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Facts & Evidence – Ted Kaczynski As The Zodiac

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A couple of dumb questions:

If he’s serving 8 life-sentences why not admit he was the Zodiac?

Did he ever take a polygraph?

Posted : October 7, 2018 5:10 am
Posts: 353
Reputable Member

AK, this is interesting how he considered young couples as animals and how Zodiac presented himself in his first (?) letter as hunting people (like animals) and stating that human beings are the most dangerous game (=animals).

Posted : October 7, 2018 11:39 am
Posts: 29
Eminent Member

Have any of you guys read Mark Hewitt’s latest book "Exposed"? Apparently he makes the case that Zodiac and Unabomber are one and the same. All I have is a newspaper article about it. I am surprised this book wasn’t mentioned (as far as I can tell) on this forum?
https://www.mercurynews.com/2018/09/27/ … -new-book/

Posted : October 8, 2018 12:30 pm
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

Have any of you guys read Mark Hewitt’s latest book "Exposed"? Apparently he makes the case that Zodiac and Unabomber are one and the same. All I have is a newspaper article about it. I am surprised this book wasn’t mentioned (as far as I can tell) on this forum?
https://www.mercurynews.com/2018/09/27/ … -new-book/


Posted : October 8, 2018 12:40 pm
Posts: 207
Estimable Member

AK Wilks – Could you possibly address the post below in this thread??? Perhaps it has already been addressed – if so – if someone could redirect me there I’d appreciate it!

The below was written by Richard Grinell on the "Mark Hewitt’s 3rd Book" thread on this forum.

I’m 100% in agreement that TJK was Zodiac. I have no doubts….but I would love a definitive response from you in regard to this just the same!

Thank you! Margie

Re: Mark Hewitt’s 3rd Book

Postby Richard Grinell » Fri Oct 05, 2018 5:05 pm
How was Ted Kaczynski writing the July 31st letters and mailing them from San Francisco, attacking Michael Mageau and Darlene Ferrin at BRS on July 4th, and committing attacks in September and October, as well as writing numerous letters mailed from San Francisco in 1970, when Ted Kaczynski and his brother were in Canada

"The moment that crystallised this yawning gulf between them came, paradoxically, at a time when the brothers had never felt more close. It was 1969 and they had spent the whole summer together, travelling huge distances across Canada in search of a plot of land where Ted could begin his anti-civilisation mission. At the end of the trip, as they were driving back to Chicago, they camped overnight in the grasslands of Nebraska."

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/ … -unabomber

"Kaczynski taught at Berkeley from September 1967 until June 1969, and then quit. It was the end of his academic career. He spent the next two years looking for land in Canada, Alaska, and finally Montana. There, he bought 1.5 acres about 4 miles (6.4 kilometers) outside the small town of Lincoln, Montana. With a little help from his brother David, Kaczynski built a one-room cabin measuring about 10 feet by 12 feet (about 2 meters by 3 meters). The cabin had no electricity, no telephone, and no indoor plumbing. He got drinking water from a nearby creek. It was to be his home for the next sixteen years."

https://www.encyclopedia.com/books/ency … -unabomber

Posted : October 9, 2018 12:32 am
Posts: 1266
Noble Member

A question for AK:

May I ask which local LE agencies you have contacted regarding TK as Zodiac? You may already know that the Vallejo PD has an online portal dedicated to Zodiac tips.

Posted : October 9, 2018 12:45 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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A question for AK:

May I ask which local LE agencies you have contacted regarding TK as Zodiac? You may already know that the Vallejo PD has an online portal dedicated to Zodiac tips.

I have found much more success in talking on the phone first to detectives, explaining who you are, what you have and then asking them if they want to examine it in an email. That is what I have done and I am doing that now with relevant local jurisdictions in the Z case. So I doubt I will use it, but do you have a link to the online portal?


Posted : October 9, 2018 1:40 am
Posts: 1266
Noble Member

You can find it on here: http://www.ci.vallejo.ca.us/city_hall/departments___divisions/police

(Right now I am having some trouble connecting to the website)

Posted : October 9, 2018 1:48 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Thanks. As I stated, in the past I never had any success in contacting law enforcement by first starting off with an email. I think it just gets disregarded or put into the read it later file, were it may or may not ever get looked at.

Any successes I’ve had came from speaking to someone on the phone first, explaining what it is that I have and asking if they’re interested in looking at it. Sometimes they say no, sometimes they say yes, usually in fact they have said yes.

Establishing that little bit of a personal connection first, I was able to have some success in contacting law enforcement and actually getting them to look at my material and do things and follow up on it, in the Tylenol case, Aardsma, Bricca and some others.


Posted : October 9, 2018 2:38 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Also note that 49 years ago in the 27th week of 1969, Ted resigned from Berkeley on
Monday (6-30-69) and Friday night(7-4-69)/Saturday morning (7-5-69) of that SAME WEEK

Darlene Ferrin and Michael Mageau were gunned down at Blue Rock Springs (a 38 min drive from Kaczynski’s residence). Ferrin later dying from her wounds, while Mageau survived.

At the time, the chairman of the mathematics department, J. W. Addison, called Kaczynski’s resignation "sudden and unexpected"…

Yes Jelberg the timing is very interesting. He makes a life altering change, leaving mathematics and quitting his job, cutting ties, now a free and independent man, and four days later two people are killed in the first crime acknowledged to be done by the Zodiac. It was the second confirmed Z crime, but it marked the birth of the Zodiac persona.

Mathematics Department Chairman Addison later commented on it: But for some reason, he grew tired of mathematics and abruptly resigned from the university on June 30, 1969, a move that was "quite out of the blue," Addison wrote to Kaczynski’s thesis supervisor at the University of Michigan.

I agree with Jelberg that the timing noted above is suspicous and stands out. Kaczynski resigns from a good-paying job as a professor at the University of california Berkeley on Monday, June 30th, 1969, and a mere 4 days later, Friday, July 4th, 1969, the Zodiac attacks Darlene Ferrin and Mike Mageau.

One of the other fascinating and most compelling matches between the Zodiac and the Unabomber is that both drew crossed lines inside circles at crime scenes. Both the symbols could represent many things, but both are Norse Runes – a known interest of both Zodiac and Kaczynski – and both symbols look alike. Judge for yourself:

In addition, there were other similarities between the two crime scene drawings. Zodiac also took credit for other crimes by listing their dates beneath the symbol, and also indicated his weapon of choice, by writing "By Knife".

The Unabomber also took credit and indicated his weapon of choice, in a qucker way. By writing "FC" within the symbol, he took credit for previous crimes that had FC stamped on the pipe bombs or were accompanied by letters signed "FC", and the "FC" also indicated his weapon of choice, bombs.

The Unabomber symbol is also known as the Norse "Yggdrasil", or World Tree. It symbolizes nature and the Norse community. It was where tribal meetings and celebrations were held. But also court and executions, where wrongdoers were punished, including by beheadings that were done by the large tree which was also by a river or lake, where the blood would flow into. It also means "tree of terror". It is also known as the Algiz Rune. It means "to wound severely; to mark with blood". It also translates to the Anglo – Saxon letter "Z". So the Unabomber symbol translates as Z, as seen by the chart below.

I am honestly curious for people’s thoughts and opinions, pro, con or otherwise.

1. Do people find it interesting that Ted Kaczynski resigned the University of California at Berkeley on Monday, June 30th, 1969, and then on that Friday, July 4th, 1969, the Zodiac attacks and kills Darlene Ferrin and wounds Mike Mageau?

2. Do people find it interesting that two serial killers, the Zodiac and the Unabomber, both left symbols, consisting of crossed lines inside circles extending outwards, at crime scenes?

3. Do people find the symbols similar?

4. Is it interesting that the Unabomber symbol translates to the Anglo – Saxon letter "Z"? I should also mention that Kaczynski told (lied to) a psychiatrist that he had an affair in the mid-60s with a woman, who he called "Ms Z". And that from prison Kaczynski also sometimes signs his name with a huge Z underneath it.


Posted : May 9, 2019 11:52 am
Posts: 162
Estimable Member

Never really made the connection before, but FC, Fk on the Halloween card…

Posted : May 10, 2019 2:38 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Never really made the connection before, but FC, Fk on the Halloween card…

Exactly. Look at this chronology of killers that may be related:

1966 – 1967: Bates killer – Signs letter with a Z.

1968 – 1969: Serial killer signs letters with Zodiac. Threatens Mass Transit with a bomb.Threatens a sniper attack. Leaves crossed lines inside a circle at a crime scene. Demands his words appear in the newspaper or Innocents will die. Created a code the FBI could not break. Used a handmade black hood with rectangular eye slits, a gun with a flashlight attached to the barrel and .22 caliber Winchester Super X ammunition.

1970 – 1974: Zodiac sends letters with FK. "Fk I’m crackproof" & Exorcist letter seems to have FK at the bottom. (Do you see a possible FK on the Halloween card? It seems to me to more likely be a possible FZ, which is also of interest to what is noted here).

1978 – 1996: Serial killer and terrorist does mail bombs, pipe bombs, sniper attack and signs letters with FC. Threatens Mass Transit with a bomb. Leaves crossed lines inside a circle at a crime scene. Demands his words appear in the newspaper or Innocents will die. Created a code the FBI could not break. The symbol he leaves at a crime scene translates to the letter Z. Once captured, in his cabin is found a handmade black hood with rectangular eye slits, a gun with a flashlight attached to the barrel and Winchester .22 caliber Super X ammunition.

In the Cipher Section Doranchak recently noted that FK appears in a mirror image pattern way in the Zodiac 340 in lines 2 and 19. Traveler1st notes that Zodiac does indeed have a possible history with FK as recently noted here.

Also, in that same line 19 that Doranchak noticed a possible FK clue, I note that the second letter is an F, and the second to last letter is a C, perhaps also creating a cryptic FC clue.

In the Joseph Conrad novel "The Secret Agent",TK’s favorite book, the professor turned anarchist bomber in the book goes by the name FP, which stands for Future of the Proletariat. FC is a -3 Caesar shift, FZ is a -6 Caesar shift. FK is a +5 Caesar shift. Could the K stand for Kaczynski? From Kaczynski? The +5 Caesar shift pattern from F is FKP, which certainly could allude to Ted’s favorite fictional bomber in The Secret Agent, FP. And FP itself is a +10 Caesar shift.

I have long maintained that Zodiac gave extensive clues that he was using a 0 3 6 9 Caesar shift in his codes and elsewhere throughout his crimes. A Caesar shift is a code involving treating letters as numbers, and moving along the alphabet, positively or negatively, forwards or backwards, with the corresponding Caesar shift number.

What if you have a Caesar shift of 3, and start at the letter Z?

The forward progression of Caesar shifts looks like this:


Or negative progression from I with Caesar shifts of -3, it reads:



Posted : May 10, 2019 3:53 am
Posts: 55
Trusted Member

2. Do people find it interesting that two serial killers, the Zodiac and the Unabomber, both left symbols, consisting of crossed lines inside circles extending outwards, at crime scenes?

Yes. But even more compelling, IMO, is the connection between Kaczynski’s academic work and the Zodiac’s signature symbol, and his treatment and contextual use of the symbol in some of his communications.

Kaczynski did not publish a lot of articles while he was an academic. In the handful of papers he did publish, the vast majority of his work focused on functions defined on the Cartesian plane in real or complex space, with a particular emphasis on functions defined over the unit disc. An illustration of the unit disc on a Cartesian plane is *precisely* the Zodiac’s calling card symbol.

Example: https://www.jstor.org/stable/24901459?s … b_contents

This type of research was a small niche in the field of mathematics, which has mostly died out. While a unit circle is standard high school trigonometry, it is not to my knowledge a focus of much mathematical research of the kind that would be published in journals by academics. I do not think you would find contemporaneous mathematics articles to be so focused on it as Kaczynski was.

Furthermore, much of Kaczynski’s work focused on the mathematical constructs of arcs in the Cartesian plane – an abstract definition for an arc is defined in the second sentence of his dissertation. Zodiac’s letter 14 discusses a code relating to "radians" and an illustration showing an arc, which implies that he has a mental model of his symbol as a system of geometry, not just a "crosshairs" or similar.

https://cdn.history.com/sites/2/2017/11 … ter_14.jpg

Posted : May 13, 2019 1:46 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
Topic starter

These are good points. Here are two images I got when I searched for Unit Discs – Unit Circles on a Cartesian Plane.

So the subjects of years of Ted’s research, the subjects of his PHD dissertation, do look amazingly similar, almost identical, to the Zodiac symbol. And the second one above also looks similar to the symbol Ted drew at the crime scene of a Unabomber victim.

In fact Ted has a history, if not obsession, with crossed lines inside circles. He drew one as his signature in a school yearbook, he studied them at college. they were the subject of his PHD dissertation and he drew one at a crime scene.

There are strong overlaps between Ted’s field of study and the Zodiac case, but because his field of study is so complex and not understood well by lay people, it hasn’t been explored much. Doug Oswell noted the strange similarity between the My Name Is Code and a formula line that appeared in a Ted K paper.

Kozinski wrote that his theorem was proved by a "rather messy" lemma in his paper that was published in July 1969 in a mathematical Journal. In November 1969 the Zodiac declared that it could get "rather messy" if the police tried to Bluff him.

And to me, what remains very compelling is that there were exactly two twentieth century serial killers who made bomb threats, demanded their words appear in newspapers or innocents would die, threatened mass transit, wrote about killing or wanting to kill couples, used guns with flashlights attached, created hand made black hoods with rectangular eye slits, used over 20 of the same words and phrases, handwriting showed 3 stroke K’s, 5 stroke M’s, checkmark r’s and felt compelled to draw at crime scenes circles with crossed lines inside the circle extending outwards.


Posted : May 15, 2019 5:13 am
Posts: 553
Honorable Member

Ted Kaczynski attended Harvard University in 1959. Here is the notice in the Harvard Crimson in 1959, of the play Mikado, which they put on at Harvard.

The Harvard Crimson

The Mikado
At Agassiz Dec. 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, Matinee Dec. 5
By Paul A. Buttenwieser,
December 4, 1959

The Mikado
At Agassiz Dec. 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, Matinee Dec. 5
By Paul A. Buttenwieser,
December 4, 1959

Of all the baubles and goodies that customarily make their appearance at this time of year, there are few that top the Gilbert and Sullivan Players’ presentations for brightness and good cheer. Time after time, these offerings melt the stony hearts of joyless CRIMSON reviewers, even those who have never been known to say a kind word about any production or performance previously. Maybe it’s the Christmas ghosts finally getting to us Scrooges. More likely, it is the fact that this group puts on shows with such style and spirit that only the lastditch Savoyards could fail to be enchanted.

The Mikado, although it lacks the moments of brilliance of some of the other collaborations, is nevertheless a pleasant piece with probably more famous songs than any except Pinafore. The traditional production always gets a certain number of standard extra-curricular laughs out of the action accompanying the more ludicrous songs. But this performance is an unmitigated howl from beginning to end, thanks mainly to the imaginative direction of Julius Novick and two devastating performances by David Stone and Steve Garlick.

As Poo-Bah, Lord High Everything Else, Garlick is truly the man born with a sneer, who cannot even arise from his knees without throwing the audience into convulsions. Stone’s performance has to be seen to be believed. His facial expressions are each one masterpieces, and his delivery of the old chestnut, "My Object All Sublime" was an experience to remember. His short appearance is almost too good to be true.

From the opening tableau of the Gentlemen of Japan, looking like refugees from the Kabuki dancers, the staging is in every way impressive. Aided by a magnificent set by James Peters, Sarah Sweezy’s beautiful costumes, and choreography by Elizabeth Theiler, the visual aspect of the play is quite stunning. The movement is fast but controlled, and the stage business is meticulous in detail and execution. Novick is especially successful in out-doing Gilbert’s spoof of English attitudes, notably those toward the Orient which did so much to produce the Far-Eastern mess of the 19th Century. The chorus, which can really sing this time, is at all times a source of delight, whether they be joining in the sentimental ballad, or kicking around an imaginary chopped-off head.

Musically, most of the lustre came from the romantic lead, Vivian Thomas as Yum-Yum, and Benjamin Cox’s Nanki-Poo. Miss Thomas bounces onto the stage with her disarming freshness and charm and an outstandingly lovely voice. Cox has just the right voice for this part, and knows how to use it, although last night he sounded a little constrained. The two of them made a very attractive pair, if slightly too all-American for their British pronunciation.

Ted Taylor’s Ko-Ko lacked some of the vocal finesse that this role could use, but his acting was very funny. Alison Keith was again Gilbert’s answer to Medea, (this time as Katisha); again struggling through the songs and plunging through the hamming like an old pro. Joan Rosenstock contributed some more pleasant singing, and William Jacobson and Merry Isaacs rounded out the cast of principals. George Nelson and Barrie Wetstone handled the piano score ably, and musical director Burton Dudding kept everything going nicely.

For those who are waiting anxiously for the Category of Flaws, they can keep on waiting. They were probably there, but they seem to fade into the background amidst the gaiety and fun. If you’re looking for a really happy evening, this is it.

Posted : May 15, 2019 8:13 pm
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