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Facts & Evidence – Ted Kaczynski As The Zodiac

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AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Ted Kaczynski was subjected to Henry A Murray’s unethical and frankly, abusive psychological experiment.

“Subjects were incompletely informed about the nature of the experiment [and] were tricked, or coerced, into remaining in the experiment. Given that the procedures were designed to ‘break’ enemy agents and render them so damaged that they would be operationally useless, it is reasonable to expect that they would have the same consequences for vulnerable young people who did not have specialized training to resist interrogation.”

Interesting in terms of ‘I’m crackproof’. Wonder if there is a link between ‘fk’, Harvard, the essay that Kaczynski submitted and or Henry Murray?

The last thing the already alienated and lonely Ted needed was systematic abuse at the hands of authority figures. The project run by former OSS man Murray was likely part of the larger CIA MK-ULTRA project. Ted’s code name in the project was LAWFUL.

Ted wrote in 1971 that he had decided to rebel against the system "as violently as I have", because with "super-computers, genetic engineering and mind control my kind of people (people who are in rebellion against the system and live outside of it) will be eventually extinguished from the planet."

Ted’s exact statement, written in the early 1970’s, likely 1971, is as follows:

Yes and I think it was those types of comments from McConnell and his behavioral experiments that made him a bomb target for Ted. Perhaps in part because of his own victimization in the Harvard experiments, his beliefs in primitivist individualism and his mental illness, Ted reacted strongly to the line of thinking that McConnell represented. Consciously or subconsciously I think the Harvard experiments affected Ted’s philosophy.

Ted once wrote in his journal in the early 1970’s, very likely 1971:

"What makes a situation intolerable is the fact that in all probability, the values that I detest, will soon be achieved through science, an utterly complete and permanent victory throughout the whole world, with a total extrication of everything I value. Through super human computers and mind control there simply will be no place for a rebellious person to hide and my kind of people will vanish forever from the earth. It’s not merely the fact that I cannot fit into society that has induced me to rebel, as violently as I have, it is the fact that I can see society made possible by science inexorably imposing on-me."


Posted : May 28, 2021 5:04 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Quoting Chaucer from a completely different thread……

The real question is how accurate was the post-PH sketch? It wasn’t done with a sketch artist. It was done on an Ident-A-Kit which is essentially a Mr. Potato head where witness pick and choose from a list of hairstyles, eyebrows, lips, noses, etc.

I try to keep this in mind when looking at the sketch, it seems as if 100s, or more likely thousands of people match the sketch.

AK Wilks: The LB sketch was of a man who may or may not have been Zodiac. The Zodiac San Francisco sketch is the only reliable sketch of Zodiac.

If the code was made from an old US Army crypto manual, that means anybody could have used a code.

Did Ted create his own code, or copy it from an old Army manual? Does anyone even definitively know? Or, is this type of code that is simply a mathematically logical conclusion to come to for someone trying to create an uncrackable code. Many breakthroughs and inventions throughout human history has been stumbled upon by different people at the same time on different parts of the planet, this could really be no different.

Ted is in prison. That means his DNA is in Codis.
The partial DNA profile of the Zodiac in no doubt in Codis.
We know the partial Zodiac DNA profile has been tested against Codis.
Teds prints are in NCIC.
The Partial prints have been ran against NCIC.
Zodiac and Ted should match. Unless, ….

1. The search was somehow done improperly or it’s algorithm can’t match because the sample is to low quality.
2. The information was improperly entered into the system.
3. Ted is a DNA chimera.
4. There is no Zodiac DNA or fingerprint profiles, the police made it up to get tips coming in.
5. Investigators have lied about actually checking Zodiac info against Codis and NCIC.

6. Ted isnt Zodiac.

AK Wilks: The head of the FBI CODIS program told me that when Ted pled guilty to federal charges of using an explosive device to cause injury or death, that charge did NOT trigger automatic DNA registration. Only federal charges of murder and rape were covered by DNA collection. Now finally reliable Zodiac DNA, Bates scene DNA and Bricca scene DNA is being developed.

I have been working to get that situation corrected and am finally making progress.


Posted : May 28, 2021 5:30 am
Posts: 112
Estimable Member

OMG, my mind is blown!!

So, the FBI doesn’t have a DNA profile on Ted. At least, they were requesting it in 2011 to try and rule him out as the Tylenol Killer. as far as I can tell, the FBI never got it, he never volunteered and it seems there was never a court order. What the hell? Can someone please get this dude’s DNA? Ridiculous! If it wasn’t in Codis in 2011, it’s probably not there now.

Mah-na Mah-na

Posted : May 28, 2021 5:56 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
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OMG, my mind is blown!!

So, the FBI doesn’t have a DNA profile on Ted. At least, they were requesting it in 2011 to try and rule him out as the Tylenol Killer. as far as I can tell, the FBI never got it, he never volunteered and it seems there was never a court order. What the hell? Can someone please get this dude’s DNA? Ridiculous! If it wasn’t in Codis in 2011, it’s probably not there now.

I can verify that the FBI never sought a court order to get Ted’s DNA. This seemed inexplicable to me. Until I read Scott Bartz explanation of the DNA supposedly found on Cyanide Tylenol pills. While I disagree with the main thesis of his book, he makes a very convincing case that the DNA supposedly found is NOT from the Tylenol Killer. The FBI may have also realized this and thus did not seek a court order which would have the effect in the press of "clearing" him of the Tylenol Murders.


Posted : May 28, 2021 11:54 pm
Posts: 1266
Noble Member

OMG, my mind is blown!!

So, the FBI doesn’t have a DNA profile on Ted. At least, they were requesting it in 2011 to try and rule him out as the Tylenol Killer. as far as I can tell, the FBI never got it, he never volunteered and it seems there was never a court order. What the hell? Can someone please get this dude’s DNA? Ridiculous! If it wasn’t in Codis in 2011, it’s probably not there now.

It does somewhat increase the credibility of Ted as a suspect in my eyes.

Posted : May 29, 2021 12:01 am
Posts: 112
Estimable Member

OMG, my mind is blown!!

So, the FBI doesn’t have a DNA profile on Ted. At least, they were requesting it in 2011 to try and rule him out as the Tylenol Killer. as far as I can tell, the FBI never got it, he never volunteered and it seems there was never a court order. What the hell? Can someone please get this dude’s DNA? Ridiculous! If it wasn’t in Codis in 2011, it’s probably not there now.

It does somewhat increase the credibility of Ted as a suspect in my eyes.

Absolutely, i definitely agree, I never thought I’d say that, but if it’s true it absolutely does raise credibility and suspicion. It also goes on to show further incompetence with our criminal justice system. I don’t understand why we can’t get the basics covered when it come to stuff like this. I know hindsight isn’t 2020, but this would be a HUGE oversight.

Mah-na Mah-na

Posted : May 29, 2021 1:37 am
Posts: 1266
Noble Member

OMG, my mind is blown!!

So, the FBI doesn’t have a DNA profile on Ted. At least, they were requesting it in 2011 to try and rule him out as the Tylenol Killer. as far as I can tell, the FBI never got it, he never volunteered and it seems there was never a court order. What the hell? Can someone please get this dude’s DNA? Ridiculous! If it wasn’t in Codis in 2011, it’s probably not there now.

It does somewhat increase the credibility of Ted as a suspect in my eyes.

Absolutely, i definitely agree, I never thought I’d say that, but if it’s true it absolutely does raise credibility and suspicion. It also goes on to show further incompetence with our criminal justice system. I don’t understand why we can’t get the basics covered when it come to stuff like this. I know hindsight isn’t 2020, but this would be a HUGE oversight.

It must be a technicality. If I’m not mistaken, Ted’s DNA profile would have definitely have been retrieved if he committed the Unabomber crimes today, but I guess this isn’t retroactive.

Posted : May 29, 2021 2:01 am
Posts: 112
Estimable Member

Ughhh.. I woke up this morning and realized I’m totally onboard with Kaczynski possibly being Zodiac, someone please slap me…..

Mah-na Mah-na

Posted : June 2, 2021 10:47 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
Topic starter

Ughhh.. I woke up this morning and realized I’m totally onboard with Kaczynski possibly being Zodiac, someone please slap me…..

Why does this cause you distress?


Posted : June 22, 2021 6:16 am
Posts: 112
Estimable Member

Ughhh.. I woke up this morning and realized I’m totally onboard with Kaczynski possibly being Zodiac, someone please slap me…..

Why does this cause you distress?

On the surface, the idea just seems like something for a conspiracy theorist type nutjob, Ive seen people mention it so many times, and have made the mistake of ignoring it, because, again, on the surface it looks insane. But after reading some of the stuff you guys have posted, it seriouly sounds like TK is worth looking into. Some of the ideas are a stretch but other things sounds like pretty legit concerns, but that goes for everybodys POI, I guess I feel distressed because its a reminder to myself how easy it is to be biased and get tunnel vision, ultimately excluding potentially legit possibilities, not because Im expecting it to be a certain person, Im just not expecting it to be him, when it very well could be.

Mah-na Mah-na

Posted : June 23, 2021 6:40 am
Posts: 2614
Member Admin

Learn more about Kaczynski’s cryptographic system in the latest episode of “Let’s Crack Zodiac”:



Posted : February 3, 2023 11:06 am
AK Wilks reacted
Posts: 1
New Member

I’m sorry, I’m French, and my English syntax is just a mess. So I use the online translator, who will manage to write better than me without difficulty, although I know its shortcomings.

Here is what I wanted to discuss with you :

Assuming that Ted is the Zodiac. And the elements of caligraphy and other bundles of evidence seem to indicate this to us. So I notice two interesting things. We know that Ted is a mathematician, and from his university thesis, we can see that he is fluent in the Greek alphabet. In ancient Greek, the “theta” is exactly similar to the signature of the Zodiac, ie a crosshair. SLA letter tells us that the Zodiac knows or is interested in phonetics and ancient languages. Theta in phonetic alphabet is used to denote the sound “Th”, what better for a signature than to use the sound beginning of his first name? Theodore … We can also note that most of the symbols of his ciphers come from the Greek or Etruscan alphabet. The Theta symbol in its ciphers denotes the letter “D”. If the Zodiac likes riddles, its crosshair symbolizes for who can hear it, as a guess in phonetics “Th..D…..” (TeD). The Theta symbol was also used in Greek mythology to designate Thanatos, the god of Death. Those condemned to death were branded with this symbol.

Moreover, after reading internal correspondence at his prison. One of them calls out to me. Indeed, he uses a metaphor not trivial or that few people would think of using, I quote: “a pen is a phallic symbol. The flow of ink from the tip of the pen represents ejaculation. My pen ran out of ink at this point because of my unconscious fear of castration “. If you take the postcard from the “dripping pen” again, the double meaning of the card becomes obvious. He evokes his loneliness and his sexual impotence. In most of his letters, he writes down his anger and justifies his crimes because he can no longer hold back his frustration. This could also explain his overwhelming need to express himself by mail. Is taking the pen his only way to have fun?

Obviously, none of this can serve as proof. I find however, that this makes sense in the assumption that Ted is the Zodiac.
His signature since always, in the form of crosshair, which he wanted us to wear as a badge, would only be his quasi monogram.

Thank you for listening (I can’t vouch for anything, but it seems to me that the comparative analysis of Ted’s handwriting and the Zodiac is so decisive, that your FBI shouldn’t totally reject the hypothesis that Ted is the person he’s been looking for, for so many years).

Posted : August 11, 2023 5:57 am
By Boredom reacted
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