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Facts & Evidence – Ted Kaczynski As The Zodiac

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This is pretty compelling, albeit circumstancial evidence. Why so much red tape?
Has any of you watched the latest History Channel documentary on the Zodiac killer? It’s funny how naive they all look. Their chief suspect is someone from the navy. I think this has to do with the American obsession with the military.

Posted : February 3, 2018 11:01 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Thanks. Yes I agree the case against Ted Kaczynski is very compelling. Much of the evidence is circumstantial, although circumstantial evidence can be very strong. Much of the evidence is also behavioral, psychological, MO & pattern. Also there are very specific matches of handwriting and word usage.

And very importantly, and I would say unlike any other named suspect, a proven ability in designing bombs, creating difficult complex codes the FBI could not break, writing to newspapers demanding his words appear on the front page or innocents would die, confessing in journals of his desire to kill women, college students and police and actually being a proven serial killer.

I did not see the History Channel special on the Zodiac Killer. I did see some of the code work that was done on that show that has been discussed here and elsewhere, and I thought it was very weak indeed, nowhere near a correct solve.

Who does the History Channel special name as the prime suspect in the Zodiac case? What were the main pieces of evidence they cited as pointing to their suspect?


Posted : February 4, 2018 1:12 am
Posts: 162
Estimable Member

While I don’t think any very strong suspects have been developed yet, I would say TK is the strongest of the weak, and AK’s stuff does nothing to dispel that impression.

His documented transformation from a frustrated grad student with homicidal fantasies into a bomber with a cause is mirrored in the Z letters from 69 (or 66, if you include CJB) to 74. He disguised his education level in his letters and there are strong indications Z did the same. He is the only suspect positively associated with a hood. He claims to have destroyed evidence of earlier crimes that did not fit his later F.C. persona. The fact that he was in the right areas at the right times is just icing on the cake.

Posted : February 4, 2018 7:07 am
Posts: 29
Eminent Member

I saw part of an episode when I was at a friend’s who had subscription to History Channel. Unfortunately I cannot open the History Channel videos because I don’t have a subscription to any of the listed TV providers. But for any of you who are interested, here is the link: http://www.history.com/shows/the-hunt-f … iac-killer
I particularly find interesting episode 3, where they suggest that Z might have hidden a bomb under a huge log (now I don’t know how long this tree has been there for). Anyway it’s a woodland area on a mountain, recurring themes (and obsessions) in TK’s life.
Episode 5 where they "announce" that the code is craked is interesting too.
I don’t think they name any suspect but they try to push the military connection simply on the grounds that Mount Diablo was used to transmit radio signals by the military and the use by Zodiac of radians. Pretty scanty evidence to base such a conclusion on.
Radians are used by mathematicians as well. Perhaps if they bothered to look at TK’s papers and thesis they’d see that not only military people know geometry and can use a compass.
My impression is that there is so much ignorance about TK’s life, works and personality and these people are all looking in the wrong direction because they have a very shallow knowledge of TK. Why the FBI doesn’t pursue the case is another matter, and it’s very fishy to me. Having said this, I don’t think we should go so far as to propose crazy conspiracy theories such as Miles Mathis’ psy-op theory. However, I am not from the US and I don’t know how the police operates over there, so maybe this is not so unusual.

Posted : February 4, 2018 1:17 pm
Posts: 1328
Noble Member

I don’t think they name any suspect

They haven’t named any one subject. The first episode concentrated on Ross Sullivan and after that they looked into Kane, but as I say, they haven’t centered on one suspect.

Posted : February 4, 2018 7:41 pm
Posts: 567
Honorable Member

Yes I think far too much speculation has been made about a military/naval connection. These are possible, of course, but anyone who has taken high school geometry would be familiar with radians, and all the other associations. The Viet Nam war was happening during these years and there was news about it every day on tv which only had the basic channels then. Movie theatres usually had double features and usually a newsreel and cartoons.

Further, young people were very aware of military whatever since WWII had happened and many of their fathers were Veterans of that war. There were also air raid drills in schools and the draft. There was no Internet and kids played a lot differently than today. Toys for boys were influenced by the military as were games.

Whoever Zodiac was would have known about these things just as billions of others without necessarily having been in the service! He wasn’t living under a rock.

Posted : February 5, 2018 12:03 am
Posts: 29
Eminent Member

Zodiac mentioned "The most dangerous animal to kill" in his letter. There is a movie titled "The most dangerous game" whose plot is similar to D.Defoe’s novel "Robinson Crusoe". We have solid evidence that TK read R.Crusoe (from his interview), and was fascinated by stories about survival on an island cast away from civilization. It’s likely that he was fascinated by the film "The most dangerous game" as well.
"Robinson Crusoe is supposed to be one of the most widely read books that’s ever been written. So it’s obviously attractive to many people." (TK , https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library … ynski.html).

Posted : February 8, 2018 3:57 pm
Posts: 475
Reputable Member

Zodiac mentioned "The most dangerous animal to kill" in his letter. There is a movie titled "The most dangerous game" whose plot is similar to D.Defoe’s novel "Robinson Crusoe". We have solid evidence that TK read R.Crusoe (from his interview), and was fascinated by stories about survival on an island cast away from civilization. It’s likely that he was fascinated by the film "The most dangerous game" as well.
"Robinson Crusoe is supposed to be one of the most widely read books that’s ever been written. So it’s obviously attractive to many people." (TK , https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library … ynski.html).

I think the connections between "the most dangerous game" have been well established…

These connections with Ted are New to me though.

Ted was not an anarchist, he was a terrorist. An anarchist believes that to act violently upon someone is to take away their right to free and peaceful existence, therefore you can not be an anarchist and be perpetrating acts of violence.

Besides, there are as many schools of anarchism as there are people subscribing to them, each with it’s own unique set of principals.*

From Emma Goldman to Pyotr Alexeevich Kropotkin, violence has never been part of the anarchist philosophy.

Examples of the several schools of anarchism

Social anarchism (sometimes referred to as socialist anarchism)[1] is a non-state form of socialism[2] and is considered to be the branch of anarchism that sees individual freedom as being dependent upon mutual aid.

Anarcho-syndicalism (also referred to as revolutionary syndicalism)[1] is a theory of anarchism that views revolutionary industrial unionism or syndicalism as a method for workers in capitalist society to gain control of an economy and, with that control, influence broader society. Syndicalists consider their economic theories a strategy for facilitating worker self-activity and as an alternative co-operative economic system with democratic values and production centered on meeting human needs.

Anarcho-primitivism is an anarchist critique of the origins and progress of civilization. According to anarcho-primitivism, the shift from hunter-gatherer to agricultural subsistence gave rise to social stratification, coercion, alienation, and overpopulation. Anarcho-primitivists advocate a return of non-"civilized" ways of life through deindustrialization, abolition of the division of labor or specialization, and abandonment of large-scale organization technologies.


…even modern anti-government revolutionary groups on the left from the "hippie" era, such as the SDS and the weatherman underground only blew up empty buildings. violence was advocated by these groups, but only as a means of revolution, and violent acts were rarely carried out.

For some reason I always feel like the jerk who shoots everything down, but honestly, I do not see an anarchist connection to zodiac.

…I could see an anti-government terrorist like Ted being involved, though I am not fully sold on that theory either.

Interesting stuff regardless.

I think the whole "survivalist" aspect of zodiac was more military driven than anything. Whether he was a military enthusiast or he was an actual service member, I see this as the influence in the case of zodiac.

Posted : February 8, 2018 6:13 pm
Posts: 29
Eminent Member

I think the whole "survivalist" aspect of zodiac was more military driven than anything. Whether he was a military enthusiast or he was an actual service member, I see this as the influence in the case of zodiac.

What led you to this belief? Thanks.

Posted : February 8, 2018 7:53 pm
Posts: 475
Reputable Member

I think the whole "survivalist" aspect of zodiac was more military driven than anything. Whether he was a military enthusiast or he was an actual service member, I see this as the influence in the case of zodiac.

What led you to this belief? Thanks.

it’s not so much a belief as it is an opinion, if you asked me, based on my knowledge of the case, I would assume that if one were pointing out that zodiac might have been an outdoors-man, survivalist or a Hunter, I would guess there was military influence.

a military demeanor has been a consistent theme regarding descriptions of zodiac, most say that his physical actions, movements, speech patterns, and so on were "military or police like".

Then there are little details, such as the "wing-walker boots" only being available at military px’s, and the method by which zodiac removed the section of Paul stine’s shirt, and all the other little clews that would lead one in that direction.

It has always seemed to me that zodiac was either a military enthusiast, or a member of the military or law enforcement, but you are right, the "military connections" are based on circumstantial evidence, and are fully up for debate.

Posted : February 9, 2018 6:36 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Yes I think far too much speculation has been made about a military/naval connection. These are possible, of course, but anyone who has taken high school geometry would be familiar with radians, and all the other associations. The Viet Nam war was happening during these years and there was news about it every day on tv which only had the basic channels then. Movie theatres usually had double features and usually a newsreel and cartoons.

Further, young people were very aware of military whatever since WWII had happened and many of their fathers were Veterans of that war. There were also air raid drills in schools and the draft. There was no Internet and kids played a lot differently than today. Toys for boys were influenced by the military as were games.

Whoever Zodiac was would have known about these things just as billions of others without necessarily having been in the service! He wasn’t living under a rock.

I think that is correct. The military is one place to learn these kind of skills, but many people who never served in the military know about guns, target shooting, outdoor survival skills and hunting. Ted was one such person. He owned guns and even built a gun. He had excellent shooting, hunting and outdoor survival skills.

As for radians, maps and circles, only a few specialized military occupations teach those skills. Ted got his PHD in mathematics, specifically geometry. He did his PHD on the boundary functions of circles. So he knew all about radians, maps and circles.

In fact like the Zodiac, Ted used crossed lines inside a circle as a signature and left crossed lines inside a circle at a crime scene.


Posted : February 12, 2018 2:33 am
Posts: 475
Reputable Member

These links with Ted are very intriguing, and there May actually be substance to them. This theory has definitely piqued my interest.

Posted : February 12, 2018 6:31 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
Topic starter

These links with Ted are very intriguing, and there May actually be substance to them. This theory has definitely piqued my interest.

Glad to hear it.

Thanks to you, TheMist, Daxide, Capricorn, Jelberg, Snooter and several others, for your research, posts, comments, questions and / or interest.


Posted : February 15, 2018 9:17 am
Posts: 29
Eminent Member

These links with Ted are very intriguing, and there May actually be substance to them. This theory has definitely piqued my interest.

Glad to hear it.

Thanks to you, TheMist, Daxide, Capricorn, Jelberg, Snooter and several others, for your research, posts, comments, questions and / or interest.

The evidence is compelling and I think the verdict is clear. It must be frustrating for someone who has spent so much time and effort into this to see people still ignoring all the evidence. I guess most people never bothered to dig deeper into this, and they were led astray by the false connections that the media drew (and which TK wanted them to make, sleight of hand artist that he is). Sad that the authorities can’t even get DNA samples from him.Genomics (a field I work in) is so evolved now, that one can pin down the ancestry down to the country/nation level from someone’s DNA. Even knowing that the Tylenol or Zodiac’s genomic ancestry was mostly Polish would be a huge leap forward for us.

Posted : February 15, 2018 6:25 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
Topic starter

Yes, well said. I agree with everything you said.

I am disappointed and frustrated by the overall lack of solid follow through action by the authorities and the majority of the Zodiac research community not being willing to even look at the at the evidence that convincingly shows that Ted could be the Zodiac. Evidence that is far far greater and much more convincing than the evidence for any other named suspect, in my opinion.

I am encouraged slightly by the group of people here and at unazod who are interested in the Ted as Z case, work to do research it on it as well as the new evidence presented here, some of which is truly outstanding and interesting, presented by Jelberg, TheMist and others recently.


Posted : February 16, 2018 9:35 am
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