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Bombings of Judge Vance and Judi Bari

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AK Wilks
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Walter LeRoy Moody, known as Roy Moody, was convicted on federal charges for the mail bomb murders of Judge Robert Vance, NAACP Attorney Robbie Robinson and other bomb charges, and given 7 life sentences plus 400 years. He was then convicted on state charges for the Vance murder and sentenced to die in the Alabama electric chair. He is on death row, with his execution now set for April 19, 2018.

There was some circumstantial evidence that Roy Moody did do these crimes. But there was not one bit of physical evidence to tie him to the bomb components or any explosive powder. The book Tainting Evidence: Inside The FBI Lab Scandal by John F. Kelly and Phillip K. Wearne raises issues and facts that point to the possibility that Moody may be innocent. The book examines the FBI whistleblower Fred Whitehurst, and shows how the FBI lab in the 80’s and 90’s did not follow contamination procedures, used junk science, slanted testimony and in some instances outright fabrication of evidence and perjury. The authors point out that despite nine searches carried out at Moody’s home, garage, hangar, storage spaces and vehicles, including vacuuming his clothes, belongings, trash containers, and the floors, walls, ceilings, not one grain of explosive powder or any bomb components were found.

The Unabomber was initially considered a suspect in these bombings. There were many exact and startling similarities between Unabomber methods, bombs, letters and equipment. What was different was that these were not technology, academic or airline targets. Kaczynski stayed at the Park Hotel in Helena, MT, in early September, 1989. Almost every other time he did so, it was because a bombing or mailing can be traced to within 30 or 60 days of the hotel stay. Here we have no known "Unabomber bombings" between February 1987 and 1993, yet there is a hotel stay indicative of an out of state trip within 90 days of the Vance, Robinson, Atlanta 11th Circuit Court and Jacksonville NAACP bombs (12/89) and within 30 days of a Atlanta NAACP tear gas bomb thought to be connected to this series (8/89).

A check brother David sent to Kaczynski dated 12/10/89 was not deposited until 12/29/89, indicating, as shown by the 9/8/89 hotel stay, that Kaczynski probably was out of state most of the month of December 1989, including the crucial time period of the deaths of Judge Vance and attorney Robinson on December 16, 1989 and December 19, 1989.

But if Moody was innocent, there are also other valid suspects.

The Klu Klux Klan, white supremacist, Neo- Nazi and other hate groups were also first considered suspects. But no evidence showed their involvement. Yet these groups and persons sharing their beliefs must still be considered suspects.

Also considered as suspects were organized crime drug gangs, as many on the Vance docket were federal drug cases, and a drug gang under New Orleans mafia boss Carlos Marcello had assassinated by sniper rifle US Judge Woods.

Roy Moody did not belong to any hate groups, had used a black attorney, black accountant and black secretary at times. The government could not produce any witnesses who said Moody made negative comments about blacks, the NAACP or Judge Vance. A very litigious person, almost all the judges of the 11th Circuit had rules against Moody at some point, but Judge Vance actually ruled in Moody’s favor in one case. Moody was not a member of or affiliated with any KKK, racist or hate groups. Perhaps because of this, the government changed their theory that racism was a major factor in the killing Of Judge Vance and sometime NAACP lawyer Robert Robinson, and later said that analysis of the bombs and the threat letters indicated that the issues of affirmative action, school desegregation, school busing and black men raping and killing a white woman were mostly just smoke screens or diversions, and that the real target of the bomber was the justice system itself.

Moody was a small time conman and huckster who ran several profitable mail order companies, some legitimate businesses, some questionable, and some of which the government claimed were scams. He made about $180,000 a year, owned a nice home, several cars, two boats, two airplanes. All of his previous criminal activity had one goal: Money. Even the mail bomb he was convicted of having in 1972 had a money motive – revenge on a man he felt financially wronged him and an attempt to extort money from him. But Moody never mailed it – it was so crudely and incompetently made the device went off when his wife merely moved the package, and it only slightly injured her hand. Nobody ever explained how Moody developed the knowledge to make the 1989 devices, which were the FBI characterized as sophisticated, "expert" devices and lethal. Moody was obsessed with his "wrongful conviction", the 3 years he spent in federal prison and angry at the justice system. But his case was still on appeal at the time of the 89 bombings. He still had reason to hope. And Judge Vance had once decided a case in his favor.

The FBI said a bomb that was possessed by Roy Moody in the early 70’s showed some elements of this style, though two bomb experts disagreed.

What is clear is this: From 1975 to 1996, out of 17,700 bombs in the ATF/FBI databank, only two other series of bombings had this unique design seen on the 1989 LA power line bombs – (1) the December 1989 murder of Judge Robert Vance by mail bomb at his home on Shook Hill Road, Mountain Brook, Alabama; black civil rights attorney Robert Robinson of Savannah, Georgia; and a bomb sent to the US 11th Circuit Courthouse; (2) Unabomber bombs from 1993 to 1996.

Robert Graysmith knew only some of the facts, he did not know how rare indeed these methods were, but even he noted in p. 82 of Unabomber: A desire to kill :

Bizarrely, [the bombs in the VANPAC case attributed to Roy] Moody used some of the same techniques as the Unabomber, including that unusual use of bolts to help secure his end caps.

Looking at the Vance series of bombs, just like many Unabomber bombs, they were:

* Determined by FBI to come from one person but a fictional group with FC in the title took credit

* Sent with threats that their message must be published or broadcasted to the public

* Sent with threats that the person "Shall" do something or they would die

* Sent with a secret numerical code to identify the bomber (553-25-4394; 0 1 0 1 8 7)

* Sent from a group with "FC" in the title ("FC", "AFACFJS")

* Were determined by the FBI to come from an individual posing as a group

* Sender used directories and guidebooks that were several years old – some receivers were dead or at different companies

* Sent priority mail with the red/white/blue sticker

* Used stamps of US flags over monuments

* Wrapped in brown paper, tied with a white string

* Appeared to come from a COLLEAGUE (Fellow Professor, Fellow Judge)

* Were packed with long nails

* Detonated upon opening

* Were pipe bombs, double capped, multiple flashlight batteries, and determined by FBI to be "expert" work

* Used nuts or bolts to secure rods which went through end caps

* Used "junkyard" or improvised parts

* Specifically used ballpoint pen tubes as detonators, a trait so rare a Judge Vance case investigator said he had never seen it in thousand of bombs examined

* One was in a well crafted WOODEN box

* One had an address with NATURE themes (Vance = City of MOUNTAIN BROOK, Shook HILL Road; Unabomber = Cities like Salt LAKE City, LAKE FOREST Illinois and Ann ARBOR Michigan, victims that lived on streets like FOREST HILL or ASPEN (a type of poplar TREE and a town in Colorado associated with MOUNTAINS), used return addresses of OAKland California, RAVENSWOOD Street and BERG or BURG three times which is German for MOUNTAIN/CASTLE.

* Like a threat letter to carbomb victim Judi Bari, the Vance mailbombs had the US Flag over Yosemite stamp.

* Like the Bari case, threats were made to appear as if they came from right wing fanatics.

* A "group" that made threats to Bari was called "Fed Up Americans For Common Sense", the Vance "group" was "Americans For A Competent Federal Judicial System"; FUAFCS and AFACFJS, both have "FC" in their names, as well as "Americans", "Fed" and "Com".

* Like the Bari case, the bombs and threats caused a divided political scene to get worse and raised conflicts between rival groups.

Walter LeRoy Moody (aka Roy Moody) was convicted of these charges, based on a circumstantial case and testimony from his ex-wife, despite no physical evidence linking him to the bombings, and he is currently on death row. They served NINE search warrants on him, used a vacuum on the floor, walls and CEILINGS, and could not get one microscopic grain of explosive charge or anything to link him to the bombs.

A group called "Americans For A Competent Federal Judicial System" (sometimes without the "system") took credit for the bombings in a "Declaration of War", and identified them selves with a "secret numerical code" of 010187.

Unabomber aka "FC" sent bombs to Percy WOOD and Leroy WOOD Bearnson – "AFACFJS" or "AFACFJ" sent the "Declaration of War" to a TV station and its reporter, a Ms. Brenda WOOD.

It appeared AFACFJ was using the issues of school desegregation and the case of a white woman raped by black men as an excuse to try to increase tensions between blacks and whites.

Ted said the way to bring down the system was to increase stresses and conflicts within it:

"Therefor two tasks confront those who hate the servitude to which the industrial system is reducing the human race. First, we must work to heighten the social stresses within the system so as to increase the likelihood that it will break down or be weakened sufficiently so that a revolution against it becomes possible"

Unabomber Manifesto

190. Any kind of social conflict helps to destabilize the system…

Unabomber Manifesto

Ted also opposed affirmative action and school desegregation:

29. Here is an illustration of the way in which the oversocialized
leftist shows his real attachment to the conventional attitudes of our
society while pretending to be in rebellion against it. Many leftists
push for affirmative action, for moving black people into
high-prestige jobs, for improved education in black schools and more
money for such schools; the way of life of the black "underclass" they
regard as a social disgrace. They want to integrate the black man into
the system, make him a business executive, a lawyer, a scientist just
like upper-middle-class white people.
The leftists will reply that the
last thing they want is to make the black man into a copy of the white
man; instead, they want to preserve African American culture. But in
what does this preservation of African American culture consist? It
can hardly consist in anything more than eating black-style food,
listening to black-style music, wearing black-style clothing and going
to a black-style church or mosque. In other words, it can express
itself only in superficial matters. In all ESSENTIAL respects more
leftists of the oversocialized type want to make the black man conform
to white, middle-class ideals. They want to make him study technical
subjects, become an executive or a scientist, spend his life climbing
the status ladder to prove that black people are as good as white.
They want to make black fathers "responsible." they want black gangs
to become nonviolent, etc. But these are exactly the values of the
industrial-technological system.
The system couldn’t care less what
kind of music a man listens to, what kind of clothes he wears or what
religion he believes in as long as he studies in school, holds a
respectable job, climbs the status ladder, is a "responsible" parent,
is nonviolent and so forth. In effect, however much he may deny it,
the oversocialized leftist wants to integrate the black man into the
system and make him adopt its values.

Unabomber Manifesto




April 14, 1970

ALSO, aside from creating stresses and racial conflicts to undermine the system, Ted did not do any anti-technology Unabomber crimes from 1987 to 1993. If he was the Vance bomber I think he also did it simply because he liked killing and to practice, improve and perfect his bomb methods. And it worked. From 1978 to 1987, Ted did 12 bombs, but only two caused severe injury and only one caused death. After introducing the threaded rods through endcaps secured by nuts as seen in the lethal 1989 Judge Vance and Attorney Robinson bombs, Ted did four of these improved bombs from 1993 to 1995, and two caused severe injury and two caused death.

Both the Vance bomber and Ted Kaczynski shared a hatred of the US Federal Justice system. The Vance bomber sent bombs to US Judge Vance and the US 11th Circuit Court.

The man who killed Judge Vance and Attorney Robert Robinson with mail bombs in December 1989 appeared to be angry with the justice system.

Ted Kaczynski had posed as someone angry with the justice system before. After wounding CAAMS computer store owner Gary Wright in 1987 and being seen, Kaczynski created a new persona of a man angry with the justice system and willing to bomb attorneys, and sent this threat letter to a local Utah attorney.

You can see it here:

http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nati … 5.htmlpage

And this is what it said:

[Address redacted]

[Salutation redacted]

By pure chance I was sitting in a Salt Lake bar next to a very distraught gentleman who claimed that you with your legal crap have been giving him a super bad time, of which, mostly unnessesary harrassment. You are quite a scoundrel! I would assume that you delight in giving many people similar treatment.

I have met many super [redacted] like you and I have my way of taking care of them. I have taken it upon myself to help this fine gentleman.

I would seriously advise you to get your act together and quit screwing up peoples lives unnessesarily. If not, I will be delighted to give you the BOMB treatment when I come back to Salt Lake summer of 1988, and rid the world of a super [redacted].

When I contact my new friend summer of 1988 and he tells me you have kept your nose clean you will have nothing to fear. In other words, your fate is in your own hands!

If you doubt my urgent message, just check with my latest victim at CAAMS Inc. he is also a super [redacted].

Roy Moody is on death row, now set for execution on April19, 2018, and he may well be innocent. despite NINE search warrants served on his house, cars, storage areas and airplane hangar, not one grain, not one molecule of explosive powder was found. They vacumed the floors, walls, clothes and even ceilings. Nothing found.

And I found something so incredible, I don’t know how I missed it!

If you have read my prior posts, you know there are amazing similarities between Kaczynski bombs and the VANPAC bombs – same type of device, same construction, same very rare use of threaded bolt secured by nut, same trigger, same ruse of coming from a colleague, same PRIORITY MAIL stickers and red-white-blue label, same excessive postage, same Flag – Monument stamp series, same use of secret ID number, etc., etc.

Now something else – Kaczynski once used a false return address of RAVENSWOOD.

The man who killed Judge Vance used a return address of RAVENWOOD on a fatal bomb sent to attorney Robert Robinson!!!

Doug Oswell writes in his excellent book on the probable significance of Kaczynski’s use of RAVENSWOOD in terms of his general WOOD obsession and the ravens of the woods being important characters in Norse mythology. Kaczynski had a strong interest in Norse, the main book of Norse myths, the Prose Edda, being found in his cabin.

I find it incredible that TWO SEPERATE bombers [one a southern man with no known interest in nature, wood, Norse or Wagner] would both pick an identical term to use as a return address. RAVENSWOOD by Kaczynski and RAVENWOOD by the VANPAC bomber.

The VANPAC case refers to the FBI name for one man who sent lethal bombs to Judge Robert Smith Vance and Attorney Robert Robinson, potentially lethal bombs to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals and the Florida NAACP, a tear gas bomb to the Atlanta NAACP, a letter to a TV station and the perhaps related case of a bomb sent to a Maryland Judge.

Between 1975 and 1993, only THREE groupings of bombs out of 17,700 had a pipe with a threaded bolt secured by a nut – the March 1989 LA power tower bombs, the VANPAC bombs and the later bombs of Ted Kaczynski in the UNABOMB case.

3 out of 17,700.

VANPAC and UNABOMB also shared brown packages with white string, red/white/blue labels, priority mail stickers, US Flag over Monument stamps, ruse of coming from a fellow professor/judge/attorney, secret ID number, use of words like "shall", "terrorist", "densely populated", instruction to keep the code number secret and others, demand to publish or broadcast message, appears to come from a group but is really one man, group name has "FC" in it, bombs packed with long paneling nails to act as shrapnel and more.

Chart of target and return address names, cities and streets: In the UNABOMB case they consistently refer to NATURE, in particular mountains, water, trees and wood – with the combined words showing an allusion to themes of composer Richard Wagner and Norse myths (the metal SMITH, character HAGEN, RAVENS of the WOODS, Yggdrasil the World TREE, primacy of NATURE, Gods live in the MOUNTAINS and HILLS, TREE by WATER is place of sacrifice). Incredibly, though there were only 16 confirmed UNABOMB case plus a few letters and just 5 VANPAC cases plus one letter, there are remarkable matches between the two cases.

Prof. SMITH—————————————————–Henry G SMITH; Robert SMITH Vance

Percy WOOD; Prof. Leroy WOOD Bearnson————————————Brenda WOOD

3414 RAVENSWOOD——————————————————-100 RAVENWOOD

Prof. HILL; Forest HILL—————————————————Shook HILL

LAKE FOREST (water + land)———————————-MOUNTAIN BROOK (land + water)

Over 12 to TREES and WATER——————–PeachTREE; Brenda WOOD; RavenWOOD

9 digit secret ID number—————————————————6 digit secret ID number

Also used 5 digit secret ID number 82771……………………………. 010187
Secret ID number used digits 2, 1, 7, 8………………………………Secret ID number used digits 0, 1, 7, 8


Posted : November 6, 2014 8:07 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Disputed info: In the book "Tainting Evidence", they give the date for the LA power line bombs as 3/20/90. But in the documents sent to me the date for the incident is given as 3/20/89. If it was 1990, then it would have been IMPOSSIBLE for Roy Moody to have done the LA bombs as he was under 24/7 FBI watch. But even if it was 1989, it would have been very difficult – even virtually impossible for him. There is no evidence of Moody going to LA in 1989, or at any time as far as I know. And absolutely no evidence to show he would be involved in an anti-technology bomb attempt like the 1970 or 1989 power line bombs. Whereas Ted Kaczynski fits both the motive, geography and opportunity for the 1968, 1970 and 89 (or 90) actions.

NOTE: The FBI blacked out parts of this, those are indicated with " —– ". In one case, however, the description of the bomb characteristics, the FBI blacked it out on the copy sent to me, but it was included in the copy given to the authors of "Tainting Evidence", so in that instance, I include the info as "[information…]". Other info from me is included in (). I include what I think are the most relevant parts of the document.

P 150132Z MAY 90










I do not think that "Up the IRS, Inc." is a very viable suspect for having done the LA power line bombs.

Within a year of that memo, Dean Harvey Hicks would be arrested for the bombings done by "Up the IRS, Inc." There WAS an attempt by Hicks to bomb the IRS office in Laguna Niguel in March 1987, and in July 1987 it was alledged he put a pipe bomb on a power pole nearby that same IRS office. So I can see why the FBI, in 1990, considered Up the IRS, Inc. to be a suspect. But Hicks ended up pleading guilty to several charges, and from what I can tell, he did not plead guilty to the LA power line bombs, nor was he even ever charged with them.

From what I can tell, ALL of the Up the IRS, Inc./Hicks bombs targeted IRS buildings, with the one exception of the one power pole incident which would have cut power to the nearby IRS building. Hicks also released letters claiming credit for his bombs. Here, while the FBI suspected Up the IRS, there was no letter claiming credit, no nearby IRS building and Hicks was apparently never charged with the crime.

Hicks still SHOULD be looked at as a VANPAC suspect anyway, in my opinion.

So where does that leave us?

It appears virtually impossible that Roy Moody did the 1989/90 LA power pole bombs, and no evidence suggests that Hicks did them.

They DO fit the motive of Ted Kaczynski, and mirror the 1968 and 1970 incidents for which Kaczynski must be regarded as the leading suspect. And the 1989 and 1990 period fits a time frame when there were no "UNABOMBER" – "FC" credited incidents (1988 – 1992) but records show Kaczynski was on the move and headed out of state in the 1988, 1989 and 1990 time frames. What was he doing?

And we have the incredible statement in the newly released FBI documents that from 1976 to 1990 out of 17,700 bombs in the ATF database only the VANPAC bombs and the LA power line bombs have threaded rods through an end cap secured by a nut. And we know that Ted Kaczynski started using this very unique method, apparently in the 1993 and later bombs.


Posted : November 6, 2014 8:11 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Thanks to Bentley (Wrench) for help on blowing up (photo computer wise, not with a bomb!) the postmark here. Thanks!

The postmark and stamp scene on top is an envelope that contained a death threat to Judi Bari, probably from the same person who car bombed her on May 24, 1990, in Oakland, CA.

Below it is the stamp – US Flag over Yosemite – placed on the fatal mailbomb sent in December 1989 to Judge Rober Vance and used on other mailbombs by the Vance bomber.

Consensus is it is the same stamp.

Part of the same series of "US Flags over American Monuments" as the Flag over Capitol stamp used twice by Ted Kaczynski as "FC" aka the Unabomber in 1985 and also by the "Zodiac" in a letter in 1986.

Stamp used by Judi Bari bomber.

Stamp used by Judge Vance bomber.


Posted : November 6, 2014 8:16 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Since this bomber is supposed to be a white southern racist, why would he pick a black woman reporter to convey his message about the victimization of white women by black men? It seems she was picked for her name, WOOD. Certainly a Georgia resident like Roy Moody would know she was black, but I wonder if the bomber knew. The Vance bomber, like Ted Kaczynski, gathered information from OLD books – Ted sent bombs and letters to people at addresses that were several years old where people no longer lived or where employed, and the Vance bomber sent a threat letter to a dead attorney.

Also, Ted Banks, who aside from Susan Moody was the star witness at the trial against Moody, who said he welded pipes for him, later said he was coerced by the FBI to say that. He was charged with perjury for his testimony at the Moody trial, and Banks pled guilty. So the federal government says Banks lied, yet they used these lies to convict Moody. Even on the stand Banks denied he did the welding when shown the pipe bombs. Moody owned several vehicles, a boat and an airplane, and Banks did mechanical and welding work for him. Moody himself was a backyard mechanic and inventor. Yet they couldn’t find any bomb parts or even one grain of explosive powder at his house.

Moody had also had a black accountant, a black lawyer and a black secretary, so the whole alleged racism motive as applied to him was nonsense.

Moody’s main interest was money. All of his alleged prior crimes were motivated by money. Nobody could say they ever heard him mention Judge Vance, Attorney Robinson or having a hatred for the 11th Circuit in particular. Judge Vance even ruled IN FAVOR of Moody in one of his many cases.

Also the 1972 pipe bomb Moody was convicted on, the key to the case against him, was a crude incompetent effort that blew up when his wife moved it, and caused her only minor injuries. A totally incompetent bombmaker – the thing went off when it wasn’t supposed to, and hurt nobody! Yet they claim Moody somehow developed the knowledge to make bombs called "meticulous, well crafted, intricate, sophisticated" and which were lethally effective.

Two books were done on the case – "Blind Venegance", a 100% pro-prosecution slam job (though it admits the Unabomber was the first suspect in these Vance mailbombs), and "Priority Mail", still pro-prosecution but also points out many of the problems with the case. The best thing to read is a book called "TAINTING EVIDENCE", which covers the FBI lab scandal, and has a chapter on the Vance – Moody case, and the incredibly incompetent and dishonest men who worked on it.


Posted : November 6, 2014 8:25 am
AK Wilks
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This is the item created by Ted Kaczynski and given to his mother.

It depicts a black RAVEN carved onto WOOD.

The term RAVENSWOOD was used as a return address by Ted Kaczynski on a bomb to Percy Wood, and also as a return address of RAVENWOOD on a bomb that killed Attorney Robert Robinson in the VANPAC case.

Ricardo Gomez also discovered RAVENWOOD was the name of a neighborhood that had poisoned Tylenol on its store shelves in Chicago.

We know Zodiac seemed to have some interest in and knowledge of Norse, because of the SLA letter.

Ted was very interested in Norse – he had a copy of the book of Norse myths, the Prose Edda, in his cabin, spraypainted a Norse symbol (Yggdrasil-Algiz rune) at the campus of a target and was a fan of the Norse influenced Wagner operas.

The ravens Hugin (thought) and Munin (mind/memory) sit on Odin’s shoulder, and seek the bodies of the dead. They report back to Odin what they find. Odin is associated with the Yggdrasil, the World Tree.


Posted : November 6, 2014 8:27 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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AK WILKS: I have not yet done an article or post on the Bari case and possible Kaczynski link. The information right now is too speculative, and I have not yet studied it in depth. My focus has been on the Zodiac murders, Tylenol case and some others. Doug, on some site somewhere I can’t remember, briefly discussed this angle. I can give you a real brief rundown on my I think TJK should be considered a possible suspect in the attempted murder by car bomb of activist Judi Bari.

* It appears TJK was in the area.

* The bombing of Bari, and the dud bomb at the logging mill, show signs of being like other TJK bombs.

* The writing of the sign by the mill bomb was in Germanic – Norse style (think of the lightning bolt style of Hitler’s "SS"), a style and mythology Kaczynski was very interested in.

* TJK had said he wanted to "kill a communist". While Bari would have considered herself a leftist or socialist, not a communist, TJK would have thought of her as a communist. She supported the communist Sandinista givernment, as the letter claiming credit for her bombing notes. Read the Unabomber manifesto to understand how much he hates all leftists, and views them not as allies, but as enemies.

* A series of letters from someone named "The Lord’s Avenger" took credit for the bombing. "TLA" says he is a right wing Christian warrior. These letters show many signs of being done by TJK. He has a history of writing fake letters and giving fake clues to throw police off his track. The letter gives details of the bomb construction, just as TJK did. The letters are a good imitation of a Christian extremist – but they go so far over the top, I think they are fake. The letters say things in old Biblical language, like "I shall now tellest Thou how Thee made the bomb that struck the pagan devil woman…" Most Christian extremists do not talk like that! Understand that TJK thought anyone who believed in religion was stupid. There are a lot of Bible quotes used, and TJK had a book in his cabin called "Isaac Asimov’s Guide to the Bible." I would love to look at that book, because I think passages highlighted or marked by TJK would be the same ones used in the TLA letters.

Why would TJK have done it, other than his stated desire to kill a communist? Bari had gone away from Earth First! tactics like tree spiking. She was advocating no violence and no sabotage. She had started meetings with loggers and mill workers, trying to find common ground. In the mind of TJK, she was taking thousands of environmental activists away from sabotage and no compromise demands, and towards peaceful resolution of issues. By killing her, and making it look like a pro-logging Christian right winger did it, it would serve TJK’s interests. He kills a communist. He gets rid of a rival in the environmental movement who is taking activists towards peaceful action, which he thinks is futile. He whips up hatred in the environmental movement towards the logging industry, the FBI and the Christian right, all of whom became suspects for having done the bombing. In effect, it causes hatred and increases the chances for future violence and conflict.

And, ultimately, he just liked killing people. Several times in his coded journal, TJK says he makes no claim of "philosophic or moralistic justification" for his lethal actions, but admits they are merely "personal revenge." He got sexual release from his bombings, and reading and writing about them. Killing people released him from his anger, and satisfied his need for revenge.

I have some of the TLA letters and would be happy to send them to you if you wish. At some point in the future I would like to study this case more, and perhaps discover information confirming or disproving my theory of possible TJK involvement, but I can’t do it at the moment.

DOUG OSWELL: AK, that states the case pretty well. There were a couple of physical elements too, such as the strange fact that after the Bari bombing, when Ted resumed his Unabomber campaign that had been interrupted by the 1986 sighting in Salt Lake City, he began mailing bombs in boxes made of redwood. Why redwood, unless he was trying to make a statement (which we know was part of his overall M.O.)? It would have been fairly expensive for someone of Kaczynski’s limited means, particularly when it wasn’t at all necessary to the carrying out of the crime. Redwood Summer was all about the Redwoods, and we have a photograph of Kaczynski at one of its main events.

Additionally, among Kaczynski’s effects, the FBI found what they described as a "ball trigger" mechanism. This is the kind of triggering mechanism that was used in the Bari bombing, a type of mechanism that was used in none of the Unabomber devices.

It might very well be that the FBI had information regarding Kaczynski and Redwood Summer–they had access to such things as hotel records that would have indicated his movements at the time, and hundreds, if not thousands, of pages of documents including journal records and personal correspondences.

The author of that piece, Nicholas Wilson, happens to be the photographer whose photos of the Fort Bragg rally in 1990 show Kaczynski in several different poses (one of them so obscured as to be useless for comparisons). One of the photos, which I discovered by accident online and was taken from the book "Coast Redwood," gives a good view of Kaczynski by himself, watching the rally. A second photo in black-and-white, skewed in time about a minute or so, shows the Kaczynski figure from the first photo turned toward a dark and mysterious male figure, who is evidently listening to Kaczynski with an air of rapt attention. If this person is who I think it is, it would indicate some kind of conspiracy between Kaczynski and the environmentalist movement, which would not be out-of-character for Kaczynski, for whom environmentalists seem to have served as the "useful idiots" for his own brand of radicalism.

AK WILKS: For the first time that I know of, Ted expresses something that Doug and I suspected – he regards the Earth First movement as an example of how a violent revolutionary organization is compromised and weakened by leftists and reformers. Judi Bari played a key role in trying to turn EF from violence to non-violence and discussions with the timber industry. We know now for sure what we had only suspected, which is that TJK would have regarded her as "traitor" worthy of death.

Ted Kaczynski from his new book "Road to Revolution":

3. The political left is technological society’s first line of
defense against revolution. In fact, the left today serves as a
kind of fire extinguisher that douses and quenches any nascent
revolutionary movement.
What do I mean by “the left”? If you
think that racism, sexism, gay rights, animal rights, indigenous
people’s rights, and “social justice” in general are among the
most important issues that the world currently faces, then you
are a leftist as I use that term. If you don’t like this application of
the world “leftist”, then you are free to designate the people I’m
referring to by some other term. But, whatever you call them, the
people who extinguish revolutionary movements are the people
who are drawn indiscriminately to causes: racism, sexism, gay
rights, animal rights, the environment, poverty, sweatshops,
neocolonialism….. it’s all the same to them. These people constitute
a subculture that has been labeled “the adversary culture”[5].

Whenever a movement of resistance begins to emerge, these
leftists (or whatever you choose to call them) come swarming to
it like flies to honey until they outnumber the original members
of the movement, take it over, and turn it into just another leftist
faction, thereby emasculating it. The history of “Earth First!”
provides an elegant example of this process.

Post by CAT (catherineyronwode) at unazod 2009:

My mother, a University of California librarian and the co-owner with my step-father of an antiquarian and scholarly out-of-print bookstore in Berkeley, befriended Ted while he was living there. Both my mother and step-father are deceased now.

My folks met Ted through the bookstore and had him over for dinner several times, and i saw him then and in the book store. He was nice, nerdy, and a little odd, but mostly seemed shy. We discussed politics and ecology and i drew him out a bit on the subject of mathematics too, though i had little idea of what he was talking about. At the time i was living in a rural commune with no electricity or running water, in remote Washington State, near the idaho border, but i visiited my folks fairly often. We discussed things like that. I probably spent no more than a total of 12 hours around him — and only when i was in town. My mother knew him far better and really liked him and felt sorry for him too, as she did for lots of brilliant but lonely academics.

After Ted left Berkeley, my folks never saw him again. They moved to Mendocino County and lived on a commune in the woods. After their divorce, my mother stayed on in Mendocino until her death at age 90.

I may have seen Ted at the Redwood Summer demonstration. That is, i saw a man who looked like Ted, but whom i did not place as such at the time, staring at me intently. I am very nearsighted and thought he must be someone i knew from the past and whom i might have offended by not responding, so i vaguely waved and smiled. He did not wave back, but moved away. The incident was unusual enough that i told my then-husband about it and asked if he thought the man had been looking at him rather than me. He had seen the interaction and said he believed it had been directed toward me. Later, when people speculated that Ted had been there, i recalled the incident. I have no real conviction that this was Ted — my eyesight is very poor. It just seemed like that guy knew me but then didn’t want to be approached after all.

When Ted was captured, my mother was horrified. She had really liked him. She called me up and we talked about it for a couple of hours. She, like me, was an extreme environmentalist. She believed him completely capable of the unabombing, and only faulted him for picking "petty" targets instead of high-profile capitalist eco-despoilers like Charles Hurwitz of Maxam Lumber. I agreed with her aqssessment that "he blew it" by killing "the wrong targets."

(By the way, my mother was not squeamish about murder. She wrote a novel called "The Bishop of Toronto" about a middle aged woman who travels the USA by Greyhound bus, changing her identity and appearance frequently, until she can safely kill her ex-husband, who has become the head of a religious cult in Canada. Not-so-coincidentally, my mother’s own ex-husband, my ex-step-father, had become a Buddhist priest after their divorce.)

Well, to backtrack a little, back in the 1960s, i became a professional writer. During the 1980s – 1990s, among many other things, i had edited, ghost-written, and published a lot of tue crime material — including stuff on serial killers, mass murderers, assassinations, and organized crime figures. The Zodiac was always a close subject to me, as i grew up in the Bay Area.

Fairly recently, a man named P— Z— (known as "Wrench" on the zk forum) approached me about my early work as a writer on the San Francisco Express Times / Good Times newspaper, where i had signed my name with a circle in a cross and had written an astrology (or "zodiac") column. It was through that connection that i had met Dick Gaikowski, whom i believed then and still believe to have been an FBI informant, but not necessarily the Zodiac killer.

At Wrench’s urging, i joined the zk forum and wrote about why i had used the circle and cross emblem (and still do to this day), what i recalled about Gaikowski, and other things of that sort, which i believe are all still posted there. I had disliked Gaikowski, and found it fun to open up the mystery of his life, but as i explained, i had him figured as a cointelpro informant who was running a honeypot scheme for the feds, not as a serial killer. However, while at the zk forum, i read the area on Ted, and it clicked for me. I felt that there was a real possibility that he could have done those killings, and viewing him as a POI in the Tylenol killings had a certain resonance for me as well. Ted’s possible connection to the Judi Bari bombing also interests me greatly. I was a friendly aquaintance, if not a dear and close friend, of Judi’s, and one of my longest and best friends was her very close friend indeed.

I keep an open mind. I also note that both Gaikowski and Kaczynski, being of Eastern European descent, look somewhat alike to one another and to the composite drawing — but Ted looks more like it, i think. He is far smarter than Gaikowski was, in my opinion. He is far more suited to the idea of code-making, too, of course.

When TV deleted all my TJK reminiscences and speculations, i sought this forum out and joined. And here i am.

So that’s about it. I hope this fills in a few blanks as to what i am up to here.


catherine yronwode

(P.S. if you want to know more about me, just google my name.)

I have seen the supposed photo of Ted at Redwood Summer — the man who was staring at me but turned away when i waved did look like that, but, folks, it is a very common appearance for an older hippie of European-American ethnicity. I only mention it because it caught my attention.

My parents never received any letters from Ted. When they knew him, they all lived in Berkeley. They moved to their farm in Mendocino to practice subsistence farming around the same time that Ted took to the wilderness. I lived on that farm in Mendocino for a while, then moved with my partner and baby, plus our goats, sheep, and rabbits, to the Missouri Ozarks to develop a more primitive lifestyle on 80 acres in the woods.

We were all influenced by the ideas of Lewis Mumford regarding the inherent unworkability of a "civilization" founded on principles such as consumer credit, installment buying, and manipulated changes in fashion. All of us hated human overpopulation and its hand-maiden, modern technological-industrial society. I still do; i’m just not inclined toward violence; and, unlike Ted, i embrace computer networking as a potential way to ease the environment-killing pressure of using gas-fuelled vehicles to commute to work.

I could go on, but if i did, most readers would think me as mad as they believe Ted Kaczynski to be.

Doug Oswell post in response to Drew on picture of man who may be TK:

Drew, I’m fairly positive it was Ted. And if it means anything, my wife took one look at the photo and picked out Ted immediately. This may not mean much unless you understand that, to my wife, there are no similarities in people, only congruencies–meaning, if it’s not a dead ringer, it’s not him.

There’s also the fact that during that time period he was spending a lot of time at a particular hotel in Helena that he always used as a stopping-off point when travelling to California.

CAT post:

I cannot call up Ted’s voice to my memory — and i could not remember Gaikowski’s either, until i heard a bit of taped conversation he had with "Goldcatcher" about codes — and then i recognized it immediately.

Ted was shorter than Dick. He moved awkwardly and stood very erect. His cloths were neat but "straight" appearing. There was a kind of inflexibility about his posture.

Why did i dislike Dick Gaikowski? Because i thought, from the first time i met him, that he was either a narc or an FBI informant. I have written about this at length at the zk forum and so i do not need to repeat it here. Everything about his appearance within the hippie culture seemed phoney to me. This is not to say that i think he was the Zodiac. I think, rather, that "Goldcatcher," TV, and ohers have also noticed that falsity and have thought it covered a murderer. We now know that he was secretly homosexual, which explains some of the falsity, but much more evident, to me at least, were his clear-cut attempts to entrap people into undertaking acts of violence, which i thought then, and still think, were part of a Cointelpro-oriented program targetting the Bay Area hippie movement.

Ted on the other hand, just seemed smart and socially maladjusted, not all that unusual in an academic.

AK: Picture of man who is perhaps Kaczynski at Judi Bari redwoods Protest in Northern CA


Posted : November 6, 2014 8:37 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
Topic starter

As Drew points out, in his "Letter to a Turkish Anarchist", Ted Kaczynski makes it clear that he detests what people like Judi Bari were doing to the Green Anarchist (GA) movement. He views the feminist/animal rights/moderate faction as a clear impediment to a true revolutionary movement, an obstacle that must be defeated or eliminated. They are to him, "worse than useless".

"The GA Movement may be not only useless, but worse than useless, because it may be an obstacle to the development of an effective revolutionary movement. Since opposition to technology and civilization is an important part of the GA Movements program, young people who are concerned about what technological civilization is doing to the world are drawn into that movement. Certainly not all of these young people are leftists or soft, dreamy, ineffectual types; some of them have potential to become real revolutionaries. But in the GA Movement they are outnumbered by leftists and other useless people, so they are neutralized, they become corrupted, and their revolutionary potential is wasted. In this sense, the GA Movement could be called a destroyer of potential revolutionaries."

What is interesting is that on 2/20/87 the Unabomber was seen by a witness and the famous sketch was created. And that seems to have majorly spooked Ted Kaczynski, so much so that he took a six year break from "FC" aka Unabomber bombings.

But was he really dormant for 6 years?

I and others here have explored the probability that Kaczynski was involved in the Judi Bari car bombing in May 1990. Judi Bari had publicly criticized the Unabomber and said his actions did not represent the environmental movement – and an ally of hers called him crazy and sick. Bari was trying to move Earth First away from violence and into negotiations with lumber companies and workers. Ted Kaczynski has made no secret of the fact that he detested her and considered her a threat to the prospect of radical action – he later accused her of trying to "emasculate" the movement.

There is evidence detailed in the previous posts to show Kaczynski was in CA during the time of the Bari bombing, and he had the same ball trigger device used on the Bari car bomb in his cabin.

Sign near Lumber Mill Bomb probably Done by the Judi Bari Bomber

PLEASE From Possible Zodiac Letter of May 1978


Posted : November 6, 2014 8:47 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
Topic starter

The overwhelming majority of pipe bombs are simple and crude, and consist of just a pipe. The Vance bomber, Bari bomber and Kaczynski share the characteristic of attaching the pipe to a wood box or sheet, use of long nails to wound and kill, have a flashlight battery, RED AND GRAY exposed wires with clips, a motion or opening trigger device, have craftsmanship the FBI called "expert", intricate and well designed.

FBI Replica of Judi Bari Car Bomb
FBI Replica of Unabomber Bomb
Lumber Mill Bomb Probably Made by Judi Bari Bomber


Posted : November 6, 2014 8:55 am
Posts: 628
Honorable Member

You make some very good points here AKW.

With the Judi Bari bombing the FBI asserted that she or one of her environmentalist colleagues built the bomb and intended to use it for terrorism. As far as I know they never considered any other suspects. Any thoughts as to why they wouldn’t notice the connection or fail to investigate TK for that?

Posted : November 6, 2014 1:42 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
Topic starter

You make some very good points here AKW.

With the Judi Bari bombing the FBI asserted that she or one of her environmentalist colleagues built the bomb and intended to use it for terrorism. As far as I know they never considered any other suspects. Any thoughts as to why they wouldn’t notice the connection or fail to investigate TK for that?

When they found the balltrigger in Ted’s cabin they did contact Earth First. But as you stated there was huge mistrust, suspicion and even hatred between the FBI and. EF. The FBI accused EF of accidentially bombing themselves, a ludicrous idea given that EF had never used bombs and the facts of the bomb showing it was intentional. But EF was also paranoid and accused the lumber industry or e ven the FBI itself of setting the bomb.


Posted : November 6, 2014 11:50 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Thanks to Bentley (Wrench) for help on blowing up (photo computer wise, not with a bomb!) the postmark here. Thanks!

The postmark and stamp scene on top is an envelope that contained a death threat to Judi Bari, probably from the same person who car bombed her on May 24, 1990, in Oakland, CA.

Below it is the stamp – US Flag over Yosemite – placed on the fatal mail bomb sent in December 1989 to Judge Robert Vance and used on other mail bombs by the Vance bomber.

Consensus is it is the same stamp.

Stamp Used By Judi Bari Bomber

Stamp used By Judge Vance Bomber

Part of the same series of "US Flags over American Monuments" as the Flag over Capitol stamp used twice by Ted Kaczynski as "FC" aka the Unabomber in 1985 and also by the "Zodiac" in a letter in 1986.

There was an ongoing series of stamps of the US flag over monuments, which includes the Flag over Capitol (regular and wide, both issued March 1985, regular used by Zodiac in 1986 and TK in 1985, wide used by Zodiac in 1987) and Flag over Yosemite stamp issued May 1988 (used by Judge Vance bomber December 1989 and Bari bomber April 1990).

So the official story is four people known to make bomb threats – Zodiac, Unabomber, Judge Vance bomber and Judi Bari bomber – all just happened to buy the same stamp or set of stamps, out of the 50 or so stamps that you can use at any time? Did they have a convention and all decide to be patriotic together? Or is this one person, who is well known to be very frugal?

xxxxxxxxxxxxx US Flag Over Capitol xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx US Flag Over Yosemite
xxxxxxxxxxxxx Used by Unabomber 1985 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Used by Vance Bomber 1989
xxxxxxxxxxxxx Used by Zodiac 1986 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Used by Bari Bomber 1990


Posted : November 7, 2014 8:25 am
Posts: 567
Honorable Member

Very interesting. Do you know if these stamps were commonly sold (they look familiar so I’m thinking perhaps they were). If you went to the post office and just asked for a book of stamps, were these being given out or did you have to make a special request for them?

I don’t remember when stamps were easier to buy (at least in CA) at places like supermarkets (other than post offices and stamp machines).

Was the dna from all these letters compared to each other? If so, what were the results if known?

Posted : November 7, 2014 7:21 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
Topic starter

Very interesting. Do you know if these stamps were commonly sold (they look familiar so I’m thinking perhaps they were). If you went to the post office and just asked for a book of stamps, were these being given out or did you have to make a special request for them?

I don’t remember when stamps were easier to buy (at least in CA) at places like supermarkets (other than post offices and stamp machines).

These were commonly available at the post office. My point is that at any given time there are probably 100 or more current or recent issue stamps available. I find it at least interesting that four "seperate" bombers all used stamps from one particular series and in some cases two "seperate" bombers used the exact same stamp.

Was the dna from all these letters compared to each other? If so, what were the results if known?

There was DNA recovered in the Vance case but it did NOT match Moody. I did a FOIA for the Vance DNA report but it was denied. My appeal was also denied. Draw from that what you will.


Posted : November 8, 2014 5:22 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
Topic starter

Aside from the specific reasons Ted had for wanting these people dead, I also think there was a general reason of his wanting to ‘experiment" with bombs to make them better and more lethal. From 1978 to 1993 Ted did about 12 bombings and only one was lethal. So just 1 out of 12 was lethal. After the Vance bombing of 1989 when Ted resumed his bombings as "FC" aka the Unabomber in 1993 and used the threaded bolt through endcaps secured by a nut method used in the Vance case, Ted did 4 more bombings, with 2 causing severe injuries and 2 being lethal. So 2 out of 4 were lethal.

Also in the Vance case I am struck by how much judge Vance looked like his father! Ted would later say he hated his parents and wished they would drop dead. Is it just me or is there a similarity between Judge Vance and Ted’s dad?


Posted : November 13, 2014 2:05 am
Posts: 262
Reputable Member

Striking similarity.

Posted : November 13, 2014 7:56 am
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