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High Tech Family & Coed Murders – Percy, Bricca, Robison

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AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Yep just let me know. I am always happy to help with a FOIA.

Norse I don’ know if you saw this or not.

This is actual handwriting from the killer of the Robison Family. This note was put on the cabin to deter neighbors. It had to have been done by the killer.


Posted : August 25, 2014 12:53 am
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

What are the odds of ZODIUS and ZODIAC not being connected? I just don’t see that being possible. Maybe they are not the same person, but they are damn sure tied together (in my mind anyways).

I agree 10,000%.

The Robison murders got some nationwide coverage, but the ZODIUS mailing to the Detroit News mostly was covered heavily in the state of Michigan, perhaps with some coverage in the Midwest. It did not get national coverage.

At a bare minimum, I would say that it is very likely that Zodiac had spent some time in the Midwest generally or more likely Michigan in particular.

As far as known killers who are major viable Zodiac suspects with Midwest and Michigan ties, certainly Ted K fits the bill, though there may be others I am not aware of at this time. Any other Michigan or Midwest Zodiac suspects?

Even more likely, I think it should at least be seriously considered if ZODIUS and ZODIAC are one and the same.

Agreed. Even if Ted wasn’t Zodiac, he could have easily had some influence on whoever Zodiac was, and maybe even was responsible for the codes/ciphers.

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : August 25, 2014 1:12 pm
Posts: 419
Reputable Member

I do not know whether to hug AK after his posts or kick him to the curb..damn you make some compelling thought process in my mind that TK has to be given some serious belief as being the Z…i dont know which is worse..you or mike R (morf too)..great stuff both of you post…is there any way or any evidence that even places TK within 100 miles of these crime locations? (i would guess his Harvard association would have brought him back into town)

ps: yes i see a circle with an X thru it..cant help on the other stuff

Posted : December 16, 2014 2:47 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
Topic starter

I do not know whether to hug AK after his posts or kick him to the curb..damn you make some compelling thought process in my mind that TK has to be given some serious belief as being the Z…i dont know which is worse..you or mike R (morf too)..great stuff both of you post…is there any way or any evidence that even places TK within 100 miles of these crime locations? (i would guess his Harvard association would have brought him back into town)

ps: yes i see a circle with an X thru it..cant help on the other stuff

Thanks…I think!

Yes Ted went to Harvard so he would know the Boston area. The Midwest murders happen when Ted is a student at U of M in Michigan and has a family home in suburban Chicago, Illinois. The Z murders in CA happen when Ted is out there as a Prof and after he resigns as a prof.


Domingos & Edwards, Santa Barbara, CA – Bound, bodies stacked, covered by blanket, murdered .22 pistol, probably JC Higgins, Super X ammo, 6/4/63

Sharon Bubes, Evanston, IL – Attacked in her bedroom with a hammer, 6/30/66

Valerie Percy, Kenilworth, IL – Murdered in her bedroom by hammer like object and knife, 9/18/66

Bricca Family, Cincinnati, OH – Found bound and murdered in bedrooms by knife, bodies stacked, 9/27/66

Cheri Jo Bates, Riverside, CA – Murdered at campus library by knife, 10/30/66, day before Holiday

Confession letter in Cheri Jo Bates murder, Riverside, CA – mailed on 11/28/66

Robison Family, Blisswood, MI – Bodies stacked, one covered by blanket, murdered by .22 pistol, probably JC Higgins, Super X ammo, also by hammer, 6/25/68

Faraday & Jensen, Benicia, CA – Murdered by .22 pistol, probably JC Higgins, Super X ammo, 12/20/68, days before Holiday

Cecelia Shepard, Lake Berryessa, CA – Bound and murdered by knife, 9/27/69

Betsy Aardsma, State College, PA – Murdered in campus library by knife, 11/28/69, day before Holiday

Joan Webster, Boston, MA – Abducted and murdered, body dumped, 11/28/81, within days of Holiday

East Coast cases:

Nov 28, 1969 Betsy Aardsma, Penn State
Nov 28, 1981 Joan Webster, Harvard

College Girl Murders:

Left: Valerie Percy
Right: Cheri Jo Bates


We know that it is most likely around late August/early September of 1966 when Kaczynski states he was "born again" and decided to "really kill everyone I hate." He states he was suffering from "acute sexual starvation" and that some of the people he wants to kill are love making couples, "college students" and young men and women. Looking at these cases we see possible links between them.

Note also that the Zodiac Killer is a prime suspect in the death of Ms. Bates, and that the interest in Kaczynski as a suspect for the Zodiac has been renewed and is ongoing. Kaczynski was in the SF Bay area at the time of the Zodiac murders, and like the Zodiac, wrote to newspapers demanding his words on the front page and was an expert in codes and bombs. On the three year anniversary of the discovery of the Bricca murders, September 27, 1969, the Zodiac attacked a couple at Lake Berryessa, CA, and bound them with rope before stabbing them. The woman, Cecelia Shepard, was stabbed 10 times and was killed.

Looking at the pictures of Valerie Percy, Cheri Jo Bates and Betsy Aardsma, there are clear similarities (and I think Linda Bricca and Cecelia Shepard would fit in here as well). All the girls are beautiful, with fresh faces and mid length hair. If perhaps not looking quite like sisters, they certainly look like they could be cousins, all from the same family.

All these women were in the same age range and all were college students. All were intelligent, charming, independent and assertive. All were "good girls" to use the language of the times. All lead clean lives with no clear suspects in their murders.

Percy and Aardsma were both graduate students. Percy had graduated from Cornell and was to start graduate school at John Hopkins; Aardsma had graduated from the University of Michigan and had just started grad school at Penn State.

It seems Ted Kaczynski had either actually or potentially crossed paths with each of these women, had a tie to the area they were in and was actually in each of the three different states they were in when they were killed.

* Percy’s Kenilworth home was within 30 minutes of where Kaczynski’s family home in Evergreen Park was located, and four hours from Ann Arbor, Michigan.

* Before enrolling at the University of Michigan, Aardsma visited and spent extensive time in Ann Arbor in 1966-1967, Ted’s last year there, they both shared an interest Native American Indian cultures and in politics, Aardsma was researching a mathematician when killed and most importantly a witness has placed Ted at the murder scene, in the Penn State library the day before the murder.

* Bates was killed in Riverside, California during the time that evidence shows Ted went out there in the late Fall/early Winter of 1966 to interview with the University of California, Berkeley, which also has campuses in LA and Riverside.

Percy was stabbed multiple times and bludgeoned in the head; Bates was stabbed multiple times and kicked in the head; Aardsma was killed by a single brutal knife thrust to the heart.


In particular, there are very notable similarities between the murder of Ms. Bates in California on October 30, 1966 (when evidence shows Kaczynski was in that state), and the murder of Ms. Aardsma on November 28, 1969 at the Penn State library (when evidence shows Kaczynski was there, at that library). In some instances there are also similarities to the Percy murder. University of Michigan graduate Betsy Aardsma, attending Penn State graduate school, was brutally murdered. Like the murder of Ms. Bates:

* The murder took place within one day of a major Fall Holiday (Bates Halloween, Aardsma Thanksgiving). (Percy near the Autumnal Equinox and Harvest Moon, Bricca and Shepard on the Norse Harvest Festival).

* The murder took place at or in a campus library (Bates at the library, Aardsma actually in the library).

* The weapon was a short knife, approximately 1 inch wide and 3 1/2 to 4 inches long. (I don’t know the length of knife used on Percy but a bayonet was found in the lake nearby, Bricca was killed by a 6 1/2 inch knife, perhaps a bayonet, and Shepard may have also been killed with a bayonet or bayonet sized weapon).

* The attack was brutal and the victims led clean lives with no obvious suspects. (Also true of Percy, Bricca and Shepard).

* In both cases taunting letters were sent after the crime. (A threat letter was sent to Charles Percy in May 1966, Zodiac letter sent after Shepard murder).

* A poem found at the Riverside college talked about killing a girl in a red dress, and Aardsma was wearing a red dress when killed. (Zodiac wrote a message on the car door where Shepard was killed).

After the Zodiac murder of cab driver Paul Stine in October 1969, and the release of the Zodiac composite sketch in early November 1969, the SF area would have been very hot for the Zodiac. It would be prudent for him to leave, and in fact, Ted’s brother David says Ted did leave California at that time and came home to Illinois. That puts him in the eastern half of the US and a days drive from PA when Aardsma is killed. Ted’s father was from PA. Prior to the murder of Aardsma, Zodiac claimed 7 victims – but in his Christmas letter to Melvin Belli he says he may take a ninth and tenth victim. Who was number 8? Could it have been Aardsma?

Most importantly, a witness picked out a picture of Ted Kaczynski out of a photo lineup as being present in the Penn State library the day before Aardsma was killed, acting suspiciously, which I took to mean he was not reading books, but looking at and following women. There is absolutely no reason for Ted K to be at this library. In early November Zodiac claimed seven victims, but in his December letter, he threatened to get victims nine and ten. Who was the eighth victim? Could it have been Aardsma?


You can see there is a similarity between Ted and a suspect sketch in the Aardsma case. And there are similarities between the Percy suspect sketch and the Aardsma suspect sketch, including the general face structure, prominent jaw, jutting chin, nose, as well as the same type of glasses.

Given that the attacker of Ms. Bubes and the killer of Ms. Percy were only seen briefly, in very poor light and at an unknown angle, certain aspects may not have been observed correctly. It is possible the narrowness of the face was slightly overstated. In addition, the murder of Aardsma was three years and two months after the murder of Percy. In that time frame, it is reasonable to speculate that as the suspect grew older he may have put on a little bit of weight in the face.

Given those two factors, as an experiment, I took the first and second suspect sketches in the murder of Valerie Percy and MODIFIED THEM BY WIDENING 18%. You can see them below and compare it to the Aardsma suspect sketch and the pictures of Ted Kaczynski in between them.



* It was mentioned that early on investigators from both cases considered the possibility that they were linked.

* Percy was murdered on September 18, 1966, while one week later, September 25-27, 1966, and just fours away by car, the Bricca family was slain.

* Awakened by noise, Mrs. Percy came into the room of her stepdaughter Valerie and then hit the alarm causing the killer to flee – but for that it may well have been the intention of the killer to murder everyone in the Percy family, just as everyone in the Bricca family was killed.

* In both cases the victims lead clean lives with no known suspects who would want to kill them, and in both cases robbery was not a motive.

* Both cases involved night time home invasion knife attacks against victims in their Midwest suburban bedrooms.

* Both cases exhibited tremendous brutality and overkill – Valerie Percy was bludgeoned and stabbed 12 to 14 times, Jerry Bricca stabbed 9 times, Linda Bricca stabbed 8 times, even little Debbie Bricca stabbed 4 times.

* Both Charles Percy (CEO of Bell & Howell) and Jerry Bricca (chemical engineer Monsanto) worked for large corporations involved in high technology.

* Bricca neighbor Dick Meyer said that Linda Bricca remarked that she knew Valerie Percy and had commented on her death.

* Both Valerie Percy and Linda Bricca grew up in wealthy suburban Chicago and had fathers who ran large companies.


Ann Arbor, Kenilworth and Cincinnati are all about equidistant on a map and form a triangle with equal sides.

Linda Bricca had been a stewardess for United Airlines, and her friend and fellow stewardess Lonnie Trumbull was murdered in Seattle earlier that same year. Trumbull’s roommate was beaten but survived, though she had complete memory loss of the event. Future serial killer Ted BUNDY lived nearby at the time and was suspected of that crime, but he denied it to the end, though he admitted to many others. Ted KACZYNSKI had a hatred for airplanes and airline companies. In 1979 he put a bomb on a jet flying out of Chicago and in 1980 he tried to kill the President of United Airlines with a bomb. But for many reasons, including geography, Ted KACZYNSKI would NOT be a strong suspect for the Trumbull murder.

Kaczynski is under investigation for being the Zodiac, as well as another hooded California slayer who bound and murdered couples, the East Area Rapist/Original Night Stalker (EAR/ONS).

The MO matches between the EAR/ONS and the killer of Valerie Percy include sometimes targeting lone females, entry into house at night, awakening victim with flashlight in their eyes, stabbing, brutal bludgeoning to face of victim.

The MO matches between the EAR/ONS and the killer of the Bricca family include targeting of couples, entry into home at night, attack in the bedroom, BINDING THE COUPLE, brutal overkill murders, killer makes himself at home in the house, drawers are pulled to look like a robbery but nothing of value is taken, victims live in upscale suburban neighborhood, victims often work in the corporate and/or high tech worlds.

Layout of the killers path in the Percy mansion.

Article on murder weapon.

From pootyxx:

This took place in Florida. Though it was more like a home invasion, the methodology reminded me of Z.

"Sims Homicide, October 22, 1966

Leon County Sheriff Larry Campbell was the first deputy on the scene 31 years ago on October 22, 1966. At approximately 11 p.m., Dr. Robert W. Sims, 42; and his daughter Joy, 12; were found dead. Helen Sims, 37, was gravely wounded by two gunshots to the head. The older Sims daughters, Virginia, 17; and Judy, 15, were not at home; both were baby-sitting. Joy Sims had been gagged with a stocking and tied up. Her mother was found on the floor; both parents also were tightly bound. Dr. Sims was killed with one bullet to the head; Joy had been stabbed seven times in the chest and abdomen. Mrs. Sims, who had been shot twice in the head and once in the leg, died later at the hospital.

Officers gathering evidence found nearly 1,000 latent fingerprints. There was no sign of forced entry; however, the door lock might have been faulty. The absence of any struggle hints that the victims may have known their killer. More than one killer may have committed the murders. There was no evidence of a struggle in the home, and it would have been difficult for one person to subdue two adults and a child alone.

Anyone who might have information that would help solve this case is urged to contact the Leon County Sheriff’s Office, (850)922-3300.

Leon County Sheriff’s Office http://lcso.leonfl.org/ "

http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/Content/Off … icide.aspx

AK – Wow that is amazing. Never heard of this case.

It has incredible similarities to the September 25/27, 1966 home invasion murder of the Bricca family in Cincinnati, Ohio and the September 19, 1966 home invasion murder of Valerie Percy in Kenilworth, Illinois.

Background info on the murder of Valerie Percy, daughter of former Bell & Howell CEO and Republican Senator Charles Percy, on September 18, 1966, in the Chicago suburb of Kenilworth, Illinois. A brutal home invasion murder by knife and blunt hammer like object.

http://www.trutv.com/library/crime/noto … index.html

Background info on a case possibly related to the Percy murder, happened just a week later and four hours away, September 25 -27, 1966, in the Cincinnati suburbs, brutal home invasion murder of Monsanto chemical engineer and father Jerry Bricca, mother Linda Bricca and daughter Debbie Bricca, all bound and fatally stabbed.


If you or anyone else find out anything more about this murder of the Sims family, please PM it to me or just post it here.

Look at this map – A is Kenilworth, IL scene of 9/19/66 Murder of Valerie Percy
B is Cincinnati, OH scene of 9/27/66 Murder of Bricca Family
C is Leon County, FL scene of 10/22/66 Murder of Sims Family


Sharon Bubes, Evanston, IL – Attacked in her bedroom with a hammer, 6/30/66

Valerie Percy, Kenilworth, IL – Murdered in her bedroom by hammer like object and knife, 9/18/66

Bricca Family, Cincinnati, OH – Found bound with household objects and murdered in bedrooms by knife, 9/27/66

Sims Family, Tallahassee, FL – Bound with household objects and murdered, 10/22/66

Cheri Jo Bates, Riverside, CA – Murdered at campus library by knife, 10/30/66

Confession letter in Cheri Jo Bates murder, Riverside, CA – probably placed in mailbox on 11/28/66

Robison Family, Good Hart, MI – All family members shot, mother beaten with a hammer, 6/25/68

Cecelia Shepard, Lake Berryessa, CA – Bound and murdered by knife, 9/27/69

Betsy Aardsma, State College, PA – Murdered in campus library by knife, 11/28/69

From the Michigan State Police file. Police got an anonymous letter from a tipster. Apparently it just wasted their time and misdirected them. It was sent from Maywood, Illinois, a city minutes away from the Kaczynski family homes in Evergreen Park and Lombard (not sure which home they were in in August of 1968).


Posted : December 17, 2014 12:09 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
Topic starter

I obtained the Michigan State Police file on the Robison family murders, which happened on 6/25/68 in Blisswood, Emmett County, Michigan, near the town of Good Hart.

It is a rather large police file. It is 59.1 MB, 437 pages. It is in the form of a PDF. Thanks to Doranchak, it is now accessible to anyone who wants to do research. It is available here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-plREV … puKiP/view

It is of interest to me and some other researchers of the Zodiac case because like the Zodiac at LHR 12/20/68 (and the killer at SB 6/4/63), the shooter used Winchester .22 Super X ammo, fired from a gun six grooves and lands with a right twist, with police reports identifying a (Sears) J.C. Higgins as the weapon most consistent with the rifling pattern on the bullets and the weapon most likely to have been used.

It is also of interest because someone with inside knowledge of the crime scene wrote to the local paper, asking his name to be put in the paper if police wanted more info, and his name was ZODIUS. The words ZODIUS and ZODIAC share the first four letters in common, both derive from the Latin word ZODIACUS and both mean essentially the same thing, a collection of the twelve animals/symbols representing astrological signs. Zodius struck on 6/25/68, six months before Zodiac, and one year before Zodiac announced himself to the world.

Both Zodius and Zodiac used math symbols – Zodius used triangles, Zodiac the unit circle, a circle with a plus sign over it. Both had messages with the letters R,O,E,B,E,R,T in them, and both emphasized the letter sequence EBE.

Like Zodiac, Zodius wrote to a newspaper, giving crime scene knowledge only the killer could know, demanded his cryptic message and name appear in the paper and targeted a male – female couple – Zodiac teens and young adults on dates, Zodius a husband and wife with kids present. Like the killer at possible Zodiac crime of Santa Barbara 6/4/63, Zodius posed his victims by stacking bodies atop one another and exposing the female. Former FBI agent and serial killer profiler John Douglas cites a study which shows less than 1% of all homicides involve posing of bodies.

Like Domingos and Edwards were covered by a blanket, Mrs. Robison was covered by a blanket. The killer of Linda Edwards, Valerie Percy and Mrs. Robison exposed the female. Zodiac shot through a window (car), and Zodius shot through a window (house).

Zodius called from San Francisco, and people who heard his voice described it as robotic & monotone, similar to how the voice of Zodiac was described.

There are other similarities, and also differences…

And aside from the possible Zodiac connection, it is a tragic case, and deserves to be solved. You can learn more about it, and possible link to Zodiac generally and Ted Kaczynski specifically, starting on Page 1 of this thread. I think that the only major named Zodiac suspect with ties to both the Midwest in general and Michigan specifically is Ted Kaczynski.

I will eventually read all 437 pages of the file. I am starting with pages 1 – 100. The Mist is reading pages 101 – 150. If you have a few hours and want to help, make a post here saying what pages you can devote a few hours to reading. Post any generally interesting info there at: viewtopic.php?f=37&t=478&start=10

And anything specifically relevant to TK here as well.

If you find any interesting pages in the file, please note the page numbers here and describe what you found. If possible, post a copy of the page or a screen capture of it.

To start, here is the evidence about the ballistics in the Robison family murders by Zodius matching Zodiac:

Michigan State Police ballistics report on Zodius Robison family murders of 6/25/68, noting weapon was .22 with six lands and grooves, right twist, notably consistent with a (Sears) J.C. Higgins pistol.

Ballistics report on Zodiac Jensen/Faraday murder of 12/20/68 at Lake Herman Road, noting weapon was a .22 with six lands and grooves, right twist, most consistent with a (Sears) J.C. Higgins pistol.

Ammo used in both cases was Winchester .22 Super X.

I sort of leafed through the file and found some interesting things already.

Books and articles said that those who talked to the mysterious Mr. Roebert from San Francisco (who I and others think is also likely Zodius, and the killer) reported he talked in a robotic, monotone voice, which matches descriptions of Zodiac’s voice. I found confirmation of these reports in the police file.

Confirmation police thought the crime the work of a psychopath, that the family was waiting for Mr. Roebert, and that police considered Roebert and his organization Superior Table as suspects in the case. "Superior Table" was likely a fake organization, created by Roebert, who was likely also Zodius, and the killer.

From the Michigan State Police file. Police got an anonymous letter from a tipster. Apparently it just wasted their time and misdirected them. It was sent from Maywood, Illinois, a city minutes away from the Kaczynski family homes in Evergreen Park and Lombard (not sure which home they were in in August of 1968).

Here is something interesting on p. 208. A few days before the murders, in the same area, the son of some neighbours was killed in a motorcycle accident. The young man’s grand-mother reports that a rope was strung across the road. TK wrote about ambushing and killing motorcyclists around his cabin. I remember seeing more details on the motorcycle death earlier in the file (minus the rope). I will look back.

If you or anyone else find any material that might be very specific to TK, post it in the TK section. Wire stringing is something TK did, but others might have done it as well (though I know of nobody else who was doing this back then). It seems the Robison family murderer also hated loud motorcyclists, something that fits both Zodiac, whoever he was, and TK specifically.

Excellent! Glad you found this in the police report. That confirms memories from local residents and family members, but I never had anything official until you found this just now. Zodiac hated loud motorcycles – remember he complained in his letter that police could have caught him if they weren’t too busy making noise racing their motorcycles. Ted K also hated loud motorcycles. He did indeed string cables to injure or kill motorcyclists, and he was one of the very few, if not the only one, doing this in the late 1960’s, and someone did do this near the Robison cabin right before the murders.

A few days before the fatal motorcycle accident near the Robison cabin, a car hit a cable strung over the road between trees. The driver also noticed someone had spilled oil on the road near the cable, as if the saboteur figured if a motorcyclist swerved or braked to avoid hitting the cable wire, he could cause him to crash by going over the slippery oil slick.

I do remember Ted Kaczynski talking about stringing wires and/or cables from tree to tree in nature areas, with the goal of maiming or killing the "noisy polluting" snowmobilers and motorcyclists he hated.

Can anyone direct me to a link or source that mentions those entries in Ted’s journal? I can’t seem to find it.

I ask because it appears in the weeks prior to the Robison Murders, in the same exact area, someone strung a cable from tree to tree over a dirt road, damaging a car. In this same time period a motorcyclist died, and some suspect he was killed by a similar type of cable.

This is a post from http://www.thegoodhartmurders.forummotions.com .

I cannot yet verify it as true, but I have no reason to doubt its accuracy. There was a motorcyclist killed right before the Robison Family Murders, and it was very close to the cottage. Mr. Robison did know the deceased. The fact that someone was stringing cables in this area is very interesting, in light of the fact that Ted Kaczynski recorded doing the exact same thing, with the stated intent to kill motorcyclists.

A new book "Corroborating Evidence III" by William T. Rasmussen contains evidence that the Zodiac Killer should be considered a possible suspect in the Robison Murders case, and one item of evidence is that someone, with inside knowledge of the crime, sent a tip to police asking the name ZODIUS to appear in the newspaper as a signal. Ted Kaczynski is a leading suspect to be the Zodiac Killer, and had lived in Michigan for 5 years, from 1962 – 1967. Given his fondness for wilderness areas and hunting, he may well have explored this area of Northern Michigan, but that is speculation on my part. Ted’s brother Dave told me that Ted "had a cabin in the woods north of San Francisco" that he used for "hunting", when he was a professor at Berkeley. It would not surprise me if Ted had something similar, a cabin in the north woods, when he was a student and TA at the University of Michigan.

http://thegoodhartmurders.forummotions. … hat-summer

Strange Events from that summer

warrior1978 on Thu Oct 21, 2010 1:13 pm

I guess I will tell my family’s story as it was relayed to me many years ago. Some of what I will write about was mentioned or alluded to in the two books I read about the murders, I do not know if any or all of it is the original police reports.

As my father and mother told me the story, the same summer the Robison family was murdered two strange things occurred to them. One summer afternoon they were driving along Lakeshore Drive (I believe or another nearby road) near Blisswood when as they came around a corner of the road, their vehicle hit an outstretched cable damaging the front end of the car. I believe my father mentioned there was oil in the road as well. They left the scene and returned a short time later with a police officer however the cable had been removed. A short time after this occurred, my cousin was killed in a motorcycle crash near Blisswood. This was mentioned in the book. Although he was drunk at the time, my father was convinced that the crash was not an accident and that cable that my father struck was intended for my cousin. I believe my cousin’s father (Chauncey) blamed Dick Robison for something or another as it related to the death of my cousin.

The same day or within a day or two when the Robison family was thought to have been murdered, it was evening and my parents were on the beach very close to the Robison cabin. As my father told the story, he and my mother were relaxing on the beach and my father was shooting at seagulls with a .38 revolver. It grew darker and at some point my father and mother saw a lantern in the woods. My father believing it was Richard Robison called out in the direction of the lantern, “is that you Richard?” and then the lantern went out.

I asked my father in he ever reported any of this to the investigators and he said yes. I’ve always wondered if his stories were ever considered or addressed in the police reports.


AK Wilks: Found a reference to Ted Kaczynski setting traps to kill motorcycle drivers, they sound very similar if not identical to what was found in Good Hart near the Robison cottage:

http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/199 … -unabomber

Book Links Unabomber To Sabotage

March 14, 1999|By New York Times

LINCOLN, Mont. – Theodore Kaczynski won notoriety as the Unabomber, the evil genius who mailed deadly pipe bombs to scientists and corporate targets.

But in this mountain village detective work is giving Kaczynski a new notoriety: as a pioneer for environmental sabotage. Starting in 1975, a decade before Earth First made “monkeywrenching” a household term, Kaczynski opened a local front in his one-man war against what he called the octopus of technology.

Roaming in a 25-mile radius from his cabin here, Lincoln’s environmental radical, according to several sources, booby-trapped motorcycle trails with wires strung between trees, sabotaged mining machinery with sand, burned logging equipment, poured sugar into snowmobile gas tanks and destroyed vacation cabins with ax blows.

The account of this 20-year trail of sabotage comes from two letters Kaczynski wrote from prison in January, an investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and a new book by a neighbor, Chris Waits.

In 1982, according to Waits’ book, Kaczynski smashed up a vacation home and destroyed a motorcycle and four snowmobiles.

One week later, two deputy sheriffs knocked on his cabin door. “I was so cool and collected in answering cops questions,” Kaczynski boasted in an entry decoded 14 years later by the FBI. Noting that the police never returned – and that his neighbors did not resume snowmobiling that winter – he wrote: “Who says crime doesn’t pay? I feel very good about this.”

JEM: Chris Waits, in his book "UNABOMBER The Secret Life of Ted Kaczynski", has two undated entries from Ted’s journals:

At the end of Summer ’75 after the roaring by of motorcycles near my camp spoiled a hike for me, I put a piece of wire across a trail where cycle-tracks were visible, at about neck height for a motorcyclist. (Next summer I found someone had wrapped the wire safely around a tree. Unfortunately, I doubt anyone was injured by it.)

Summer ’77…I strung a neck-wire for motorcyclists along the divide trail above [location]. Later I found the wire was gone. Whether it hurt anyone I don’t know.

The two above entries are from page 206. On page 204 you can find an interesting entry from Ted’s coded journals. In this journal entry Ted talks about acts of vandalism he’s committed, and about being questioned by the police concerning crimes in the area and whether he’s had any problems with motorcyclists. He writes that he doesn’t think the police seriously suspect him, and that he’s pleased with how cool and collected he was while speaking with the officers.

DREAMNINE: From the Robison family murder thread on Topix, Mardi Link, author of When Evil Came To Good Hart writes:

Here’s what I know about the tripwire: I looked and looked and there’s no police report on it. The only official documentation on it is reporter John Clock’s notarized statement that he gave to Noggle (this whole statement is in the Petoskey Library file if anyone wants to read it in its entirety). However, some locals talk about it as if it really happened. The statement of this event in the book is a quote from Clock. My own opinion is that Monnie would never try to hurt anyone, especially his own son. If a tripwire were put across the road, I don’t believe that it was done by Monnie.

Possibly related cases. Notice the similarity in the victims looks. In the case of Betsy Aardsma (killed 11/28/69) and Joan Webster (killed 11/28/81) they are so similar, they look like they could be sisters.

East Coast cases:

Nov 28, 1969 Betsy Aardsma, Penn State
Nov 28, 1981 Joan Webster, Harvard

College Girl Murders:

Left: Valerie Percy
Right: Cheri Jo Bates


Posted : July 31, 2019 1:12 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
Topic starter

Quicktrader asked "Who is Dr. Guidini?"

That’s the million dollar question! There is no superhero, supervillain or comic book character named "Dr. Guidini". William T. Rasmussen, author of Corroborating Evidence III, thinks that Zodius, Dr. Guidini and Mr. Roebert, the mysterious man from San Francisco, who had the whole Robison family gathered at the cabin waiting for him to arrive, who spoke in the robotic, monotone voice, are all one and the same person, and he thinks he killed the Robisons, Valerie Percy and was also the Zodiac.

To see what I think "Dr. Guidini" and "Zodius" means, and who they could be an alias for, see this:

Doranchak tested 200,000 words, and the only actual word or name that produces DR. GUIDINI, ZODIUS and ZODIAC, is KACZYNSKI. I have since discovered that same name also produces ROEBERT, by the same method.

When Ted K was a teen, he published an article in the Atlantic under the alias Apios Tuberosa. I think he got that alias name by creating a ten based Caesar code matrix from his name. If he did indeed do that, he would have seen, in normal left to right read, correct spelling, no anagrams, the names Dr. Guidini, Roebert, Zodius and Zodiac. (With anagram use he would also see Superior Table).


Posted : July 31, 2019 1:34 am
Posts: 10
Active Member

We have some clues which could tie several different killing sprees and explain them. If the police would only use DNA to narrow down the suspect. He may have been aware that DNA would be a tool in the future to identify elusive criminals but anyhow the evidence to me is clear that the Unabomber could be implicated in many more crimes.

When it comes to the Robinson murders, it caught my attention that the letters in the name "Roebert" could be rearranged so as to sound almost like Theodore. "This is the Zodiac speaking" would also sound almost like "this is Ted Kazinski", if one were to rearrange the letters.

The men killed had ties to the industrial system Kaczynski hated. He was also deeply sexually frustrated and the killings of families, couples and young college girls would also be expected if he were to kill, as he wrote in 1966 he would. Sexual frustration and inability to interact with the opposite sex would be the core reason for his anger and frustrations IMO.

Another important aspect is how the geographical areas involved, California, Illinois and Michigan are tied to the life of Theodore Kaczynski.

The Golden State Killer was identified via DNA testing, on Gedmatch. By doing so, the police uncovered several other "careers" of James DeAngelo. It is only now in 2020 I have realized "the Unabomber" may have been just one of the criminal "careers" of Theodore Kaczynski. He would be very keen in keeping the rest of them secret so as to preserve the image he somehow managed to create as someone interested in the environment and the betterment of mankind.

Posted : April 9, 2020 3:23 am
Posts: 419
Reputable Member

This theory of yours is the only one where i could by-into tk linked with cjb…if tk could not have her nobody can…did cjb ever visit berkely when tk could have possibly been there?….not uncommon for mentally deranged to seek a "simple girl"…what did cjb seek as a career??…gpa??….hitler chose eva braun because she would never discuss politics with him…braun simply did not care about politics…useless theory but may be what tk thought he needed in a girlfriend was his polar opposite or a female that was just "normal"…have no idea if cjb had any ties in san fran area that has been considered 100% fact…also how could she have ever ran into tk prior to 67…no idea if tk had ever been west in summer/fall of 66 and if riverside was her (cjb) first choice…again, useless dribble

Posted : April 9, 2020 11:22 am
Posts: 10
Active Member

@AK Wilks: Thanks for the brilliant analysis!

Posted : April 9, 2020 5:48 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
Topic starter

This theory of yours is the only one where i could by-into tk linked with cjb…if tk could not have her nobody can…did cjb ever visit berkely when tk could have possibly been there?….not uncommon for mentally deranged to seek a "simple girl"…what did cjb seek as a career??…gpa??….hitler chose eva braun because she would never discuss politics with him…braun simply did not care about politics…useless theory but may be what tk thought he needed in a girlfriend was his polar opposite or a female that was just "normal"…have no idea if cjb had any ties in san fran area that has been considered 100% fact…also how could she have ever ran into tk prior to 67…no idea if tk had ever been west in summer/fall of 66 and if riverside was her (cjb) first choice…again, useless dribble

There may be some general validity to your idea. TK had very limited interactions of any kind with any females. Sometimes he distorted them into being much more than they really were. A friendship with a woman he met at work in Chicago, Ellen, he transformed in his mind to a dating relationship. When she wanted no more contact with him, he wrote dirty and mean spirited mocking poems about her he left at work.

Ted also became attracted to a waitress at a local truck stop diner. He tried to advance his interest by giving her a long letter, asking her to be his "squaw", providing his resume, complete with educational attainments and mathematical prizes won. She did not reciprocate his interest.

But understand with regard to Bates, my idea is that he chose for his first murder in the Z cycle to be somewhere hours away from his new Berkeley home, at a college he had no affiliation with and a victim he had never met before. He then deliberately left clues designed to make police think the killer was a local boy, fellow student, and an acquaintance of Bates who had been spurned by her. This was done by the desktop poem, the confession letter, and the follow-up letters.


Posted : April 10, 2020 3:37 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
Topic starter

We have some clues which could tie several different killing sprees and explain them. If the police would only use DNA to narrow down the suspect. He may have been aware that DNA would be a tool in the future to identify elusive criminals but anyhow the evidence to me is clear that the Unabomber could be implicated in many more crimes.


The men killed had ties to the industrial system Kaczynski hated. He was also deeply sexually frustrated and the killings of families, couples and young college girls would also be expected if he were to kill, as he wrote in 1966 he would. Sexual frustration and inability to interact with the opposite sex would be the core reason for his anger and frustrations IMO.

Another important aspect is how the geographical areas involved, California, Illinois and Michigan are tied to the life of Theodore Kaczynski.

The Golden State Killer was identified via DNA testing, on Gedmatch. By doing so, the police uncovered several other "careers" of James DeAngelo. It is only now in 2020 I have realized "the Unabomber" may have been just one of the criminal "careers" of Theodore Kaczynski. He would be very keen in keeping the rest of them secret so as to preserve the image he somehow managed to create as someone interested in the environment and the betterment of mankind.

The men killed had ties to the industrial system Kaczynski hated.: Yes I think that is a very important point. In 1966 Ted wrote about his desire to "really kill the people I hated."

And those people he hated included one group which were lovemaking couples, "college students", and promiscuous women, who are just "animals…pigs".

The other group was "bigshots", which were "big businessmen", "scientists", "government officials" and "politicians". Charles Percy was a big businessman who ran a high tech company and was now running for the US Senate, so he would become a politician and a government official. Gerry Bricca was a chemical engineer for Monsanto so he was a scientist who worked for a big business firm. Richard Robison had published his business plan to tear down forest land and trees (which Ted would hate) to expand airports (which Ted would also hate) to house new computerized warehouse operations (which also would be hated by Ted). And Mr. Sims was regarded as one of the top experts in the country in the field of computers.

Another important aspect is how the geographical areas involved, California, Illinois and Michigan are tied to the life of Theodore Kaczynski.: The Percy slaying in suburban Illinois on September 18th, 1966, reflects an area that Ted had lived in a few years back. The Bricca slayings in suburban Cincinnati were in a upper middle-class neighborhood Ted would have felt comfortable in and not appeared out of place in, and was geographically just hours away from his family home in suburban Chicago and where he went to school in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The Robison murders in northern Michigan took place in the state Ted went to school in. And the Bates murder takes place shortly after Ted moves to California to interview for and start his professor’s job.

It is only now in 2020 I have realized "the Unabomber" may have been just one of the criminal "careers" of Theodore Kaczynski. He would be very keen in keeping the rest of them secret so as to preserve the image he somehow managed to create as someone interested in the environment and the betterment of mankind.: Yes the EAR/ONS case teaches us that an offender can change his MO, types of victims, weapons and crimes. In the journal that contained details of all his Unabomber crimes, including the murders of three men by bombs and putting a bomb on a jet airliner, Ted wrote that accounts of other crimes had been "buried or burned". Why? because Ted as the Unabomber was now getting some favorable interest and attention from radical environmentalist and primitivist anarchist groups and journals.

Ted felt the revelation of these unspecified other crimes (IMO likely Percy, Bricca, Robison and Zodiac) would be "dangerous", "embarrassing" and "just very bad public relations at this point in time". Sending bombs to forestry executives, businessmen and scientists were making Ted Kaczynski a hero in the eyes of some in the radical environmental and primitivist anarchist movements. Exposure as a killer of teenagers in lovers lanes, college coeds and whole families, including children, would ruin this growing image of him as a violent but principled guerrilla fighter and terrorist against corporate America. It would show him to be a mere serial killer, a sick psychopath who killed innocent people out of sexual frustration and mental illness.


On a separate note, I finally found confirmation that Linda Bricca had been an airline stewardess. I found a picture of her in a stewardess uniform. She stated she did know Valerie Percy, had gone to the same college as Valerie and went to the same United Airlines stewardess school.

You can see from the articles above that the Bricca slayer stabbed Linda Bricca 10 times and little Debbie Bricca four times. The killer exhibited the same type of rage and overkill, as shown by multiple repeated stabbings, that we see in the murders of Valerie Percy, the Robison family and Cecelia Shepard. When you consider those facts, and look at the picture of Debbie Bricca, you realize that this is very unlikely to be the result of a love affair gone bad or some other routine local dispute. A local theory that got some play in the press at the time and later was that Linda Bricca had an affair with a vet she worked for, and that he was angry she ended the relationship and then killed the entire family.

First there is absolutely no evidence she had an affair. Second, typically in murders resulting from an affair the outside party would either kill the male rival, the husband, or possibly in anger over a break up, kill the woman. To my knowledge it is very rare, almost unheard of, for the spurned lover to kill both the male rival and the woman and further more to kill their infant child. All in a brutal overkill manner that matches other slayings close by in geography, time and/or victim characteristics.

When I talked to the detectives on this case, I asked them about the theory about a local love affair. The detective told me that this is an open case that they are actively investigating, it is not closed formally or informally and they do not believe the killing was the result of an affair.

When I gave the Bricca detectives evidence on the possible links to the other Midwest murders, the Zodiac Killer and Ted Kaczynski, they were very interested. Former FBI agent and serial killer profiler John Douglas noted that posing bodies in anyway occurs only in about 1% of homicides. The detectives were very interested when I told them that in the possible Zodiac crimes of the murders of Domingos and Edwards, the victims were bound and the female placed atop the male. They said this matched what happened in the Bricca case and included this rare MO match in their press release announcing that the Zodiac Killer was now a suspect in the Bricca case. (It also matches what happened in another Midwest Family Murders case, the Robison case).The (suburban Cincinnati) Hamilton County Sheriff Major Crimes Squad said they would try to match any evidence from the Bricca case with any available in the Zodiac case, including DNA. Of course it is still not known if any reliable DNA evidence was or has been developed in the Zodiac case.


Posted : April 10, 2020 3:43 pm
Posts: 29
Eminent Member

Have you considered the Golden State Killer as a POI? Same age and height as TK, and proven criminal record. Military veterant, etc.

Posted : May 4, 2020 11:40 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
Topic starter

We have some clues which could tie several different killing sprees and explain them. If the police would only use DNA to narrow down the suspect. He may have been aware that DNA would be a tool in the future to identify elusive criminals but anyhow the evidence to me is clear that the Unabomber could be implicated in many more crimes.


The men killed had ties to the industrial system Kaczynski hated. He was also deeply sexually frustrated and the killings of families, couples and young college girls would also be expected if he were to kill, as he wrote in 1966 he would. Sexual frustration and inability to interact with the opposite sex would be the core reason for his anger and frustrations IMO.

Another important aspect is how the geographical areas involved, California, Illinois and Michigan are tied to the life of Theodore Kaczynski.

The Golden State Killer was identified via DNA testing, on Gedmatch. By doing so, the police uncovered several other "careers" of James DeAngelo. It is only now in 2020 I have realized "the Unabomber" may have been just one of the criminal "careers" of Theodore Kaczynski. He would be very keen in keeping the rest of them secret so as to preserve the image he somehow managed to create as someone interested in the environment and the betterment of mankind.

The men killed had ties to the industrial system Kaczynski hated.: Yes I think that is a very important point. In 1966 Ted wrote about his desire to "really kill the people I hated."

And those people he hated included one group which were lovemaking couples, "college students", and promiscuous women, who are just "animals…pigs".

The other group was "bigshots", which were "big businessmen", "scientists", "government officials" and "politicians". Charles Percy was a big businessman who ran a high tech company and was now running for the US Senate, so he would become a politician and a government official. Gerry Bricca was a chemical engineer for Monsanto so he was a scientist who worked for a big business firm. Richard Robison had published his business plan to tear down forest land and trees (which Ted would hate) to expand airports (which Ted would also hate) to house new computerized warehouse operations (which also would be hated by Ted). And Mr. Sims was regarded as one of the top experts in the country in the field of computers.

Another important aspect is how the geographical areas involved, California, Illinois and Michigan are tied to the life of Theodore Kaczynski.: The Percy slaying in suburban Illinois on September 18th, 1966, reflects an area that Ted had lived in a few years back. The Bricca slayings in suburban Cincinnati were in a upper middle-class neighborhood Ted would have felt comfortable in and not appeared out of place in, and was geographically just hours away from his family home in suburban Chicago and where he went to school in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The Robison murders in northern Michigan took place in the state Ted went to school in. And the Bates murder takes place shortly after Ted moves to California to interview for and start his professor’s job.

It is only now in 2020 I have realized "the Unabomber" may have been just one of the criminal "careers" of Theodore Kaczynski. He would be very keen in keeping the rest of them secret so as to preserve the image he somehow managed to create as someone interested in the environment and the betterment of mankind.: Yes the EAR/ONS case teaches us that an offender can change his MO, types of victims, weapons and crimes. In the journal that contained details of all his Unabomber crimes, including the murders of three men by bombs and putting a bomb on a jet airliner, Ted wrote that accounts of other crimes had been "buried or burned". Why? because Ted as the Unabomber was now getting some favorable interest and attention from radical environmentalist and primitivist anarchist groups and journals.

Ted felt the revelation of these unspecified other crimes (IMO likely Percy, Bricca, Robison and Zodiac) would be "dangerous", "embarrassing" and "just very bad public relations at this point in time". Sending bombs to forestry executives, businessmen and scientists were making Ted Kaczynski a hero in the eyes of some in the radical environmental and primitivist anarchist movements. Exposure as a killer of teenagers in lovers lanes, college coeds and whole families, including children, would ruin this growing image of him as a violent but principled guerrilla fighter and terrorist against corporate America. It would show him to be a mere serial killer, a sick psychopath who killed innocent people out of sexual frustration and mental illness.


On a separate note, I finally found confirmation that Linda Bricca had been an airline stewardess. I found a picture of her in a stewardess uniform. She stated she did know Valerie Percy, had gone to the same college as Valerie and went to the same United Airlines stewardess school.

You can see from the articles above that the Bricca slayer stabbed Linda Bricca 10 times and little Debbie Bricca four times. The killer exhibited the same type of rage and overkill, as shown by multiple repeated stabbings, that we see in the murders of Valerie Percy, the Robison family and Cecelia Shepard. When you consider those facts, and look at the picture of Debbie Bricca, you realize that this is very unlikely to be the result of a love affair gone bad or some other routine local dispute. A local theory that got some play in the press at the time and later was that Linda Bricca had an affair with a vet she worked for, and that he was angry she ended the relationship and then killed the entire family.

First there is absolutely no evidence she had an affair. Second, typically in murders resulting from an affair the outside party would either kill the male rival, the husband, or possibly in anger over a break up, kill the woman. To my knowledge it is very rare, almost unheard of, for the spurned lover to kill both the male rival and the woman and further more to kill their infant child. All in a brutal overkill manner that matches other slayings close by in geography, time and/or victim characteristics.

When I talked to the detectives on this case, I asked them about the theory about a local love affair. The detective told me that this is an open case that they are actively investigating, it is not closed formally or informally and they do not believe the killing was the result of an affair.

When I gave the Bricca detectives evidence on the possible links to the other Midwest murders, the Zodiac Killer and Ted Kaczynski, they were very interested. Former FBI agent and serial killer profiler John Douglas noted that posing bodies in anyway occurs only in about 1% of homicides. The detectives were very interested when I told them that in the possible Zodiac crimes of the murders of Domingos and Edwards, the victims were bound and the female placed atop the male. They said this matched what happened in the Bricca case and included this rare MO match in their press release announcing that the Zodiac Killer was now a suspect in the Bricca case. They said they would try to match any evidence from the Bricca case with any available in the Zodiac case, including DNA. Of course it is still not known if any reliable DNA evidence was or has been developed in the Zodiac case.


Posted : May 4, 2020 12:53 pm
Posts: 29
Eminent Member

I also believe TK was Z. But can we rule out Joseph James DeAngelo ("Golden State Killer")?

Posted : May 4, 2020 1:13 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
Topic starter

I also believe TK was Z. But can we rule out Joseph James DeAngelo ("Golden State Killer")?

Yes. This is not a geographical area the Golden State Killer operated in. And some of these murders took place on dates that we know Joseph James DeAngelo was otherwise occupied in California with jobs and other known activity.

Also none of these Midwest murders involved rapes.


Posted : May 4, 2020 2:24 pm
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