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Lake Berryessa car door, part 2

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Professor Ted’s Math Puzzle

I believe most communications from Ted have double meanings. A recent example would be the cracked 340 code and envelope. ‘Please rush to Editor’ was written diagonally on the envelope, a clue to the structure of the code.

Building upon AK Wilks, Mark Hewitt and others.

The car door is the chalk board, your homework is on it.

Why write ‘Sept’? Why the odd mixing of numerals and written dates on the door?
So he could sign his initials by ‘t’, ‘k’. ‘t’ from Sept, ‘k’ from knife, vertically aligned.

Like in many of his writings, mistakes and odd layouts are what to look for.

Please ignore all the extra numbers on my diagrams, we can go over them another time, let’s stick to dates for now.

I’ve posted before about Ted’s birth year being encoded on the car door at Lake Berryessa, but I had not completed my math assignment from Prof Ted. Today I hopefully have. We have his initials, did he leave his birthday?

Ted’s DOB = 5-22-42

We’ll use his written dates to create other hidden dates and solve the puzzle.

Numbers (dates) in columns from the math professor, what should we do? Add and subtract?

First the birth year. 69-27 = 42, in two directions, vertically and horizontally. Just like the ‘mirrored pairs’/’corners’ you find in many of his codes.

Now add, then subtract the 3 integers in the vertical column.

68 + 69 = 137
137 – 27 = 110

110 is too big for a date, let’s factor and divide 110?

Factors of 110 = 1, 2, 5, 10, 11 ,22 ,55 ,110

We have the year already, 42. Let’s look for the month and day, numbers <=12 (month), and <=31 (day)

We’re left with factors 5, 10, 11 ,22

(5 * 22) and (10*11) = 110

We’ll pick 5-22, combined with year of 42 and we have Ted’s DOB = 5-22-42

Well 110 / 5 or 110 /22 are arbitrary, what other factors make up 110? (10*11), well that blows our theory out of the water, 10 and 11 have nothing to do with Zodiac!

But wait, factors (10 * 11) 10-11, Oct. 11, he is telling us of his planned murder date, which will be victim Paul Stine.

The math and word alignment I believe work only for these particular dates 9-27 and 10-11. Stine had to be killed on 10-11. That is why he chose a taxi driver, one who could be put into a situation to be killed at Ted’s choosing. No stalking or coming upon an amorous couple.

The 2nd birthday in the puzzle, Zodiac’s beginning/birth, 69-6-30 is written on the door also, the date Ted resigned from UC Berkeley 06-30-69.

All 4 murder dates, 2 birthdates, and Ted’s initials are on the car door.

6:30 – could also mean 6/30 or 30/6, a : colon is also used for division, maybe he is hinting at dividing 110 by 5 to get 22?

Many other 5’s and 22’s in the puzzle if you look hard enough.

Another leap, 0,3,6,9, (from 6:30 and 9 from 69) same numbers found on Mt. Diablo map, with 9 pointing to Berkeley.

All 4 murder dates and 2 birthdates are on the car door, as well as other clues.


Posted : June 3, 2021 4:42 am
Posts: 7
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One more thing. ‘V’ in Vallejo, not only is V the 22nd letter in the alphabet, it is also the Roman numeral 5. 5-22-42

Posted : June 3, 2021 6:31 pm
Posts: 7
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Sept – double meaning, Sept derived from Latin septum, meaning wall, enclosure, fold



fold – old mathematics expression meaning ‘times’, multiply
or a Fold change or function

https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/w … ean.66925/

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fold_(hig … r_function)


Posted : June 3, 2021 8:22 pm