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Eureka Card mailed 1990 to the SF Chronicle

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I do see what you mean about it looking like a 9. I do have a 9 on my key too. There is a slight difference, but it could just be distortion…and there could certainly be different stamps for different locations and dates, etc. Mine was issued in 1991, but who knows when/where it was stamped. :) The second key I didn’t get until about 2003–practically identical.

My key from 1991 was issued in Stateline, NV. ;)

Sandy—do you remember 12th house (?) @ Tom’s saying to go to Zephyr Cove and ask for Tony "the mail guy" in regards to the keys? That was weird.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : May 20, 2013 10:44 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Tahoe, I do remember 12th house, he wanted all of the information I had on my suspect and license plates I had on him. As soon as I gave him that information , he was gone. I would love to know who he was ?

So Tom wants information on the Sam keys ,looking at a po box in Lake Tahoe ? That is interesting, I doubt he thinks they could belong to Kane.I know you like the hunt as much as I do, will you be checking it out ?
Please check your email, I sent about an hour ago, important !

Posted : May 20, 2013 11:52 pm
Posts: 5315
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I only mentioned Tom’s message board. :)

Got your email…it’s all good. Thanks for the heads-up.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : May 21, 2013 9:00 pm
Posts: 217
Estimable Member

Even if The Zodiac did write this, what’s to prevent yet another goose chase started by investigating a Xerox or keys which he found somewhere and aren’t his anyway?
Does anybody know how this was linked to someone and determined not to be The Z’s.

"Jerry, just remember, it’s not a lie if you believe it." George Costanza from Seinfeld

Posted : July 2, 2013 6:44 am
Posts: 217
Estimable Member

I’m curious as to how exactly did the card lead Mr. Voigt to "Sam" because 01. he could have had the wrong guy 02. "Sam" could have still been the author of this card 03. the wrong DNA could have been used in the test. Also, I noticed that the path from Eureka to San Francisco Chronicle is practically a straight shot down US 101 (i.e. criminology 101, a stretch, I know and "Eureka") which runs through the Presidio for even more far-flung coincidences.

If the keys led Mr. Voigt to "Sam", how could "Sam", or the previous owner(s) of the P.O. boxes, not have not been the author?

"Jerry, just remember, it’s not a lie if you believe it." George Costanza from Seinfeld

Posted : July 2, 2013 6:47 am
Posts: 109
Estimable Member

The snowman looks a lot like James Lampman! http://www.charleyproject.org/cases/l/l … james.html http://www.zodiackiller.com/NewZLetter2.html

Posted : July 6, 2013 11:20 am
Posts: 2598
Famed Member


Print out an 8 x 10 photo of the keys. It is: 79468 & 58351

I would disagree on one digit T. The 6 in the first number. It’s either a 0 or a 9 – which exactly is open to interpretation. Mostly I’m sure it’s a 0 but there’s distortion at the worst possible place to it could be a 9.

As for the second one. 58351 could well be. It’s the 83 that’s tricky, the 5,5 and 1 are pretty clear. Looking at it though I’m not convinced about the 3. I was before and was happy enough for it to be a 3 but now I’m leaning back to an 8. As for the second digit, the 8, I now think that could be a 9.

It’s tricky as we all know due to the quality. Difficult to be totally sure what we are seeing, if they are parts of the numbers or image distortions ad reflections from the original copying.

Anyway here’s my fiddlings with them and my best guess which would be 79408 or 79498 + 59851

IMO, the first number is for sure 79408, the second number could also be 69851.



Posted : July 6, 2013 12:07 pm
Posts: 217
Estimable Member

I’m curious as to how exactly did the card lead Mr. Voigt to "Sam" because 01. he could have had the wrong guy 02. "Sam" could have still been the author of this card 03. the wrong DNA could have been used in the test. Also, I noticed that the path from Eureka to San Francisco Chronicle is practically a straight shot down US 101 (i.e. criminology 101, a stretch, I know and "Eureka") which runs through the Presidio for even more far-flung coincidences.

If the keys led Mr. Voigt to "Sam", how could "Sam", or the previous owner(s) of the P.O. boxes, not have not been the author?

Sorry, but I haven’t nor will check the other websites on an update as I want to stay in one website, not because I’m lazy but I’ll lose track.
Any news on someone confirming this is or isn’t a genuine Z. card?

"Jerry, just remember, it’s not a lie if you believe it." George Costanza from Seinfeld

Posted : August 27, 2013 5:03 am
Posts: 2309
Member Moderator

Here’s a link to a 2007 SFgate article about document examiner Lloyd Cunningham.

http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Zodi … 644828.php

On the second page of the article he discusses the 1990 card and why he does not believe it was sent by Zodiac. Hope this helps.


Posted : August 27, 2013 8:29 am
Posts: 64
Trusted Member

Here’s a link to a 2007 SFgate article about document examiner Lloyd Cunningham.

http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Zodi … 644828.php

On the second page of the article he discusses the 1990 card and why he does not believe it was sent by Zodiac. Hope this helps.

did you read the lone comment at the end of that article..zodiac speaks/rope speaks..weird..

Posted : August 28, 2013 1:53 am
Posts: 3583
Member Moderator

Here’s a link to a 2007 SFgate article about document examiner Lloyd Cunningham.

http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Zodi … 644828.php

On the second page of the article he discusses the 1990 card and why he does not believe it was sent by Zodiac. Hope this helps.

did you read the lone comment at the end of that article..zodiac speaks/rope speaks..weird..

Tis a bit. I think it’s just someone with a theory that a lot of crimes are connected by the same types of ‘nautical’ knots as were famous in the EARONS case. i.e Zodiac was also maybe EARONS.

I don’t know Chief, he’s very smart or very dumb.

Posted : August 28, 2013 2:32 am
Posts: 821
Prominent Member

Here’s a link to a 2007 SFgate article about document examiner Lloyd Cunningham.

http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Zodi … 644828.php

On the second page of the article he discusses the 1990 card and why he does not believe it was sent by Zodiac. Hope this helps.

Hi Kirkham68

did you read the lone comment at the end of that article..zodiac speaks/rope speaks..weird..

For whatever reason, I can not see/find any comment on that article, and I’d realy like to know what that comment was, so could you please post a copy of the comment?

Thanks in advance:)


Hi, english is not my first language so please bear with me :)

Posted : August 28, 2013 2:36 am
Posts: 3583
Member Moderator

For whatever reason, I can not see/find any comment on that article, and I’d realy like to know what that comment was, so could you please post a copy of the comment?

Thanks in advance:)


angelheaven 1:04 AM on September 4, 2009
I am trying to e-mail Mr. Cunningham and have had no luck. Does anyone know of a current e-mail address or any contact information for him? I know that when the Zodiac "Speaks" they are telling us that "Rope Speaks". Many Nautical knots, in particular the "Zepplin". I have also linked these crimes to others, such as the EAR, Visalia Ransaker, and the Original Night Stalker. I would love to share my notes with Mr. Cunningham and anyone else who has a open mind. Please contact me. noellemferguson@yahoo.com

I don’t know Chief, he’s very smart or very dumb.

Posted : August 28, 2013 2:52 am
Posts: 185
Estimable Member

I know this thread is old, but I know alot of people are commenting that the card is a fake and doesn’t seem to match the other missives in many respects. And I agree.

I will say tho that I found the fact of overwriting on the address to be interesting. Instead of looking at it as the work of a forger, one could also look at it as someone of an advanced age who has difficulty writing, and is being careful to do writing that will jar the memory and recall Z. This could also explain why no other writing was found inside, if you wanted to take it that far.Someone with a palsied hand due to age, arthritis, etc. might have to take the same care and overwrite to be sure that they are jibing with the original. Of course, the same would be true of a forger. Figuring what the purpose of the overwriting could be is one of those bits of minutae that could drive one nuts.

I will say tho that if it were the Zodiac you would think he would have taken much greater care to make it obvious. It seems incredibly fake to me, but I will say that a palsied hand might not have wanted to betray itself in further writing. He may have simply been unable to write more or craft something like the Halloween card.

Or more likely its just a fake whose provenance is the only thing that would suggest it had ANYTHING to do with Z. But it is strange some fool would decide to make such a tepid fake. And with two post office box keys. Mailed to the editor of the Chronicle. That just drives you nuts.

Posted : August 11, 2014 3:40 pm
Posts: 55
Trusted Member

The numbers on theEurka cards Postal keys match a box in Webster Texas. The attached item is a pen magnet is commonly used by body shops to check cars for body damage. The P O box in Webster is about 5 miles from the League city Killing fields where female victims were dumped in the eighties. This is also along the I-45 hwy of death.

In 1983 a triple murder was discovered at a BODY shop in League City Texas. The murders remain unsolved.

I will tell you this..I have a identified 2 possible POI’s in those League city murders. One is alive and well, and the other…George Victor Jonasson, was a known suspect in the Donna Lass, Lake Tahoe disappearance. George worked as a security guard at the Sahara Tahoe Hotel and moved to the League city area in the mid 70’s. George died in 2009 but lived within 4 miles of the killing fields and 4 miles of the recently discovered PO box in Webster Texas. When George died his last address was on zodiac name street..Gemini..lol. My POI’s may have known each other. I would not suprise me if the Zodiac had an accomplice and they worked together there in California Nevada and in Texas…sort of a cult of sick bastards.

Who knows if my POI is the Zodiac… It is all conjecture until DNA is matched. But my POI was in the Military in 1968/69. and did some time in Northern california (possibly Presido’s Letterman hospital) and Korea. He has attended intelligence training in the army where ciber and crypto is covered. He loves movies, silencers and 22 caliber weapons. And he is crazy as batshit.. I have him on the authorities radar now..The ghost of Zodiac.

Posted : February 23, 2015 9:27 pm
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