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Items That Were Auctioned From Kaczynski Cabin

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Darla Jones
Posts: 224
Reputable Member

I noticed that the packaging already has postage cancellation mark on it. This must be from a bomb that was sent to someone.
It’s been blurred so I can’t make out the name on the postage.

Posted : July 24, 2015 9:12 am
Darla Jones
Posts: 224
Reputable Member

http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/a … er/279523/

"Steve Soboroff is a California businessman, with a career that includes running for mayor of Los Angeles, a brief stint as vice chairman of the L.A. Dodgers and a current appointment as one of the LAPD’s police commissioners. He is also the foremost collector of famous folks’ typewriters, with a cache that spans the famous – John Lennon and Joe DiMaggio – to the infamous: He owns one of two units taken by the FBI from Ted Kaczynski’s Montana cabin. I met Soboroff in Boston, where a curated selection of his typewriters is being displayed at Northeastern University. The collection routinely tours, and people can type on their favorite luminary’s machine for a fee that goes towards a fund for journalism scholarships. I brought my camera; the images included here were shot, in keeping with the analog theme, on Impossible Project film for old Polaroid Cameras.
Soboroff and I are standing in front of a slightly haggard yet modern-looking model, and it’s conspicuously missing its cover. Soboroff is telling me about a letter exchange he’d had with the previous owner, the aforementioned Unabomber. The letter I wrote to him was, ‘Where is the cover to the typewriter?’ Now, I know. He made a bomb out of it.” Soboroff speaks loudly, gesturing to the small crowd of students who form a rapt audience. “I wrote it to him on this typewriter, I wanted to trigger him to respond to me …. So he wrote to me, it says, ‘I don’t return any letters, but today I received a letter that may make me change my mind. If you are who I think you are, then of course I’ll do my best to answer.’ So I thought, ‘well, huh. I ran for mayor of LA, maybe the guy knows who I am.’ My son said, ‘Dad, that’s not what he’s thinking. He’s thinking you’re your cousin."

Posted : July 29, 2015 9:46 am
Darla Jones
Posts: 224
Reputable Member

I think I remember reading that there was a third typewriter found. This must be it.

http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/2218350249 … =82&chn=ps

Posted : July 29, 2015 10:08 am
Darla Jones
Posts: 224
Reputable Member


From FC

Earth First! Wants t0 eliminate the industrial form of society. This is clearly a revolutionary goal. Yet it seems that many or most Earth First!ers still think and act like reformers, not like revolutionaries.

This is illustrated by Darryl Cherney’s response to the bombing in which we assassinated the president of the California Forestry Association. According to newspaper reports Cherney was upset by the bombing because he was afraid that there would be retaliatory attacks on Earth First!ers. Now we respect (with certain qualifications) the nonviolent principles of Earth First! (even though we don’t think it would be practical for everyone to abide by them) and if any Earth First!ers get beaten up in retaliation for our bombing we certainly sympathize with them. But Cherney’s reaction shows that his mentality is that of a reformer, not a revolutionary.
To a revolutionary, what is important is not the short-term goal of saving this or that bit of wilderness or securing some grudging tolerance from timer industry sympathizers. What is important is the long-term goal of weakening and destabilizing industrial society so that a revolution against it may become possible. From this point of xx view it is DESIRABLE that timber industry sympathizers should make physical attacks on Earth First!ers, because such behavior tends to increase the social stresses in industrial society and helps to turn people against the system.
It is important to distinguish between what the industrial system “wants” and what certain people who claim to represent the system may want or may do. By what the system “wants” we mean that which helps to assure the survival and growth of the industrial system. This corresponds approximately with what is desired by the most rational, self-restrained and “responsible” members of the system’s controlling elite. But people who believe in ways that are harmful to the system and thus serve as unwitting allies of those who want to overthrow the system.

Take police brutality as an example. The most rational and “responsible” members of the system’s elite are against police brutality. They want the police to use just enough force (and no more than just enough) to insure public order and obedience to the system’s rules, because they know that police brutality increases social stresses and tends to break down respect for the system. Bad cops (or timber industry goons) who beat people up regard themselves as pro-system and hate those who are against the system, but the behavior of such cops actually helps to undermine the system. Thus police brutality is not really part of the system, but is a kind of disease of the system.

Similarly, the irresponsible politicians who are currently repealing environmental laws may be acting as unwitting allies of revolutionaries. If their actions lead to a few more cases like Love Canal and the Exxon Valdez oil spill, they will be helping to destroy respect for the system. Morover the actions of these politicians help to…

__ by Mira Goldberg that appeard in the EarthFirst! Jour
February 2, 1995) will help us to illustrate the leftist

__December 21, 1994 issue of Earth First!, David Orton
article, “Rethinking Environmental – First Nations Relat_
in which he criticized SOME “First Nations” (i.e. Indian)
collaborating in destructive economic exploitation of the
and some environmentalist for uncritically accepted as
…mands made by Indians. In her article, “Toward Alliances: A response to “Rethinking Environmental –First relationships.” Goldberg ansers Orton, and in doing so she .. typical examples of leftist thinking.

_ Shows the leftist trait of intense identification with victims that we )FC) mention in paragraphs 13, 299, 232 Of and coupled with this the trait of hypersensitivity that in paragraphs 11, 12. Orton’s article was reasonable and .. made it clear that he was criticizing only SOME Indians.. acting with environmentally destructive policies, and he .. the opinion that there were more “good” Indians than.. environmentalist” “Suck native “biocentrists” (he wrote) .. stronger minority within the mainstream movement are.” .. responds to Orton’s article as if it were a nasty Indians. She even implies that Orton’s thinking .. (last paragraph of her article). She seems to think for white people ever to criticize any Indians (tenth.. her article.)

Grudgingly admits that not all Indians are perfect – there collaborators” but then (in the eleventh to thirteenth .. of her article) she tries to find excuses for them and .. bad actions on the insufficiently subservient attitudes environmentalist. Compares paragraphs 12, 225 oe oue (FC’s)

For a leftist, Goldberg is fond of certain catch-words. 229 of FCs article ). In her brief article she uses capitalism once, “genocide” twice and XXXXXx (neo) colonialist” or “(neo-) colonialism” thirteen.. claims that “genocide (against Indians)” is currently and . This is absurd. The word “genocide” was originally describe the extermination of the Jews by the Nazis. The reasonably be applied to some nineteenth century events in .. of the Indians by the white; for example. To cases in tribes were relocated through forced marches in which the was extremely high. But to apply the word “genocide” to .. of Indians by whites to compare it to the treat __ Jews by the Nazis, and that is ridiculous in the eyes of..”

Posted : August 5, 2015 10:52 am
Darla Jones
Posts: 224
Reputable Member


My Dear Sister,
It is so:
It is not so:
But I remember.
That’s not the way it was.
You’re imagining it.
You’re coloring it.
Loaded with bias.
Can you trust it?

In my 70th year you have given me that final small push that I needed to write of what I know about our ancestry, our parents and our own youth so that my children, your children and grandchildren might know what blood, from their maternal side, flows through their veins. Some things that I heard our parents speak of may be pure romantic fantasy, a bit of wishful thinking: nevertheless, even myths have their place in a family chronicle just as The Bible. The odyssey , Beowulf, etc., etc. have an important place in the history of Western Civilization. Other pieces of information are facts and a matter of pride. Some things are shameful, tragic and even evid. You might not want to talk of the latter to your grandchildren at too young a age. Wait until they are grown and you’re sure they can handle of the less savory aspects of their great and great, great grandparents lives. Well, whatever the revelations. Dave will be happ y. this endeavor of mind. He has been after me for several years … a history of our past.

First, the romantic, perhaps the mythical aspects of o.. Of course, you know that Copernicus was a famous Polish accouring to our father (as told to Ben) his blood fows through __ veins. Since Copernicus had never married, and did not..


Dear Wanda & Ted,
I can’t say I enjoyed reading the histories you sent – it was a very gut-wrenching experience reading through your graphic descriptions our wretched childhood. I read them once and put them aside to re-read again at a later time after I’ve had a chance to recover.

The only memories I have of Zanesville are that of a white house on a hill, sliding down the hill on my backside when it was muddy from Ted’s toboggan), and trying to follow you to school

My earliest memories of Chicago are going on a train with Pa from Chicago to Zanesville to see__ something about a house that burned down — maybe I just dreamed that??

The next thing I remember is going to kindergarten in Chicago and just staying for one day because a boy came into the classroom, jumped on me and I was too frightened to return. Fantasy?

Posted : August 10, 2015 9:40 am
Posts: 556
Honorable Member

Re: Items That Were Auctioned From Kaczynski Cabin
Postby snooter » Tue Oct 07, 2014 10:26 pm
how many "hoods" can we place with certainty with any other POI..i dunno but it (hood) just gives me the willy’s

I agree Snooter. The masks are dead ringers for the descriptions of the zodiac/EAR-ONS hoods… What are the odds of that? I tend to agree with AK that even if Ted did commit the Zodiac or EAR/ONS crimes he likely would not admit to them bc he doesn’t want to be seen as a serial killer, but an activist/revolutionary of sorts.

Posted : October 5, 2015 7:43 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Re: Items That Were Auctioned From Kaczynski Cabin
Postby snooter » Tue Oct 07, 2014 10:26 pm
how many "hoods" can we place with certainty with any other POI..i dunno but it (hood) just gives me the willy’s

I agree Snooter. The masks are dead ringers for the descriptions of the zodiac/EAR-ONS hoods… What are the odds of that? I tend to agree with AK that even if Ted did commit the Zodiac or EAR/ONS crimes he likely would not admit to them bc he doesn’t want to be seen as a serial killer, but an activist/revolutionary of sorts.

Yes snooter, pink phantom and others, to me the things found in Ted’s cabin, most of all the hand made black hoods with vertical eye slits, the elaborate codes, plus the shared Zodiac/TK traits of handwriting, signing their name as crossed lines inside a circle, leaving crossed lines inside a circle at a crime scene, words, phrases and writing to newspapers demanding to be on the front page or people die, it’s an overwhelmingly strong case for TK as a serious Z suspect, and yet most people don’t seem to care, and I am sick of trying to get people to care. I pretty much give up. It starts to seem pointless.

Unfortunately I think a lot of people don’t "feel" like Ted is Z, in part because they think Ted was motivated primarily by politics and environmentalism. He was not. He records his urge to kill came from alienation, sexual frustration and a failed bid for a sex change operation in 1966, as I detail elsewhere. He records he will really kill the people he hates, and he states that he hates LOVE MAKING COUPLES, PROMISCUOUS WOMEN & ROWDY COLLEGE STUDENTS. Can it get more Zodiac like than that?

For others I think they want Z to be an unknown and the case to be solved in some dramatic way. Ted already being known and locked up is for most very anti-climatic.

Yes Snooter Ted is the only known serial killer, bomb designer, code creator who had a hand made hood in his cabin. To me incredible evidence that has not got enough attention. It frustrates me that a black flat top hood with rectangular eye slits, all like the Zodiac hood, was found in Ted K’s cabin, and yet most of the larger Z community does not seem to care. Most people don’t like Ted as Z. OK I accept it. I think it is wrong but all I can do is present the evidence. If most people ignore it, so be it. If it is not the dramatic solution people want, oh well. There is more to life and I am now finding much more success writing in non-crime areas, so I sorta feel like I am banging my head against the wall. And frustrated that they have Ted in custody yet we still don’t know if they have taken DNA as allowed and required by law! I do appreciate all those who have participated in the Ted threads! be it constructive criticisms, good questions, comments, posting evidence, doing research, or just giving an opinion.

Zodiac often but not always did a 3 stroke "k", Kaczynski often but not always did a 3 stroke "k". Zodiac often did a 5 stroke "m", same as Ted. Other matches include the checkmark "r", short caps and bottom on the capital "I" and frequent cursive looped back on the "d". Look at Ted’s "k" in "Park" – a clear 3 stroke. Morrill said few people in the general population do 3 stroke "k" or 5 stroke "m" so those would be things he would look for. I also blew up the Ted letter to the boy.


From Doug Oswell, the Application Bio by Kaczynski to the U Cal Berkeley, December 1966.

The writing looks particularly Zodiac like to me, compare it to the Belli letter.


Z = Zodiac K = Kaczynski/Unabomber

Z = I hope you enjoy your selves when I have my Blast. Jolly Roger Card.

K = For these reasons, I want to get my revenge in one big blast. GX18-2003F, p. 11.

Z = At the moment the children are safe from the bomb because it is so massive to dig in & the triger mech requires much work to get it adjusted just right. Belli Letter, 1969.

K = Its no fun having to spend all your evenings and weekends preparing dangerous mixtures, filing trigger mechanisms out of scraps of metal …. New York Times Letter, 1995.

Z = I gave the cops som bussy work to do to keep them happy. Seven-Page Letter, 1969.

K = This seems to us a thoroughly contemptible way for the human race to end up, and we doubt that many people would find fulfilling lives in such pointless busy-work. Unabomber Manifesto, 1995.

Z = This is the murderer of the 2 teenagers last Christmass at Lake Herman & the girl on the 4th of July near the golf course in Vallejo. To prove I killed them I shall state some facts which only I & the police know. Three-Part Cipher, 1969.

K = To prove that we are the ones who planted the bomb at U. Of Cal. last May we will mention a few details that could be known only to us and the FBI who investigated the incident. S.F. Examiner Letter, 1985.

Z = The police shall never catch me, because I have been too clever for them. Seven-Page letter, 1969.

K = And it doesn’t appear that the FBI is going to catch us any time soon. New York Times letter, 1995.

Z = 2 cops pulled a goof. Seven-Page letter, 1969.

K = The FBI is a joke. New York Times letter, 1995.

Z = As of yet I have left no fingerprints behind me contrary to what the police say. Seven-Page Letter, 1969.

K = Contrary to what the FBI has suggested, our bombing at the California Forestry Association was in no way inspired by the Oklahoma City bombing. New York Times Letter, 1995.

Z = This is the murderer of the 2 teenagers last Christmass … July 31, 1969 Letter (Chronicle).
This is the Zodiac speaking. Numerous correspondences, 1969 through 1971.

K = This is a message from the terrorist group FC. New York Times Letter, April 24, 1995.
This is a message from FC. Tom Tyler Letter, June 30, 1995.

Z = I promised to punish them if they did not comply, by anilating a full School Buss. But now school is out for the summer, so I punished them in another way. Mt. Diablo Letter, 1970.

K = The people who are pushing all this growth and progress garbage deserve to be severely punished. New York Times Letter, 1995.

Z = By the way it could be rather messy if you try to bluff me. Seven-Page Letter, 1969.

K = A special case of Theorem (b) was proved (in effect) in [6, proof of Theorem 6] by means of a rather messy lemma. T.J. Kaczynski. Boundary Functions and Sets of Curvilinear Convergence for Continuous Functions. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 141 (Jul., 1969), 107-125, p. 124.

Z = [Called a violent movie] "deplorable".

K = [Called OKC bombing] "deplorable".

The ones above are some that I considered most compelling and a few of my own. The entire list and analysis by Doug Oswell is excellent and can be seen here:


I do think the shared word usage of Kaczynski and Zodiac is remarkable, and unlike what we see in any other Z suspect.

LINDA: In addition to yours above, some others that I find quite compelling from Doug’s list are:

1. Both use the word "So" to begin several of their thoughts.
2. Both use the phrase "By the Way" to begin several of their thoughts.
3. Use of "is is" in sentences.
4. Both use the words "To prove" at the beginning of sentences followed by information
they felt provided proof of authenticity
5. Both draw a full line across the page to separate thoughts.


Posted : November 5, 2015 8:38 am
Posts: 1588
Member Moderator

Have to say, AK & Doug presented a good case. A lot of simularities.

If Zodiac ever joined a Z forum, I’m sure he would have been banned for not following forum rules. Zam’s/Quote

Posted : November 5, 2015 9:32 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
Topic starter

Have to say, AK & Doug presented a good case. A lot of simularities.

Thanks. And thanks to the many folks who have shown an interest in the possible TK/Z connection.


Posted : November 5, 2015 12:33 pm
Posts: 2614
Member Admin

I agree — AK, you have presented a lot of interesting information.

Do you have a timeline somewhere? I made one for Ross Sullivan because I wanted a quick reference of well-sourced material: http://zodiackillerciphers.com/wiki/ind … s_Sullivan

A similar reference for Kaczynski vs Zodiac would be helpful in visualizing how Kaczynski might be ruled in or out as a suspect. And it’s also a nice way to keep all the sources organized.


Posted : November 5, 2015 5:06 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
Topic starter

That is a very good idea! And I think it might be very helpful to people. When I get a little time I will work on that, and open it up so others may contribute items, facts, suggestions or questions.


Posted : November 5, 2015 6:13 pm
Posts: 2614
Member Admin

The problem with the Ross Sullivan info was that it was scattered all over the place (buried in numerous threads), so that motivated me to organize it all in one place. I also tried to limit it to just the facts and their sources.

A Kaczynski timeline would be handy!


Posted : November 5, 2015 6:17 pm
Posts: 756
Prominent Member

If I might throw in a comment here, just a Zodiac timeline, a complete one, would be awesome. Just with the major events, and also a way to include / exclude suspects, etc. Way too much for me to handle, but I think there are some "timeline-making" programs out there.

It would be a great resource, IMO.


I don’t believe in monsters.

Posted : November 5, 2015 6:29 pm
Posts: 2614
Member Admin

I agree, glurk. It’d be nice to tag all the Z timeline entries with categories that you can filter by.

I’ve been wanting to take on that project, since I have loads of timeline-related material already in Evernote. But time is the fire in which we burn!


Posted : November 5, 2015 6:34 pm
Posts: 756
Prominent Member

Please take a look at timeglider.com!

That looks like a great way to do it. You can zoom in and out, etc.


I don’t believe in monsters.

Posted : November 5, 2015 6:37 pm
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