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Ted K sex change

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I distinctly remember quite a long thread on this forum a while back regarding the possibility of Z being homosexual, transsexual, or perhaps having mental issues as a result of suppression/denial or even because of treatment.
Psychology is not my strong point but I did read some very convincing arguments for evidence within Z’s behaviour and writings that would back this up.
I was looking over some Ted K material the other day and was surprised to read that he had experienced issues of this very sort that are strong parallels to the conclusions drawn on the other thread. The Crime Library article on Ted K has this to say on the matter:
"At the University of Michigan he became deeply troubled about his sexuality. He began to question his sexual identity when he experienced intense and persistent sexual excitement involving fantasies of being a woman. He became convinced he should undergo sex change surgery and went to the University Health Center to start the process.
As he waited to see a doctor, he planned on ways to convince the medicos he was a prime candidate for the sex change. But when his time to see the doctor actually came, he pretended to be there for a different reason. He claimed he left feeling shame, rage and humiliation."

I don’t remember Ted K being mentioned in the original thread, hopefully some for the major contributors will see this post and might have something to add here, it’s quite an interesting match of circumstances but not one I feel qualified to comment on – other than to say it’s got to be pretty clear that if Z had these issues then TK should probably move up another notch in the POI standings.

Check out my website: www.darkideas.net

Posted : February 11, 2014 5:43 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member

That is exactly right James.

So many people tell me "Oh Ted only killed because he HAD to, he wasn’t crazy, he just killed to advance his political beliefs and anti-technology views. He is not a serial killer really, he was an activist…"

In fact, Ted was psycho-sexually troubled in the manner of most serial killers. And keeping in mind Zodiac, who killed COUPLES in spots known for making out/love making, what Ted reports drove him to "madness" (his own words) was the sound of the U of M hockey players having sex with their girlfriends in the apartments next to him.

Ted described his "acute sexual starvation" and fantasies of being a woman.

In the summer of 1966, most likely late August/early September 1966, Ted Kaczynski records a break through moment in his life. He is a genius, yet socially alienated and isolated. He decribes hearing the sound of couples having sex in the apartment next door to his, and he says it fills him with frustration and anger. Out of despair and self described "acute sexual starvation", he records in his journal that instead of killing himself he will "really kill everyone I hate."

The people he says he hates and wants to kill are many, but they include two distinct groups. One group is what he calls "bigshots" or "government officials", and these include "scientists", "big businessmen", "politicians" and "police".

The other group of people he hated and wanted to kill included love making "couples", "rowdy college students" and those college men and women he deems "promiscuous". He calls promiscuous women "animals" and "pigs".Look at the government psychiatric report on Kaczynski done after he was arrested for the Unabomber crimes:

In the summer after his fourth year [of graduate school, the summer of 1966], he describes experiencing a period of several weeks where he was sexually excited nearly all the time and was fantasizing himself as a woman and being unable to obtain any sexual relief. He decided to make an effort to have a sex change operation. When he returned to the University of Michigan [most likely in late August or early September 1966] he made an appointment to see a psychiatrist to be examined to determine if the sex change would be good for him. He claimed that by putting on an act he could con the psychiatrist into thinking him suitable for a feminine role even though his motive was exclusively erotic. As he was sitting in the waiting room, he turned completely against the idea of the operation and thus, when he saw the doctor, instead claimed he was depressed about the possibility of being drafted. He describes the following:

"As I walked away from the building afterwards, I felt disgusted about what my uncontrolled sexual cravings had almost led me to do and I felt humiliated, and I violently hated the psychiatrist. Just then there came a major turning point in my life. Like a Phoenix, I burst from the ashes of my despair to a glorious new hope. I thought I wanted to kill that psychiatrist because the future looked utterly empty to me. I felt I wouldn’t care if I died. And so I said to myself why not really kill the psychiatrist and anyone else whom I hate. What is important is not the words that ran through my mind but the way I felt about them. What was entirely new was the fact that I really felt I could kill someone. My very hopelessness had liberated me because I no longer cared about death. I no longer cared about consequences and I said to myself that I really could break out of my rut in life an do things that were daring, irresponsible or criminal." [Psych Report] {Emphasis added}

That happened sometime in the summer of 1966, most likely in late August/early September 1966. Probably mere days later, on or around September 3, 1966, bombs go off at the suburban Chicago house of Elmwood Park Mayor Elmer Conti and at a glass company on Paulina St. in Chicago. On October 30, 1966, when evidence shows Ted Kaczynski is in California, the first probable Zodiac crime, the murder of college student Cheri Jo Bates occurs.

His first confirmed Unabomber crime was in 1978, when he was 36 years old. Yet we know from research that the most active and violent period for the majority of serial killers is from their late teens to late twenties. And we see that Kaczynski reports the motivation, desire and ability to kill at least as early as the summer of 1966.


Posted : February 12, 2014 10:10 am
Posts: 301
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Thanks for the added info AK, it’s interesting with Ted that, unlike most serial killers we study, he had both the intellect and desire to write down his feelings and though processes that led him down his path.
ONe problem this highlights for me though is that his sense of anger at sexually active couples comes across far more passionately in his own writings than in those of Z – yes of course he may have been hiding his personality if he wrote the Z letters but really I feel that Z chose those people more because of the locations than because of what they were doing there.
Still, when you have a serial killer who at one point wanted a sex change in one hand, and a theory that Z wanted a sex change in the other hand, it’s a very intriguing match considering the latter was , as far as I recall, derived without any reference or thought of TK at all.

Check out my website: www.darkideas.net

Posted : February 12, 2014 1:46 pm
Posts: 419
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but why pick out CJB..TK might have been in that library observing and deciding on his next victim?..how did CJB act?..was she flirting with multiple male partners? or did TK try and get lucky and she refuted him? (personally I have never read anything that would indicate CJB as anything other than a class act women)….i agree the CJB and TK link is far more plausible then gaik but may be lacking in comparison to ALA?…also we still cant prove by any stretch that CJB was not killed by a known associate of hers…I dunno AK..You know I do like TK out of all the known POI’s but the secure link just does not seem to exist nor do I think it ever will…if I cut out domingos/edwards few years earlier TK really appears as the most plausible of the POI’s in my mind..of course someday somebody may place TK out in calif. much earlier than 66…

TK and sexual frustrations early in life i believe cannot be refuted..I guess all that is missing is if he abused animals at a very young age..both of those seem pathways to indicate a potential serial killer profile emerging in late teen years

Posted : February 12, 2014 3:50 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member

You asked if he abused animals at a young age? Ted had a crush on a girl at school. For a present he hung a dead cat in her locker.

I understand your question about Bates. But I didn’t mean to imply that Ted only hated promiscuous wonen. He wrote about wanting to kill college kids who threw beer cans in the forest and people whose vehicles made too much noise.

He once wrote about a girl that he saw walking down the street and how he felt so much hatred for her and he was trying to come up with the reason for it and then he realized that he didn’t need a rationalization to hate her, and that he could just hate her for being, and doing this he was much more sophisticated then most people who would have come up with the rationalization for their hatred.

And James the question would be he could kill people anywhere, walking down street at night, at a gas station, outside a store, etc., why did he pick spots known as lovers lanes and why male-female couples? And the Zodiac’s idol the Executioner in Mikado was tasked to kill those who flirted.


Posted : February 12, 2014 5:38 pm
Posts: 419
Reputable Member

You asked if he abused animals at a young age? Ted had a crush on a girl at school. For a present he hung a dead cat in her locker.

I understand your question about Bates. But I didn’t mean to imply that Ted only hated promiscuous wonen. He wrote about wanting to kill college kids who threw beer cans in the forest and people whose vehicles made too much noise.

He once wrote about a girl that he saw walking down the street and how he felt so much hatred for her and he was trying to come up with the reason for it and then he realized that he didn’t need a rationalization to hate her, and that he could just hate her for being, and doing this he was much more sophisticated then most people who would have come up with the rationalization for their hatred.

And James the question would be he could kill people anywhere, walking down street at night, at a gas station, outside a store, etc., why did he pick spots known as lovers lanes and why male-female couples? And the Zodiac’s idol the Executioner in Mikado was tasked to kill those who flirted.

just to toss this out AK..CJB drove a VW Bug..that was about as eco friendly you could buy in the 60’s (other than a schwinn lemon peeler)..seems TK might have looked at her as at least buying one of the most eco friendly and quiet motor vehicles available back in the day so why her?..CJB has been in my gut as the most disturbed and useless homicides of all those possibly connected to Z….I did not know about TK and the dead cat..just another rung in the TK ladder pointing to a strong POI in my mind..thanks for the rebuttal

Posted : February 12, 2014 6:42 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member

VW’s back then were the loudest cars. Yes he commented about wanting to kill college kids who threw beer cans in the bushes. But he also wanted to kill people that had nothing to do with environmental or technological issues, but rather his own mental illness and sexual frustration, such as "promiscuous" women and "noisy couples" having sex.

Read the 1966 diary again his motivation to kill was not the environment or technology but his failed sex change try and sexual frustration. He hated women and men in general and couples in particular.

Also he did not need any reason to hate as I said he was proud of the fact that he hated everyone and did not need a rationalization order to do so. This is another key moment in his life, would have been about 1955:

"One day when I was 13 years old, I was walking down the street and saw a girl. Something about her appearance antagonized me, and, from habit, I began looking for a way to justify hating her, within my logical system. But then I stopped and said to myself, ‘This is getting ridiculous. I’ll just chuck all this silly morality business and hate anybody I please.’ Since then I’ve never had any interest in or respect for morality, ethics, or anything of the sort."

http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2008 … new-bond/4


Posted : February 12, 2014 7:38 pm
Posts: 419
Reputable Member

i can see you point AK you always lay it out well..what makes me cringe is he could have been in the library or standing outside hidden and just watching…sounds like berryessa?? and the young girls reporting the weirdo in the woods watching them..if i remember correctly…my point with the VW is an air cooled 4 cyclinder in comparison to big v8’s running around was mundane…i bought a 74 super beetle (unmodified and not a baja bug..so stock from factory with skinny tires) decades ago and used it as a ditch runner (cheap off-road muder for me as i could not afford to build a rig at the time) and compared to muscle cars running around and other hi-po V8’s it was quiet and gas mileage was high compared to most other vehicle at the time….TK was a cold blooded killer (mucked up mentally with smarts=dangerous) and a worthy POI..i have no doubt in that

if it wasnt for his family i venture to state the cops would still be looking at solving his crimes

Posted : February 12, 2014 9:21 pm
Posts: 628
Honorable Member

But AKW just said that Ted didn’t want to have a sex change. If he wanted to have one then he wouldn’t have changed his mind and decided to talk about something else, while at the same time talking about his sexual and homicidal urges. As you said it was an issue of his "erotic" motivation, not his gender… so if Ted was Z he wouldn’t want to have a sex change or if Z did want to have a sex change, then he wasn’t Ted.

Posted : February 16, 2014 10:08 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member

I see what you saying. For me the larger point is that his motivation to kill was not political it was instead like most serial killers psychosexual with possible gender issues. There are also elements of schizophrenia. Even something as simple as the appearance of a girl could set him off in hatred.

Apparently the U of M hockey team did quite well with the ladies and Ted records that the sound of couples having sex drove him "mad" and that he was suffering from "acute sexual starvation". Zodiac attacked couples in 3 of his 4 confirmed murders.


Posted : February 16, 2014 9:35 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member

Many people who reject Ted as a viable Zodiac suspect say Ted was only motivated by his anti-technology views, and would not have killed random young men and women.

In fact he was proud of the fact that he hated virtually everyone and did not need a rationalization order to do so. This is another key moment in his life, would have been about 1955:

"One day when I was 13 years old, I was walking down the street and saw a girl. Something about her appearance antagonized me, and, from habit, I began looking for a way to justify hating her, within my logical system. But then I stopped and said to myself, ‘This is getting ridiculous. I’ll just chuck all this silly morality business and hate anybody I please.’ Since then I’ve never had any interest in or respect for morality, ethics, or anything of the sort."

http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2008 … new-bond/4


Posted : February 17, 2014 10:42 pm