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Possible Zodiac Link To Or Influence On EAR/ONS/GSK?

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AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Ted ransacked cabins.

Ted’s cabin was far enough away so people could not tell if he was there or not. As for the rest of it, did you read every page of this thread?


Posted : January 5, 2016 1:50 pm
Posts: 236
Estimable Member

OK, I went through almost all of the thread. I agree with you TK is a suspect in Tylenol and definitely Zodiac. The EAR stayed in CA roughly for the school year then apparently left during the summer months (at least he didn’t rape during those months.) TK either lived in Montana or CA. Hard to believe he was constantly commuting the very long distance to commit psychologically sadistic rapes. Did he live in Montana during the fall, winter, and spring? I know his cabin was secluded but he went to the library in town and people knew him. The EAR not only raped but it’s believed he spent a lot of time stalking and often entered the selected house prior to the rape to set things up (unloading a gun at least once). You’re saying TK didn’t stay in his cabin in the spring, summer, and fall? None of his acquaintances at the library, etc. saw him during those months? If that is the case then it’s possible he was living in Sac somewhere—but then you have to wonder where did he get the money to live in two different places when he had no income. The EAR’s taunting of the police is much more limited compared to the Z and the Unabomber. OK, you say TK ransacked. But did he rape? I believe it possible he was the Z first and then retreated to a different kind of cold killing (as the Unabomber). To be the Z first and then decide to be a serial rapist—-nah—-he would be going backwards in the usual progression of rape to murder. The main thing that makes the Z similar to the Unabomber is the manipulation of the press and police to terrorize the larger community. In the EAR case the cops kept it secret in the beginning and that was fine with the EAR.

Posted : January 5, 2016 7:12 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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I went through all the dates of DNA linked EAR/ONS events and there are no conflicts. There were key times Ted was so absent from MT people thought he had moved. Did you see the chart I posted showing that for each ONS murder there was a TK hotel stay indicating out of state travel?

Detectives on the EAR case requested Ted’s DNA.

But to each his own. There are mismatches as well, and I have put TK or Z as ONS on the back burner.


Posted : January 5, 2016 7:31 pm
Posts: 236
Estimable Member

Detectives for EARONS requested his DNA? But they didn’t receive it? That’s screwed up, IMHO. I haven’t read much about TK. Where did he get his money? He not only did a lot of out-of-state travel, but had enough to stay at a hotel each time. Yet he didn’t have a job.

Posted : January 5, 2016 11:35 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Detectives for EARONS requested his DNA? But they didn’t receive it? That’s screwed up, IMHO. I haven’t read much about TK. Where did he get his money? He not only did a lot of out-of-state travel, but had enough to stay at a hotel each time. Yet he didn’t have a job.

Investigator Larry Montgomery from the Orange County District Attorney put in requests to the FBI & the federal prison holding TK.

Ted owned his cabin, grew and hunted food. He also got money from his mother. And he did odd jobs.

For a lot of good background info on Ted go to the thread here called Facts & Evidence – Ted Kaczynski as Zodiac.


Posted : January 6, 2016 12:03 am
Posts: 236
Estimable Member

So did they DENY the DNA to Montgomery or did he receive it? Or we don’t know? One other think that might more or less clear TK from the EARONS case is penis size. Many victims said the EAR had a small penis. If Ted’s penis is average or larger he’s definitely not the EAR. I still think he’s probably the Zodiac but there really is no "for sure" Zodiac DNA. Or prints. Maybe TK will confess to being the Z someday. Why not? Maybe on his deathbed.

Posted : January 6, 2016 3:09 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Ted was very small in stature and said he felt "embarrassed " changing in the locker room for gym class. Like ear/ONS he has a higher pitched voice. A lot fits. ..but a lot doesn’t fit.

After me talking to the FBI they eventually asked Ted for a DNA sample for the Tylenol case. He refused and they said they would get a court order. I don’t know the final outcome of that, or of Montgomery’s requests.

Unless there is 1) an intentional cover up or 2) massive bureaucratic inertia and incompetence, I now think it is likely they have taken Ted’s DNA. And again, barring 1 & 2, have entered that DNA into CODIS. And since ear/ONS is still unsolved, it is probably the case that TK was not ear/ONS. There is no confirmed DNA from the Zodiac or Tylenol Killer, so Ted cannot be ruled out for those cases, even if his DNA was drawn.


Posted : January 6, 2016 3:27 am
Posts: 13
Active Member

In the very first EAR attack the hood was described as having "two eye holes and a seam down the front". That sounds homemade to me.

I wonder if he sewed the mouth hole together because he wanted to hide his mouth and/or teeth? In Sudden Terror by Larry Crompton, the former investigator describes how some victims reported EARS as having foul body odor or breath. What if EARS had bad oral hygiene or missing teeth? Even severely crooked teeth would help in identifying him. Another clue that supports this theory is the reaction search dogs had to his scent. Investigators said the dogs responded to his scent as they do when tracking a suspect on drugs or someone with a serious health condition. Maybe EARS was a wiry speed freak with rotting teeth?

Posted : March 2, 2016 1:00 pm
Posts: 236
Estimable Member

probably not—if the guy had serious drug problem it would have been hard to do all the stalking, raping, etc. without screwing up. But who knows?

Posted : March 2, 2016 1:16 pm
Posts: 1197
Noble Member

We had this dude in Aus… Raymond Edmunds was dubbed "Mr Stinky" by a sub-editor from Melbourne’s Sunday Press newspaper due to his offensive body odour, which was believed to have been caused by a mixture of milk, manure and chemicals from his work as a share-cropping farmer on dairy properties.
1960s scumbag
He just stunk

Posted : March 2, 2016 1:18 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

Trying not to get sucked into the GSK case,like I am with the Z case. It’s hard though, it’s a frustrating case in many of the same ways that Z is

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : April 25, 2016 9:38 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Trying not to get sucked into the GSK case,like I am with the Z case. It’s hard though, it’s a frustrating case in many of the same ways that Z is

Yes, absolutely. Exactly. Fascinating and frustrating.

Some sad news to report. Michelle McNamara, 46 years old, just died. She was a writer and ran this website http://www.truecrimediary.com/ . She recently had been investigating the EAR/ONS case, which she named the Golden State Killer. She obtained some never before seen documents, like the map and the General Custer essay, both believed to have been written by the EAR/ONS. In fact I contacted her when her first article appeared, and she emailed me these documents, which I then uploaded to websleuths, AETV, unazod, ZKS and other websites. She was also married to comic actor Patton Oswalt. She just finished a book on the case. She passionately wanted to solve this case. She uncovered new information and brought attention to the case.

http://www.latimes.com/local/obituaries … story.html

With the help of a member here, I just completed a new set of California Public Records Act (FOIA) requests to obtain some never before released documents in the case.


Posted : April 26, 2016 7:28 am
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

Good luck AK, I just joined the EAR/ONS/GSK forum, ad am easing my way into the case….just dipping a couple toes in the water ;) I saw a few of your posts there

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : April 28, 2016 1:12 am
Posts: 541
Honorable Member

Do we have any evidence of Kaczynski being a really fast runner and good athlete? I mean, he either was or he wasn’t.

Posted : March 11, 2017 4:10 pm
Posts: 236
Estimable Member

Do we have any evidence of Kaczynski being a really fast runner and good athlete? I mean, he either was or he wasn’t.

I think he talked about doing pushups and other exercise. Competitive athlete? No. Apparently when he was in Montana he was in a pretty remote area and got around with a bicycle and on foot.

I myself don’t think there is a chance in hell he was the EARONS. I think there is a chance he was the Z.

Posted : March 12, 2017 8:03 am
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