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Kaczynski, Zodiac, Tylenol: Nature Tree Wood Obsession

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AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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"The MO is basically the way the predator commits the crime — if he uses a gun rather than a knife or lures prospective victims by putting his arm in a fake sling. While the MO tells us something about how he did it, the signature gives us some insight into why. The signature is a ritual, something the subject does intentionally for emotional satisfaction — something that isn’t necessary to perpetuate the crime. Evidence of torture is a signature. Posing — displaying the victims in a certain way — is a signature. Signature is a way of linking cases. Like a real signature, it’s a personal detail that’s unique to the individual.

Sometimes there’s a fine line between an MO and a signature.

I’ve found that signature is a more reliable guide to the behavior of serial offenders than an MO. That’s because the MO evolves, while the emotional reasoning that triggers the signature doesn’t. The method a killer uses to get women into his van may change, but the fact that he always tortures them once they’re inside stays the same. One subject covered the faces of his victims. That was his signature. So you look for that in other cases in order to tie them together. A bomber used to spray black paint over the components inside his bombs. It wasn’t necessary — it didn’t make the bombs any better. I don’t know what it meant, but he did it anyway. He felt the need to do it."

Former FBI Special Agent and Serial Killer Profiler John Douglas

"In the Unabomber’s case a large factor was his obsession with wood. Wood. Wood was everywhere. It haunted his mind, controlled his actions, wood was his goal and mode of attack. He selected as his enemies people who had wood – associated names, addresses, or businesses."

From "Unabomber: A Desire To Kill", By Robert Graysmith

Acting as the Unabomber, Theodore Kaczynski used a criminal signature utilizing nature themes such as water, ice, animals, hills, mountains and in particular TREES and WOOD. The NATURE, TREES and WOOD theme was a major focal point of the FBI investigation, as it was one of the few obvious clues Kaczynski left in his trail of bombings. Kaczynski of course lived not far from a stream in a wood cabin among the tree covered hills and mountains of Montana. The consistent references to Water, Trees, Wood and Mountains could have been a way to signal his belief in the primacy of nature over industrial technology, a taunting clue to his Montana location and/or a calling card link to claim credit for his crimes.

Kaczynski later targeted certain groups of people – business executives, professors in technological subjects, computer workers. But within these broad groups, he would usually select a specific person whose name, street or city had a tie to a Nature, Wood or Trees theme, or he would make the references in fake return addresses. It would take several pages to list in detail all of the examples of the Kaczynski Nature, Trees and Wood mania, so I will just mention the highlights.

Kaczynski as the Unabomber mailed bombs to targets in Salt LAKE City, LAKE FOREST Illinois and Ann ARBOR Michigan. He included a copy of the novel "The ICE Brothers" in a bomb package, the story of which concerns a boat on OCEAN patrol near GREENland. Targeted persons named Patrick FISCHER, James HILL, Percy WOOD and Leroy WOOD BEARson. All of his bombs had parts made of WOOD and/or were concealed in WOOD boxes. Enclosed items within his bomb packages such as parts, sticks or twigs from TREES of Maple WOOD, Red WOOD, Cherry WOOD and Douglas Fir WOOD. Selected victims that lived on streets like FOREST HILL or ASPEN (a type of poplar TREE and a town in Colorado associated with MOUNTAINS). Used return addresses of OAKland California, RAVENSWOOD Street and BERG or BURG three times which is German for MOUNTAIN and castle. There are many other examples with NATURE, WOOD or TREE themes, but one more will make the point rather clearly – a return address of Frederick Benjamin Isaac WOOD, 549 WOOD Street, WOODLAKE California. (FBI profiler John Douglas noted he thought the intended message here was "FBI: WOOD, WOOD, WOOD!")

Now let us look at the sites that had Cyanide laced Tylenol in the Chicago area in 1982. The Kaczynski family home was in Lombard, Illinois, the exact epicenter of the tampering sites, and within 20 minutes of all of them. In this respect, keep in mind that a "grove" is a group of trees, a "field" can be of grass, plants or trees, "heights" are the high points of hills and mountains, "burg" is German for mountain, "Vail" is another town in Colorado associated with mountains, "Wells" bring forth water and "green" is a term for plants and the color associated with the environmental movement. In the Tylenol Murders, out of the thousands of retail outlets to pick from, the killer chose the Osco store in the WOODFIELD Mall in SchaumBURG, the Jewel store at the GROVE Mall in ELK GROVE Village, a store on WinFIELD Road in WinFIELD, a Jewel store in Arlington HEIGHTS on VAIL Street, a WalGREEN on WELLS Street in Chicago and the last discovered store on ButterFIELD Road in WHEATon. In the 1986 Cyanide Tylenol death of Diane Elsroth in the Bronxville (Yonkers), New York area, tampered bottles were placed in stores on CEDAR Street and PONDFIELD Road.

At least one other location was either not discovered or not disclosed publicly, that being where victim Mary McFarland purchased her Tylenol, but we known that she lived in ELMhurst. People usually shop near where they live (or work), and if the Tylenol was purchased in ELMhurst, that would be yet another NATURE-TREES-WOOD choice made by the Tylenol Killer. The Jewel-Osco chain seems to have been a particular target of the murderer. And there are two Jewel stores in Elmhurst, one of which is at 153 E. Schiller St., on an exact horizontal line with the tampering site at 1601 N. Wells St. in Chicago to the East and the Kaczynski residence on N. Ridge in Lombard to the West. Ms. McFarland also worked for Bell Telephone at the Yorktown Center in Lombard, the same city as the Kaczynski family home. There is a Jewel store on 1177 S. Main St. in Lombard, within walking distance (just over a mile) from the Kaczynski family home on N. Ridge in Lombard.

So there is a very clear pattern of placing the tampered Tylenol at sites with Nature themes, in particular Water, Mountains, Wood and Trees, just as we know Kaczynski selected bombing targets with similar names. The MO of the crimes are partially different – bombs vs. poison. But the criminal signature of Water – Trees – Wood – Mountains is the same. And the MO of both was to cause random death while the killer was away from the scene, and both targeted corporations and the modern technological society.

We can also ask why was Tylenol, manufactured by Johnson & Johnson, chosen? There are of course many makers of pain killers and headache relief pills. Keeping in mind that the FBI believed Kaczynski selected bombing victims in part because of their names, such as Percy WOOD and Leroy WOOD Bearson, the founders of the Johnson & Johnson company were Robert WOOD Johnson and James WOOD Johnson. Just as in the targeted locations mentioned above, when it comes to the corporate victims, the Tylenol Killer operated with the exact same criminal signature Theodore Kaczynski used as the Unabomber.


I have shown that Theodore Kaczynski was known by his criminal signature of using victims, streets, cities and other clues pertaining to themes of Nature, in particular Water, Mountains, Trees and (most of all) Wood. I have also shown that it seems the Tylenol Killer of 1982 (and probably 1986 as well) had a similar criminal signature, as he also targeted victims, streets, and stores with identical Nature themes of Water, Mountains, Trees and Wood. Knowing that Kaczynski is a suspect for being the Zodiac Killer, let us look at that case for a similar criminal signature.

Probable and definite Zodiac crimes took place at RIVERside, Blue Rock SPRINGS, LAKE Herman Road, LAKE Berryessa, South LAKE Tahoe.

Zodiac told cab driver Paul Stine to go to Washington and MAPLE street, it is MAPLE street Z refers to in his letter claiming credit for the murder and crime actually took place closest to CHERRY street. Of course both are types of TREES.

SFPD Officer Richard Radetich, 6/19/70, possible Z victim, was murdered on Waller street, but a white American car (which Ted K owned) is seen speeding away on nearby OAK street.

Stuart Maher, 3/17/68, a possible Z victim, was shot in the back of the head in San Francisco on PINE street.

Pat Tan, 4/19/70, possible Z victim, found hanging from a TREE on Mt. Tam.

Isobel Watson, 4/7/72, a possible Z victim, was stabbed in the Tamalpais Valley area on PINE HILL Road.

Yvonne Weber (13 years old) and Maureen Sterling (12 years old), 2/4/72, possible Z victims in Sonoma County, last seen alive at the REDWOOD Ice Rink.

Barbara Jane Perkins, 12/8/67, possible Z victim, a nurse who lived on Grant street in Berkeley, 1.4 miles from TJK residence on Regent street, found at Point Reyes National SEASHORE, head was "tucked against base of fallen TREE."

Daniel Williams, possible Z victim, lived on BUSH street in Martinez, reported calls from man claiming to be Z and arsenic poison later put into a soda pop bottle.

Unknown female U Cal Riverside student, late 1966, possible Z victim, accepted ride from man matching Z description, man said "after all I’m not Jack the Ripper," spoke of Cheri Jo Bates death, told woman "I’m not going to kill you. If I wanted to kill you I could just hit you in the head with this piece of WOOD." Attacked the student, who then escaped.

Z sent card with "peek through the PINES" on it, card hinted a body could be found "around in the SNOW", mentioned "SIERRA club" SIERRA being Spanish for "MOUNTAIN range" (SIERRA club also concerned with protecting NATURE, and TJK was a member), letter mentioning torture by shoving PINE needles under fingernails, Halloween card had eyes looking through a TREE, suspected of sending a taunting Christmas card to sister of probable victim Donna Lass with picture of PINE TREE covered with SNOW, and saying "Saint Donna, Guardian of the PINES." Another card mentioned Monticello (Italian for little MOUNTAIN), and "in the WOODS dies April". The possible Z card in September 1990, the Celebrity Cypher, had a picture of a TREE on an OCEAN beach. And the possible Z communication in December 1990, the Christmas card, had a SNOWman, made with TREE TWIGS, with a RABBIT in front of him.

Do people have other examples to add to this list? Or facts or evidence to disprove it?

This all tends to show that the Zodiac Killer, Theodore Kaczynski and the Tylenol Killer all had a very similar criminal signature – the use of Nature themes, in particular Water, Mountains, Trees and Wood.

I have focused here on three criminal events – the Zodiac killings, the Tylenol Murders and the acts of the Unabomber. But there is similar evidence of the criminal signature of Nature, Trees and Wood in the acts of the suburban Chicago bomber in September 1966, the home invasion Midwest Family Killer of September 27, 1966 to June 25th, 1968 and the bomber of Judge Vance, attorney Robbie Robinson and activist Judi Bari in December 1989 to May 1990, all crimes in which evidence points to Ted Kaczynski, and there is a pattern of tree, wood, water and nature associated locations, victim cities and addresses, and victims whose professions or business plans could be seen as a direct threat to trees and nature.

A poster on another site raised the point that the Unabomber killed people who were targeted because of their work in certain technological or business fields.

A valid point. But Kaczynski also put a bomb on Flight 444 from Chicago to DC on November 15, 1979. Had it exploded correctly, hundreds of regular citizens would have died. And while Kaczynski did have strong views about technology, he admitted in his coded journal that he claimed no moral or philosophical basis for his actions, but that his motive was "personal revenge".

And there is a lot about Kaczynski that is not widely known. His history shows the psycho-sexual confusion and inner rage associated with many serial killers.

He mentions in his journal – the journal that proudly details his bombings – that accounts of certain crimes have "buried" or "burned", because their revelation would be "dangerous", "embarassing" or "very bad public relations".

The government psych report quotes sections from his journal. In September of 1966, Kaczynski recounts that he was suffering from "acute sexual starvation" and was going crazy from the sounds of sexual activity in the apartments next to his in Ann Arbor. He reports erotic fantasies of being a woman, and decided to seek a sex change operation. He backed out after meeting with a psychiatrist, and reports leaving the office filled with rage, deciding that he wanted to kill himself and/or the psychiatrist. He reports this as the "turning point" of his life, that he was "reborn". He reports saying to himself "Why not REALLY kill the psychiatrist, and every one else I hate?" He mentions being driven to madness by the sound of COUPLES making love – which is interesting in light of Zodiac’s attacks on couples in areas known for love making. Kaczynski expresses a desire to kill police, businessmen, scientists, "big shots", but also college students who throw their beer cans in the forest, and promiscuous men and women.

That Fall/Winter of 1966, evidence shows he goes to California to tour colleges and interview for jobs. Cheri Jo Bates is killed on October 30, 1966. Kaczynski is known to be in or near California for all Zodiac murder and mailing dates. When he is gone, there are none.

In his journal not only does he express the desire to kill scientists and businessmen, but also police, "rowdy college students", "promiscuous" college students and COUPLES. This would fit with the Zodiac attacks on male female couples parked in known trysting places.

Picture of a bearded man watching flight attendant Paula Prince buy the tainted Tylenol that would kill her. The FBI considered this man a suspect to be the Tylenol Murderer. He bears a similar appearance to that of Ted Kaczynski.

OK, for you hard core true crime buffs and fellow research obsessives, here is my full Tylenol article, I never posted it here before.

In particluar, a man was killed with poisoned Tylenol in July 1982, bought in Wyoming, just minutes past the Montana – Wyoming border, right on I-90. And right off I-90 in Illinois, two policeman were sickened just by touching empty bottles of Tylenol and white powder left in a motel parking lot. I-90 is how you get from Montana to Chicago, so just based on these facts, we might logically profile an anti-corporate killer with a hatred for society, technical skill to create the tainted pills and repackage, with connections to the Montana-Wyoming area and to suburban Chicago.


By AK Wilks

On the morning of September 29, 1982, Mary Kellerman was suffering from a sore throat. The 12 year old took some Tylenol her mother had just purchased the other day. Within minutes she was dead, a victim of Cyanide poisoning. Over the next few days, six others would die in the Chicago area – three members of the Janus family, Adam, Stanley and Theresa; Mary McFarland, Paula Prince; and Mary Reiner. Seven murders, killed by a stranger they never knew. A near perfect crime, as there was no known motive, no crime scene, little evidence and no good suspects. A national crisis ensued, Johnson & Johnson issued a nationwide recall of Tylenol at a cost of $100 million, and hundreds of police detectives and FBI agents worked the case. But no one was ever arrested for these crimes, and 27 years later the case is still unsolved.

The Tylenol Murders of 1982 are the most horrific and baffling unsolved crimes in Chicago history, and one of the most puzzling unsolved murder cases in American history. Seven people died in the Chicago area, with three other seldom discussed but possibly related incidents that same year, Cyanide Tylenol deaths in Wyoming and Philadelphia, and a Strychnine Tylenol poisoning injury in California.

Lately the 27 year old unsolved cold case has been in the news again because of James Lewis. James Lewis was convicted of extortion for sending a letter to Johnson & Johnson stating the killings would stop if $1,000,000 was wired to a bank account. But the bank account was not his; it was the closed account of his wife’s former employer. Lewis was angry at this employer for giving his wife a final paycheck that bounced, and he also accused the employer of being engaged in a massive fraud. Lewis states the Tylenol letter was designed to draw attention to the employer and get him in trouble. Instead, Lewis was charged with a federal felony. Lewis was convicted of extortion and served 13 years of a 20 year sentence.

Back in 1982, local and federal law enforcement authorities repeatedly made it clear that Mr. Lewis was not involved in putting the poisoned Tylenol on store shelves. James Murray, spokesman for Johnson & Johnson, stated that tests showed Cyanide eats through the plastic capsule shells within 14 days, and it had been 25 days since Mr. Lewis had been in the Chicago area. Hotel records and witnesses show Mr. Lewis and his wife at a hotel in New York during the relevant time period. A search of airline, bus, car rental and hotel records showed no evidence of Mr. Lewis returning to Chicago. And no fingerprint or other forensic evidence was found to link Mr. Lewis to the actual poisonings.

Another element that has not been mentioned in recent news coverage are the Cyanide – Tylenol Murders that occurred in 1986. At least four people died of Cyanide filled Tylenol or Anacin 3 capsules in the time period between February and May of 1986, another died of a Cyanide filled food product and one other person was sickened by tainted Tylenol. The 1986 Tylenol Killer apparently defeated the new tamper resistant packaging, causing Tylenol to switch to tamper proof hard caplets. It seems at least possible if not likely that the Tylenol Killer of 1986 and 1982 are one and the same. But this would rule out Mr. Lewis, who was incarcerated in a federal prison in 1986 serving his sentence for extortion.

So the question now remains: Who was the Tylenol Killer?


Information has developed concerning a possible new suspect in the Tylenol Murders. There are media reports about possible evidence connected to the Tylenol case, including partial fingerprints from the tampered bottles and new forensic evidence. If a match can be made between the suspected evidence left behind from the Tylenol Killer and this man, perhaps this case can finally be solved. This man, like the Tylenol Killer, killed by remote control, killed from a distance. He left items in public places where whoever picked them up would be maimed or killed.

This suspect was later convicted of multiple murders, had a genius level IQ, sufficient knowledge of science, engineering and chemicals to create the Cyanide filled tablets and defeat the tamper resistant packaging and when arrested had Strychnine poison in his home. In addition, he had an intense hatred for the modern consumer system, despised large corporations and also expressed the desire to kill large numbers of random people to get his personal "revenge" on society. This suspect also did do a little gold and silver prospecting, and Cyanide is used for that purpose. This same suspect also had a family home that he sometimes stayed at in Lombard, Illinois that was within 20 minutes of all the known Chicago area tampering sites, at the exact epicenter in fact, and there is some evidence he was in the area at the time. The suspect is Theodore Kaczynski, the man later known as the "Unabomber", who killed at least three persons and wounded over two dozen in his anti-technology and anti-corporate crusade.

Theodore Kaczynski grew up in suburban Illinois, in Evergreen Park, before his family moved to Lombard. It is stated he had a childhood IQ of 167; 140 and above is considered genius level, the top 0.5% of the US population. An IQ in the 167 area is beyond genius level – Albert Einstein is thought to have had an IQ in this range. Kaczynski grew up as a loner and shunned contact with children his age. Rather than participating in sports or dating, he was known to be a voracious reader in many subjects and to conduct science and chemistry experiments in his home. He started attending Harvard University at age 16.

He later obtained a PHD in mathematics from the University of Michigan. While there he solved a complex math problem that had baffled his professors. As a student, he had work published in top mathematics journals, including his thesis on the boundary functions of circles. One fellow graduate student stated he thought Kaczynski would likely go on to win a Nobel Prize in math. But after two years teaching as a tenure track professor at the University of California Berkeley from 1967 to 1969, Kaczynski left the school and left the field of mathematics. He had made few if any friends and had almost no contact with women. He wrote in his journal that he suffered from "acute sexual starvation."

He spent most of the next two years traveling and looking for land, eventually buying property in Lincoln, Montana in 1971. For the first few years he would often spend winters and other short periods elsewhere, including living and working in the Chicago area in 1978 and 1979, but this cabin would be his primary residence for the next 25 years. From 1978 until his arrest in 1996, he killed at least three persons and injured at least 23 more in his actions as "The Unabomber". He became America’s most wanted domestic terrorist. The FBI had a $1,000,000 bounty on his head, hundreds of agents on the case, and a 25,000 name suspect list that did NOT have Theodore Kaczynski on it. David Kaczynski, Ted’s brother, contacted the FBI after he and his wife were disturbed by similarities between the Unabomber Manifesto and Ted’s own anti-technology writings.

The primary weapon Kaczynski used in his crusade against the twentieth century was the home made bomb, either mailed to victims or placed at locations, to be detonated by the random person who picked it up. But there is no reason to think Kaczynski was limited only to bombs as a weapon. Kaczynski also committed burglaries, arson and industrial sabotage. He is also suspected of shooting a miner with a high powered rifle and using Strychnine poison to kill a neighbor’s dogs. He built a gun out of spare parts and wood and wrote he intended to use it as a "homicide weapon". He wrote of a desire to kill regular people and "bigshots" by use of a "bomb or other means". In his journal that gave details of all of his Unabomber bombing crimes, he wrote that accounts of and evidence from other crimes had been either buried or burned because their revelation would be "dangerous", "embarassing" or "very bad public relations". So it seems fairly clear, by his own words, that he DID committ other crimes than just the Unabomber bombings. What were they?

As mentioned above, this suspect had a family home within 20 minutes of all the known Chicago area tampering sites. In fact, if you were to draw a horizontal line from the tampering site at 1601 N. Wells St. in Chicago to the tampering site on N040 Winfield Road in Winfield, it would run right through the city of Lombard and the exact area where the suspect’s family home on N. Ridge was in 1982. If you draw a vertical line through the tampering sites on N. Vail in Arlington Heights and the Grove Mall in Elk Grove Village and continue that line it again would literally go right through where the suspect’s family home was in Lombard.

As strange as it may seem, it is an indisputable fact the Kaczynski family home on 463 North Ridge St. in Lombard is at the exact epicenter of the Tylenol tampering sites. While not conclusive proof of anything, it is consistent with a theory that if Kaczynski was the Tylenol Killer he was intentionally or unintentionally giving a clue as to his location. This is in fact something that Kaczynski, intentionally or unintentionally, did in some of his Unabomber crimes.

Acting as the Unabomber, Kaczynski committed bombings in Auburn, Washington and Salt Lake City, Utah. If you were to draw a horizontal line from Auburn extending east, it would go through Lincoln, Montana where the Kaczynski cabin was located. And if you were to draw a vertical line from Salt Lake City extending north, it would again go through Lincoln, Montana. Thus there is evidence to support a theory that Kaczynski, acting as both the Unabomber and the Tylenol Killer, selected targets that were geographically aligned with his home location. We can only guess at the psychology of WHY he would give clues like this – whether it was to mock the FBI, engage in an intellectual game by giving clues, make it more exciting by increasing the sense of personal risk involved and/or out of a conscious or even a subconscious desire to get caught.

There may be a more practical explanation as well. While he owned and used cars throughout the seventies, it is thought that Kaczynski did not own a car in 1982. Though he sometimes borrowed family cars (including his brother David’s Datsun) or rented a car, he usually took the bus to commit his bombings and mailing of bombs. Salt Lake City, Utah is a direct stop on the major highway bus route south from Lincoln, Montana. And the Chicago area tampering sites are all on a circuit of major roads that are bus routes. Looking at a map with the Chicago area sites marked, it is consistent with a person staying in Lombard using a bus (or car) to make a quick and direct journey to all the tampering sites.

It is well known that Kaczynski had a hatred for the modern technological system and all large corporations. Just based on this fact, along with the geographic data mentioned above, Kaczynski should certainly at least be considered a suspect in the Tylenol Murders. The Tylenol Murders, while a personal tragedy for the victims, were also the most economically devastating criminal attack on corporations in modern American history. And the number one anti-corporate terrorist in American history had a residence within 20 minutes of all the sites, at the exact epicenter in fact. But in his famous Unabomber Manifesto, he also expressed a specific dislike for the manufacturers of drugs and pills. He felt that they played an essential role in sustaining the system he hated, as they numbed the pain of modern society to allow people to continue to function. Among other specific criticisms, he states:

Unabomber Manifesto Section 145. "Imagine a society that subjects people to conditions that make them terribly unhappy, then gives them the drugs to take away their unhappiness."

In his Unabomber Manifesto, Section 190, he states that any kind of social conflict "helps to destabilize the system", and in Section 143 he states the best way to attack the system is not an armed uprising but striking at and through "technology and ECONOMICS (emphasis added), not politics." The Tylenol Murders, which resulted in Johnson & Johnson pulling all Tylenol products off the shelf, caused over $100 million in direct losses to one of the largest corporations in America, and a loss in stock value of over $1 billion. It was, in effect, an act of economic terrorism against the modern technological consumer system. It also terrorized the public and caused a lack of faith in modern manufacturing and packaging methods of consumer products. The Tylenol Murders had exactly the kinds of serious economic and social effects that Kaczynski sought and wrote about.

It should also be pointed out that while Kaczynski did have very strong views about drugs, corporations and technology and these were part of his motive for committing the bombing murders he pled guilty to, in his secret coded journal he makes it clear that killing people gives him some kind of personal release from his anger (including a "sexual release"), that he desires revenge against all of society and that virtually every person living in society is his enemy. Kaczynski wrote in the Fall of 1977:

"The technological society may be in some sense inevitable, but it is so only because of the way people behave. Consequently I hate people…Almost anyone who holds steady employment is contributing his part in maintaining the technological society…I emphasize that my motivation is personal revenge. I don’t pretend to any kind of philosophical or moralistic justification."

Indeed, on November 15, 1979, Kaczynski put a bomb on United Airlines Flight 444 from Chicago to Washington, DC. Had the bomb exploded properly, all on board would have died; as it only partially exploded into a minor fireball, the plane was able to make an emergency landing with passengers treated for smoke inhalation. And in October of 1981 Kaczynski placed a firebomb on the campus of the University of Utah. So while Kaczynski in most of his later crimes targeted specific individuals who worked or taught in fields like business or technology, in this time period of the late seventies and early eighties he was involved in actions that would have and could have caused mass death to random citizens of all ages and all walks of life, just like the Tylenol Murders did. And the Unabomber, like the Tylenol Killer, usually wasn’t present to watch his victims die. Kaczynski recorded in his journal his joy of reading the gory details of his bombings in the newspaper.

Though Kaczynski could have come and left the Chicago area without notice or detection by staying in a motel, there is some evidence he was in the area in the fall of 1982. While Kaczynski had a cabin in Montana that he was still developing, he lived and worked in the Chicago area in parts of 1978 and 1979. He did do bombings while he was there, including placing the bomb on the jet. His brother David also told the FBI he had a vague memory of Ted visiting in 1980 and perhaps at one or two later dates. And a neighbor named Roy Froberg told the Washington Post in an article printed on April 5, 1996 that Ted had last visited his family in Lombard "about 15 years ago", which would have been in or around 1981 or 1982.

Kaczynski made it clear in 1982 that he no longer wished to see his family – in fact he sent a note to his parents saying "I hope you both drop dead before Christmas." This note makes one wonder if his parents may have been a target of the poisonings, but were spared their lives when they threw out their Tylenol bottles along with the rest of the country. But it certainly does indicate that if he was in Chicago in 1982, as the neighbor seems to roughly recall and his brother indicates was possible, it was not for the purpose of a friendly family visit and was likely to be only for the purpose of criminal activities. But there were no Chicago area bombings in 1982. So what would Kaczynski been doing in the Chicago area in 1982?


Former FBI Special Agent and Serial Killer Profiler John Douglas on "Signature":

"The MO is basically the way the predator commits the crime — if he uses a gun rather than a knife or lures prospective victims by putting his arm in a fake sling. While the MO tells us something about how he did it, the signature gives us some insight into why. The signature is a ritual, something the subject does intentionally for emotional satisfaction — something that isn’t necessary to perpetuate the crime. Evidence of torture is a signature. Posing — displaying the victims in a certain way — is a signature. Signature is a way of linking cases. Like a real signature, it’s a personal detail that’s unique to the individual.

Sometimes there’s a fine line between an MO and a signature.

I’ve found that signature is a more reliable guide to the behavior of serial offenders than an MO. That’s because the MO evolves, while the emotional reasoning that triggers the signature doesn’t. The method a killer uses to get women into his van may change, but the fact that he always tortures them once they’re inside stays the same. One subject covered the faces of his victims. That was his signature. So you look for that in other cases in order to tie them together. A bomber used to spray black paint over the components inside his bombs. It wasn’t necessary — it didn’t make the bombs any better. I don’t know what it meant, but he did it anyway. He felt the need to do it."

From the book Unabomber: A Desire To Kill, by Robert Graysmith:

"In the Unabomber’s case a large factor was his obsession with wood. Wood. Wood was everywhere. It haunted his mind, controlled his actions, wood was his goal and mode of attack. He selected as his enemies people who had wood – associated names, addresses, or businesses."

Acting as the Unabomber, Theodore Kaczynski used a criminal signature utilizing NATURE themes such as water, ice, animals, hills, mountains and in particular TREES and WOOD. The NATURE, TREES and WOOD theme became a major focal point of the FBI investigation, as it was one of the few obvious clues Kaczynski left in his trail of bombings. Kaczynski of course lived not far from a stream in a wood cabin among the tree covered hills and mountains of Montana. The consistent references to Water, Trees, Wood and Mountains could have been a way to signal his belief in the primacy of nature over industrial technology, a taunting clue to his Montana location and/or a calling card link to claim credit for his crimes.

Kaczynski later targeted certain groups of people – business executives, professors in technological subjects, computer workers. But within these broad groups, he would often select a specific person whose name, street or city had a tie to a Nature, Wood or Trees theme, or he would make the references in fake return addresses. It would take several pages to list in detail all of the examples of the Kaczynski Nature, Trees and Wood mania, so I will just mention the highlights.

Kaczynski as the Unabomber mailed bombs to targets in Salt LAKE City, LAKE FOREST Illinois and Ann ARBOR Michigan. He included a copy of the novel "The ICE Brothers" in a bomb package, the story of which concerns a boat on OCEAN patrol near GREENland. He targeted for death persons named Patrick FISCHER, James HILL, Percy WOOD and Leroy WOOD Bearson. All of his bombs had parts made of WOOD and/or were concealed in WOOD boxes. He even enclosed items within his bomb packages such as parts, sprigs, sticks or twigs from TREES of Maple WOOD, Red WOOD, Cherry WOOD and Douglas Fir WOOD. He selected victims that lived on streets like FOREST HILL or ASPEN (a type of poplar TREE and a town in Colorado associated with MOUNTAINS). He used return addresses of OAKland California, RAVENSWOOD Street and BERG or BURG three times which is German for MOUNTAIN/CASTLE. There are many other examples with NATURE, WOOD or TREE themes, but one more will make the point rather clearly – a fake return address of Frederick Benjamin Isaac WOOD, 549 WOOD Street, WOODLAKE California.

In this respect, keep in mind that a "grove" is a group of trees, a "field" can be of grass, plants or trees, "heights" are the high points of hills and mountains, "burg" is German for mountain, "Vail" is another town in Colorado associated with mountains, "Wells" bring forth water and "green" is a term for plants and the color associated with the environmental movement.

In the Tylenol Murders, out of the thousands of retail outlets to pick from, the killer chose the Osco store in the WOODFIELD Mall in SchaumBURG, the Jewel store at the GROVE Mall in ELK GROVE Village, a store on WinFIELD Road in WinFIELD, a Jewel store in Arlington HEIGHTS on VAIL Street, a WalGREEN on WELLS Street in Chicago and the last discovered store on ButterFIELD Road in WHEATon.

Of course many streets and cities have nature based names. So we might expect to find one or even two such names by pure coincidence. But for EVERY confirmed Tylenol location to have multiple Nature, Mountain, Water, Tree and Wood themes is beyond coincidence, and speaks clearly of intent and design. It seems that the Tylenol Killer had the same identical criminal signature as Ted Kaczynski – an obsession with selecting targets with Nature, Mountain, Water, Tree and Wood themes.

At least one other location was either not discovered or not disclosed publicly, that being where victim Mary McFarland purchased her Tylenol, but we known that she lived in ELMhurst. People usually shop near where they live (or work), and if the tainted Tylenol was placed in and purchased in ELMhurst, that would be yet another NATURE-TREES-WOOD choice made by the Tylenol Killer.

The Jewel-Osco chain seems to have been a particular target of the murderer, showing up several times. And there are two Jewel stores in Elmhurst, one of which is at 153 E. Schiller St., on an exact horizontal line with the tampering site at 1601 N. Wells St. in Chicago to the East and the Kaczynski residence on N. Ridge in Lombard to the West. Ms. McFarland also worked for Bell Telephone at the Yorktown Center in Lombard, the same city as the Kaczynski family home. There is a Jewel store on 1177 S. Main St. in Lombard, within walking distance (just over a mile) from the Kaczynski family home on N. Ridge in Lombard.

So there is a very clear pattern of placing the tampered Tylenol at sites with Nature themes, in particular Water, Mountains, Wood and Trees, just as we know Kaczynski selected bombing targets with similar names. The MO of these crimes are partially different – bombs vs. poison. But the criminal signature of Water – Trees – Wood – Mountains is the same. And the MO of both was to cause random death while the killer was away from the scene, and both targeted corporations and the modern technological society.

We can also ask why was Tylenol, manufactured by Johnson & Johnson, chosen? There are of course many makers of pain killers and headache relief pills. Keeping in mind that the FBI believed Kaczynski selected bombing victims in part because of their names, such as Percy WOOD and Leroy WOOD Bearson, two of the founders of the Johnson & Johnson company were Robert WOOD Johnson and James WOOD Johnson. Just as in the targeted locations mentioned above, when it comes to the corporate victims, the Tylenol Killer operated with the exact same criminal signature Theodore Kaczynski used as the Unabomber. While of course anything is possible, it seems highly unlikely that there were TWO very intelligent, technically skilled, anti-corporate, revenge driven killers from a distance who selected locations and victims with Water, Tree, Wood and Mountain themes operating in the Chicago-Lombard area in 1982 and with probable ties to Wyoming or Montana.


Why the probable ties to Wyoming or Montana? Because of the death of Jay Mitchell, age 19, of Sheridan, Wyoming, on July 26, 1982. The coroner reported he had the exact same level of Cyanide in his body as the Chicago area victims. Though he had no Tylenol in his body, it is known that the killer emptied all of the Tylenol product out of the poisoned capsules before he put in the cyanide. The victim’s family states he did take Tylenol just before his death, and that it was probably purchased at the local Jewel-Osco outlet in Sheridan, which is located on I-90, right by the Wyoming – Montana border.

What is also interesting is that the highway bus route from the Kaczynski cabin in Lincoln, Montana to the Chicago area, I-90, happens to run right through Sheridan, Wyoming. In his journal Kaczynski mentioned not wanting to commit any major crimes in Montana because people might remember him riding the bus the day that a murder in the state happened. Kaczynski would note the results of his actual bombings to learn how to do it better. If he wanted to do a "test run" to see if the Cyanide filled Tylenol capsules actually worked, but wanted a victim outside the state of Montana, Sheridan Wyoming is the first town across the border on the way to Chicago on I-90. There was also a strange incident at a Howard Johnsons motel parking lot in suburban Chicago, right off the same I-90 freeway that links Montana to Wyoming to Chicago. On September 28, 1982, numerous boxes and bottles of Tylenol were found by two police officers, along with a pile of white powder. The officers got sick with moderately serious symptoms of Cyanide poisoning by skin contact. This may have been the spot where the Tylenol Killer filled many of the capsules with Cyanide, and it happened right off the I-90.

If the death of Jay Mitchell was the work of the Tylenol Killer, as seems highly likely, than the Tylenol Killer is likely to be an intelligent, angry anti-corporate technically skilled loner with ties to both the Chicago area and the Wyoming – Montana area. Kaczynski would clearly fit this profile.


We also have the possibly connected cases of the death of William Pascual of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania by Cyanide in Tylenol on April 3rd, 1982, and the sickening of Greg Blagg of Oroville, California by Strychnine in Tylenol on September 30th 1982. The two cities of Oroville and Philadelphia, on opposite ends of the country, line up horizontally on a map. They also roughly line up with the South Metro Chicago area on a cross country highway bus route.

Authorities first considered the Philadelphia case as a possible suicide based on a questionable line in a letter to his mother, but Mr. Pascual’s wife insisted he was not suicidal, not even depressed, and that he had simply said he was going to take a Tylenol because he was not feeling well. When she went to check on him, he was dead on the floor. It was also never explained why, how or when Mr. Pascual put the Cyanide inside a Tylenol capsule before taking it, or why he left other such tainted capsules in the bottle.

The Oroville case in Northern California was considered by some a possible copycat or hoax. But Mr. Blagg stated the Tylenol was purchased before the Chicago deaths, and he did not appear to profit by being hospitalized for Strychnine poisoning. It was said he purchased the tainted bottle at an unspecified Long’s Drug Store in Oroville, and tainted bottles were found on the shelf at at least one Long’s in the area. Currently the only Long’s store in Oroville is on Oroville DAM Road. (a natural "Dam" being made of TREE parts to stop WATER; also, like WELLS, a "Dam" is a structure associated with WATER).

The authorities also never explained why the Chicago area murders are on the same interstate highway route with Oroville and Philadelphia, consistent with one man travelling by bus or car to do all the crimes in all three cities. Also never explained was how and why a man in Sheridan, Wyoming was murdered on July 26, 1982 by the exact same amount of Cyanide placed in a Tylenol as the Chicago area victims. Based on the known facts, it seems likely most or all of these crimes were committed by the same person.

We also know that Kaczynski was in Northern California that Summer, and possibly that Fall. He placed a bomb that caused injury to a professor on the campus of the University of California Berkeley on July 2nd 1982. There was also a woman named Jennifer Holloman in Modesto, California who was killed by a bomb placed on WOODland Street on September 19th 1982, an unsolved crime that has not been linked to Kaczynski but has some of his trademarks. The bomb placed in Berkeley in July was confirmed as Kaczynski.

Also, in April 1982 Kaczynski mailed from Provo, Utah a bomb to Professor Patrick Fischer at Penn State University in State College, Pennsylvania. Fischer had moved to Vanderbilt University in TN so the package was rerouted there.

What is interesting is that there is evidence Kaczynski was in Chicago, near the sparsely populated Montana/Wyoming border and in Northern California – three locations of proven or suspected Tylenol tampering – in the Spring through Fall of 1982. How many other persons would fit that description? How many other known skilled and ruthless anti-corporate killers would fit that description? What is also interesting is that Kaczynski as the Unabomber had targeted the Chicago area from 1978 to 1980; in 1982 Kaczynski as the Unabomber targeted Northern California and Pennsylvania, and in 1982 the Tylenol Killer also seems to have targeted Chicago, Northern California and Pennsylvania.


There was a very grainy photo printed in Chicago and New York newspapers of a bearded man who was apparently watching flight attendant Paula Prince purchase tainted Tylenol in 1982. This bearded man may have no connection to the case, or he may have been the Tylenol Killer watching to see the person who purchased his poisoned capsules. The man was wanted for questioning as suspect in the Tylenol Murders. FBI serial killer profiler John Douglas, who worked on the case, states in his book The Anatomy of Motive the FBI did suspect that the man in the picture was the UNSUB (Unknown Subject) likely responsible for the Tylenol Murders.

The man in the photo was first compared to the bearded James Lewis, and they do share some characteristics, but they did not appear to be the same person. The bearded man in the photo does have some very strong and interesting similarities with the bearded Theodore Kaczynski. (Unfortunately, Lewis and Kaczynski do look somewhat like each other).

We must remember that Kaczynski used disguises when he purchased bomb parts. In one instance he records in his journal he wore several shirts to make himself look heavier, stuffed the shirt for the same reason, put cotton balls in his cheeks, wax in his nostrils to make them larger, gum under his lips and cut and dyed his hair and beard. The man looks very much like a moderately disguised Kaczynski, if Kaczynski also cut his hair back to give the appearance of a more receding hairline. Perhaps a better version of the photo can be obtained, or other photos examined to see if Kaczynski is in any of them.

A photo of the man and photographs of Kaczynski are attached. The only major difference is the man in the photo has a more receding hairline, which Kaczynski could easily have implemented as a disguise action, in effect making himself look older. There are many strong similarities between the two: Bearded white men of the same approximate age, height, weight, same basic facial structure, eyes, nose, flat hair on the sides, bigger hair on top, beard, even the gray spot at the bottom of the beard matches. See the photo below.

Close up on man who is a Tylenol Murders suspect 1982 and TK 1981.

Another look at the Tylenol suspect watching airline stewardess Paula Prince buy the tainted Tylenol which would kill her and Ted Kaczynski.


Posted : October 15, 2013 10:28 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
Topic starter


In the three years after the 1982 Tylenol Murders, there were numerous tampering incidents and injuries. All of these were thought to be copycats, hoaxes or isolated acts. None were thought to be the work of the Tylenol Killer.

There was an incident in May of 1984 that proved to be lethal. In Manitowoc, Wisconsin a tax auditor named Thomas Dresser died after drinking a Coca – Cola bottle that had Cyanide in it. At first considered a murder, suicide was later mentioned as a possibility, though the known facts are not in accord with a suicide and the case was never fully solved. An item found in Kaczynski’s cabin indicates that he might have been in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. It is a box containing Potassium based chemicals, chemicals which can be a precursor to making Potassium Cyanide. The label on the box indicates it came from a lab in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Since it is highly doubtful Kaczynski ordered it through a traceable means like mail delivery, he probably bought, stole, garbage picked or otherwise obtained it directly from the premises of that lab. The FBI inventory lists the item as "MB 171 two small white cardboard boxes labeled "Potassium chromate K. CrO, for lab use only. Hagenow Labs, Inc., Manitowoc, Wis.," in a white plastic shopping bag." This item is poisonous.

Kaczynski also had chemicals with labels indicating they came from labs in Long Island, New York and San Antonio, Texas – each place within a one hour drive of a 1986 Cyanide death. The chemical with the San Antonio label was also a Potassium based chemical.

There were many other tampering scares, copycats and hoaxes, but no more lethal ones and none were grouped together in time, travel path or region. That changed in 1986.

In 1986 from February to September, five people died of Cyanide poisoning and one other man was sickened. Of the six incidents, four involved Tylenol, one involved Anacin 3 and one involved Lipton Cup A Soup. Yet the FDA generally tended to downplay reports the incidents were linked, and local authorities eventually gave questionable cause of death rulings in many of the cases. Hotel records show that Kaczynski was on the move and headed out of state when these incidents happened. He almost never left the state unless it was to commit a crime, and yet there were no bombings during the entire year of 1986. In chronological order, the incidents were as followed:

* On February 4 1986 in Tyler, Texas – Bill Case, a 41 year old medical lab technician, took Tylenol, went into convulsions and was hospitalized. The Tylenol was tainted with an unknown substance, the incident was basically forgotten and no more information is publicly available.

* On February 8 1986 in Bronxville (Yonkers), New York – Diane Elsroth, 23, a legal secretary and daughter of a NY State Policeman, dies of Cyanide in Tylenol. Death is ruled to be a clear homicide, but is never solved. Nationwide press coverage sparks fears of a new series of Tylenol Murders. The killer was apparently able to defeat the new three layers of tamper resistant packaging. Poisoned bottles were purchased at the A & P grocery store on CEDAR Street in Bronxville, and another poisoned bottle was found at the nearby Woolworth store on PONDFIELD Road in Bronxville. A CEDAR is a type of TREE and a commonly used WOOD, a POND is a small body of WATER and a FIELD can be of GRASS, PLANTS or TREES. Just like Kaczynski throughout his career as the Unabomber, and just like the Tylenol Killer of 1982, in 1986 locations are selected that reference themes of Nature, here in particular Wood, Trees, Water and Fields. In fact, three of the 1982 Chicago area sites had the word "Field" in their street or city names, and others refer to Trees, Wood or Water.

* On February 23-25 1986 in Nashville, Tennessee – Timothy Green, 32, dies of Cyanide in Tylenol. An intact Tylenol capsule filled with Cyanide is found in a bottle under the bed. Homicide is strongly suspected. There is no suicide note, history of suicidal statements or depression. But the case is eventually ruled a probable suicide, partially calming fears of another nationwide Cyanide Tylenol murder spree. Mr. Green was an evangelist and part time jewelry salesman. It is stated he had purchased Cyanide shortly before his death, and this is the sole evidence of suicide offered. But Cyanide is commonly used to clean jewelry and silver, which is what Mr. Green stated to the salesman was his intended use of the purchase.

* On April 29 1986 in Pullman, Washington – Sandie Gregory, 21, a technician in the animal lab at Washington State University, dies of Cyanide in Tylenol. There is no suicide note or history of suicidal statements. Murder is suspected. Yet eventually local police say she was "depressed" and probably killed herself, stating she had access to Cyanide at the lab were she worked. It is also stated that empty capsule shells with traces of Cyanide are found in her apartment. This could be consistent with suicide, though no reason is given why she would go through the trouble of putting the Cyanide in Tylenol before taking it. The empty shells could also be consistent with the lab tech investigating other capsules after becoming ill, or a killer creating and placing the tainted capsules in her apartment and targeting her specifically for death.

* On May 22 1986 (the day Kaczynski turned 44) in Austin, Texas – Kenneth Faries, 24, a University of Texas chemistry student and lab worker, dies of Cyanide in an Anacin 3 capsule. A Cyanide filled capsule is found still in the bottle. The capsules were purchased at a WalGREENS, a store that was also targeted in the 1982 Tylenol Murders, though the exact location is not publicly disclosed. (The only Walgreens in Austin now is on East RIVERside Street). The first ruling by the ME is that Mr. Faries was murdered. On June 1, 1986 the Travis County Medical Examiner Dr. Bayardo stated "There is nothing, nothing at all that indicates to me that this is a suicide." Investigation revealed that the Cyanide did not match any that Mr. Faries could have had access to on campus, and there was no suicide note, history of depression or suicidal statements. But on June 18, 1986, it was stated that the Cyanide was similar to some found somewhere on campus, and Dr. Bayardo declared the case a probable suicide. No reason is given as to how or why Mr. Faries placed Cyanide in an Anacin 3 capsule he then left in the bottle. For the third time in a row in 1986, what is at first thought to be an apparent Cyanide tampering murder is questionably declared a suicide, and a natiowide scare is largely averted.

* On June 6 1986 in Auburn, Washington – Bruce Nickell, 52, State of Washington employee and heavy equipment operator, dies after taking a Cyanide laced Excedrin capsule.

* On June 11 1986 in Auburn, Washington – Sue Snow Webking, 40, bank executive, dies after taking a Cyanide laced Excedrin capsule. Stella Nickell, the wife of Bruce, is convicted of the tampering deaths of her husband and Ms. Snow Webking. The motive is said to be insurance money, with the death of the woman designed to make it look like part of a random attack. The evidence used to convict Mrs. Nickell, while all circumstantial, seems fairly strong, and these two probable copycat murders are NOT considered part of the series this article examines. But Mrs. Nickell, currently serving a long prison sentence, still maintains her innocence, several key prosecution witnesses have recanted their testimony and some of the evidence used against her has since been challenged.

* On September 1 1986 in Runnemede, New Jersey – Louis Denber, a 27 year old electronics technician for the RCA corporation, sits down with his wife and mother to eat. His wife pours hot water into his Lipton Cup A Soup bowl. He takes a swallow, and states "This doesn’t taste right. This really doesn’t taste right." He gets up from the table, throws out the soup and says "I don’t feel well". He falls on the floor and goes in to convulsions. He is declared dead of Cyanide poisoning a few hours later at the hospital. His death is ruled a homicide, and is never solved. The soup was apparently purchased from a store on Clements BRIDGE Road. Like WELLS Road (Chicago 1982), Oroville DAM Road (Oroville 1982) and PONDfield (Bronxville 1986), a BRIDGE is associated with WATER.

Austin, Tyler, Nashville, Runnemede and Bronxville are all roughly aligned on the interstate highway system, going in a Northeastern direction from Austin to Bronxville. This is consistent with one person travelling by bus or car and doing all or most of these crimes. And Tyler, Nashville and Bronxville are actually perfectly aligned on the map – you can draw a straight line and go through all three. The I-90 Highway route from Pullman, Washington to Austin, Texas goes right through the Deer Lodge – Helena Montana area, just one hour from the Kaczynski cabin in Lincoln, and it was at a Helena hotel Kaczynski would usually stay on his way to, or coming back from, his criminal acts. And records show Kaczynski did stay at the hotel in Helena during April and May of 1986, consistent with him being on the move out of state to commit these poisoning and tampering crimes. And in the Elsroth case, the CEDAR Street and PONDFIELD Road locations of stores with tainted bottles clearly matches the criminal signature of both Ted Kaczynski and the 1982 Tylenol Killer.

Of the six victims, four were technicians, three worked in a laboratory, and two worked for universities – all groups targeted for death by Kaczynski. If you put the names of every American in a hat, and drew out six names, how many technicians would you expect to get? How many lab workers? University lab workers? What would the odds be that all six names would fall from "C" to "G" in the alphabet? We don’t know the answers to these question, but they are interesting enough to cause one to wonder if the some of the tamperings were done by placing bottles on store shelves (as clearly happened in the Elsroth case), but if other persons were targeted by tamperings done in their homes.

True crime researcher and writer Doug Oswell discovered one very interesting piece of evidence collected from Kaczynski’s cabin that might pertain to these 1986 deaths. Found in Kaczynski’s cabin (and included in the prosecutorial documents in U.S. v. Kaczynski) was a single loose-leaf notebook page containing the redacted names of persons living in the Austin and Houston areas, along with a map pinpointing the addresses associated with the Houston names. Yet Kaczynski never did any bombings in Texas. It would be interesting to see if any of those names are Case or Faries, or the names of other businessmen, scientists, lab workers, University employess or students who might have died young of a "heart attack", "stroke" or "suicide", all common misdiagnoses for Cyanide deaths.

But the debatable verdicts of probable suicides in several of these 1986 cases largely defuse another nationwide panic. Johnson & Johnson acted responsibly and ended capsule production, shifting to tamper proof hard caplets. James Lewis can be ruled out as a suspect in the 1986 crimes because he was in federal prison in 1986. Yet there are strong reasons to think the 1982 and 1986 murders were done by the same person. And once again, significant signature, direct, circumstantial and geographic evidence points to Theodore Kaczynski as a viable suspect.


One other item. We know that Kaczynski sent a bomb to Thomas Mosser, an executive at the public relations firm Burson-Marstellar, which killed Mr. Mosser on December 10, 1994. "MOSS", of course, grows on TREES, which may in part be why this man was selected. But why that firm? Kaczynski later briefly mentioned the work of that firm on the Exxon Valdez incident, though it was said that they did not play a significant role in the PR for that incident. But look what major corporate crisis they did work on – from wikipedia:

"Burson-Marsteller’s strong position in crisis management has resulted in its identification with many major corporate crises of the past half century. It is well known for assisting Johnson & Johnson in the two Tylenol crises in 1982 and 1986."

Thus it appears that Kaczynski later targeted and murdered a man who worked for the firm that handled public relations for Johnson & Johnson during both Tylenol tragedies.


We have already seen that Kaczynski had strong general motives of a rage against people, a desire to damage the modern technological system and a hatred for corporations, drug companies in particular. But he usually used bombs. So why would he have decided to use Cyanide in 1982? Could there have been a specific motive, arising out of a grudge? A way to enact, in his twisted mind, "poetic justice" against the system he despised?

Cyanide is used in gold and silver mining, something that Kaczynski himself, as well as some of his neighbors, engaged in on a low level individual basis. There are also many major industrial mining operations in Montana that use mass quantities of Cyanide in the mining process.

THERE WERE SEVERAL MAJOR SPILLS AND LEAKAGES OF CYANIDE IN MONTANA IN EARLY 1982, INCLUDING ONE IN JUNE OF 1982. These actions would be deplored by most citizens of Montana, but they would have ENRAGED Kaczynski, who would regard it as a personal assault on him, the area he loved and even the water he personally drank. He might very well have been inspired to turn Cyanide, the agent of death to his beloved nature, against the very system he hated. Most of the major spills and leakages were by the Pegasus Gold Company. We know that Kaczynski was enraged by these Cyanide spills and leakages because among the items found in his cabin was a death list with the names of the executives of the Pegasus Gold Company listed on it. This is a partial record of problems by the Pegasus Company at the troubled Zortman/Landusky Mine in Montana:
Zortman/Landusky Ruptured pipe caused 1,200 gallons of cyanide to be spilled.
Zortman/Landusky 50,000 gallons of cyanide solution spilled into Alder Gulch contaminating Zortman’s community water supply. Pegasus was required to replace the drinking water source. The State issued a $15,000 fine against the company.
Zortman/Landusky 75 gallons of cyanide solution spilled.
Zortman/Landusky 300 gallons of cyanide solution was spilled when the top of a leach pad froze and cyanide flowed over the top onto the ground.
Zortman/Landusky 4 pounds of cyanide spilled, contaminating groundwater.
Zortman/Landusky 780 gallon leak in the gold recovery system. Soil contamination resulted.
Zortman/Landusky Bighorn sheep found dead at cyanide ponds.

Media reports indicate that these Cyanide spills and leaks killed TREES and ANIMALS like SHEEP, COWS and ELK, and affected FIELDS and groundWATER. There was specific concern about the Cyanide getting into WELL WATER. CROPS and LIVESTOCK were affected. A local Indian tribe complained that a sacred site, Spirit MOUNTAIN, was damaged. The damage also affected an area known as the Little Rocky MOUNTAINS.

The Cyanide tampering sites in 1982 included WOODFIELD, the GROVE Mall in ELK Grove Village, WELLS Street, WinFIELD, BUTTERFIELD in WHEATon, VAIL Ave., Arlington HEIGHTS, possibly ELMhurst, etc. WELLS draw WATER from the ground, BUTTER comes from COWS (LIVESTOCK), WHEAT is a CROP, VAIL is a town in Colorado associated with the Rocky MOUNTAINS, HEIGHTS are the high points of MOUNTAINS, a GROVE is a group of TREES, ELK are a common Montana animal species. The other matches are self explanatory. Several of the selected stores were JEWEL stores – and the primary use (85%) of mined gold is for JEWELRY, and it is mass quantities of CYANIDE that was spilled or leaked to cause the damage, and it was CYANIDE used as a weapon by the Tylenol Killer.

It appears possible that the Tylenol Killer, by virtue of the poison used and the sites selected, was conveying not just a general idea of the primacy of nature over the industrial consumer system, but a specific message about the massive recent Cyanide damage done to nature in Montana. Looking at the fact that it is Lombard, IL that is the only site on both the vertical and horizontal lines of tampering sites, this would create a potential geographic profile of the Tylenol Killer being a person who was a resident of Montana, an anti-corporate nature lover outraged by the recent Cyanide spills, who traveled through the Sheridan, WY area, had lived in or had ties to Lombard, IL, and was a ruthless killer. The profiles mentioned over the years also generally mention a loner, intelligent, some technical skill, filled with hatred for the world and a desire for revenge. Not only does Theodore Kaczynski fit all the specific geographic, skill and psychological elements of these profiles perfectly and exactly, it is very difficult to imagine that there is a single person anywhere else who would.

There were more problems from 1983 to 1986:

Z/L Mine A leak in the pond liner was discovered after cyanide contamination was identified in the nearest monitoring well.

Z/L MineStorm event caused mining company to land apply process water on 17 acres of land. Tree kills resulted.

Golden Sunlight Mine 19 million gallons of cyanide solution leaked when a tailings impoundment failed. Resulting groundwater contamination affected the Jefferson River alluvium. Four domestic wells and a well at the veterinary clinic were contaminated. Placer Dome was sued by neighboring landowners. The company eventually bought out the landowners.

Z/L Mine A storm caused Pegasus to spray 20 million gallons of process water on a hillside, resulting in tree kills. This event involved a nearly catastrophic failure of the pond system. Golden Sunlight Mine A pipe fitting split and discharged approximately 2,000 gallons of cyanide solution.

So we have damage to a HILL side FIELD, TREE kills and twice damage to a POND system. In 1986 the Bronxville (Yonkers) Cyanide Tylenol tampering sites were at CEDAR Street and PONDFIELD Road.


There is at least one other major unsolved criminal case where Theodore Kaczynski has been frequently mentioned and officially investigated as a suspect, and that is the case of the Zodiac Killer. The Zodiac Killer killed at least 5 persons in the San Francisco Bay Area from 1968 to 1969, matching the exact time period that Kaczynski lived in the area, mostly as a Professor at the University of California Berkeley. The Zodiac Killer took credit for 37 murders, and was suspected by police and/or journalists of possibly up to 49 murders from 1966 until 1974. Kacsynski apparently visited and interviewed at U CAL Berkeley (and possibly other schools) in the Fall/Winter of 1966, when the first probable Zodiac murder of Riverside College student Cheri Jo Bates took place. So it seems the Zodiac murders happened when Kaczynski visited or lived in the SF Bay area, and stopped when he left.

Both Kaczynski and Zodiac were highly interested in and expert at codes and bombs, both wrote letters to the paper demanding they be published on the front page on penalty of death for innocent citizens if they were not, both threatened to bomb mass transit, both made references to opera and literature, both drew symbols of crossed lines inside a circle at crime scenes, both referenced Norse symbols and language, etc. Kaczynski looks very much like the Zodiac sketch, and the similarities in handwriting and word usage are uncanny.

Interestingly, the Zodiac Killer said in one of his later letter letters that his future killing would be disguised as "routine robberies, killings of anger, + a few fake accidents, etc,", which fits the Tylenol Murders. At first, many of the 1982 and 1986 Tylenol and Cyanide deaths were thought to be of natural causes, accidental overdoses, suicides or killings by family members. Zodiac was also suspected of killing a woman in Sonoma County, California named Caroline Davis by Strychnine poison, and in perhaps the first ever case of product tampering, the Fall 1969 sickening of a Martinez, California man named Daniel Williams of BUSH Street who drank Arsenic put into a Seven Up soda pop bottle. In 1984 Thomas Dresser of Manitowoc, Wisconsin would die after drinking from a Coca – Cola bottle with Cyanide placed in it. An item found in Kaczynski’s cabin indicated he may have visited Manitowoc, Wisconsin, as discussed above in the section on the 1986 deaths.

In the Fall of 1972, someone sent food products filled with Cyanide to persons in the Sacramento area, with a message that if the "killer" responsible for the Vietnam War was re-elected, these Cyanide filled products would be put on store shelves. At this time period, Kaczynski was known to spend most of the cold weather months outside Montana, often in California, and was particularly known to frequent the Northern California area in general and the Sacramento area in particular. So in 1972, just as in 1969, 1982 and 1986, areas were it is proven or suspected Kaczynski was at experienced Cyanide tampering incidents.


The Tylenol Murders are the most brutal and baffling unsolved crime in Chicago history, and one of the most puzzling and frustrating unsolved murder sprees in American history. They have resisted all efforts at a solution. And despite the recent flurry of renewed interest in James Lewis, there has never been any evidence to link him to the actual murders, and a lot of evidence to suggest that he did not and could not have done the murders. And we have the enigma of the 1986 Cyanide and Tylenol Deaths, which Lewis could not have done, as he was incarcerated in federal prison at the time.

There is a great deal of signature, direct, circumstantial, geographic, operational, psychological and even some physical evidence that suggests that Theodore Kaczynski may have been the Tylenol Killer. Depending on the available physical evidence in the case, including hotel records, travel records, photographs, handwriting and typewriting on product tampering threat letters, finger prints on tampered bottles, DNA and new forensic evidence, if the police and/or FBI follow up on the evidence and leads generated in this story, it may yet be possible to bring justice, or at the very least some sense of closure, to the victims and families affected by this case.

I do not know if his fingerprints or other evidence have been entered into any national computer databases. I do know his DNA has not, indeed it has never been taken. There is a mountain of potential evidence – all the items recovered from his cabin – but ALL of that will soon be lost. Within months, it is set to be auctioned off to the public.

Copyright 2011, 2013 By AK Wilks

Pursuant to the "Fair Use" provisions of the Copyright Laws, this article may be freely quoted from, recopied, reposted and/or republished, in part or in whole, without notice or payment, for news reporting, comment, research, criticism, debate, so long as proper credit is given.

A new picture showing the Tylenol Murders suspect, "The Bearded Man", clearing watching Paula Prince buy the tainted Tylenol that would kill her. Compare to pic of Ted Kaczynski.

Close up on "The Bearded Man" who is a Tylenol Murders suspect 1982 and TK 1981.

There was a very grainy photo printed in Chicago and New York newspapers of a bearded man who was apparently watching flight attendant Paula Prince purchase tainted Tylenol in 1982. This bearded man may have no connection to the case, or he may have been the Tylenol Killer watching to see the person who purchased his poisoned capsules. The man was wanted for questioning as suspect in the Tylenol Murders. FBI serial killer profiler John Douglas, who worked on the case, states in his book The Anatomy of Motive the FBI did suspect that the man in the picture was the UNSUB (Unknown Subject) likely responsible for the Tylenol Murders.

The man in the photo was first compared to the bearded James Lewis, and they do share some characteristics, but they did not appear to be the same person. The bearded man in the photo does have some very strong and interesting similarities with the bearded Theodore Kaczynski. (Unfortunately, Lewis and Kaczynski do look somewhat like each other).

We must remember that Kaczynski used disguises when he purchased bomb parts. In one instance he records in his journal he wore several shirts to make himself look heavier, stuffed the shirt for the same reason, put cotton balls in his cheeks, wax in his nostrils to make them larger, gum under his lips and cut and dyed his hair and beard. The man looks very much like a moderately disguised Kaczynski, if Kaczynski also cut his hair back to give the appearance of a more receding hairline. Perhaps a better version of the photo can be obtained, or other photos examined to see if Kaczynski is in any of them.

A photo of the man and photographs of Kaczynski are attached. The only major difference is the man in the photo has a more receding hairline, which Kaczynski could easily have implemented as a disguise action, in effect making himself look older. There are many strong similarities between the two: Bearded white men of the same approximate age, height, weight, same basic facial structure, eyes, nose, flat hair on the sides, bigger hair on top, beard, even the gray spot at the bottom of the beard matches. See the photo below.

Close up on man who is a Tylenol Murders suspect 1982 and TK 1981.

Another look at the Tylenol suspect watching Paula Prince buy the tainted Tylenol which would kill her and Ted Kaczynski.

The FBI is finally acting on information and evidence I gave them. Based on research by Doug Oswell, myself and others at http://www.unazod.com and at http://www.zodiackillersite.forummotion.com . Hopefully they will get the court order to compel a DNA draw. Ted has refused to give DNA and says in his filing that he may match the DNA but still be innocent. He does not want his coded notes released which decribe crimes he did. Gee, I wonder why? Hopefully we will soon be able to inlcude or exclude TK from Tylenol and Zodiac.

FBI Wants Unabomber’s DNA for Tylenol Probe
By Ann Woolner – May 19, 2011 11:57 AM ET

The FBI is seeking DNA from Unabomber Theodore Kaczynski, who’s serving a life sentence for killing three people with homemade bombs, in connection with the 1982 Tylenol poisonings

Seven people in the Chicago area died, and thousands of bottles of the over-the-counter painkiller were withdrawn. The case was never solved.

Kaczynski made the disclosure in court papers in an effort to stop an auction of his belongings now in progress. It was confirmed today by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

“As part of our re-examination of the evidence developed in connection with the 1982 Tylenol poisonings, we have attempted to secure DNA samples from numerous individuals, including Ted Kaczynski,” the agency said today in a statement. “To date, Mr. Kaczynski has declined to voluntarily provide this sample.”

Kaczynski said in a handwritten court document that prison personnel told him the Chicago office of the FBI “wanted a sample of my DNA to compare with the partial DNA profiles connected with a 1982 event in which someone put potassium cyanide in Tylenol.”

“I have never even possessed any potassium cyanide,” wrote Kaczynski, 68, a former mathematics professor.

Kaczynski, who grew up in the Chicago area, said he refused to surrender a sample unless “the FBI would satisfy a certain condition that is not relevant here.”

DNA Request
Kacyzinski wrote that two prison officers approached him on April 27 and told him the FBI would seek a court order unless he voluntarily gave a DNA sample.

He cited the visit in his attempt to prevent the auctioning of his belongings, asking federal courts in San Francisco and Sacramento, California, to keep until his death some of the things seized from his Montana cabin when they arrested him in 1996.

He wants the government to keep all his journals, which “may provide evidence as to my whereabouts and activities in 1982,” for example.

Assistant U.S. Attorney David Shelledy, who represented the government in the auction case, said in an e-mail, “We will not comment further on the investigation” Kaczynski mentioned.

In court papers responding to Kaczynski’s motion, Shelledy wrote, “Kaczynski has not been indicted” in the Tylenol case, and “no such federal prosecution is currently planned.”

Possible Evidence

Kaczynski wrote that some of the items the government is auctioning could “turn out to be important” in resolving whether he had anything to do with the poisonings.

DNA testing, he said, might cast suspicion on innocent people because 1 percent to 5 percent of Americans share partial profiles.

He also asked that everything he wrote in code be withheld from the sale, because that’s how he wrote when describing his illegal acts.

Neither court ruled on the auction, which started yesterday and will end June 2.

Kaczynski attended high school in Evergreen Park in suburban Chicago. He graduated from Harvard College, then got master’s and doctorate degrees from the University of Michigan.

Tracked and caught by the FBI, he pleaded guilty in 1998 in Sacramento, California, to 13 charges. They included allegations growing from four Sacramento-area explosions that left two men dead and accusations related to a third death, in New Jersey, the Associated Press reported at the time.

Case Still Open
The Tylenol case was being examined by grand juries in two Illinois counties in January 2010, the Chicago Tribune reported, citing people familiar with the investigation. DNA was taken from one suspect after a court order, the Tribune said.

Johnson & Johnson (JNJ), maker of the drug, was viewed as a “hero” for withdrawing 31 million bottles of Tylenol and offering replacements in tablet form, which was safer, according to the New York Times.

Bill Price, a J&J spokesman, declined to comment in an e- mail today.

Doug Oswell said:

AK, in my opinion, Kaczynski’s response was very "weasly" in terms of what he said and how he said it. It’s a stark contrast with his response to being accused of the Unabomber crimes, in which he simply shut up and refused to talk about them.

Kaczynski claims that there "may be" elements within his writings that will alibi him, but I can’t help but believe that if that were the case, the FBI wouldn’t be bothering with him.

Incidentally, I was very disappointed with the article in the Daily Herald. Very small beer compared to what I was led to expect.


Doug I agree. Ted seems to go out of his way to say that his DNA may match this Tylenol DNA, but not to worry about that, he is still innocent. And does he really think that if he has a diary that says "September 27, 1982 – Gee I went for a walk in the Montana woods today", that will be enough to clear him? I may have to find that research that you, Drew, Ricardo, myself and others did about the possible coded messages in his diary, and how his account of what happened to him at the time of the Jay Mitchell poisoning doesn’t match weather records for Montana. Ted indicates in his diary he was camping in Montana, but what he describes is not consistent with weather reports found by Drew for that day.

The Daily Herald article is a good start anyway. At least she interviewed us and printed our names and comments, and points out we were the first to research this and contact the FBI. My main research article is 55,000 words, it is a lot to go through. I have sent the reporter some new information as well. Hopefully this is just a start and she will follow up with a more detailed article as she reads more of our work, that is the impression I got from talking to her.

The Chicago Daily Herald is a smaller paper that covers the Chicago suburbs. I may send a press release to the Chicago Tribune and Sacramento Bee.

http://www.dailyherald.com/article/2011 … 705199967/

By Jamie Sotonoff and Deborah Donovan

FBI wants to test Unabomber DNA in Tylenol killings

Could the Unabomber and the Tylenol killer — who both left victims across the suburbs — be the same person?

The Federal Bureau of Investigations wants DNA from Evergreen Park native Theodore Kaczynski, the so-called Unabomber imprisoned for life for killing three people. The agency won’t say why, but Kaczynski, in a court filing, said the FBI wants to determine if he was responsible for the 1982 Tylenol poisonings. He denies any involvement in the Tylenol case. Seven people died in three days when cyanide-filled capsules were put into Extra Strength Tylenol bottles on retail store shelves in Cook and DuPage counties. The deaths triggered a massive product recall, widespread consumer panic and new standards for tamper-proof product packaging.

Killed were Mary Kellerman, 12, of Elk Grove Village; Adam Janus of Arlington Heights; Stanley Janus of Lisle, the brother of Adam; Theresa Janus of Lisle, Stanley’s wife; Mary McFarland of Elmhurst; Paula Prince of Chicago and Mary Reiner of Winfield.

Chicago FBI spokeswoman Cynthia Yates confirmed Thursday that the agency asked for Kaczynski’s DNA, saying he is among “numerous individuals” from whom the FBI wants samples. She would not provide details about any of the others.

Kaczynski’s initial bomb targets were in the Chicago area, with two bombs exploding at Northwestern University in Evanston in 1978 and 1979; one placed on a United Airlines jet leaving O’Hare International Airport in 1979, forcing an emergency landing; and another exploding at the Lake Forest home of United Airlines’ president in 1980.

Kaczynski disclosed the DNA request in court papers in an effort to stop an auction of his belongings, now in progress. The 68-year-old former mathematics professor also wrote in his motion: “I have never even possessed any potassium cyanide.”

Kaczynski’s attorney, John Balasz, said he’s “completely convinced” Kaczynski had no involvement in the Tylenol case and thinks the FBI wants his DNA only so they can definitively rule him out as a suspect.

Kaczynski has refused to voluntarily give the sample, and in the motion filed over his belongings, said he’d be willing to go to court over it.

The FBI collected DNA samples from Kaczynski after his arrest, but that material “might have degraded to the point that it is not usable,” said Ross Rice with the FBI in Chicago. “It’s always best to have a current sample.”

Kaczynski wants to keep certain items taken from his cabin in 1996, including journals he says could prove his whereabouts in 1982 and other evidence that could clear him in the Tylenol case.

Kaczynski grew up in Evergreen Park before enrolling at Harvard University at age 16. After graduating he lived in Michigan and California, then returned to suburban Chicago in 1972 and used his family’s Lombard address to acquire an Illinois driver’s license. He surrendered that license for one in Montana in 1973, but renewed his Illinois license in 1978.

In 1996, Kaczynski was arrested at a remote Montana cabin and charged with sending 16 mail bombs that killed three people and injured 23 others.

“I don’t know how strong of a suspect he is, but based on his past, I can see why the FBI is doing this as a process of elimination,” said Arlington Heights Police Cmdr. Kenneth Galinski, whose department has an officer assigned to work with the FBI on the Tylenol case.

Despite national hysteria, intense media attention and what was initially a 140-member police task force, the Tylenol killer was never found and investigators said the trail was cold.

Thursday’s news marks the first time in decades the FBI has put the spotlight on someone other than James Lewis, the Boston man widely believed to be the killer.

Lewis spent 12 years in jail for extortion after he sent Johnson & Johnson, the maker of Tylenol, a letter demanding $1 million to “stop the killing.” He has denied any responsibility in the cyanide poisonings.

“I would certainly think he is still a person of interest,” Galinski said. “I don’t know if the FBI has learned everything they want to know about him.”

Dozens of different theories about suspects have circulated over the years, pointing to everyone from Johnson & Johnson’s competitors to Roger Arnold (now deceased), a convicted killer who worked at Jewel’s distribution facility in Melrose Park.

True crime author Douglas Oswell and researcher A.K. Wilks are among those who always suspected the Unabomber was connected to the case. They shared their research with the FBI and published it online.

Wilks said he emailed the FBI after the 2009 raid of Lewis’ home, when he “thought they might be going down the wrong road,” and ended up speaking at length with two different FBI agents. He also contacted authorities suggesting they stop the auction of Kaczynski’s items, because he thought they might contain valuable evidence.

“The fact that (the FBI) called me twice made me somewhat hopeful,” said Wilks. “If the authorities give it a serious look, that’s all you can ask for.”

“If I were on a jury right now, I couldn’t convict him. But if I was a cop right now, I’d have to be brain-dead not to be interested in him,” said Oswell, who lives in Delaware and describes himself as “an ordinary Joe” fascinated by criminal psychology.

Helen Jensen of Arlington Heights doesn’t know who committed the Tylenol murders. But the former nurse, who accompanied investigators to the Kellerman home on the day the girl died, said she hopes this latest news isn’t a dead end like so many before. She still occasionally talks to the victim’s grandmother and said her “whole family was destroyed by it.”

“It sure would be nice to finally get some end to the whole thing, for the people that are survivors,” Jensen said.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Read more: http://www.dailyherald.com/article/2011 … z1Mvjgrgk0

I just found out that despite official denials that the 1982 Chicago cases had any link to the 1986 Tylenol cyanide death of Yonkers, NY resident Diane Elsroth, in 2010 the FBI examined tainted capsules that were placed at two stores there in 1986 (on CEDAR St. and PONDFIELD Road) for possible DNA. I do not know if any DNA was found. But they did find traces of SILVER in the cyanide, which could mean several things, but is most consistent with the cyanide having been used in the silver mining process, or stolen from a working or closed silver mining site.

James Lewis was in prison in 1986. I doubt they would even be looking at the 1986 cases were it not for the fact that Lewis gave DNA in January 2010, and it was apparently a NON MATCH to Tylenol DNA.

Doug Oswell first mentioned that MONTANA has many active and closed gold and silver mine sites. Also, many individuals engage in gold and silver mining on their own, sometimes using cyanide. One such person was Ted Kaczynski’s neighbor and sometime friend Chris Waits. There is also evidence that Ted Kaczynski himself both visited and stole from closed mines and did some silver and/or gold prospecting himself.

Ted says in his legal motion he never "possessed" potassium cyanide. To "possess" something commonly means to "own" it. Ted may be telling a literal truth but being very deceptive.

But his neighbor Chris Waits did silver and gold prospecting, and may have used CYANIDE to do this. Chris had a garage and outdoor area where he stored tools, supplies and junk, and he let Ted have free access to this area. This area could have had cyanide in it.

On pages 46 – 47 of the book Unabomber: The Secret Life Of Ted Kaczynski by Chris Waits and Dave Shors, Waits relates how he told Ted about several old deserted mine shafts, and how there was equipment, supplies and a few gold flakes left there. Waits told Ted where they were and states:

"small ceramic crucibles used in the fire-assay of ore could still be found lying around the front of the building. We talked at length about these and some metal objects I had seen near the sites.

The next time I hiked into the old mines, several months later, everything was gone: no sulphur, no metal objects I had described."

Waits thinks it likely Ted did go there, and notes the following items seized from Ted’s cabin:

FBI Inventory
# L59 – Container of yellow crystals with plastic bags
# L60 – Container of white powder
# L61 – Six sealed bottles labeled sulphur
# MB26 – One small white ceramic crucible
# MB27 – Two off white colored ceramic crucible lids

Cyanide, of course, is a white powder.

Chris Waits states that he told Ted Kaczynski that he did placer mining and gold washing by hand, and that all that was needed to start was a frying pan without a handle. He explained that a teaspoonful of gold could fetch $300. He says Ted "definitely showed interest." See Unabomber: The Secret Life of Ted Kaczynski by Chris Waits and Dave Shors, pages 52 to 54.

Cyanide is used in many of the different mining methods. It can also be used to clean and polish jewelry, silver and gold. Waits thinks it likely Ted did do some prospecting, and notes the following items seized from his cabin as proof:

FBI Inventory

# MB120N – One "Calumet Baking Powder" can with paper label secured with masking tape, with handwritten notations "Black sand presumably consist[ing] largely of FeO4 or Fe O5 [iron oxide]."

# MB137 – One small clear glass jar, with red-and-white checkered metal cap, containing two staples (for wood) and a small amount of gold, shiny granuals [sic] and flakes.

# MD49 – One metal frying pan without handle.

There was also a cyanide incident in May of 1984 that proved to be lethal. In Manitowoc, Wisconsin (which is just north of the Chicago area) a tax auditor named Thomas Dresser died after drinking a Coca – Cola bottle that had Cyanide in it, while at a picnic with his wife. At first considered a murder, suicide was later mentioned as a possibility, though the known facts are not in accord with a suicide and the case was never fully solved.

An item found in Kaczynski’s cabin indicates that he might have been in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. It is a box containing Potassium based chemicals, chemicals which can be a precursor to making Potassium Cyanide. The label on the box indicates it came from a lab in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Since it is highly doubtful Kaczynski ordered it through a traceable means like mail delivery, he probably bought, stole, garbage picked or otherwise obtained it directly from the premises of that lab.

The FBI inventory lists the item as "MB 171 two small white cardboard boxes labeled "Potassium chromate K. CrO, for lab use only. Hagenow Labs, Inc., Manitowoc, Wis.," in a white plastic shopping bag." This item is poisonous.

Kaczynski also had chemicals with labels indicating they came from labs in Long Island, New York and San Antonio, Texas – each place within a one hour drive of a 1986 Cyanide death. The chemical with the San Antonio label was also a Potassium based chemical.

PR exec Thomas Mosser who was murdered by Ted in 1994 did personally work on the 1982 Tylenol crisis.

Mosser did not have any computer, high tech or oil compant clients. Thus if he was selected it would seem likely IMO that it was his work for client Johnson & Johnson that caused him to be targeted.

Interesting NEW INFO.

There was a THIRD bottle of cyanide tainted Tylenol found in 1986! It was within 30 miles of the Bronxville/Yonkers area. It had a small amount of cyanide, not enough to kill, just to sicken – perhaps like what happened in Tyler, Texas.

Did this third bottle have a Nature/Tree/Wood connection?

You tell me – it was found at the A&P store in Shrub OAK, New York! Consider that with the other NY locations on CEDAR St. and PONDFIELD Road.

Also 9/14/82 victim Mark Husted’s father was the politically connected City Attorney for CARPENTERSVILLE. He had a prior arrest on marijuana charges and had his sentence reduced after letters to the judge from friends of his father, including then Illinois Senator Charles Percy. This got some coverage in local papers as Mark Husted was now facing a cocaine charge and there were cries of political favortism.

Scott Bartz mentions as Tylenol suspects the Chicago mob and white racist groups, and also mentions the unsolved murder of Valerie Percy, citing the shared aspect with the Tylenol murders of apparently targeting wealthy Chicago suburbs.

Now it seems a friend of the family of Charles Percy may have been killed by the 1982 Chicago Tylenol Murderer.

Just found out the 1986 New York cyanide had elements of SILVER and IRON ORE in it.

I need to do more research, and welcome others doing research on this point, but while cyanide has many uses, I think cyanide mixed with silver and iron ore would indicate it probably was used in the MINING industry.

That points to states like Nevada and Montana with their open and closed mining sites as possible locations for theft or salvage of cyanide. Also points to suspects who were known to salvage items from mine sites and/or do some prospect mining themselves. Ted Kaczynski did both.

No word on other 1986 cases having cyanide with silver and iron ore in them.

Dreamnine great question – why did the 1986 killer want to just sicken and not kill some people?

My guess is that many cyanide deaths go unreported as they are misdiagnosed as suicide, drug overdose, heart attack, etc.

A sick person can report that they took Tylenol and got sick, thus the tie is made, and it gets publicity.

Other explanation is that it was accidental in the sense that the killer made a dosage mistake, ran out of cyanide and/or unintentionally contaminated other capsules with a trace amount.

Not sure if I exactly or at all mentioned this before or not, but I came across some interesting information.

David Kaczynski had planned to visit Ted in Montana in January 1986. Ted cancelled the visit and set it for February. Then Ted cancelled that visit and told David he would be out of state, in "warm weather states" looking for work (which is pure BS) and that he could not visit him until LATE SEPTEMBER.

We have a confirmed cyanide murder in February in New York, a string of possible cyanide murders/"suicides" for the next several months, and then a final confirmed cyanide murder in early September in New Jersey.

In other words, coincidence or not, the time period that Ted Kaczynski says he will be out of state – February 1986 to early September 1986 – matches the time period of cyanide murders and suspicous deaths across the country.

The funny thing is there are some within the FBI who seem to credit the TK as Tylenol Killer theory, and have responded to my evidence, and I have had good phone conversations with them, and they apparently asked Ted for his DNA. But it seems another group within the federal government is blocking progress, either because they think my idea is wrong (but if so why not get the DNA prove me wrong and move on) or because they think further examination of Ted and getting his DNA may affect some other case they don’t want affected.

Look at these comments from some in law enforcement, mentioning that the Tylenol Killer is likely to be a "terrorist" similar to those who use "pipe bombs". Hmm, do they know more than we do, or have they just been reading my posts at http://www.unazod.com and the stories in the Chicago Daily Herald and ABC News mentioning the evidence from me and Doug Oswell that points to Ted Kaczynski?

http://www.chicagomag.com/Chicago-Magaz … o-a-Close/

Will the grand jury seek evidence on Ted Kaczynski? Or will they just continue their pointless witch hunt against James Lewis?

Could the Long Strange Story of the Tylenol Murders Be Drawing to a Close?

Posted September 25, 2012, at 1:10 p.m.

By Whet Moser

This month, Chicago has an oral history of the 1982 Tylenol killings—seven Chicagoans murdered, seemingly at random, with cyanide-laced tablets—timed to the 30th anniversary of the incident, which has gone unsolved. It turns out the timing is more precipitous; Natasha Korecki and Kim Janssen learned that a grand jury in the case is "possible":

The evidence investigators presented to prosecutors so far remains circumstantial, but it could be bolstered by statements from potential witnesses who have declined to sit for interviews, according to sources close to the investigation.

So far, however, no decision has been made on whether to give the grand jury a green light. Sources say both state’s attorneys from Cook and DuPage counties have been briefed on the evidence. The investigation, handled by an FBI-led task force of law-enforcement agents, still centers on the same man: James W. Lewis, sources tell the Sun-Times.

The circumstantial evidence and lack of any decision regarding the grand jury is in keeping with the murders’ long and mysterious history, a crime without physical evidence or any apparent motive. David Zivan, who authored Chicago’s oral history, captures the confusion three decades later from some of the principals:

Superintendent Brzeczek
My opinion is that this was an initial homicide where the bad guy knew the victim and that was it. And then to cover it up, the bad guy went and contaminated the other ones. That motive makes the most sense to me.

Firefighter Keyworth
I personally think that the person or persons involved in this—my gut feeling was that their purpose was to bring the United States to its knees: “Look at the power we have. We can shut down the entire economy. We can control the world.” And for a short period of time, they did. In today’s world, it would be domestic terrorism. We didn’t have that terminology back then. But it was actually the first case of domestic terrorism in the country.

Attorney General Fahner
I don’t mean to be melodramatic, but it was kind of the first act of terrorism, in that there was no intended victim, just random victims. Not unlike what happens in the world today when people throw pipe bombs. Up until that time, when you had mass murderers like Richard Speck, these were people who had selected victims and decided what they were going to do or not going to do. But this really was random. And that’s what terrorism is to me—to frighten or kill indiscriminately.

Neither explanation is terribly satisfying. Brzeczek’s theory is, well, elaborate—that the perpretrator covered up a targeted murder by concealing it with indiscriminate murder. Fahner’s theory is predicated on the randomness of it, but terrorism is rarely indiscriminate; terrorists usually have some goal or purpose in murder. No one’s ever come up with a plausible motive for either discriminate or indiscriminate killing.

Which brings the story to James W. Lewis. This smart and troubled man incriminated himself into the Tylenol investigation by attempting to extort one million dollars from Johnson & Johnson… but not for himself. Lewis directed the company to wire the ransom to the closed account of a business owner who’d once bounced checks to Lewis and his wife, and allegedly shortchanged them while paying off his personal bills. The defense claimed Lewis just wanted to sic the feds on the target of his ire, and Lewis was duly convicted on charges of attempted extortion. He’s been out for years now, living in the Boston area. In a lengthy chronicle of the case for the Reader, Joy Bergmann paints Lewis as a suspicious character… but not, aside from his extortion, necessarily suspicious as the Tylenol killer:

Lewis maintained he was a "political prisoner," a "scapegoat," and an "all-purpose monster…fathered by the wild-eyed hyperventilated imaginations of two brutal men, Tyrone Fahner and Daniel K. Webb," who simply "blew" the Tylenol investigation thanks to "bureaucratic blundering incompetence."

McGarr had already listened to Dan Webb reiterate Lewis’s biography: the violence toward his parents, the mental hospital commitment, the Raymond West murder charge, the Kansas City fraud schemes for which he was convicted in May of 1983 and sentenced to ten years, the fugitive flight, the extortion conviction, the breadboard schematic, the grandiose and quick-to-explode temperament, the innumerable aliases and deceptions.

Years later, Zivan finds skepticism towards Lewis as the killer:

Superintendent Brzeczek
It wasn’t James Lewis. James Lewis was an asshole, an opportunist. He tried to extort some money from Johnson & Johnson, and he went to jail. He was in the joint a long time. When someone is in the penitentiary, you can go and talk to him, with or without his lawyer present. In all those years, all the work on James Lewis to put it together: nothing.

Attorney General Fahner
Do I think James Lewis was involved? I did, and I do. And the head of the FBI office here at the time—I can’t speak for him, but I think he felt as I did. But we could never put him in the city, in the places, at the right time.

August Locallo
Lieutenant with the Chicago Police Department
I was the top man in violent crimes. [Lewis] had lived in Chicago, and that’s why they zeroed in on my unit. He was in custody in New York, and I was assigned to go to New York to interview him. Basically, the FBI had him in custody, and by the time we got to New York, he had his attorney and he wouldn’t talk to us. That was a futile effort. He’s a con man. Strictly a con man. And he’ll do anything to get to his goal. I really believed he might have killed somebody, but they couldn’t put anything on him.

Which is why it was a bit surprising when the FBI reopened the case, searching Lewis’s home in 2009. Since then the case has been ongoing again, and it’s hard to know how to read the latest news. If all the evidence presented to prosecutors remains circumstantial, has their case against Lewis gotten any better over the years?

For his part, Lewis has avoided the press… except for an interview given to a Boston cable access show a few years ago. Here’s a clip, no less weird than any other point in the story.

Oral History at http://www.chicagomag.com/Chicago-Magaz … l-History/


Posted : October 15, 2013 10:29 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Luke68: Ted admitted himself that prior to his ‘Eureka’ moment (seeing the earth movers ripping up the land) and becoming a pipe bomber, he engaged in some ‘monkey wrenching’.
We know from this essay (written by Ted in 1971) http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Unnamed_Essay_(1971 ) that the technological and scientific threat to civil liberty was fully developed in his mind.

The question is, what is monkey wrenching in Ted’s mind in relation to scientific research and technological progress? Based on the fact he was trying to blow up planes, I would scarcely believe he was merely pulling off a few pranks here and there. It must have been something relatively serious. If not the Tylenol lacing then what else?

In the essay above, Ted makes specific reference to drugs and to genetics. His initial rally cry is against ‘scientific research’. Agree, this continued as a theme throughout, however the technological aspect took precedence later on.

So again, what monkey wrenching relative to what Ted was capable of and directed to the scientific and or research areas did he get up to before making and sending bombs? For me anyway, that’s a rhetorical question.

AK Wilks: I think you are right Luke. And it goes to the key point of MOTIVE.

In Ted’s beloved state of Montana, there had been several major spills of CYANIDE by a mining company, which poisoned ponds and water wells, killed plants and trees, and killed sheep and elk.

Keep that in mind for the method of using CYANIDE as a means of revenge to paralyse the national economy.

Now, why select Johnson & Johnson?

Thanks to PhillyTechNews and our member DREW for finding this very important item.

With Johnson & Johnson spending tens of millions of dollars to buy and expand BIOTECH and GENETIC ENGINEERING companies, and fund RESEARCH at such companies, he may well have thought it would fit his goals to essentially sink or cripple the Johnson & Johnson Company. Or at least, as he often put it, "get my revenge on the technological society."

This article apppears in May 1982, and in late July 1982 we have the Tylenol Cyanide death of Jay Mitchell in Sheridan, Wyoming, just across the Montana border from where Ted Kaczynski lived.

And in September 1982 the Tylenol Murders cause a $100 Million direct loss to J & J because of the massive recall and huge drop in sales. The Tylenol Murders also caused a $1 Billion plunge in J & J stock. No doubt this financial disaster severely set back any future plans J & J had for buy and expanding biotech and genetic engineering companies, or funding their research.

Don’t we have examples of Ted Kaczynski reading the NY Times to select targets? Yes, apparently the FBI thought it likely based on the timing of articles that Ted used the NY Times to target McConnell, Epstein and Gerlenter, probably Mosser, and perhaps others.

Didn’t Ted Kaczynski send a bomb to Dr. Charles Epstein, a GENETIC ENGINEER? Yes he did.

Didn’t Ted Kaczynski write in his Manifesto and elsewhere about what he felt were the extreme dangers associated with BIOTECH and GENETIC ENGINEERING?

Yes in his 1971 essay it was a dominant concern even back then.

See http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Unnamed_Essay_(1971 )

"The power of society to control the individual person has recently been expanding very rapidly, and is expected to expand even more rapidly in the near future. Let us list a few of the more ominous developments as a reminder.

4. Direct physical control of the emotions via electrodes and "chemitrodes" inserted in the brain. (See Jose M.R. Delgado’s book "Physical Control of the Mind.")
5. Biofeedback training, after the manner of Joseph Kamiya and others.
6. Predicted "memory pills" or other drugs designed to improve memory or increase intelligence.
(The reader possibly assumes that items (5) and (6) present no danger to freedom because their use is supposed to be voluntary, but I will argue that point later. See page 1-15.)
7. Predicted genetic engineering, eugenics, related techniques.

Observe that once a society based on psychological, genetic, and other forms of human engineering has come into being, it will presumably last forever, because people will all be engineered to favor human engineering and the totally collective society, so that they will never become dissatisfied with this kind of society. Furthermore, once human engineering, the linking of human minds with computers, and other things of that nature have come into extensive use, people will probably be altered so much that it will no longer be possible for them to exist as independent beings, either physically or psychologically"

And in section "2" of the Unabomber Manifesto, right at the start, Ted says the industrial-technological system will permanently reduce "human beings and other living organisms to engineered products and mere cogs in the social machine." (Emphasis added). In his April 24, 1995 letter to the NY Times Ted stated "The people we are out to get are the scientists and engineers, especially in critical fields like computers and genetics." (emphasis added). And there are multiple references throughout his writing to the extreme dangers of the biotech and genetics fields.

DREAMNINE: I think that there is some wilful misdirection going on. The case is in the news again because it has been 30 years.

I can’t believe that the FBI hasn’t DNA’d Ted already, but either way they’re not about to admit it.

It would be incredibly damaging and embarassing for LE to admit that Ted might have had anything to do with these crimes and expedient of them to point the finger elsewhere.

AK Wilks: Yes that could be the sad reality.

Not sure what this means, but it seems the FBI will no longer be the leader of the Tylenol Murders Task Force. They will continue to "assist" but the investigation will now be led by local police. In a way this seems like bad news, as local police do not have the resources of the FBI. But it seems that most of the FBI was focused on James Lewis, to the exclusion of every other suspect. In fact they hatched an asinine scheme to have him write a novel about the case and then use that to entrap him. So maybe the FBI taking a back seat could be good. Someone in the FBI was apparently convinced by the research I did to ask for Ted Kaczynski’s DNA. Two different FBI agents called me on the phone after I submitted the evidence pointing to possible Unabomber involvement in the Tylenol Murders. But he/she/they seem to have been in the minority, and the follow up, if any, is unclear. But overall this seems like bad news, that they are more or less putting it on the back burner.

This article and others say that the FBI actually got DNA from Kaczynski in 2011, but they do not provide any quotes or factual cites to that effect. They asked him for DNA and he refused. It was then said they would seek a court order. No subsequent news articles actually confirmed that the DNA was obtained, and nothing showed up on public court dockets indicating an order to get DNA. So it is still not clear to me if they ever actually got his DNA.

http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/09/28/ch … -30-years/

http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/loca … 1625.story


Posted : October 15, 2013 10:30 pm
Posts: 2614
Member Admin

AK, did you see this? http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/allan-macinnis/viff-2013-stemple-pass-unabomber-james-benning_b_4079999.html


Posted : October 16, 2013 12:31 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Thanks. I had not seen that. The most interesting thing is that he says that someone bought Ted’s journals at auction. I had heard rumors that they would be the basis for a book release. I hope that is true.



Posted : October 16, 2013 9:22 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
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HOLMES201 made some excellent posts on the Pines card and I am transferring them to here.

HOLMES201: I hope everybody has heard of and understands that Ted Kaczynski was obsessed with wood. All of the bombs he used to kill people were made of wood. He killed Percy Wood. He killed the president of the California forestry association. He killed one of his victims on Aspen Drive. So it is very likely he sent the Pines Card.

To Unabomb Victims, a Deeper Mystery

By George Lardner and Lorraine Adams
Washington Post Staff Writers
Sunday, April 14, 1996; Page A01

"Why me?" Patrick Fischer, chairman of the computer sciences department at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, keeps asking himself in the days after the arrest of the man authorities believe was the elusive Unabomber. "Why was I selected?"

Across the country, at Brigham Young University, LeRoy Bearnson, an electrical engineering professor, asks the same question. Bearnson has never met Patrick Fischer, yet the Unabomber somehow found his name and used it on the return address of the explosive package that ended up in Fischer’s office 14 years ago.

Only recently, FBI agents hundreds of miles apart went to visit both men with a photograph of the bearded recluse Theodore J. Kaczynski, still looking for answers to the puzzle that has baffled investigators for more than 17 years.

The Unabomber’s victims were scattered around the country, unknown to each other and probably unknown to the Unabomber himself, except as names culled in outdated directories, newsletters and other publications. Some of the victims’ names have been found on handwritten notes and other documents in Kaczynski’s tiny Montana cabin, an isolated shack where FBI agents also have found a live bomb ready for shipment and what they believe is a draft of the infamous "manifesto" the Unabomber wrote trying to justify the attacks. Warnings went out only last week to forestry officials and current and former University of California-Berkeley professors whose names were found among Kaczynski’s papers.

If Kaczynski carried out the crimes, as authorities now seem confident, investigators still have not found a method to the madness. Interviews with a number of the more than two dozen Unibomb victims show they too are still grasping for clues and more mystified than ever now that the suspect has a name. They never met him. They never even heard of him. And the FBI has shared so little information with them that they can’t begin to understand why he picked them out.

"I suppose the guy didn’t care which way it went or who got blown up," Bearnson, 61, said of the package that listed him as the sender.

Neither Fischer nor Bearnson thinks there was anything personal about the Unabomber’s animosity. To him, they were just symbols in his hate-filled crusade against modern technology and its practitioners.

"He might pick out an individual, but the person was still a symbolic target to him," said Oliver B. "Buck" Revell, a former high-ranking FBI official who oversaw early stages of the Unabomb investigation. "I suspect that once he targeted the university research system, it didn’t matter that much who received it. I suspect he felt the country would pick up the symbolism." Since the FBI visited him, Fischer, 60, has thought of several things that could have brought him to Kaczynski’s attention. He was a graduate student in Cambridge, Mass., between 1958 and 1962, studying at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology while Kaczynski was a Harvard math major. At one point, Fischer took a math course at Harvard. Perhaps Kaczynski had been in the same class.

"I asked the FBI that. They wouldn’t tell me," Fischer told a reporter Friday. He ruled out the possibility himself a few days ago by contacting the professor who taught the course.

Fischer’s father, Carl, taught math at the University of Michigan when Kaczynski was a graduate student there, earning first a master’s degree and then a doctorate. But Patrick Fischer doubts they crossed paths. Carl Fischer specialized in statistics and actuarial science and spent most of his time at the business school. Kaczynski’s specialty was much more abstruse: complex variables analysis.

"I couldn’t have understood his thesis," Patrick Fischer said. He now thinks Kaczynski might have gotten his name out of journals that published Fischer’s academic papers.

"My original research was pure math," he said. "Maybe I was regarded as a turncoat by this guy. I went from pure math to theoretical computer science."

The bomb that arrived in Fischer’s office at Vanderbilt on May 5, 1982, was delivered in spite of itself. Based on outdated information as well as canceled stamps, it had been addressed to him at Pennsylvania State University. He had moved to Vanderbilt in 1980. Someone at Penn State sent the package on.

"I was in Puerto Rico that day, giving some lectures," Fischer said. His secretary, Janet Smith, opened it. It was a pipe bomb filled with smokeless powder and match heads. "She got some nasty lacerations. She made a full recovery, but it was very traumatic for her. She’d just as soon forget about it," he said.

Bearnson was told long after the attack that he was the likely target. The package bore canceled stamps when the Unabomber placed it in a Provo mailbox, a trick, authorities believe, to ensure that it would be sent back to the return address.

Bearnson wonders if his name was on the package because of his expertise in technology or possibly because his middle name is "Wood." The Unabomber has always been preoccupied with wood, painstakingly carving bomb parts out of wooden pieces and boxing the videocassette-sized packages with different varieties of wood.

One of his earlier bombs was mailed to Chicago area home of Percy A. Wood, president of United Airlines, seriously injuring him. In April 1995, the bomber killed the president of the California Forestry Association in Sacramento, and a year before a prominent New York public relations executive who lived on Aspen Drive in North Caldwell, N.J. The "wood" connection is tenuous but it is one of the few authorities have shared with the public.

In the 14 years after his name appeared on the bomb package, Bearnson said he was interviewed dozens of times by investigators, reviewing his entire life in a vain search for some connection between himself and the Unabomber. He remembered spending a lot of time doing consulting work in Salt Lake City, a city familiar to the Unabomber — and to Kaczynski — "but if I ran across him, I don’t remember it."

He did not learn until recently about the canceled stamps. Last month, the FBI told him the stamps had a green line running through them and that both the clerk at the Brigham Young University postal station where the package was deposited and the U.S. Postal Service worker who brought it downtown noticed the marks. He said he still has no idea why the package wasn’t returned to him for insufficient postage, but he thinks the Unabomber meant that to happen.

"The agents made it very clear that I was the target," he said. "I still have no idea why, except my feeling is that he chose names at random with certain associations."

Fischer, a close student of the case, said he was never told about the canceled stamps until a reporter called. "I don’t get anything directly from the FBI," he said. "I get it from the media, or other people." He said he might try to start a Unabomber victims’ association, to exchange information.

"The FBI has wanted to get us together, under their auspices," Fischer said, "but they never could pull it off because of scheduling problems. Some of us are talking to each other now, by e-mail."

The Unabomber’s first explosive device had an either-or flavor to it as well. A woman found it on the University of Chicago campus, addressed to a professor who was hundreds of miles away, teaching at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y. The return addressee was a professor at Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill.

"The woman returned the package to the sender," the FBI has said, "but since he had not sent it and did not know the addressee, he contacted the campus police." A pipe bomb packed in a carved wooden box, it exploded when one of the police officers opened it, sustaining slight injuries.

Over the years, the Unabomber struck at least 16 times, killing three people and injuring 23. His first bombs were "not intended to kill, they were intended to maim or do property damage," Revell said. The Unabomber was disappointed in the results.

"Our early bombs were too ineffectual to attract much public attention or give encouragement to those who hate the system," he wrote in a letter to the New York Times last April, a few days after the bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building eclipsed everything he had done. Striving for renewed attention, he said he had taken "a couple of years off to do some experimenting. We learned how to make pipe bombs that were powerful enough, and we used these in a couple of successful bombings as well as in some unsuccessful ones," he said.

The Unabomber struck places as well as people. His bombings at Berkeley, where he taught math for two years in the late 1960s, were among the least personal. They weren’t mailed or addressed to anyone. But they were intriguing: The bombs that injured Diogenes Angelakos in 1982 and John Hauser in 1985 were planted in the same University of California-Berkeley building: Cory Hall.

"Cory Hall is not far from where Kaczynski taught," said Capt. Bill Foley, of the Berkeley campus police, who has worked the case since 1985. "He taught in Campbell Hall, and had offices in one of our temporary buildings. If you did a triangle between Campbell and that temporary building you would hit Cory Hall at peak of the triangle."

Cory Hall housed the engineering and computer sciences departments in late ’60s, as it does today. It was the one place the Unabomber hit twice.

Angelakos, now retired, was an electrical engineering professor. The bomb that attracted his attention in a fourth-floor faculty lounge just before 8 a.m. on July 2, 1982, was cleverly innocuous. It looked like a turpentine can, something inadvertently left behind by a construction worker. It injured his right hand.

The bomb that struck Hauser three years later, on May 15, 1985, was much more powerful, made of a mix of ammonium nitrate and aluminum powder.

Hauser was a graduate engineering student and an Air Force pilot at the time he walked into a computer lab where the bomb had been left, sitting atop some three-ring binders. Police say it had been there for two or three days. Hauser thought it was a file box for some other graduate student’s computer cards and wondered to whom it belonged.

When he picked it up, it burst four fingers off his right hand and severed arteries in his arm. By coincidence, Angelakos was down the hall, heard the explosion, and used a colleague’s tie to make a tourniquet for Hauser’s arm. Hauser’s Air Force career was over. He still does not have full use of his right arm.

Now an electrical engineering professor at the University of Colorado in Boulder, Hauser considers himself the Unabomber’s "most anonymous" victim. He hadn’t published any academic works at the time. "This was as much a target of opportunity as anything else," he said last week.

Foley said investigators were puzzled for years by the choice of Cory Hall. "Why pick a classroom building in a research area? Why not administrative? Now we’re wondering, why not target the math department? What’s interesting too is between the two Cory Hall blasts he really didn’t strike again," Foley said. "He did mail to Boeing Aircraft in Washington state. . . . It got lost in the internal mail system. They were in the process of returning it to sender because it had bounced around a while, and while they were in process of doing that, they had the bomb squad open it up." That June 1985 package bomb was safely disarmed.

The next bomb, unlike the others, may have been spurred by personal animosity. Its intended target, University of Michigan psychology professor James V. McConnell, seems to have embodied everything the Unabomber detested. He was rich, flamboyant, irreverent and controversial. His success came from expounding theories that could sound chilling, especially to someone obsessed with fears that technology and science were taking over modern society.

Like many proponents of "behavior modification," McConnell believed that people could be molded simply by deciding what they should be and then manipulating their behavior.

McConnell’s work originated from research with flatworms. After training some of the half-inch-long worms to navigate a simple maze, McConnell then ground up the trained worms and fed them to untrained worms, finding that they were able to negotiate the maze better than a "control group." Outspoken and popular, he was teaching on the Ann Arbor campus when Kaczynski was a graduate student in mathematics there. There is no evidence so far that he and Kaczynski crossed paths, but even so, McConnell would have been hard to miss. In 1964, he won attention when a Saturday Evening Post article described his work and suggested that someday humans might be able "to learn the piano by taking a pill, or to take calculus by injection." Two months later, McConnell took his celebrated flatworms on the Steve Allen show.

More fame, and fortune, came in the 1970s with publication of McConnell’s jaunty textbook, "Understanding Human Behavior." It was used on 700 campuses and sold more than a million copies. The FBI included the book on a list it gave to bookstore owners in Montana in trying to track Kaczynski’s reading habits.

A 1982 People magazine article pointed out that McConnell’s royalties of $250,000 a year had provided him with a $40,000 Mercedes, a 1,000-bottle wine cellar and a new $1 million house.

The Unabomber’s package arrived at that house, just outside Ann Arbor, three years later, on Nov. 15, 1985. Taped to the top was a one-page letter with a Salt Lake City postmark. "I’d like you to read this book," it said. "Everybody in your position should read this book."

McConnell asked his assistant, Nicklaus Suino, 25, to open it. Suino started wrestling with it on a kitchen counter and it exploded.

The blast blew a six-inch hole in the kitchen counter, and Suino suffered shrapnel wounds and powder burns on his arms and legs. McConnell suffered only a slight hearing loss, but the bombing shook him deeply, as he pointed out in a letter provided by a friend and co-author, Daniel Gorenflo. McConnell, who died in 1990, wrote, "I just wandered around the house, scared, angry and frustrated." Told by investigators that the bomber had never struck any victim twice, he concluded, "it’s the next name on the list that we need to give thought to."

The "next name" in the Unabomber case, Hugh C. Scrutton, 32, was the first one to be killed. A bomb that looked like a piece of debris killed him when he picked it up outside the back door of his Sacramento computer rental store. It was a crude device, filled with tiny pieces of nails for maximum effect.

Scrutton had Berkeley connections. He was a summer math student in 1967, the year Kaczynski started teaching there.

Capt. Foley said, "We’re trying to determine through old course catalogues whether Kaczynski taught at that time or started in the fall of ’67."

A friend of Scrutton, John Lawyer, said FBI agents were exploring that and other angles when they visited him in Plains, Mont., last month. The FBI asked about the extent of Scrutton’s travels through Montana and Salt Lake City. "They are setting out to reconstruct the lives of victims," Lawyer said, "trying to make any connection they can." Homicide detective Bob Bell of the Sacramento sheriff’s department, who headed the local investigation into Scrutton’s death, said the process is called "victimology," a chore that ranges over everything from girlfriends to tax forms.

Another possible tie-in to Berkeley concerns Gilbert B. Murray, the timber lobbyist from Sacramento, who was killed April 24, 1995. Murray graduated from Berkeley in 1975. But the package he opened was addressed to his predecessor at the California Forestry Association, William Dennison, a 1959 Berkeley graduate who lectured at Berkeley between 1971 to 1988.

Finally, there is the letter the Unabomber sent to Berkeley social psychology professor Tom Tyler last spring.

On May 1, 1995, the San Francisco Chronicle published an article about the Oklahoma City bombing and the Unabomber. The first person quoted in it was Tyler.

Tyler said he was not at Berkeley when Kaczynski was. The envelope the Unabomber sent was addressed to him as "head of the social psychology group," the same incorrect title he was given in the Chronicle.

The letter, accompanied by the Unabomber’s manifesto, was straightforward.

"I said in the article that the Oklahoma City bomber and the Unabomber were examples of people who had exaggerated feelings that the government was out to get them," Tyler said. "The Unabomber objected to that characterization of him."

He asked Tyler to read his manifesto, one of six copies he sent out at that time, including ones to the New York Times and The Washington Post, which published it last fall.

The Unabomber has expressed regret over some of his targets, such as the passengers of an American Airlines plane he tried to blow up in 1979 on a flight from Chicago to Washington. Placed in a mailbag, the bomb caught fire without exploding.

"The idea was to kill a lot of business people who we assumed would constitute the majority of passengers," the Unabomber said in a letter to the Times last June. "But of course, some passengers would likely have been innocent people — maybe kids or some working stiff going to see his sick grandmother. We’re glad now that that attempt failed."

The Unabomber also mentioned the injury done to Fischer’s secretary and said: "We certainly regret that." But he made clear that he had no compunctions about his most recent victims: Murray in Sacramento and public relations executive Thomas J. Mosser who died at his North Caldwell, N.J., residence in December 1994. "[W]hen we were young and comparatively reckless," he wrote, "we were much more careless in selecting targets than we are now."

Earlier last year, after the Oklahoma City bombing, he tried to regain attention, openly admitting that he killed Mosser.

"We blew up Thomas Mosser last December," the Unabomber said in the letter the Times received on April 24, 1995, "because he was a Burston[sic]-Marsteller executive . . . Burston[sic]-Marsteller is about the biggest organization in the public relations field. This means that its business is the development of techniques for manipulating people’s attitudes."

Once again, the Unabomber seems to have relied on an outdated publication or directory. Mosser had left Burson-Marsteller nine months before he was killed for its parent company, Young & Rubicam Inc.

But that may have made no difference to the Unabomber. To him, the public relations man was just "a symbol."

Staff writers Pierre Thomas in Washington, Jacqueline Salmon in Ann Arbor, William Claiborne in Salt Lake City, Benjamin Weiser in New York, and Thomas Heath in Sacramento contributed to this report; staff researchers Alice Crites and Margot Williams also contributed.

Copyright © 1997 The Washington Post Co.
Unabomber Special Report | National Section | Home Page

Holmes201: A man named Bearnson was killed by the Unabomber. Bearn is the Middle English word for barn. Which is made out of wood of course.

And why do you think he picked Cherry St., Maple Street and Spruce Street to kill his victims in the Presidio neighborhood? Because it’s woods.

Zodiac sent pictures of trees, pine trees, cards with trees on them like the Halloween card , etc. It’s just like Ted Kaczynski obsessed with wood and things connected with wood.

AK Wilks: Yes, I would argue that NATURE themes and words repeatedly occur in the Zodiac crimes, locations and mailings. The water references are numerous, including Blue Rock SPRINGS, LAKE Berryessa and South LAKE Tahoe. The Stine murder took place at MAPLE Street, near CHERRY Street, both types of TREES.

Then there are the numerous tree, wood and other nature references that appear in the mailings, including the TREE in the Halloween card, the peek through the PINES card, the in the WOODS dies April card mentioning Monticello, which means Little MOUNTAIN and the possible Zodiac card of the Celebrity Cypher, which has a picture of a TREE on an OCEAN beach. The possible 1990 Zodiac Christmas card features a SNOWman with TREE twigs and a RABBIT in front of it.

A man named Bearnson was killed by the Unabomber. Bearn is the Middle English word for barn. Which is made out of wood of course.

AK Wilks: I was not aware of that word. While Ted K indeed have a strong trees and wood obsession, I have argued elsewhere that it might be more accurate to say he had an obsession with NATURE. Nature words and themes occur repeatedly in his victims names, addresses, mailings another aspects of his crimes. These include repeated mentions of water, lakes, ice, oceans, mountains, animals and most especially and frequently, trees and wood. The crimes of the Zodiac Killer, the Tylenol Murderer and the Unabomber all exhibited this same pattern of nature, trees and wood names, locations and associations.

The two victims who were wondering so much why they were selected, when they were not particularly distinguished in their fields and could think of no interactions they ever had with Kaczynski, I suspect they were targeted by their names. Their names both contain ANIMAL references, in addition to one having a wood reference.

Patrick FISCHer.

Leroy WOOD BEARnson.

Interesting fact about Unabomber victim Thomas Mosser. Authorities had a difficult time figuring out why this PR executive was targeted. He did NOT work for Exxon, forestry companies, computer or high tech companies. Most of his clients were in the entertainment industry. He DID work for Johnson & Johnson in the aftermath of the 1982 Chicago area Tylenol Murders, and was credited with effectively repairing the image of that company after the crisis. If, as I and Doug Oswell claim, Ted was the Tylenol Murderer, he would have a very strong motive for revenge against Thomas Mosser.


Posted : August 28, 2019 1:21 pm
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

HOLMES201 made some excellent posts on the Pines card and I am transferring them to here.

HOLMES201: I hope everybody has heard of and understands that Ted Kaczynski was obsessed with wood. (..) He killed one of his victims on Aspen Drive. So it is very likely he sent the Pines Card.

No, could you please explain again?

Just joking..think this thread has the longest posts ever..

Let Lambda be a plane in dimension y with boundary function…well, I will keep it short:

Ted was really some type of nature guy, ok, so am I (currently camping in Sardegna..). He was convinced, technology is bad, ok, so think most of the Amish, too (and they even might be right).

But just being a nature guy doesn’t make Ted become the author of the Pines card, does it? Or did I miss something?

Also I don’t see any connection between ‘Aspen Drive’ and ‘Pines card’ except both terms contain a word related to the woods? With pines being only one word out of a few from that card?



Posted : August 28, 2019 5:07 pm
Posts: 553
Honorable Member

And why do you think he picked Cherry St., Maple Street and Spruce Street to kill his victims in the Presidio neighborhood? Because it’s woods.

Posted : August 28, 2019 8:00 pm
Posts: 553
Honorable Member

Zodiac sent pictures of trees, pine trees, cards with trees on them like the Halloween card , etc. It’s just like Ted Kaczynski obsessed with wood and things connected with wood.

Posted : August 28, 2019 8:02 pm
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

Halloween was with a pumpkin and bones.

Attack was not Maple but Washington & Cherry. Picked up at Geary/Mason, with Blue rock springs, Lake Herman Road and Lake Berryessa as well as Riverside (believers), not much about woods, that’s all I say. Presidio Heights.

It’s not against your theory but reminds me of Water or golf theory..there is wood, streets, water, golf almost anywhere..although I agree to TK’s obsession of woods, still doubting all of his bombs were made out of wood.



Posted : August 28, 2019 11:11 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
Topic starter

Quicktrader: Halloween (Card) was with a pumpkin and bones.

AK Wilks: Inside the Halloween Card was a TREE with eyes peeking through it.

Quicktrader: Attack was not Maple but Washington & Cherry. Picked up at Geary/Mason

AK Wilks
: In Zodiac’s mind the attack was at Maple Street, and it was important enough to him that he noted it in his letter claiming credit.

Quicktrader: With Blue rock springs, Lake Herman Road and Lake Berryessa as well as Riverside (believers), not much about woods, that’s all I say. Presidio Heights.

AK Wilks: Ted was obsessed with NATURE themes and words in his crimes. In the Unabomber crimes, there was repeated targeting of victims, streets and cities with nature words, including water, lakes, mountains and animals, with a particular focus on trees and wood.

Yes it is a long topic thread, but setting aside for the moment the Tylenol Murders, to shorten it a little bit, here are just some of the main points showing the Unabomber and the Zodiac shared an obsession with nature, water, mountains, animals and most of all trees and wood:

"In the Unabomber’s case a large factor was his obsession with wood. Wood. Wood was everywhere. It haunted his mind, controlled his actions, wood was his goal and mode of attack. He selected as his enemies people who had wood – associated names, addresses, or businesses."

From "Unabomber: A Desire To Kill", By Robert Graysmith

Acting as the Unabomber, Theodore Kaczynski used a criminal signature utilizing nature themes such as water, ice, animals, hills, mountains and in particular TREES and WOOD. The NATURE, TREES and WOOD theme was a major focal point of the FBI investigation, as it was one of the few obvious clues Kaczynski left in his trail of bombings. Kaczynski of course lived not far from a stream in a wood cabin among the tree covered hills and mountains of Montana. The consistent references to Water, Trees, Wood and Mountains could have been a way to signal his belief in the primacy of nature over industrial technology, a taunting clue to his Montana location and/or a calling card link to claim credit for his crimes.

Kaczynski later targeted certain groups of people – business executives, professors in technological subjects, computer workers. But within these broad groups, he would usually select a specific person whose name, street or city had a tie to a Nature, Wood or Trees theme, or he would make the references in fake return addresses. It would take several pages to list in detail all of the examples of the Kaczynski Nature, Trees and Wood mania, so I will just mention the highlights.

Kaczynski as the Unabomber mailed bombs to targets in Salt LAKE City, LAKE FOREST Illinois and Ann ARBOR Michigan. He included a copy of the novel "The ICE Brothers" in a bomb package, the story of which concerns a boat on OCEAN patrol near GREENland. Targeted persons named Patrick FISCHer, James HILL, Percy WOOD and Leroy WOOD BEARson. All of his bombs had parts made of WOOD and/or were concealed in WOOD boxes. Enclosed items within his bomb packages such as parts, sticks or twigs from TREES of Maple WOOD, Red WOOD, Cherry WOOD and Douglas Fir WOOD. Selected victims that lived on streets like FOREST HILL or ASPEN (a type of poplar TREE and a town in Colorado associated with MOUNTAINS). Used return addresses of OAKland California, RAVENSWOOD Street and BERG or BURG three times which is German for MOUNTAIN and castle. There are many other examples with NATURE, WOOD or TREE themes, but one more will make the point rather clearly – a return address of Frederick Benjamin Isaac WOOD, 549 WOOD Street, WOODLAKE California. (FBI profiler John Douglas noted he thought the intended message here was "FBI: WOOD, WOOD, WOOD!")

I have shown that Theodore Kaczynski was known by his criminal signature of using victims, streets, cities and other clues pertaining to themes of Nature, in particular Water, Mountains, Animals and (most of all)Trees and Wood. Knowing that Kaczynski is a suspect for being the Zodiac Killer, let us look at that case for a similar criminal signature.

Probable and definite Zodiac crimes took place at RIVERside, Blue Rock SPRINGS, LAKE Herman Road, LAKE Berryessa, South LAKE Tahoe.

Zodiac told cab driver Paul Stine to go to Washington and MAPLE street, it is MAPLE street Z refers to in his letter claiming credit for the murder and crime actually took place closest to CHERRY street. Of course both are types of TREES.

Pat Tan, 4/19/70, possible Z victim, found hanging from a TREE on Mt. Tam.

Isobel Watson, 4/7/72, a possible Z victim, was stabbed in the Tamalpais Valley area on PINE HILL Road.

Yvonne Weber (13 years old) and Maureen Sterling (12 years old), 2/4/72, possible Z victims in Sonoma County, last seen alive at the REDWOOD Ice Rink.

Barbara Jane Perkins, 12/8/67, possible Z victim, a nurse who lived on Grant street in Berkeley, 1.4 miles from TJK residence on Regent street, found at Point Reyes National SEASHORE, head was "tucked against base of fallen TREE."

Daniel Williams, possible Z victim, lived on BUSH street in Martinez, reported calls from man claiming to be Z and arsenic poison later put into a soda pop bottle.

Unknown female U Cal Riverside student, November 1966, possible Z victim, accepted ride from man matching Z description, man said "after all I’m not Jack the Ripper," spoke of Cheri Jo Bates death, told woman "I’m not going to kill you. If I wanted to kill you I could just hit you in the head with this piece of WOOD." Attacked the student, who then escaped.

Z sent map with focus on Mt. Diablo, a MOUNTAIN.

Z sent card with "peek through the PINES" on it, card hinted a body could be found "around in the SNOW", mentioned "SIERRA club" SIERRA being Spanish for "MOUNTAIN range" (SIERRA club also concerned with protecting NATURE, and TJK was a member), letter mentioning torture by shoving PINE needles under fingernails, Halloween card had eyes looking through a TREE, suspected of sending a taunting Christmas card to sister of probable victim Donna Lass with picture of PINE TREE covered with SNOW, and saying "Saint Donna, Guardian of the PINES." Another card mentioned Monticello (Italian for little MOUNTAIN), and "in the WOODS dies April". The possible Z card in September 1990, the Celebrity Cypher, had a picture of a TREE on an OCEAN beach. And the possible Z communication in December 1990, the Christmas card, had a SNOWman, made with TREE TWIGS, with a RABBIT in front of him.

July 13, 1971, Letters pasted on picture: "NEAR MONTICELLO SHOUGHT VICTIMS 21…IN THE WOODS DIES APRIL"

Note "In The WOODS". Note also "Monticello" in Italian means "little mountain".

Snow, Tree Twigs, Rabbit

Ted Kaczynski sent a letter in December 1990 using same stamp as Zodiac Christmas Card to the SF Chronicle. In the letter to Mrs. Preston, Ted complains about a Christmas card he just purchased, noting it cost $1.15 – the exact price of the Zodiac Christmas card.

This all tends to show too many occurrences to just be chance and that the Zodiac Killer, Theodore Kaczynski and the Tylenol Killer all had a very similar criminal signature – the use of Nature themes, in particular Water, Mountains, Animals, Trees and Wood.


Posted : August 29, 2019 2:10 am
Posts: 208
Estimable Member

I’ve never seen it mentioned anywhere but has that 1990 Xmas card & envelope ever been tested for DNA under the stamp, flap, etc?

Posted : August 29, 2019 2:49 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
Topic starter

I’ve never seen it mentioned anywhere but has that 1990 Xmas card & envelope ever been tested for DNA under the stamp, flap, etc?

I don’t know. On the one hand, it is not a confirmed Zodiac mailing. On the other hand, being from 1990 instead on 1969 or 1970, if Zodiac did lick the stamp or flap (which I tend to doubt), there would be a much better chance of actually getting a fresh, full DNA profile.


Posted : August 29, 2019 2:52 am
Posts: 553
Honorable Member

Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University is 281 acres of different types of trees. All the college kids go there to see those trees from Harvard. No other college has that kind of thing that I’ve ever heard of. That was built in 1931.

Posted : August 29, 2019 5:42 am
Posts: 553
Honorable Member

Maybe I can come out to California and talk to the people who are messing with that girl Sandy here. I’ve been thinking about doing that. I have a 5 pound sash weight.

Posted : August 29, 2019 3:17 pm
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