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Facts & Evidence – Ted Kaczynski As The Zodiac

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Not very far from Harvard University there are two streets with names of interest that intersect. The streets are Washington and Cherry Street Cambridge Massachusetts.

Posted : July 5, 2019 5:49 pm
Posts: 553
Honorable Member

There is an unsolved murder in Cambridge Massachusetts from 1969. There was mention of collecting slaves and ritualistic killing involved. The woman was killed in the same building as one of the victims of the Boston strangler in 1963. The girl was a graduate student from Harvard University studying Persian’s Ancient studies. I’ve never heard of anything else involving rituals with collecting slaves except for this unsolved case and the Zodiac killer who we suspect went to Harvard College and graduated in 1962. Britton was the young ladies name that was killed in 1969.

Posted : July 11, 2019 4:46 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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I also looked into this interesting case a few years back. But in November, 2018, this case was fortunately solved by using DNA evidence. The murderer turned out to be a local man who was committing a series of rapes and assaults.


Posted : July 11, 2019 6:12 pm
Posts: 553
Honorable Member

I also looked into this interesting case a few years back. But in November, 2018, this case was fortunately solved by using DNA evidence. The murderer turned out to be a local man who was committing a series of rapes and assaults.

Oh you’re right about that I forgot they pinned that murder on the colored guy there. He was a real animal.

Posted : July 12, 2019 6:49 am
Posts: 1352
Noble Member

What is a "colored guy" exactly?

Posted : July 12, 2019 8:14 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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I also looked into this interesting case a few years back. But in November, 2018, this case was fortunately solved by using DNA evidence. The murderer turned out to be a local man who was committing a series of rapes and assaults.

Oh you’re right about that I forgot they pinned that murder on the colored guy there. He was a real animal.

Well, I don’t know if "pinned" is the right word. DNA linked an African – American man to the rape and murder of Jane Britton.


Posted : July 12, 2019 10:17 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Transferring a conversation between Morf and myself, as I think it raises a good issue, and adding new info.

Ted K skeptics – what do you think about the similarities I’ve noted here, both in appearance, MO, items found in the cabin and handwriting? What factors make you dismiss Ted K as a valid suspect?

Look at the handwriting comparisons here. 1. Tell me what you think are the noticeable and significant differences in the handwriting of Zodiac and Kaczynski. 2. Honestly, do you think there is a suspect who matches the handwriting better? If so, who?

Ted K proponents, what do you think? How would you describe the similarities in facial appearance? What items of evidence are most persuasive to you that Ted K is a strong suspect for being the Zodiac? What are the weaknesses, if any, in the case for TK as the Zodiac?

Morf, what is your reply to my response?

Though we do not see eye-to-eye on the Zodiac case, Morf is hands down one of the best amateur unsolved crime researchers. I’ve had the pleasure of working with him on obtaining previously unreleased documents in the Zodiac case, investigating other murders that Zodiac might have done outside of California as well as investigating the GSK case. I know how smart he is as an investigator, how capable he is on digging up information that nobody else has found and how tenacious he is on not giving up on a project. Will probably never happen, but I have wished that he would take a fresh look at Ted as a Z suspect and see what he can find on it.

MORF13:what about the fact Ted K looked nothing like the Zodiac sketch??? Seeing is believing, and seeing a comparison of the two tells me all I need to know

I know you and others may not think much of Ted as a Z suspect, but I am honestly puzzled how you can say Ted "looked nothing like the Z sketch" Are you thinking only of how Ted looked when captured as the Unabomber in 1996? The grizzled face, long messy hair, bearded and shabby looking recluse? Because in 1969 he looked very much like the Zodiac sketch. Very short hair, neat appearance, clean shaven. His height and weight matched the description given by Officer Fouke and his partner which appears on the SFPD alert, also given by Mageau, Johns and the girls at Lake Berryessa – TK was approx 5’9" – 5’10", 160 pounds.

Look at these photos – most think they match the sketch quite well. Certainly you cannot say Ted looked "nothing like" the sketch. Similarities include short, neatly trimmed hair, stacked on top, large forehead, angular cheekbones, overall "square" type face with no fat, as opposed to round face with fat, prominent jaw line and chin sticks out, "square jawed", similarity in lips, redness -puffiness-lines under eyes, overall neat, clean "normal" appearance.

Ted K and SF sketch without glasses:

Ted K, Berkeley, 1968 ——————————-SF Zodiac Sketch No Glasses 1969


Ted K………………..…………………SF Zodiac Sketch No Glasses

Ted K ……………………………………………

At the Stine shooting in San Francisco, Zodiac was reported to be wearing glasses, IIRC described as black regular glasses. Ted K did not need to wear glasses to see, but a neighbor states that he did regularly wear dark reading glasses (like Zodiac SF 1969) to protect his eyes from the elements.

Neighbors Dave Waits and Chris Shor write in their book that:

" Ted had several pairs of glasses; all protective in nature, needed to keep wind, rain, dust, sleet or snow – depending on the season – out of his eyes. Sometimes when riding his bike he wore a full, dark, rimmed pair that looked like reading glasses, or corrective lenses, but he didn’t need glasses to see."

Of course Ted also wore sunglasses as the Unabomber, as a disguise method, to cover his eyes, part of his face and break up the face, as well as for protection against the elements.

So he could have very well been wearing glasses, if he was the Zodiac, the night that Paul Stine was killed, both as a method of disguise and a way to protect the eyes from the elements.

Whoever Zodiac was, I think it’s unlikely that he needed prescription glasses to see. Mageau reports that Zodiac was not wearing any glasses.

See Unabomber: The Secret Life of Ted Kaczynski, page 42.

This is the San Francisco Zodiac sketch (1969) and a picture of Ted Kaczynski at UC Berkeley (1968), with glasses added on.

I’m still amazed that so many people seem to consider Kaczynski as not being a convincing suspect in the Zodiac case, while offering the goofiest names as the answer to who was the Z :roll:

Morf: He’s completely the opposite kind of killer that Zodiac was. That’s why Ted is dismissed so easily. Different signatures & MO’s = different killers

AK Wilks: The VR, EAR & the ONS each had very different MO’s, signatures, victims and areas. Yet we now know they were all done by one man. Killers can evolve and change. The Zodiac started as an up close and personal killer, but evolved into one who designed bombs, made bomb threats against mass transit and threatened sniper attacks. Kaczynski designed bombs, made bomb threats against mass transit and carried out a sniper rifle attack at a mining site (wounding one man).

I am curious as to why you think Zodiac and Ted Kaczynski are the "opposite" kind of killers? First of all, unlike every other major named suspect, THEY ARE BOTH SERIAL KILLERS.

When I talked to Paul Holes many years ago, I told him that some police dismissed Ted as a major Z suspect because he only killed with bombs (that we know of for sure). Paul told me that in his opinion sometimes police were "overly rigid" with their profiles. He said what was more important to him than weapon of choice was the desire to kill and actually killing strangers. He noted Ted had actually killed people, unlike every other credible suspect. He also said the overwhelming majority of the murders he saw every day were people killing people they know. Husbands and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends, family members, neighbors, even competing criminal gangs, etc. The killer knows the victim. Very rare is one who kills perfect strangers, as Z and Ted did.

So both Zodiac and Ted are serial killers who kill people they never met. That is a rare group. Even rarer is that they both wrote to newspapers and police about their crimes. He said contrary to what is often shown in TV and movies, most serial killers do NOT write letters to newspapers or police. Bundy, Gacy and the vast majority of serial killers DO NOT write letters to media or police. Both Z and TK wrote to newspapers, so he found it very interesting that they shared that in common.

Second, Zodiac DID shoot a man at a mining site with a rifle. He did torture and kill dogs with both knives and guns. He recorded a desire to kill people by "bomb or other means". He wrote fantasies about mutilating a women’s face with a knife. He spent a year and made a one shot .22 pistol from wood and junk parts that he wrote he intended to use as a "homicide weapon". As a one shot untraceable weapon, it would best be used in situations up close and personal were the victim was immobile, such as being bound.

In the journal that described all 16 Unabomber crimes, including three murders by bomb, he wrote that he buried or burned accounts of other unspecified crimes. At a time when the Unabomber was getting some favorable opinions from radical environmental and primitivist anarchist journals and groups, he wrote he buried or burned accounts of these unspecified "other" crimes because their revelation could be "dangerous", "embarrassing" or "just very bad public relations at this point in time".

Certainly stabbing and shooting teens in lovers lanes would not be good for his image as a deadly but principled guerrilla and terrorist fighting large corporations and spoilers of the Earth.

Third, Zodiac wrote letters to newspapers threatening to kill innocents unless his words appeared in the paper. Ted wrote letters to newspapers threatening to kill innocents unless his words appeared in the paper.

Fourth, Zodiac killed couples in known make out and lovemaking spots. In September 1966, after a failed bid for a sex change operation and thoughts of suicide, Ted wrote that instead of killing himself he would and could now "REALLY kill" those he "hated", which included couples having sex (which was driving him "mad" as he suffered from what he called "acute sexual starvation"), "college students", "promiscuous" men and especially "promiscuous" women, who were just "animals", "pigs". Zodiac moved on to bomb threats, designing bombs, sniper threats and creating an elaborate code the FBI could not break. Ted designed bombs, made bomb threats, did bomb attacks, did a sniper attack, created an elaborate code the FBI could not break.

Look at these other similarities:


* Kacsynski lived in the SF Bay area during the time of most of the confirmed Zodiac murders. He was a professor at the University of California Berkeley from 1967 until the summer of 1969. It is said at the Zodiac Killer website (without any supporting evidence presented) that Ted K was out of the State of California on several dates of Zodiac activity. This is false.

* Kaczynski’s attorney said he could not provide any alibi dates for Zodiac murder and mailing dates, starting with Bates in 1966 and going to the 1974 letters, and also including the Santa Barbara murders in 1963 and the Swindle murders in 1964. Not that he would not, but that he could not.

* Both Zodiac and Kaczynski were ruthless killers, highly intelligent and interested in and expert at bombs and codes.

* Both made references to opera, literature and Norse myths.

* Both demanded their words be published on the front pages of newspapers on penalty of death for innocents if not done.

* Both threatened to bomb mass transit.

* Both left drawings of crossed lines inside circles at crime scenes.

* Both used crossed lines inside circles as signatures.

* Both sent taunting messages to police and family members of victims.

* Both usually used excessive postage, often double postage.

* Both wrote checkmark "r" ‘s, three stroke "k" ‘s, five stroke "m" ‘s and had many other handwriting matches.

* Both commented on the bounty put on their head.

* Both were filled with hatred and a desire for revenge against society.

* Both owned and used Winchester .22 Super X ammo.

* Both had guns with flashlights attached to the barrel.

* Kaczynski shot a man at a mining site with a rifle – Zodiac threatened to shoot school kids on a bus with a rifle

* Both had an unusual walk – Officer Fouke said the man he saw at the Stine crime scene walked with a "lumbering gait…a semi-limp", a girl at Lake Berryessa observed that a man watching them who may have been the Zodiac "favored one leg over the other", and David Kaczynski said his brother Ted was "noticably pigeon-toed" and that it "affected the way he walked".

* Both had knowledge of Deer Lodge, Montana. Zodiac said he escaped from the prison in Deer Lodge, Montana. And weeks earlier Ted had just driven through this same area with his brother. It made such an impression on him that he bought a cabin there.

* Zodiac taunted police, hinted he shot SFPD Officer Radetich and most importantly attacked and killed couples in known love making spots; Kaczynski recorded a desire in his journal to kill "police", "college students", "promiscuous" women and men and "noisy" love making "couples" in September of 1966.


Found in Ted’s cabin were a black hood, flat on top, with rectangular eye slits, a gun with a flashlight attached to the barrel and Winchester .22 Super X ammo. Z used a black hood, flat on top, rectangular eye slits. Z bragged of using a gun with a flashlight attached. Z used Winchester .22 Super X ammo at LHR 68 and the killer at SB 63 used the same ammo.


Found in the Kaczynski cabin, it is a BLACK hood with rectangular eye slits.

Compare it to the Zodiac black hood:

As for signature, they both left crossed lines inside and over circles at crime scenes, with further writing indicating weapon used and previous crimes. Zodiac added
By Knife" to indicate the weapon used and added the dates of previous attacks to take credit for those crimes. The Unabomber added "FC", which was stamped on previously sent pipe bombs, so adding FC to the symbol drawing did ndicate weapon used and previous crimes committed.

And unlike any other named suspect, Doug Oswell and I have identified more than 26 words and even multi-word phrases that both Z and TK used: just some of the rxamples of ZK/TK shared words and phrases are blast, trigger mechanism, busy work, around in the snow, contrary to what police say, to prove I am responsible, information only I and the police know, Deplorable, goes bang, watched from cover, rather messy, be sure to, the damned thing, shabby, fiddle around, nasty, fat ass,etc., etc., etc. Plus the amazing handwriting matches. See shared words and handwriting here: viewtopic.php?f=102&t=250

Marcelo did an INCREDIBLE comparison of Z and TK handwriting.

MARCELO: below are links of the letters "matrix" Ted K. of which "took" the "stuff" to construct the similar letter to Zodiac. (images below mentioned links)
happiness to all.
Marcelo ;)

One line is Zodiac, one is TK. Can you tell which is which? Not only is TK’s handwriting the most similar to Zodiac’s, by far, in many cases it is virtually indistinguishable. Which line is Z, which line is TK?:

Morf, and others, ultimately we may just agree that we will disagree. But when you have even an hour or two, go to: viewtopic.php?f=102&t=938 , for the best facts and evidence on TK as Z. For more on the incredible shared words and very similar handwriting go here: viewtopic.php?f=102&t=250


Posted : July 12, 2019 10:40 pm
Posts: 419
Reputable Member

I just do not like trying to link any poi with cjb….ross is a definite as he was there….what do "riverside activities" actually mean…z could have lied about any of his involvement south…surely he would have been aware of cjb….and links into cjb are difficult….there is just nothing conclusive there outside of ross at present…..tk is a good poi….nobody else been found with a hood….explicit links of tk being z are an entirely different matter…but i do weigh tk on distinct possibility he is z…..just nothing concrete can put tk anywhere near cjb

Posted : July 14, 2019 6:37 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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I just do not like trying to link any poi with cjb….ross is a definite as he was there….what do "riverside activities" actually mean…z could have lied about any of his involvement south…surely he would have been aware of cjb….and links into cjb are difficult….there is just nothing conclusive there outside of ross at present…..tk is a good poi….nobody else been found with a hood….explicit links of tk being z are an entirely different matter…but i do weigh tk on distinct possibility he is z…..just nothing concrete can put tk anywhere near cjb

Fair points, perhaps. I disagree with the notion that whoever Zodiac is, he must have a known link to Bates or the City of Riverside. When you have a beyond genius IQ of 167 (genius is 140 and up) so 167 is literally an Einstein level IQ, if you decide to devote your life to committing crime, for your first crime in the state that you were newly arrived in, you don’t commit it in your own neighborhood, which was Berkeley.

Instead, you pick a city hours to the south that you have no known connection with on paper. You then go to a storage room and grab a desktop, and you write a poem on it, which serves to link a possible killer of Bates to being a student at the school. But you make the mistake of writing the poem on the bottom of the desk, whereas a real student would have written it on the top while sitting in class or the library.

You then write a phony confession letter, from the point of view of a student who had affection for Cheri Bates, and was spurned by her. This will lead police to believe that the killer of Bates is a fellow student. If someone like Ross Sullivan were the killer of Bates, the confession letter is actually a true statement, very stupid and very dangerous for him.

Instead the poem and the confession letter have all the earn marks of a Red Herring, a diversion into making the police think that the killer of Bates is a fellow student, someone who knew her and was brushed off by her.

Years later, when the Zodiac investigation is heating up, for Zodiac to admit to the Bates killing once again sends police to Riverside, with the poem and the confession letter leaving some police and press to think that the Zodiac must have been a student in Riverside.

I agree with you that only ONE suspect has been found with a black hood in his possession. And it’s a handmade black hood with a flat top and rectangular eye slits.

Also there are other things you would expect to find in the house or cabin of Zodiac. These would include .22 Winchester Super X ammo, a gun with a flashlight attached to it, a black hood with a flat top and rectangular eye slits, proof that he had an interest in codes, better yet proof that he had devised a code that the FBI could not break, interest in designing bombs and actual proof of having sent bomb threats against mass transit.

It would also help a great deal if you find in Zodiac’s house proof that he was a murderer, a serial killer, better yet a serial killer who wrote to newspapers Including the SF Chronicle demanding that his words appear in the newspaper or innocents would die. Even better yet that in his journal he wrote that in the mid sixties he hated love making couples,
college students and promiscuous women and would now start to kill them. Books on Norse myths and language.

Proof that he drew crossed lines inside a circle at a crime scene. Proof that he knew math, geometry and radians, and actually had a PhD in them. Proof that he was a hunter and better yet that he was an excellent, skilled hunter and a good shot.

It would also help if you found in Zodiac’s house proof that he used 26 of the same words and multi word phrases that Zodiac did and had matching handwriting, including three stroke K’s, five stroke M’s, check mark r’s iand virtually every other letter being not only very similar but in some cases almost indistinguishable (see above).

It would also be helpful if the resident of the house turned out to be between the height of 5′ 8" – 5′ 10" and weighed between 150 and 180 lbs, which is the height and weight reported by two SFPD officers, the other SF witnesses, victim Mike Mageau, victim Kathleen Johns and the girls at Lake Berryessa.

ALL of the above things that you would expect to find in Zodiac’s house, were found in Ted K’s house.


Posted : July 14, 2019 7:30 am
Posts: 419
Reputable Member

You have done excellent work and i respect your position…no question in my mind about that….i dont link z to cjb or any other poi other than ross…good chance z hade zero involvement with cjb or riverside-that i agree with…..tk is a viable z candidate….one of the strongest in my opinion…another hurdle for me is why tk would have ever involved himself with stine….3 couples that seem to fit tk and then a single male subject..was tk gay or bi????….stine just dont fit well with tk in my opinion…his mo appears single females and hatred of couples

I do think kj was with z….she was probaly the strongest witness….will will never know if she could have identified tk in a photo lineup though…

Posted : July 14, 2019 3:21 pm
AK Wilks
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You also say that Stine doesn’t seem to really fit TK’s known obsessions and patterns. Perhaps somewhat true. But Stine also doesn’t really fit with known Zodiac crimes.

With the other confirmed Zodiac crimes you have three attacks on male-female couples. I would say with probable Zodiac crimes you have the attacks on Bates and Johns, single females. And I think it is possible that Zodiac attacked Lass, Hakari and Bennallack, also single females.

So Stine is a departure both from TK’s Journal obsessions and frustrations with couples and single females as well as Zodiac’s confirmed, probable and possible crimes, all of which involve male-female couples or lone females.

But I recall after the last two Zodiac attacks on male-female couples, both males survived. I remember some commentary in the local press at the time talking about Zodiac wasn’t tough enough to kill the men. I also remember some commentary at the time, it may have been in a letter to the editor or an opinion columnist statement, that Zodiac committed crimes in rural jurisdictions with small police forces.

And the meanings of these sentiments, both implied and stated, was that Zodiac wasn’t tough enough to kill a man or commit a crime in the big city of San Francisco, with the big, tough, organized and smarter San Francisco Police Department.

Somebody may remember more about this, but I do think there were specific newspaper articles and columns that dealt with the issues of Zodiac not killing the men and avoiding the big city. So in essence, it could be viewed that the Stine murder was an attempt to show his critics that he could kill a male and that he could operate in the big city.

You asked if Ted K was gay or bisexual. I think ihe was primarily a heterosexual, as he talked about his desire for women, and how this went unfulfilled. But in his journal, he wrote that while at the University of Michigan he was living next door to a dorm where there was frequent sexual activity going on, and he could hear couples having sex.

He stated this was driving him "mad" and that he suffered from "acute sexual starvation". He also states during this time he was having erotic fantasies of being a woman, which led him to seek a sex change operation. When the bid for a sex change operation failed, he wrote that he was so angry that he considered killing himself.

That’s the moment he describes when he was "born again" with an "angry, viscous determination" , and he decided that instead of killing himself, he would and could now "really kill everyone I hate." This included the expected Unabomber targets of authority figures like big businessmen and scientists. But it also includes "couples" having sex, "college students" and women he considered "promiscuous", who he says are just "animals…pigs". He wrote of this "breakthrough moment" in his life in early September 1966, weeks before the murder of Cheri Jo Bates, which takes place when he is in California. He states in September of 1966 that he can now break out of his "rut in life" and do things that are "daring, irresponsible and criminal".

The targets he wants to "really kill", like "couples having sex", "college students" and women deemed "promiscuous", and the plan to be "daring, irresponsible and criminal", sound very Zodiac like.


Posted : July 14, 2019 9:19 pm
Posts: 29
Eminent Member

The FBI caught the Unabomber thanks to a linguistic analysis comparing the Manifesto to his letters and other writings. Perhaps we can adopt the same methods to compare Zodiac’s and TK’s writings?
"The FBI used a simple computational method looking at word frequencies, spelling variants and the like to build up a linguistic profile in an attempt to compare and match up the authors. For example, similarities included both authors using “analyse” for “analyze,” “licence” for “license,” “wilfully” instead of “willfully,” “instalment” instead of “installment,” etc. Fitzgerald identified a weird version of the common idiom “you can’t have your cake and eat it too!”—both Kaczynski and the Unabomber inverted it into “you can’t eat your cake and have it too.” There were also many other similarities of content, style, and expression between Ted Kaczynski’s known work, and that of the Unabomber’s manifesto, outlined in detail in the FBI’s affidavit" ( https://daily.jstor.org/fighting-words-unabomber/ )

Posted : July 17, 2019 11:11 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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The FBI caught the Unabomber thanks to a linguistic analysis comparing the Manifesto to his letters and other writings. Perhaps we can adopt the same methods to compare Zodiac’s and TK’s writings?
"The FBI used a simple computational method looking at word frequencies, spelling variants and the like to build up a linguistic profile in an attempt to compare and match up the authors. For example, similarities included both authors using “analyse” for “analyze,” “licence” for “license,” “wilfully” instead of “willfully,” “instalment” instead of “installment,” etc. Fitzgerald identified a weird version of the common idiom “you can’t have your cake and eat it too!”—both Kaczynski and the Unabomber inverted it into “you can’t eat your cake and have it too.” There were also many other similarities of content, style, and expression between Ted Kaczynski’s known work, and that of the Unabomber’s manifesto, outlined in detail in the FBI’s affidavit" ( https://daily.jstor.org/fighting-words-unabomber/ )

Exactly. The FBI noted in the search warrant for Ted’s cabin that both the Unabomber and Ted K used the term "cool headed logician" and the phrase "eat your cake and have it too". Two matches. Unlike any other named suspect, Doug Oswell and I have identified more than 26 words and even multi-word phrases that both Z and TK used: just some of the examples of ZK/TK shared words and phrases are:

1. blast
2. trigger mechanism
3. busy work
4. around in the snow
5. contrary to what police say
6. to prove I am responsible
7. information only I and the police know
8. Deplorable
9. Z= Bus goes bang. TK=Rifle goes bang.
10.watched from cover
11.rather messy
12.be sure to
13.the damned thing
15.fiddle around
17.fat ass
19.Z=This is The Zodiac speaking. TK=This is a message from the terrorist group FC.

Plus the amazing handwriting matches.

See more shared words, phrases, symbols and handwriting here: viewtopic.php?f=102&t=250

On Appearances: Similarities include short, neatly trimmed hair, stacked on top, large forehead, angular cheekbones, overall "square" type face with no fat, as opposed to round face with fat, prominent jaw line and chin sticks out, "square jawed", similarity in lips, redness -puffiness-lines under eyes, overall neat, clean cut "normal" appearance. In 60’s terms, in the time of men growing longer hair, both Zodiac and Ted K look like "squares": Clean shaven with short, neat hair.

Ted K and SF sketch without glasses:

Ted K, Berkeley, 1968 ——————————-SF Zodiac Sketch No Glasses 1969


Ted K………………..…………………SF Zodiac Sketch No Glasses

Ted K ……………………………………………


Posted : July 20, 2019 5:03 am
Posts: 553
Honorable Member

There was a picture of Ted Kaczynski on the Internet in baggy brown pants and a dark clue coat. That’s just like the description of the suspect in the Stine murder. I wasn’t able to post it because I don’t know how to save it. Unfortunately I was not a secretary. These computers are nothing more than glorified typewriters.

Posted : August 2, 2019 6:28 pm
Posts: 553
Honorable Member

Perhaps the reason at the Swine murder, the police allowed the man that was walking down the street go was that when he spoke to them he had a voice of a highly educated man. Somebody that was above suspicion. A man of the character type, that the police would never think he would be a criminal. And then he goes down the street walking like a pigeon toed penguin. In the same brown pants and blue coat he had on in the picture in the late 1960s. The baggy clothes that make him look much heavier than he was.

Posted : August 2, 2019 6:46 pm
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