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Kaczynski and Zodiac – Shared Words, Phrases and Handwriting

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AK Wilks. INCREDIBLE. I just have no words. I’m in awe.

Posted : April 20, 2019 6:20 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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AK Wilks. INCREDIBLE. I just have no words. I’m in awe.

Thanks. Glad you found it interesting!


Posted : April 20, 2019 7:59 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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AK Wilks said;
…"the killer cut off Edwards bathing suit top to expose her breasts."

Wouldn’t you agree this is conjecture? What makes you rule out that
her clothing was simply ripped when Zodiac dragged her body to the
shack? – Certainly the ground appears to have many embedded small
rocks both where it is dry and within the bed of the small stream.

The police stated that the bathing suit top was cut with a sharp object, most likely a knife. Perhaps someone who knows a lot about the case can find the part of the police report that indicates the bathing suit top was cut.

There is a chance the garment liftings in the Percy and Robison cases accidentally happened during the violent murders, but in both cases police stated that the circumstances indicated they were intentional.


Posted : April 20, 2019 8:10 am
Posts: 419
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Always interesting read……the tie in with the percy case is very interesting…..nothing explicit but always great read by ak

Posted : April 22, 2019 9:50 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Always interesting read……the tie in with the Percy case is very interesting…..nothing explicit but always great read by ak

Thanks. The interesting things about the Percy case include the fact that it happened in the Chicago suburbs, about 20 minutes from where Ted had grown up, an area he was familiar with and comfortable blending in. About 8 or 9 weeks before the Bates murder (which happened when evidence shows he was in California for a job interview), and just two or three weeks before the Percy killing, Ted recorded his self proclaimed breakthrough moment in life, when he decided to "really kill" the people he hated, and he felt he could actually do it.

Ted also looks very much like the suspect sketch issued in the Percy murder. See below:


The following is information pertaining to the murder of Valerie Percy, which took place in Kenilworth, Illinois on September 18, 1966. Valerie Percy was the daughter of Charles Percy, the CEO of Bell & Howell, a leading manufacturer of cameras and business equipment. Mr. Percy was the Republican nominee for the US Senate. He went on to win the election.

In the light most could not tell apart twins Valerie and Sharon Percy. In the dark nobody could. And the time of Valerie’s murder, her twin sister Sharon was engaged to Jay Rockefeller, who later became a Senator. This engagement was recent, as was the recent engagement of possible Zodiac victim Nancy Bennallack, before she was also killed in a brutal home invasion knife murder.

The killer had a flashlight and entered the home by cutting glass. Valerie was stabbed 12 to 14 times and bludgeoned with a hammer like object in the head. The tragic case remains unsolved.


This suspect grew up and went to High School in Evergreen Park, Il. His family home was in Evergreen Park, though they moved to Iowa for a brief time in 1966, and later settled in Lombard, Il. So this suspect was very familiar with suburban Chicago, as that is where he had lived most of his life up until that point. In September of 1966 he was enrolled at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan but as he only had his thesis work to complete, was not required to be physically present on campus. All of his course work and TA duties were complete, and he had started the job interview process, which later in the Fall of 1966 would take him to California.

If you study carefully the above pictures I think you will agree he obviously bears a strong similarity to the suspect sketch in the Percy murder – long face, unusual slanted hair, puffiness under the eyes, prominent jaw, jutting chin, large forehead, hair frames the face the same way, large hawk like nose, general face structure, ears, lips, etc. The description from the stepmother Mrs. Percy – 5’8", 160 pounds – also is an exact match for this suspect.

This suspect is a convicted murderer. He killed at least three men that we know of for sure, and wounded over two dozen people. Most of those he attacked were , like Mr. Percy, involved in either the technological world and/or the field of big business.


In the summer of 1966, most likely late August/early September 1966, just weeks before the murder of Valerie Percy, he records a break through moment in his life. Out of despair and self described "acute sexual starvation", he records in his journal that instead of killing himself he will "really kill everyone I hate."

The people he says he hates and wants to kill are many, but they include two distinct groups. One group is what he calls "bigshots", and these include "scientists", "big businessmen" and "politicians". In his eyes Sen. Percy would clearly be a "bigshot", as CEO of Bell & Howell which makes cameras and business machines he would be somewhat like a "scientist" and certainly a "big businessman", and as the Republican nominee for Senate, a soon to be "politician".

The other group of people he hated and wanted to kill included love making "couples", "rowdy college students" and those college women he deems "promiscuous", who are just "animals" and "pigs". Valerie Percy was a beautiful young college student and would fit into this grouping in his demented mind. I would ask you to please read carefully all of the following, from the government psychiatric report on this man:

In the summer after his fourth year [of graduate school, the summer of 1966], he tells of being upset by the sound of couples having sex in the dorms rooms next to his and he describes experiencing a period of several weeks where he was sexually excited nearly all the time and was fantasizing himself as a woman and being unable to obtain any sexual relief. He decided to make an effort to have a sex change operation. When he returned to the University of Michigan [no earlier than May 1966 and most likely in late August or early September 1966] he made an appointment to see a psychiatrist to be examined to determine if the sex change would be good for him. He claimed that by putting on an act he could con the psychiatrist into thinking him suitable for a feminine role even though his motive was exclusively erotic. As he was sitting in the waiting room, he turned completely against the idea of the operation and thus, when he saw the doctor, instead claimed he was depressed about the possibility of being drafted. He describes the following:

"As I walked away from the building afterwards, I felt disgusted about what my uncontrolled sexual cravings had almost led me to do and I felt humiliated, and I violently hated the psychiatrist. Just then there came a major turning point in my life. Like a Phoenix, I burst from the ashes of my despair to a glorious new hope. I thought I wanted to kill that psychiatrist because the future looked utterly empty to me. I felt I wouldn’t care if I died. And so I said to myself why not really kill the psychiatrist and anyone else whom I hate. What is important is not the words that ran through my mind but the way I felt about them. What was entirely new was the fact that I really felt I could kill someone. My very hopelessness had liberated me because I no longer cared about death. I no longer cared about consequences and I said to myself that I really could break out of my rut in life an do things that were daring, irresponsible or criminal." [Psych Report] {Emphasis added}


That happened at the end of the the summer of 1966, most likely in late August/early September 1966. Probably mere days later, on or around September 3, 1966, bombs go off at the suburban Chicago house of Elmwood Park Mayor Elmer Conti and at a glass company on Paulina St. in Chicago. Within two weeks there is another attack on a home of an Illinois politician, this one far more brutal and lethal, and Valerie Percy is murdered on September 18, bludgeoned and stabbed 12 to 14 times. One week later (September 25 – 27) in suburban Cincinnati the entire Bricca family is killed. Jerry Bricca was a chemical engineer for the Monsanto chemicals and plastics company, his wife Linda was a former United Airlines stewardess, their daughter Debbie just four years old. Jerry was stabbed 9 times, Linda 8 times, even little Debbie horrifically stabbed 4 times. They were bound before being killed.

The man who decided he could "really kill everyone he hated" in September 1966 was convicted murderer, math genius and bomb maker Theodore Kaczynski. The pictures above – which look so much like the suspect sketch in the Percy case – are of Ted Kaczynski. I would ask you to set aside for the moment the image of him as portrayed in the media as just a politically motivated terrorist against technology and business. That is only part of the truth.

His first confirmed Unabomber crime was in 1978, when he was 36 years old. Yet we know from research that the most active and violent period for the majority of serial killers is from their late teens to late twenties. And we see that Kaczynski reports the motivation, desire and ability to kill at least as early as the summer of 1966.

In 1966 he was a sexually frustrated and confused young man who resolved to kill those he hated, which included "bigshots" but also college students and young women. He later recorded a fantasy of mutiliating a woman’s face with a knife. He also wanted to – and did – kill "bigshots" like "big businessmen" and "politicians", and Bell & Howell CEO and soon to be Senator Charles Percy would represent those things to him, as well being a man associated with high technology through his company. And Mr. Bricca was a scientist working for a major corporation.

In September 1966, of course, Ted was officially enrolled at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan. But his TA duties and course work were done, and his thesis almost finished. There was nothing to require him to be physically present at the campus. We know that sometime in the later Fall and/or Winter of 1966 evidence shows he went to California for job interviews at the University of California, Berkeley. Ann Arbor is only a four hour trip by car or train to Kenilworth, Illinois and a four hour trip by car to Cincinnati, Ohio. After his moment of being "reborn" in late August or early September and deciding to "really kill everyone I hate", he might well have not wanted to kill anyone near his listed residence in Ann Arbor, but instead return either to the area he had lived in most of his life and knew the layout of, suburban Chicago, and/or one which he had no known connection to, suburban Cincinnati.

Based on all the evidence I have gathered, I believe that it is possible Ted Kaczynski is the young man depicted in the sketch and that he killed Valerie Percy, and that he should also be considered a suspect in the Bricca slaying.


In looking at what the police thought was the possibly related incident of the attack on Sharon Bubes of Evanston, Illinois on 6/30/66 a number of things are of interest. The attacker entered at night, had a flashlight, struck her in the head with a hammer – all similar MO factors to the Percy murder. The Bubes attacker was described as being about 17 years old, 5’10", slim to medium build and wearing a green plaid shirt. All of which is a fair match to the description of the Percy attacker from Mrs. Percy, and to Kaczynski himself. Kaczynski would have just turned 24 in 1966, but he looked a few years younger, as you can see in the pictures below. These picture were taken when Ted was in his twenties, but he looks more like 17 to 19.

The Percy attacker was also described as wearing a short sleeve shirt with a large checkered pattern. Going by both witness statements and pictures, Ted Kaczynski wore checkered pattern and/or plaid short sleeve shirts on a daily basis. That is what he wore virtually every single day in this time period. Every picture I have of him in that time period that is what he is wearing. You can look at these pictures for the shirts and also to see how the face and hair matches up with the suspect descriptions and sketch.


One of the main objections some people will make to the evidence about Kaczynski being the killer of Valerie Percy and/or the Bricca family – and I admit it is at first glance a reasonable objection – is that Ted was mainly known to kill with bombs, not up close and personal with a gun, blunt object or knife.

If at some point you talk to an FBI Agent, criminal psychologist or serial killer profiler, they will no doubt tell you that the majority of "distance killers", those who kill by bomb or poison, do not typically also commit "up close and personal" crimes with a gun, knife or blunt object.

First, even if studies of known cases show that majority did not also do personal crimes, there is a minority who did. Kaczynski had a unique pathology – a specific hatred of technology, business leaders and politicians (which shows up in his Unabomber crimes from 1978 to 1996 and also may have played in a role in the selection of the Percy and Bricca homes as a target), but also the general rage expressed in 1966, in which he wanted to kill "college students" and women. So Kaczynski may well be in the minority of distance killers who also kill up close and personal. Joseph Paul Franklin did bombing and sniper crimes, for political and racist reasons, but also killed women up close and personal, for sexual and rage reasons.

Second, there is evidence Kaczynski actually thought about and even did kill up close and personal.

The FBI states he actually did shoot and wound a miner with a rifle. In his journal that recorded in detail all of his bombing crimes, he also wrote of unspecified other crimes whose evidence he had destroyed and accounts of had burned or buried, because their revelation (in light of his growing reputation as a political terrorist and anti-technology activist) could prove "dangerous, embarassing" or "just very bad public relations." Certainly the brutal murder of a young college girl like Valerie Percy or the slaughter of the Bricca family would not be something he would want publicly known, when some on the fringes of the radical environmental and anarchist movements touted him as a hero of sorts.

He recorded a desire to kill people by "bomb or other means". He wrote fantasies about mutilating a women’s face with a knife and raping a woman in front of her husband. He spent a year and made a one shot .22 pistol from wood and junk parts that he wrote he intended to use as a "homicide weapon". As a one shot untraceable weapon, it would best be used in situations were the victim was immobile, such as being bound or asleep.

The first Unabomber crime was in 1978 – yet Ted wrote in 1971 about the society which he says has caused him "to rebel, as violently as I have."

He created a shoe device to leave false sole prints of sizes other than his own. That would not help for the known Unabomber crimes, but would for up close and personal crimes. The FBI records he had black and green canvas and denim HOODS and MASKS in his cabin – again, only suitable for personal crimes.


Sharon Bubes, Evanston, IL – Attacked in her bedroom with a hammer, 6/30/66

Valerie Percy, Kenilworth, IL – Murdered in her bedroom by hammer like object and knife, 9/18/66

Bricca Family, Cincinnati, OH – Found bound and murdered in bedrooms by knife, 9/27/66

Cheri Jo Bates, Riverside, CA – Murdered at campus library by knife, on wood poem about death signed by RH 10/30/66

Confession letter in Cheri Jo Bates murder, Riverside, CA – mailed on 11/28/66

Cecelia Shepard, Lake Berryessa, CA – Bound and murdered by knife, 9/27/69

Betsy Aardsma, State College, PA – Murdered in campus library by knife, on wood statement about death signed by RSK 11/28/69


We know that it is most likely around late August/early September of 1966 when Kaczynski states he was "born again" and decided to "really kill everyone I hate." He states he was suffering from "acute sexual starvation" and that some of the people he wants to kill, besides "bigshots" in business, science and politics, are love making couples, "college students" and young men and women. Looking at these cases we see possible links between them.

Note also that the Zodiac Killer is a prime suspect in the death of Ms. Bates, and that the interest in Kaczynski as a suspect for the Zodiac has been renewed and is ongoing. Kaczynski was in the SF Bay area at the time of the Zodiac murders, and like the Zodiac, wrote to newspapers demanding his words on the front page and was an expert in codes and bombs. Like Zodiac, Kaczynski drew crossed lines inside a circle at a crime scene. On the three year anniversary of the discovery of the Bricca murders, September 27, 1969, the Zodiac attacked a couple at Lake Berryessa, CA, and bound them with rope before stabbing them. The woman, Cecelia Shepard, was stabbed 10 times and was killed.


Posted : April 26, 2019 9:59 pm
AK Wilks
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3/7/70 Nurse Judith Hakari killed in Sacramento.
4/20/70 Zodiac claims new victim (10th) in "My Name Is" letter.

9/6/70 Nurse Donna Lass disappears in Lake Tahoe, Nevada, less than two hours away from Sacramento, California. (Zodiac will send a card in March 1971, hinting he is responsible for the abduction and murder of Lass).

10/25/70 Court Secretary Nancy Bennallack killed in home invasion murder, in Sacramento, less than one mile away from the Hakari murder scene.
10/27/70 Before the story hits the newspapers, Zodiac mails the Halloween card to Paul Avery, claiming a new (14th) victim.

Police think one man may be responsible for all three crimes. The killer of Nancy Bennallack cut himself and left blood at the crime scene. Police have a DNA profile of the killer. I am now working to put my theory that TK could be the responsible party to the test. Which could,possibly, not only solve the Bennallack murder, but open the door to solving the larger Zodiac case, if indeed DNA is developed in that case.

My Zodiac POI, Ted Kaczynski, is also a police person of interest in at least two home invasion murders, Valerie Percy in suburban Chicago, 9/18/66, and the Bricca family, 9/27/66, suburban Cincinnatti. The Hakari suspect is seen driving an American-made 1950s pickup truck. At that point in time, Ted Kaczynski owned an American-made 1950’s pickup truck.

Ted Kaczynski looks very much like the bearded suspect in the Hakari murder (3/7/70), and the suspect sketch in the Bennallack killing (10/25/70)matches one of Ted’s many looks, clean shaven, darker hair, parted in a big wave look.



Posted : May 3, 2019 12:24 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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[b}AK Wilks: Thanks to SEAGULL for passing along these documents to me. A lot of good printing from Ted here, so it is very well suited for handwriting comparisons to Zodiac. I will have all the pages posted later, and make some comparisons to Z handwriting. But right off from the start, a bird that flies near the ocean noticed that Kaczynski’s description at top of page 5, sixth line down, of wasting time "hew and haw and fiddle around" is very similar to Zodiac’s description of the police wasting time "fiddle and fart around " in LA Times letter!

So both Zodiac and Ted Kaczynski describe wasting time as "fiddle around". That is interesting in and of itself, but even more so when considered along with the dozens and dozens of other word and phrase matches, like "around in the snow", "contrary to what police say", "deplorable", "rather messy", etc, and the handwriting matches like three stroke "K" ‘s, five stroke "M" ‘s, etc. See them all starting here: viewtopic.php?f=102&t=250


Posted : May 25, 2021 3:07 pm
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