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Possible Zodiac Link To Or Influence On EAR/ONS/GSK?

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AK Wilks
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEVI3qo … e=youtu.be

This is a voice comparison of a convicted murderer, who also did home invasions and cabin trashings, to the probable but unconfirmed voice of the EAR/ONS/GSK as heard on the "Is Ray There" and "Dumb F@#$%^&" calls. Thanks to AweShucks and another researcher who wishes to be anonymous for putting this together. Warning some language is obscene.

What do people think? Are there similarities between the voices?

Possible influences?

GSK: Call to police "You’re never gonna catch medumb fuckers"

Zodiac Killer 11/9/69: "The police shall never catch me, because I have been too clever for them."


GSK: "you dumb fuckers…" affected voice, gravelly, trying to sound tough, reading from a script?

Taxi Driver: "Listen you fuckers…" affected voice, gravelly, trying to sound tough, reading from a script


The VR (who probably went on to become the EAR/ONS as new evidence confirms) was decribed as running "knock-kneed" and "effeminate". Interesting in light of descriptions of Zodiac walking with a "shuffling lope" and "semi-limp", and Ted Kaczynski being pigeon toed so that it "affected the way he walked." A pigeon toed person might well be decribed as running "knock-kneed", as the VR/EAR/ONS was.

The Visalia Ransacker killed Professor Claude Snelling in the midst of a failed attempt to kidnap/murder his daughter Beth Snelling. A message found on a car window at Beth’s high school said BETH I’LL GET THE REST. Similar to BATES HAD TO DIE THERE WILL BE MORE? Zodiac wrote a car door – the VR wrote on a car window.

NEW picture of Ted Kaczynski from his gun ID card, same mid 1970’S time frame, image of alternate sketch of VR/EAR/ONS, and enhanced sketch of Maggiore Killer probable EAR/ONS.

ZODIAC KILLER: In the first report of Officer Fouke, he wrote that the man he saw walking away from the Stine crime scene – who was probably the Zodiac – had a "shuffling lope". The report is attached, and the key line in full is:

"Subject at no time appeared to be in a hurry walked with a shuffling lope, slightly bent forward head down."

It is not quite clear exactly what Fouke means, but apparently the walk of Zodiac was distinctive enough that he remembered it and felt it worthy to note. Fouke later amplified on this somewhat ambiguous description in the documentary on the Zodiac 2 Disc DVD. From a transcript provided by Doug Oswell and on the Howard Davis site, Fouke states it was a:

"lumbering gait, sort of stumbling along, like a semi-limp."

On 9/27/69 three college girls at Lake Berryessa felt they were being watched by a man who behaved oddly, hiding in his car and then behind trees. Some think this man could be the Zodiac. One of the girls, called "Lorna" by Robert Graysmith in Zodiac Unmasked, gives an interesting description on pp. 395-396, parts of which I relate here, with the key part emphasized:

He was not distinctive, just an average, normal plain person, other than he gave us the creeps…I remember his face as square, all sides symmetrical. I don’t remember him being pudgy, just compact…stocky, solid. The minute you mentioned the suspect was a swimmer, that felt so right about his body type. I wouldn’t say he had a limp, but he favored one leg when he walked. He was clean-cut, nice-looking, and wearing dark blue pants, pleated like suit pants, and a black sweatshirt with short sleeves, knitted at the ends."

VR/EAR/ONS: Walked "knock kneed", "effeminate". "a funny gait, as if he were bowlegged."

TED KACZYNSKI: In terms of Ted Kaczynski, David Kaczynski told the FBI in his Declaration of February 18, 1997:

"The FBI asked me if there was anything unusual about my brother’s gait. I replied that his left foot is noticeably pigeon-toed and affects the way he walks."

Interesting observations from KITE, some edits and additions by me:

In reading about the EAR-ONS case, I tend to lean away from the possibility of Kaczynski being involved, but is it possible that Kaczynski was the one who sent in the Excitement’s Crave poem? Obviously, I’m unable to provide any answers as to who EAR was and if it was he who sent in the poem or if it was someone else, but allow me to at least hypothetically compare the poem to Kaczynski and the Unabomber Manifesto for the sake of examination and analysis. Perhaps the EAR was of a similar mindset, in some ways, to Kaczynski? And, for all I know, Kaczynski may be shown to be elsewhere during the mailing of the poem, in the area of early to mid-December, 1977, was it?

The possible EAR poem is titled Excitements Crave, unless I’m mistaken, and mostly uses an EIGHT SYLLABLE count. The historical Grayson poem uses the words "excitement’s crave" and seems to be mostly written in eight syllable count, at least what I have seen of the poem? In my opinion, that offers a decent likelihood that the possible EAR poem was possibly alluding to the historical poem. That historical poem, if I’m not mistaken, is about the historical Francis Marion. And wasn’t he considered to be a person who set up camp in the WOODS from which he used guerilla fighting tactics during the American REVOLUTION? If that’s correct, Kaczynski may have viewed himself as something similar, having a hideout in the Montana WOODS, a cabin hidden amongst the trees, from which he battled the industrial system, (as he may have seen it), trying to bring about REVOLUTION.

In the Unabomber Manifesto, Kaczynski lists many behavior-based things that he believes put pressure on the industrial system. Rape and terrorism are two of the listed. He sums this list up by saying how these things threaten the survival of the system.
So, when you consider that Kaczynski was publicity-orientated, made trips to California from Montana, and was watchful of things that he believed put pressure on the industrial system, the idea of Kaczynski injecting himself into the EAR case and framing the case to his liking by possibly sending in the poem, seems an interesting hypothetical consideration, in my opinion.

Here are some comparisons between the possible EAR (poem) and Kaczynski.

(poem) (All those mortal’s surviving birth)
If I’m not mistaken, Kaczynski had a serious enough health problem to require a hospital stay at around the age of SIX MONTHS?

(poem)(Upon facing maturity)
(poem)(Take inventory of their worth)
(poem)(To prevailing society)
In my opinion, this is a contrast between the individual and society.
Kaczynski talks about how in modern society, the individual must first be loyal to the industrial system.

(poem)(Choosing values becomes a task)
(poem)(Oneself must seek satisfaction)
Kaczynski talks about how the system doesn’t exist to SATISFY human needs. He uses..(people who are SEEKING to SATISFY their need for power)…in the Manifesto. Kacznyski talks of how the moral code of society is so demanding that no one can really think or behave in a completely moral way.

(poem)(Is a recognized social norm)
Kaczynski talks of how people are SOCIALIZED to conform to NORMS of behavior.

(poem)(Leisure tempts excitement seeking)
Kaczynski talks about how a LEISURED aristocrat becomes BORED and demoralized and seeks HEDONISM which is sexual and other EXCITEMENT.

(poem)(What’s right and expected seems tame)
Kaczynski uses the words "society’s EXPECTATIONS" and talks about how some smaller communities are TAMED and emasculated.

(poem)(Jessie James has been seen by all)
If I’m not mistaken, the historical Jesse James from the 1800’s was involved in guerilla style fighting as a youth and his middle name was WOODSON, unless I’m mistaken. It is thought that Kaczynski, as the Unabomber, intentionally alluded to WOOD, and this included by using people’s names?

Speaking of Zodiac. The possible Zodiac May 2, 1978 communication closes out with: SEE YOU IN THE NEWS, compared to the possible EAR poem closing with SEE YOU IN THE PRESS OR ON TV. Now, compare the possible Zodiac May 2, 1978 with the possible Zodiac 3/8/81 Atlanta communication. Both use YOU PEOPLE near the beginning of the communication:

5-2-78 (YOU PEOPLE in LA are in for a treat.)
3-8-81(Hello, it’s me. Haven’t YOU PEOPLE figured out…)
That opening is a bit strange. HELLO, IT’S ME. More like a phone call? Didn’t who was possibly the East Area Rapist sometimes use IT’S ME at the beginning of a phone call? Didn’t who was possibly EAR say… HI, IT’S ME AGAIN?

"The intruder [VR/EAR/ONS] didn’t reply. He raised a .38-caliber handgun and shot Snelling in the chest, mortally wounding him, and then kicked the daughter three times in the face before running away. He was a white male, about five feet ten, with “angry” eyes, the daughter reported to police."

Bates Confession: "kicked her head to shut her up".

TK: {journal} Wanted to "kick them in the face as they lay dyeing".

TV story based on the new LA Magazine article:

http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/story?secti … id=9022659


Excitement’s Crave

All those mortal’s surviving birth
Upon facing maturity,
Take inventory of their worth
To prevailing society.

Choosing values becomes a task;
Oneself must seek satisfaction.
The selected route will unmask
Character when plans take action

Accepting some work to perform
At fixed pay, but promise for more,
Is a recognized social norm,
As is decorum, seeking lore.

Achieving while others lifting
Should be cause for deserving fame.
Leisure tempts excitement seeking,
What’s right and expected seems tame

"Jessie James" has been seen by all,
And "Son of Sam" has an author.
Others now feel temptations call.
Sacramento should make an offer.

To make a movie of my life
That will pay for my planned exile.
Just now I’d like to add the wife
Of a Mafia lord to my file.

Your East Area Rapist
And deserving pest
See you in the press or on T.V.

Last line of May 1978 possible Zodiac letter:

See you in the News!

The "P", "L" and "S" seem identical on the Lumber Mill bomb sign (done by the Bari bomber – probably Ted Kaczynski) and the May 78 "Zodiac" letter.

The writer of the May 78 "Zodiac" letter used the exact same Norse – Germanic style as the writer of the Lumber Mill bomb.

Interesting observation from Kite. Interesting considering that I don’t think the use of the words LEISURE and TAME are all that common – not rare words, but not commonly used in everday speech all the time.

KITE: Looking at a section of the poem from Page One here in this topic:
Achieving while others lifting
Should be cause for deserving fame
What’s right and expected seems TAME

From the Unabomber Manifesto section 34:
(History shows that LEISURED aristocracies tend to become decadent.)….(But, LEISURED, secure aristocracies that have no need to exert themselves usually become bored, hedonistic and demoralized even though they have power.) And TAMED is used not far from this at 52(…small-scale communities that are emasculated, TAMED, and made into tools of the system).

The new evidence proves that the EAR/ONS started as the Visalia Ransacker (VR) and Maggiore Killer, as I had said before, which means the VR sketches I posted were correct.


Comparison of VR sketch and two pics of Ted Kaczynski 1970’s.

Comparison of side view of VR sketch and side view of Ted Kaczynski


Posted : December 12, 2013 8:37 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
Topic starter

Betsy Aardsma Penn State Student …. Joan Webster Harvard University Student
Killed in the Library 11-28-69 ……………Abducted and Killed 11-28-81

0 —–T..R..E..E..S..T..O..B..L..O..O..M..I..N..W..E..E..K..S

0 —–T..R..E..E..S..T..O..B..L..O..O..M..I..N..W..E..E..K..S


0 —–T..R..E..E..S..B..L..O..O..M..I..N..W..E..E..K..S










0 —- W..E..A..T..H..E..R..B..E..U..A..U..S..A..Y


Posted : December 13, 2013 2:59 am
Posts: 3583
Member Moderator

VR/EAR/ONS: Walked "knock kneed", "effeminate". "a funny gait, as if he were bowlegged."

TED KACZYNSKI: In terms of Ted Kaczynski, David Kaczynski told the FBI in his Declaration of February 18, 1997:

"The FBI asked me if there was anything unusual about my brother’s gait. I replied that his left foot is noticeably pigeon-toed and affects the way he walks."

I’m just nit picking because it’s late and I’ll check out the other things presented here when I get back home. This is completely irrelevant and I’m just pointing it out really because I think you’ll probably agree anyway. How can you be be knock-kneed and bowlegged? aren’t they opposites? Probably just the wrong choice of adjective on the end there, hence just pointing it out.

Pigeon toed I can see equating to knock-kneed though. Not sure if I would have applied effeminate to TK but then I haven’t seen him running.

I don’t know Chief, he’s very smart or very dumb.

Posted : December 13, 2013 4:25 am
Posts: 301
Reputable Member

Having listened a few times as a foreigner (British) it sounds to me like the accents are different but the pitch range of the voice is not dissimilar. My impression is that the EAR/ONS accent is Californian/west coast and Ted is further North but harder to pinpoint as a non-American. Being similarly pitched would mean a fake accent is a possibility but I’m not sure I can see TK being that type of person. He obviously liked to express his views through writing but I don’t believe there’s any record of him ever using phones to claim his crimes is there?
‘Inconclusive’ I’d say. My least favourite result.
PS: one of those composites is ridiculously similar to Ted. What’s odd is that the ONS composites vary as much as Z’s, it’s likely at least one is of a completely innocent man.

Check out my website: www.darkideas.net

Posted : December 13, 2013 5:59 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Having listened a few times as a foreigner (British) it sounds to me like the accents are different but the pitch range of the voice is not dissimilar. My impression is that the EAR/ONS accent is Californian/west coast and Ted is further North but harder to pinpoint as a non-American. Being similarly pitched would mean a fake accent is a possibility but I’m not sure I can see TK being that type of person. He obviously liked to express his views through writing but I don’t believe there’s any record of him ever using phones to claim his crimes is there?
‘Inconclusive’ I’d say. My least favourite result.
PS: one of those composites is ridiculously similar to Ted. What’s odd is that the ONS composites vary as much as Z’s, it’s likely at least one is of a completely innocent man.

TRAV – Strictly speaking you are right. Knock kneed would generally suggest knees pointed inward, whereas bowlegged generally suggests knees pointed out. I think the likely explanation is the way people use them is not precise – any funny walk with a strange gait could be called either word by people.

Thanks for your thoughts JAMES. I also hear a similar timber/range to the voices. But I see both as having a flat non-accent, common in the Midwest part of our huge country over here.

Interestingly Ted did sometimes use phones. He called the psychiatrist brother of a bomb victim and said "You’re next". He also tried to call the Sacramento Sheriff (he was one number off) and left a message saying "Hello, its the Unabomber".

Which composite did you think was ridiculously similar? This one? Or another one?



Posted : December 13, 2013 8:55 pm
Posts: 20
Eminent Member

Thanks for posting this comparison. To me Ted’s voice seems higher pitched than ONS, although the voice recordings are definitely similar. One difficulty is that Ted is apparently speaking in his "natural" voice, while ONS seems to be altering his, particularly in the "dumb fuckers" message. That said, when I think about what the ONS would sound like in everyday life, I would think of a type of speech and voice much like Ted’s. There’s also obviously the time difference between when the recordings occurred, I would assume, and generally voices change as one ages.

BTW, that Maggiore sketch does look a lot like Ted.

Posted : December 13, 2013 9:17 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Thanks for posting this comparison. To me Ted’s voice seems higher pitched than ONS, although the voice recordings are definitely similar. One difficulty is that Ted is apparently speaking in his "natural" voice, while ONS seems to be altering his, particularly in the "dumb fuckers" message. That said, when I think about what the ONS would sound like in everyday life, I would think of a type of speech and voice much like Ted’s. There’s also obviously the time difference between when the recordings occurred, I would assume, and generally voices change as one ages.

BTW, that Maggiore sketch does look a lot like Ted.

Right. Numerous first hand witnesses/victims of EAR/ONS say he had a high pitched voice, very much like Ted. In his phone calls police feel EAR/ONS tried to disguise his voice somewhat by trying to make it sound lower and more masculine.


Posted : December 14, 2013 12:41 am
Posts: 301
Reputable Member

That’s the one, AK.
There’s only one person I’ve seen a picture of who looks more like that composite, and it’s the guy in the puffy winter coat in the Town Hall Meeting photo – and he is definitely not Ted K.

There’s an awful lot of info and writings to absorb on Ted to get an accurate picture of him, but going by the Unabomber crimes I had completely written off the chances of him being capable or interested in the sadistic, invasive crimes of ONS. But then today I came across a picture of the home-made gun he constructed, and a corresponding diary entry that finished "I want to use the gun as a homicide weapon". I found that very surprising and out of line with what I’ve learned so far about his character, so my mind is open again. Funnily enough he also talks about how it is not a particularly accurate weapon, which reminded me of my post on the Santa barbara beach sniper from yesterday (obviously it would have been a different home-made weapon)

Check out my website: www.darkideas.net

Posted : December 14, 2013 1:26 am
AK Wilks
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That’s the one, AK.
There’s only one person I’ve seen a picture of who looks more like that composite, and it’s the guy in the puffy winter coat in the Town Hall Meeting photo – and he is definitely not Ted K.

There’s an awful lot of info and writings to absorb on Ted to get an accurate picture of him, but going by the Unabomber crimes I had completely written off the chances of him being capable or interested in the sadistic, invasive crimes of ONS. But then today I came across a picture of the home-made gun he constructed, and a corresponding diary entry that finished "I want to use the gun as a homicide weapon". I found that very surprising and out of line with what I’ve learned so far about his character, so my mind is open again. Funnily enough he also talks about how it is not a particularly accurate weapon, which reminded me of my post on the Santa barbara beach sniper from yesterday (obviously it would have been a different home-made weapon)

Thanks for your thoughts james. On puffy jacket man, the only thing I would keep in mind is that the photograph is a little blurred, and Ted recorded disguise methods that he used, such us putting cotton balls in his cheeks, wax in his nostrils, use of hair cuts and dye and stuffing a towel under multiple shirts and jackets to make him look heavier.

Its a common misperception that Ted was only interested in distance crimes like bombings. He did make that incredible wood gun as you mention, and he did shoot and wound a man at a mining site with a rifle, and that is confirmed by the FBI. See below, and for much more info [yes it is a lot!] see here: viewtopic.php?f=102&t=938


One of the main objections some people will make to the evidence about Kaczynski being the killer of Valerie Percy, the Zodiac or the EAR/ONS – and I admit it is at first glance a reasonable objection – is that Ted was mainly known to kill with bombs, not up close and personal with a gun, blunt object or knife.

If at some point you talk to an FBI Agent, criminal psychologist or serial killer profiler, they will no doubt tell you that the majority of "distance killers", those who kill by bomb or poison, do not typically also commit "up close and personal" crimes with a gun, knife or blunt object.

First, even if studies of known cases show that majority did not also do personal crimes, there is a minority who did.

Racist Joseph Paul Franklin bombed buildings and did sniper shootings, but also killed women up close and personal. Kaczynski had a unique pathology – a specific hatred of technology, business leaders and politicians (which shows up in his Unabomber crimes from 1978 to 1996 and also may have played in a role in the selection of the Percy and Bricca homes as a target), but also the general rage expressed in 1966, in which he wanted to kill "college students" and women. So Kaczynski may well be in the minority of distance killers who also kill up close and personal.

Second, there is evidence Kaczynski actually thought about and even did kill up close and personal.

The FBI states he actually did shoot and wound a miner with a rifle. In his journal that recorded in detail all of his bombing crimes, he also wrote of unspecified other crimes whose evidence he had destroyed and accounts of had burned or buried, because their revelation (in light of his growing reputation as a political terrorist and anti-technology activist) could prove "dangerous, embarassing or just very bad public relations." Certainly the brutal murder of a young college girl like Valerie Percy or the lovers lane killings of young couples by the Zodiac would not be something he would want publicly known, when some on the fringes of the radical environmental and anarchist movements now touted him as a hero of sorts.

He recorded a desire to kill people by "bomb or other means". He wrote fantasies about mutilating a women’s face with a knife and raping a woman in front of her husband. He spent a year and made a one shot .22 pistol from wood and junk parts that he wrote he intended to use as a "homicide weapon". As a one shot untraceable weapon, it would best be used in situations were the victim was immobile, such as being bound or asleep.

He created a shoe device to leave false sole prints of sizes other than his own. That would not help for the known Unabomber crimes, but would for up close and personal crimes. The FBI records he had black and green canvas and denim HOODS and MASKS in his cabin – again, only suitable for personal crimes, and both the Zodiac and the EAR/ONS wore hoods and masks. He was a known peeper on love making couples, armed burglar, house trasher and arsonist.

One item I find interesting was that in reading about the EAR/ONS case it was mentioned that his shoe size was thought to be in the 9 to 9 1/2 area, and that matches Kaczynski. But I also read about some smaller shoe prints – an 8 or 8 1/2 – found at one or more scenes. If true that is interesting in light of something found in the Kaczynski cabin. He created a shoe with a smaller size sole attached to the bottom.

Apparently it was invented as a rather clever way to fool police about his own size 9 to 10 shoes, by putting a smaller shoe underneath. See it below.

The strange thing is he did most of his KNOWN crimes by mail, or a few by placing bombs in parking lots or on cement. So why did he create this shoe device? He also had maps of the LA area, yet he was never KNOWN to have done a crime there. Both the shoe device and the LA maps are generally inconsistent or not relevant to his Unabomber crimes, but may match the Zodiac and EAR/ONS crimes.


Posted : December 14, 2013 11:05 pm
Darla Jones
Posts: 224
Reputable Member

So far, my POI for EAR/ONS/GSK is not Ted Kaczynski, but I’m starting to think that he’s either an accomplice or he’s responsible for contacting the media and taking credit for the EAR attacks. The "EAR" map that was found recently in the police files of the Danville, CA PD and recently published in LA Magazine, was found in 1979 in a wire bound notebook on the ground. Dogs had tracked the EAR’s scent to where an apparent get away car was. A map, some writings about Custer, the "Mad is the word" essay were among the items found in the notebook. This was the last attack in Danville. After that he moved to Santa Barbara and started killing. The writings found look like they were from high school or younger and the handwriting is nothing like Kaczynski’s (or the Zodiac’s handwriting.) However, I just recently looked up the address of the location of Kaczynski’s parents’ house in Lombard, IL and it looks amazingly similar to the neighborhood depicted on the EAR map. I am also posting a similar community in Il, that also resembles the map, but not as well as the Kaczynski’s neighborhood.

The EAR map was drawn in several states, according to LE in California, maybe Larry Pool suggested it. They released this sequence to show how the map was drawn. The scaling is different at first.

Posted : October 8, 2014 9:16 pm
Darla Jones
Posts: 224
Reputable Member

The EAR map was drawn in several states, according to LE in California, maybe Larry Pool suggested it. They released this sequence to show how the map was drawn. The scaling is different at first.

Posted : October 8, 2014 9:19 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
Topic starter

Really interesting similarity! I only looked at areas in California for comps to the map, I never thought to look anywhere outside CA. If the EAR map was drawn mostly from memory that might explain some of the differences. The police never could find a match to any area in California and I bet that like me they never thought to look in Illinois.

The one area is right near the Kaczynski family home on North Ridge Ave in Lombard, and the other area is in Woodridge, just 15 minutes from Lombard. Why would Ted have drawn a map of this area? Aside from being a deliberate clue/diversion for California law enforcement, it is known that Ted did some Unabomber activities in the Chicago area. Also, Woodridge and Lombard are in the areas where tainted Tylenol was placed on store shelves.


Posted : October 8, 2014 11:22 pm
Dick Castle
Posts: 32
Eminent Member

I don’t see the similarity in the voices, sorry.

The vulgar one seems REAL young, like a teenager.

I also thought they had the EARs DNA and it matches no one in the system.

Posted : October 9, 2014 5:09 am
Posts: 180
Estimable Member

Not every killer in California is Ted K… The MO’s don’t match in any of these cases.

Posted : October 9, 2014 1:03 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Not every killer in California is Ted K… The MO’s don’t match in any of these cases.

I appreciate questions and criticism, but can you be more specific? Once I felt there was good reason to think TK was Z, I looked at major unsolved crimes from the time period when Ted was active, and was able to effectively rule Ted out for two dozen major crimes, at least to my reasonable satisfaction. The EAR/ONS was one I could not totally rule him out for, but it is frustrating, because the suspect sketches and some MO stuff is damning, yet other psych evidence does not seem to fit. I turned it over to LE and they felt there was enough there to seek DNA. Ted never had his DNA put into the system, as evidence by the fact that the FBI had to recently ask him for a DNA sample in the Tylenol case. He refused. The FBI said they would seek a court order. I do not know what has been done since. If his DNA was obtained and put into the CODIS system, the we can assume Ted was not the EAR?ONS as there has been no match announced and no indictment presented. But I don’t know if his DNA has been obtained.

Did you read this entire thread? If not please do or at least read what follows here.

NOTE: It is very likely that the EAR/ONS started off as the Visalia Ransacker (VR) and the Maggiore Killer, though it is not absolutely certain, and there are differences of opinion among law enforcement and researchers on these issues, though the majority of those associated with these caes think they are one and the same. The law enforcement I communicated with thought it was very likely that the EAR/ONS was the VR and Maggiore Killer. I think the evidence is convincing. I also think there are major MO links, but also differences, between SB 63 and Zodiac and EAR/ONS.


Comparison of VR sketch and two pics of Ted Kaczynski 1970’s.

Comparison of side view of VR sketch and side view of Ted Kaczynski


* Kacsynski lived in the SF Bay area during the time of most of the confirmed Zodiac murders.

* Kaczynski’s attorney said he could not provide any alibi dates for Zodiac murder and mailing dates, starting with Bates in 1966 and going to the 1974 letters, and also including the Santa Barbara murders in 1963 and the Swindle murders in 1964.

* Both Zodiac and Kaczynski were ruthless killers, highly intelligent and interested in and expert at bombs and codes.

* Both made references to opera, literature and Norse myths.

* Both demanded their words be published on the front pages of newspapers on penalty of death for innocents if not done.

* Both threatened to bomb mass transit.

* Both left drawings of crossed lines inside circles at crime scenes.

* Both used crossed lines inside circles as signatures.

* Both sent taunting messages to police and victims.

* Both usually used excessive postage, often double postage.

* Both wrote checkmark "r" ‘s, three stroke "k" ‘s, five stroke "m" ‘s and had many other handwriting matches.

* Both commented on the bounty put on their head.

* Both were filled with hatred and a desire for revenge against society.

* Both owned and used Winchester Western .22 Super X ammo.

* Both had guns with flashlights attached to the barrel.

* Kaczynski shot a miner with a rifle – Zodiac threatened to shoot school kids on a bus with a rifle

* Both had an unusual walk – Officer Fouke said the man he saw at the Stine crime scene walked with a "lumbering gait…a semi-limp", a girl at Lake Berryessa observed that a man watching them who may have been the Zodiac "favored one leg over the other", and David Kaczynski said his brother Ted was "noticably pigeon-toed" and that it "affected the way he walked".

* Both had knowledge of Deer Lodge, Montana.

* Zodiac taunted police, hinted he shot SFPD Officer Radetich and most importantly attacked and killed couples in known love making spots; Kaczynski recorded a desire in his journal to kill "police", "rowdy college students", "promiscuous" women and men and "noisy" love making "couples" in September of 1966.

A detective on the EAR/ONS case has determined that Ted Kaczynski has never had his DNA entered into CODIS, and indeed has never even had DNA drawn from his body, despite two seperate federal laws mandating it.


The Zodiac has long been mentioned by writers and investigators of the Original Night Stalker (ONS) as a possible suspect.

* Both sometimes attacked lone females, but both usually killed male/female couples.

* Both used a flashlight to blind their victims, had gun/knife/pre-cut lengths of rope, ordered the female to tie the male, sometimes wore a hood, targeted mostly middle class suburban areas

* In many of the probable Zodiac crimes in Sonoma County and Northern California, complex nautical knots were used to bind victims, similar to those used by the EAR/ONS.

* Both wore military clothes/boots/shoes, were never caught, exhibited high intelligence and planning, played games with the police and media, wrote letters to the media and wrote cryptic poems.


There are many similarities between the Santa Barbara beach murders of Domingos and Edwards in June 1963 and the Zodiac Killer attack at Lake Berryessa in September 1969.

* In both murders we have as victims a male – female couple on a blanket by the water

* In both the attacker has a gun, knife and pre-cut rope.

* In both the attacker orders female to tie male, then binds them both.

* And like the Zodiac Killer attack on 12/20/68 at Lake Herman Road, a victim is shot in the back while running away.

* Also the exact same type of ammo was used at Santa Barbara 1963 and Zodiac attack on Lake Herman Road on 12/20/68 – .22 Winchester Western Super X, six right hand twists and grooves, indicating the same model of gun was used, and perhaps even the exact same weapon.

* There was an attempt to start an arson fire at Santa Barbara – in probable Zodiac victim Kathleen Johns her car was burned, and there are several other arsons close in time and space to suspected Zodiac crimes.


Similarities between the Santa Barbara beach attack in 1963 and many of the crimes of the Original Night Stalker include:

* Attacker ordering the female to tie the male

* The killer used complex nautical knots

* The killer put blanket over the bodies or faces of the victims

* The killer leaves burnt wood matches at the scene.

Below are sketches of the 1963 Santa Barbara beach murders suspect "Sandy" and pictures of the young Ted Kaczynski, followed by pictures of Ted Kaczynski and suspect sketches in the Zodiac and EAR/ONS cases.


Posted : October 9, 2014 10:26 pm
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