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Facts & Evidence – Ted Kaczynski As The Zodiac

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AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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[Circumstantial evidence is taken] mistakenly by some to be evidence of an inferior order, but in practice the most reliable proof we have. […] The predominating element in what we call circumstantial evidence is that of coincidences. A few coincidences we may treat as simply interesting; a number of coincidences we regard as remarkable; a vast accumulation of extraordinary coincidences we accept as conclusive proof. And when the case has reached this stage we look upon the matter as finally settled, until, as may happen, something of a most unusual character appears to upset all our reasoning. If nothing of this kind ever appears, whilst every newly discovered fact adds but confirmation to the conclusion, that conclusion is accepted as a permanently established truth. Thomas Looney

That is twice you have meddled in my affairs, Mr. Bond. Once is happenstence, twice coincidence. Three times is enemy action. Auric Goldfinger


* Kacsynski lived in the SF Bay area during the time of most of the confirmed Zodiac murders.

* Kaczynski’s attorney said he could not provide any alibi dates for Zodiac murder and mailing dates, starting with Bates in 1966 and going to the 1974 letters, and also including the Santa Barbara murders in 1963 and the Swindle murders in 1964.

* Both Zodiac and Kaczynski were ruthless killers, highly intelligent and interested in and expert at bombs and codes.

* Both made references to opera, literature and Norse myths.

* Both demanded their words be published on the front pages of newspapers on penalty of death for innocents if not done.

* Both threatened to bomb mass transit.

* Both left drawings of crossed lines inside circles at crime scenes.

* Both used crossed lines inside circles as signatures.

* Both sent taunting messages to police and victims.

* Both usually used excessive postage, often double postage.

* Both wrote checkmark "r" ‘s, three stroke "k" ‘s, five stroke "m" ‘s and had many other handwriting matches.

* Both commented on the bounty put on their head.

* Both were filled with hatred and a desire for revenge against society.

* Both owned and used Winchester Western .22 Super X ammo.

* Both had guns with flashlights attached to the barrel.

* Kaczynski shot a miner with a rifle – Zodiac threatened to shoot school kids on a bus with a rifle

* Both had an unusual walk – Officer Fouke said the man he saw at the Stine crime scene walked with a "lumbering gait…a semi-limp", a girl at Lake Berryessa observed that a man watching them who may have been the Zodiac "favored one leg over the other", and David Kaczynski said his brother Ted was "noticably pigeon-toed" and that it "affected the way he walked".

* Both had knowledge of Deer Lodge, Montana. (See below).

* Zodiac taunted police, hinted he shot SFPD Officer Radetich and most importantly attacked and killed couples in known love making spots; Kaczynski recorded a desire in his journal to kill "police", "rowdy college students", "promiscuous" women and men and "noisy" love making "couples" in September of 1966.


One very interesting fact: Zodiac said on 9/27/69 to Bryan Hartnell that he had escaped from "Deer Lodge, Montana", an obscure but beautiful small town that has a state prison. How many people in California would have heard of that town, and why would it be on their minds that they would mention it? I think the number would be very small. But Ted had just driven through or by this tiny town in the middle of nowhere with his brother weeks earlier, and he remarked how beautiful an area it was. It made such an impression that it was within an hour of where Ted would buy the cabin he would live in the rest of his life.


Edited and with new discoveries. Look at more of the shared words, phrases and styles of Ted K and Zodiac, most found by the excellent research of Doug Oswell, some others by myself, Jem, Linda, Kite.

Z = In that epasode the police were wondering as to how I could shoot & hit my victims in the dark. August, 1969 Letter.
K = Well, never mind that stupid episode anyway. GX18-20104, p.22.

Z = The one thing I ask of you is this, please help me. Belli Letter, 1969.
K = But the point is this: If there is such a solution, no one at present seems to know just what it is. 1971 Essay.

Z = It is more fun than killing wild game in the forrest because man is the most dangerou anamal of all. To kill something gives me the most thrilling experience. Three-Part Cipher, 1969.
K = I drove up to Humboldt county for deer hunting…. deer hunting is very exciting. Turchie Affidavit, Addendum, 1996.
He knew how to protect himself from heat, cold, rain, dangerous animals, etc. Unabomber, Manifesto, 1995.

Z = The S.F. Police could have caught me last night if they had searched the park properly instead of holding road races with their motor cicles seeing who could make the most noise. The car drivers should have just parked their cars & sat there quietly waiting for me to come out of cover. Stine Letter, 1969.
K = For example, a variety of noise-making devices: power mowers, radios, motorcycles, etc. If the use of these devices is unrestricted, people who want peace and quiet are frustrated by the noise. Manifesto, 1995.
When I see a motorcyclist tearing up the mountain meadows … I want to kick him in the face while he is dying. GX-2003F, p. 11.
Analysis: Both Zodiac and Kaczynski are annoyed by and comment on motorcycles making a loud noise.

Z = I shall (on top of every thing else) torture all 13 of my slaves that I have wateing for me in Paradice. Some I shall tie over ant hills and watch them scream & twich and squirm. Others shall have pine splinters driven under their nails & then burned. Others shall be placed in cages & fed salt beef untill they are gorged then I shall listen to their pleass for water and I shall laugh at them. Others will hang by their thumbs & burn in the sun then I will rub them down deep heat to warm them up. Others I shall skin them alive & let them run around screaming. The Mikado Letter, 1970.
K = I hadn’t previously been troubled by rats around here, but I just discovered that my pack has been chewed up so badly that it is nearly ruined … This means some deadfalls are going to be set. I hope I catch one of those [expletive] alive–I will torture it to death in the most fiendish manner I can devise. Journal entry, July 31, 1974.

From Doug Oswell http://www.unazod.com :

Z = 2 cops pulled a goof.Seven-Page letter, 1969.
K = The FBI is a joke.New York Times letter, 1995.

Z = As of yet I have left no fingerprints behind me contrary to what the police say. Seven-Page Letter, 1969.
K = Contrary to what the FBI has suggested, our bombing at the California Forestry Association was in no way inspired by the Oklahoma City bombing. New York Times Letter, 1995.

Z = The Map COUPLED WITH THIS code will tell you where the bomb is set. Map Bomb Letter 1970
K = and COUPLED WITH THIS the trait of hypersensitivity. FC to Earth First letter

Z = police better get off their fat asses if they want to catch me. Zodiac, LA Times letter, 1971.
K = She had a fat ass. Ellen poem.

Z = do something "nasty". Zodiac Exorcist letter, 1974.
K = this "nasty" affair. Ellen letter.

Z = Suggests body can be found AROUND IN THE SNOW. Pines Card 1971.
K = Suggests after shooting a rabbit its body can be found "AROUND IN THE SNOW." Technological Slavery, on page 400.

Z = Police should have "sat there quietly waiting for me to come out of cover." Zodiac Stine Letter, October 13, 1969, to SF Chronicle.
K = "I went down there and watched, from cover, a guy with a bulldozer…". Unabomber: The Secret Life of Ted Kaczynski, by Chris Waits and Dave Shors, p. 278.
Analysis: Both Zodiac and Kaczynski descibe hiding from and watching enemies behind forestry as from "cover", a military term.

Z = "was a negro about 40 -45 rather shabbly dressed." Zodiac Letter of August 4, 1969, to SF Examiner.
K = "their homes looked shabby". Technological Slavery, p. 397.

Z = BE SURE TO PRINT the part I marked out on page 3 or I shall do my thing.
K = BE SURE TO tell us where and how our material will be published and how long it will take to appear in PRINT once we have sent in the manuscript.

Z = ‘I am mildly cerous as to how much money you have on my head now?’ and ‘What is the price tag now?’.
K = ‘25,000 dollar reward offered. Rather flattering.’
Analysis: Both commented on their bounties in a boastful way.

Z = DANGEROUE. 408 Code
K = YESTERDAE. Unabomber Code
Analysis: Both Zodiac and Kaczynski have a code in which in order to increase difficulty of solution they change the last consonant (S, Y) in a word to the vowel "E".


Posted : January 21, 2014 10:44 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Generally it is not too helpful to compare suspects, because it often devolves into "my suspect is better than yours!", when the question should be what evidence shows a suspect was Zodiac, not who has the best suspect. Yet I do find it odd that above I can show 30 or more examples of Kaczynski and Zodiac using the same words, phrases and styles, while I have never seen anything even close to this for any other suspect.


Is the name of the novel written by Joe LaFollette in 1985, based on long conversations with David Kaczynski. The plot is about a Berkeley professor who hates computers, in particular an artifical intelligence system named LAURA. He starts doing KNIFE MURDERS in a war against society.

Hmm, sounds like anyone David Kaczynski would have known?

The information from David is consistent with Ted doing knife based personal murders like Zodiac, or Valerie Percy, or others. Or was just a figment of David and Joe’s imagination.

When I personally asked David to give his DNA to be compared to what I thought was possible Zodiac DNA, David refused. He told me he didn’t think Ted was the Zodiac or Tylenol Killer, but he refused to give DNA on the grounds that Ted could be "exposed to a possible death penalty." Of course Ted would only face a death penalty if he actually was the Zodiac or Tylenol Killer.

The only copy of the book is in the Library of Congress.
Thanks to the FBI documents obtained by MORF in regards to the unconfirmed Zodiac card with the words "Oct. 12, 1970", "The Zodiac is going to", "you taught me", "YOU ARE NEXT", we now know that was sent to Dr. Edward C. Adams, M.D., a psychiatrist who lived in Orinda and apparently had an office at Hotel Shattuck in Berkeley.

Ted Kaczynski did indeed hate psychiatrists, and the first person he expressed a desire to "really kill" was the psychiatrist he talked to about the sex change, in early September 1966.

In 1970, Zodiac may have threatened a psychiatrist by telling him "YOU ARE NEXT".

In 1993, Ted Kaczynski threatened a psychiatrist by telling him "YOU ARE NEXT". He had just mailbombed his brother.

The San Francisco Chronicle
LENGTH: 1188 words
HEADLINE: Another Professor Hurt by a Mail Bomb
BYLINE: Ken Hoover, Louis Freedberg, Chronicle Staff Writ

"Gelernter is the author of a computer language called Linda that gives personal computers more power. He has written widely on computer issues.

Late yesterday afternoon, Gelernter’s brother, Joel, a psychiatrist and geneticist, received a telephone threat at the Veterans Administration Hospital in West Haven, Conn. The caller told the woman who answered the phone ”You are next,” referring to Joel Gelernter. Joel Gelernter is also a Yale professor."

Thanks to documents obtained by MORF of http://www.zodiackillersite.com and graphics/computer work by TRAVELLER1ST we now have the UNREDACTED version of the YOU ARE NEXT unconfirmed Zodiac card, which was postmarked from BERKELEY California and sent to a psychiatrist, Dr. Edward Adams, who appears to have had an office in BERKELEY as well.

Great job, AGAIN Morf ! Thank you VERY much:)

IMO the new Oct 12, 1970 card is created by the very same person as the person who created the probale Zodiac card of Oct 5, 1970. Created exactly 1 week apart.



1. the cut out day/date is proably from the same newspaper, exact same font.

2. both cards are signed with the name "Zodiac", and the name "Zodiac" in both cards are ALSO proably from the same newspaper, both in exact same font, only the Oct 5 is made by single cut out letters (NOT italics)and the Oct 12 is one single word cut out (this IS italics version of the font).

3. the crosshair symbols on the Oct 5 and the Oct 12 are very simelar in their design.

KITE noted: The possibility of that 10/12/70 date associated postcard being sent by Zodiac is particularly interesting when considering a possible parallel to Kaczynski. The more immediate or otherwise obvious postcard associated parallels are Berkeley and Kaczynski’s apparent homicidal hatred and seemingly potent paranoia for psychiatrists or psychologists.

If that is correct, in Kaczynski, you have a serial killer who talked of feeling a sense of LIBERATION when he dreamt of killing a psychologist. Here’s a section from over by the THE CASE FOR KACZYNSKI… section:

(…psychologist would either be trying to convince me I was "sick" or would be trying to control my mind through psychological techniques. I would be on the dodge….and finally I would break out into physical violence against the psychologist and his allies. At the moment when I broke out into violence and killed the psychologist or other such figures, I experienced a great feeling of relief and LIBERATION.)

AK: If I am reading the entry right, and Dr. Adams had an office at Hotel Shattuck in Berkeley, that is within 1 mile of the Kaczynski house on Regent Street in Berkeley.

Excellent work by our member Ricardo on the unredacted card "Zodiac is going to…You are next" which names Dr. Edward Adams.

http://www.mk-zodiac.com/Communication1 … eport.html

IMO this unredacted card is a major find, the biggest out of this new batch recovered by Morf.

IF this card is really from Zodiac, then there should be some connection or nexus between who Zodiac really was and this Dr. Adams.

At the link above, Ricardo has excellent large reproductions of the card, and analysis showing possible links between Dr. Adams and his circle of associates and TWO well known Zodiac suspects.

Ricardo’s website is http://www.mk-zodiac.com

He shows possible links between two associates of Dr. Adams and Ted Kaczynski. One of the associates appears to have worked with Dr. Henry Murray, the man who did the CIA sponsored mental experiments on Ted at Harvard.

Ricardo mentions an article by Dr. Adams called "Psychological Aspects of Atomic Disaster".

http://pubmedcentralcanada.ca/picrender … obtype=pdf

I have not yet read the full article, but if Ted read this, I can tell you he would have hated Dr. Adams. Just two brief bits at the end will illustrate this – in event of nuclear war, Dr. Adams says:

* That after atomic war, ambulances should patrol with psychiatrists and other persons, and have "syringes and sedatives."

* "All efforts should be directed to getting back to work as quickly as possible."

Ted viewed psychiatrists and psychologists as evil minions of the system trying to control people’s minds. The first person he expressed a written desire to kill, in September 1966, was the psychiatrist he talked to about his desired sex change which he felt was humiliating. He had repeated dreams/nightmares about psychiatrists trying to control his mind.

Reading this Dr. Strangelovian article by Dr. Edward Adams about atomic war and how psychiatrists can get people under control and back to work is interesting, and if Ted ever read this article I am confident Adams would have been on his self described "Hit List"

Ted often talked about how revolutionaries need to be as violent and tough as their enemies in the corporate and government establishments.

Keeping all this in mind, and that an associate of Dr. Adams worked with Dr. Murray, the man who did experiments with Ted at Harvard, it is interesting to reflect on the line in this possible Zodiac card that says:


Interesting material found by PORTOFLEITH.

She noted that the threat letter said "the adamses are next", meaning the couple Dr. Edward Adams and his wife.

Both he and his wife appeared in the newspapers, one was a Nov. 1968 multi page spread on their house and garden. Mrs. Adam was also active in women’s groups, library groups and feminism. The feminist event was noted in October 1969. Did this trigger "Zodiac"? Or was it the 1968 photo spread? And/or was it Dr. Adams article about how to get people working again after nuclear war, or his association with Dr. Murray? Or random?

Professor James McConnell of U of M had a spread in a 1982 issue of People mentioning how much money he was making in the psychology field and with pictures of his nice big home, and three years later he got a mailbomb from Ted.


Posted : January 25, 2014 12:42 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Two Photographs of Bearded Ted Kaczynski vs. Sketch of Suspect in Murder of Sacramento Nurse Judith Hakari.

Hakari is considered a possible victim of the Zodiac, and police thought her killer also probably murdered Sacramento resident and court reporter Nancy Bennallack (in a ONS like home invasion attack) and Nevada resident Donna Lass, both also regarded as probable Zodiac victims.

Lass and Hakari were both nurses, both last seen alive at work and both went missing with their cars parked at their residences, perhaps as if they were followed home from work and abducted there. Lake Tahoe, NV is basically right across the state line from Sacramento, CA.

The day after Bennallack was killed, but before it hit the newspapers, the Zodiac sent a Halloween Card to the SF Chronicle claiming a new 14th victim.

And the Zodiac sent in a postcard strongly suggesting he killed Lass.

The bearded Ted Kaczynski bears an obvious and very strong similarity to the bearded suspect in these possible Zodiac murders.

The one man at the scene of the Riverside campus library the night of the murder of Cheri Jo Bates on October 30, 1966, who could not be accounted for or found, was a bearded young man.

The suspect description in the Bennallack murder was: "Glen Campbell Haircut" (meaning a large parted wave?), about 25 years old, 5′ 9", 170 pounds.

Shot and wounded by the Zodiac on 7/4/69, Michael Mageau thought Zodiac was 25 to 30 years old and 160 pounds, with short "light brown, almost blond" hair but sort of combed up in a "pompadour". Probable Zodiac attempted abduction victim Kathleen Johns also put Zodiac at 160 pounds. In this time period, Kaczynski was 5′ 9" – 5′ 10", 150 to 160 pounds, 27 when Mageau was shot and 28 when Bennallack was murdered.

Also, the sketch of the Bennallack suspect bears a very interesting similarity to the "Napa Composite", the man seen hiding behind a tree and spying on the college girls at Lake Berryessa before the Zodiac attack there that same day, and thought by police to perhaps be the Zodiac. One girl thought this man was around 28, another thought 25 to 35. Also, the sketch of the Bennallack suspect and the Napa Composite bears a similarity to one of the many looks of Kaczynski, his sometimes darker brown hair, parted in a big wave look.

This was put together by Doug Oswell.


Posted : January 31, 2014 10:54 pm
Posts: 491
Honorable Member

AK… just wanted to say that your presentation of ideas about Ted is top-notch, IMO. I don’t always agree with everything but there are some very interesting circumstantial connections with Ted and I think you’ve done a fine job of presenting your case here. I think you’ve earned him a DNA swabbing in my book.

Posted : February 1, 2014 3:52 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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AK… just wanted to say that your presentation of ideas about Ted is top-notch, IMO. I don’t always agree with everything but there are some very interesting circumstantial connections with Ted and I think you’ve done a fine job of presenting your case here. I think you’ve earned him a DNA swabbing in my book.

Thanks very much! I really appreciate it. Ted of course declined to give DNA. The FBI said they would seek a court order. What is happening, if anything, who knows. Ted, like the Zodiac, killed strangers and wrote to newspapers saying he would kill more unless his words were put on the front page. And he is the only Zodiac suspect known to have done that.


Posted : February 2, 2014 5:37 pm
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

I agree. I continue to find Ted an interesting suspect, don’t give up your work AK.

Posted : February 3, 2014 8:55 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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I agree. I continue to find Ted an interesting suspect, don’t give up your work AK.

Thanks. I am not going to give up. The only question is, and this applies to other suspects as well, what more can be done that has not been done and would be interesting and lead to new discoveries? What new evidence or studies can tend to prove or equally important disprove your suspect or any suspect was Zodiac?

And is there any actual Zodiac DNA, and will authorities ever get Ted’s to compare? I have found I or any citizen have very little ability to influence those aspects.


Posted : February 3, 2014 9:19 pm
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

I am holding out hope that the DNA evidence will be revisited, that old evidence may be re-tested for more DNA. We really need DNA from two different
letters or scenes, same with finger prints, or palm prints. At least Ted is still alive. I’m afraid many suspects have passed on into oblivion, with no prints or DNA ever collected. The thing that intrigues me with Ted is his handwriting, and that he is a known killer. But I’m afraid no one will ever claim this case solved, by handwriting samples. Someone in Law Enforcement must go back and re test this evidence at some point in time for DNA.

Posted : February 3, 2014 9:52 pm
Posts: 172
Estimable Member

I know everyone knows this but….

He’s the only suspect I’m aware of that we know for a fact is a crazy ****** that killed people.

Posted : February 3, 2014 10:49 pm
Posts: 2309
Member Moderator

There is Howard Davis’s suspect Bruce Davis of the Manson Family who has been in prison for murder for the last 40 or so years. He has another parole hearing coming up next month.


Posted : February 3, 2014 11:57 pm
Posts: 301
Reputable Member

Another interesting fact about Ted is that a lot of his life is far more documented and investigated than many other POIs and still he can’t be ruled out. Although I suppose the opposite could also be inferred – that all the investigating has failed to show a definitive link.
It’s interesting that as time goes on LE seem less keen on DNA matching anyone to Z, it would be unsurprising but a real shame if they had been told that with the advances in tech over the years they have come to realise that the material is not valid in some way.

Check out my website: www.darkideas.net

Posted : February 4, 2014 12:04 am
Posts: 172
Estimable Member

There is Howard Davis’s suspect Bruce Davis of the Manson Family who has been in prison for murder for the last 40 or so years. He has another parole hearing coming up next month.

Good point. Forgot about that crazy ******. Bruce, that is…. not his brother Howard.

Posted : February 4, 2014 12:15 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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But imo Bruce Davis is ruled out by his hair and beard and also by being in prison for several confirmed Zodiac letters sent in the 1970’s. Ted remains the only known suspect who was a murderer who was free for all the mailings and who wrote to newspapers about his crime.

James I agree nothing rules him out and he declined to offer alibi’s when asked.


Posted : February 4, 2014 12:53 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Interesting comment from Linda on a Ted journal entry, thought to be 1979. " Speaking of which, another quote directly from the journal of TK identifying his rage, his desire to kill for revenge and use of a gun:

"(Maybe there would still be something better I could strive for, some corner of the world where there’s still some wilderness, or other things-but again, I’m so terribly tired of struggling.) For these reasons, I want to get my revenge in one big blast. By accepting death as the price, I won’t have to fret and worry about how to plan things so I won’t get caught. Moreover, I want to release all my hatred and just go out and kill. When I see a motorcyclist tearing up the mountain meadows, instead of fretting about how I can get revenge on him safely, I just want to watch the bullet rip through his flesh and I want to kick him in the face while he is dying.

You mustn’t sense from this that I am currently being tormented by paroxysms of hatred. Actually, during the last few months (except at a few times) I have been troubled by frustrated hatred much less than usual. I think this is because, whenever I have experienced some outrage (such as a low-flying jet or some official stupidity reported in the paper), as I felt myself growing angry, I calmed myself by thinking-"just wait till this summer! Then I’ll kill!" Thus, what I’ve been feeling in recent months is not hot rage, but a cold determination to get my revenge."


Posted : February 4, 2014 8:51 am
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

Please postulate about Ted and Riverside or direct me to the thread.

Posted : February 28, 2014 10:03 pm
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