she actually wrote this.. #redherring?) AND the sketch from Paul Stine’s murder that has crew-cut LIKE MANY OF THE PEOPLE OF THAT TIME!

That’s my poi: viewtopic.php?f=96&t=4009

Posted : June 15, 2017 8:01 pm
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

And so comes the justification for Ross being Zodiac….3…2…1…. :P

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : June 15, 2017 8:10 pm
Posts: 857
Prominent Member

Why bother, we have pages and pages as to why Ross is a great suspect. Check out the Pro’s and Con’s, and try to derail that thread. Tahoe has attempted to find a good reason to exclude Ross but has failed every time :lol:

As for the notion that Barnett managed to pull off the crime and avoid prosecution, I’ll share a good link on the subject and a great quote that you should really read and try your best to understand the case and evidence.

http://zodiackillerfacts.com/main/river … mysteries/

Riverside investigators had hoped that the DNA comparison would finally link the suspect to the Bates murder, but the results proved that the suspect was “eliminated as the source” of the hair found in the hand of the victim. Some sources had claimed that other damning evidence had implicated the RPD suspect in the murder of Cheri Jo Bates. All of the so-called “evidence” consisted of stories told by individuals who did not report this seemingly-important information to authorities at the time of the original investigation. According to some sources, these witnesses also submitted to polygraph examinations and the results were either inconclusive or indicated some degree of deception. The lack of credible and substantial evidence implicating the suspect in the crime seemed even more troubling after the DNA a comparison had excluded the suspect. The exclusionary evidence was obtained from the hairs found on the victim’s hand, a strong indication that the hair belonged to the killer. This hair was not similar to the hair of the RPD suspect and the DNA testing proved that the hair did not belong to him. Common sense, logic, the facts and the evidence indicated that the RPD suspect did not kill Cheri Jo Bates and, instead, pointed to other potential suspects and an alternate theory of the crime.

Posted : June 15, 2017 10:01 pm
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

Tahoe has attempted to find a good reason to exclude Ross but has failed every time :lol:

Ross is included for good reason. I have never argued that. Myself, along with many others, just aren’t as sealed on the deal as some of you are. That’s all it is. ;)

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : June 16, 2017 4:40 am
Posts: 2614
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I’m working on getting some information people who went to Binghamton Central. I can get ahold of 1962 Binghamton Central yearbook, but I’m angling for a 1959 yearbook as I should be able to talk to some family friends who were at Binghamton Central when Ross was there.

On a side note there was someone(IIRC Steven Forbes) who committed murder who graduated from 1962 class.

There is a 1959 Binghamton Central yearbook at Ancestry.com, if you do not have an account there maybe I can help you find people.

Check your PM’s.

I posted a bunch of yearbooks a while back, including the Binghamton Central one from 1959, at this link:

http://zodiackillersite.com/viewtopic.p … 905#p46905


Posted : June 16, 2017 7:18 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

NO, you are incorrect, his height was described as being as tall as 6ft2.

Bruh, the police report said "6 foot tall", you’re confusing stuff, and even if he was 6’2", he couldn’t be the "zodiac" who was described as a short/stocky guy standing at 5’8"-5’11" (Cecillia Shepard said maybe an inch or two taller than the 5’10" officer which will be 6 foot, not 6’2"), hence it’s not Ross Sullivan or anyone at his height UNLESS there was more than one "zodiac" = team of killers.

Please don’t address me a ‘BRUH’, and don’t doubt me when I tell you something is in a police report

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : June 18, 2017 10:42 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

Shepard said maybe an inch or two taller than the 5’10" officer which will be 6 foot, not 6’2"

So we should write off Ross because of 2 inches?

You are just the latest know it all to come on here and make the same 2 claims:

1) That you know how tall Z was, and attempt to eliminate a suspect based on that unknown factor.

2) Ignore all the other evidence in the entire case. Ignore all the evidence that suggests Ross is a suspect at the very least worth a good look. Then base the entire case to clear him on again: an unknown factor.

You also make claims that "no doubt "Barnett" was involved," so we can already see how objective you really are.

Cry me a river. Do u practice what u preach? u sound more like a "know it all" urself than I do. At least I speak facts, not bullshit from the back of my skull about events that I was never at. I bet you’re one of the losers who secretly admire this short psychopath. "Barnett" himself was recorded in the case files as telling his friends, while is stressed, that night he killed Cheri Jo Bates and asking a friend to give him a lift there where they allegedly searched for something with a flashlight and were spotted by 2 people, what u gonna do against it? Travel in time and prevent them from giving a testimony cause it doesn’t work with ur theory?

1+2) Ross Sullivan was a weirdo alright, but there is nothing other than a letter from library coworker who blamed him in the name of her and others (and we can’t even verify if she actually wrote this.. #redherring?) AND the sketch from Paul Stine’s murder that has crew-cut LIKE MANY OF THE PEOPLE OF THAT TIME!

Yeah don’t go there, facts are facts, Ross looks more of a match than any other suspect ever presented and if you don’t agree, you need your eyes examined. Right down to the very distinct widow’s peak hairline mentioned by Fouke. But most damning of all, and I’ll go back to this argument forever and ever, is that Ross worked in the RCC library where Zodiac’s writing was linked to. What are the chances that Ross has a twin that was also in that library and turned out to be Zodiac?

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : June 18, 2017 10:46 pm
Posts: 798
Prominent Member

Morf nothing against Ross and think he is a great suspect and see why he is look into. Sorry though if we are going by the Stine sketch my POI Raymond Huffman is the best I ever see and maybe I’m bias. Also think even Van Best and Peter O and etc look way more like the sketch then Ross. Ross does look good for a way heavier version of the sketch. That said sketches are usually not that close most of the times. Ross looks way better then ALA though and can still see him being the Zodiac.

Posted : June 19, 2017 7:20 am
Posts: 798
Prominent Member

Ps. you wrote facts are facts and Ross looks way more like the sketch then anyone. Those aren’t facts and perceptions and peoples opinions. Will agree though him and The Beard POI look very good matching the sketch for a heavier version of the sketch. I would rule ALA though alone because of the sketch. I can’t say that about Ross.

Posted : June 19, 2017 7:54 am
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

Morf nothing against Ross and think he is a great suspect and see why he is look into. Sorry though if we are going by the Stine sketch my POI Raymond Huffman is the best I ever see and maybe I’m bias. Also think even Van Best and Peter O and etc look way more like the sketch then Ross. Ross does look good for a way heavier version of the sketch. That said sketches are usually not that close most of the times. Ross looks way better then ALA though and can still see him being the Zodiac.

Yeah, all I can say is, if you think Earl Van Best looks more like Z than Ross, then you may be time for an eye exam. I am interested in Huffman too based on his background, initials(desktop),etc but he too doesn’t have a distinct widow’s peak hairline. Ross does. We can argue height, weight,age, but we can not argue distinct widow’s peak hairlines. Fouke was very specific, and Zodiac had it. (Van Best had male pattern baldness)POI’s and suspects in this case either have it or they don’t. Ross had it. Ross was in the RCC library, that also gives him a leg up on anybody else. If ANYBODY out there on this planet Earth with a Zodiac suspect ever linked them to that RCC library they would shout that connection to the Heavens, but as we know, there’s only one suspect ever linked to that library….Ross Sullivan, same guy with the Widow’s peak hairline

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : June 19, 2017 4:30 pm
Posts: 35
Eminent Member

I don’t like Ross for Z at all but I think it is almost undeniable that he is a dead ringer for the sketch. The only person I would say looks closer is that guy the psychic kid from Norway dug up.

Posted : June 19, 2017 7:11 pm
Posts: 180
Estimable Member

? Who did a psychic kid from Norway come up with? Don’t remember seeing that…


Posted : June 19, 2017 9:47 pm
Posts: 798
Prominent Member

Morf nothing against Ross and think he is a great suspect and see why he is look into. Sorry though if we are going by the Stine sketch my POI Raymond Huffman is the best I ever see and maybe I’m bias. Also think even Van Best and Peter O and etc look way more like the sketch then Ross. Ross does look good for a way heavier version of the sketch. That said sketches are usually not that close most of the times. Ross looks way better then ALA though and can still see him being the Zodiac.

Yeah, all I can say is, if you think Earl Van Best looks more like Z than Ross, then you may be time for an eye exam. I am interested in Huffman too based on his background, initials(desktop),etc but he too doesn’t have a distinct widow’s peak hairline. Ross does. We can argue height, weight,age, but we can not argue distinct widow’s peak hairlines. Fouke was very specific, and Zodiac had it. (Van Best had male pattern baldness)POI’s and suspects in this case either have it or they don’t. Ross had it. Ross was in the RCC library, that also gives him a leg up on anybody else. If ANYBODY out there on this planet Earth with a Zodiac suspect ever linked them to that RCC library they would shout that connection to the Heavens, but as we know, there’s only one suspect ever linked to that library….Ross Sullivan, same guy with the Widow’s peak hairline

Lol haha Morf and got my eyes check last year and doc said not to bad. I agree that Ross does have the widows peak and not many suspect have that but my Ray does as well. With Ross though sorry it is the age and weight that to me don’t resemble the sketch. Again sketches very rarely look identical to the person and wouldn’t rule Ross out but saying he looks identical I don’t see it and just my opinion.

Posted : June 20, 2017 12:15 am
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