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Survival tipps

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Good ideas, Sandy.

Personally, I love the social distancing being I am in southern California where the traffic is terrible and I have never liked crowds. With the rain we’ve had, it is beautiful with fresh air and sunshine today.

So with the whole world cleaner now than it has been in years (other than the virus) I would like to see a "Keep the World Clean" Campaign when all this is over. It would also help climate change imo.

It could be like the "Don’t Be a Litterbug" from yesteryear when kids used to say "keep your cooties off me."

Happy Easter everyone and keep safe.

Posted : April 11, 2020 11:13 pm
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All of the previous may or may not work. However, as far as I can see, we have multiple ‘risks’ (only an opinion..):

1.) Multiple ways of infection
– saliva, body fluids (e.g. kissing)
– smear infection (virus can survive up to 9 days on some surface..no touching of buttons etc anymore, hands to be washed, for sure)
– aerosol infection: coughing, breathing, loud speaking (latter completely underestimated, imo…keep the mouths shut ;D).
– food (e.g. if some infected individual coughs on your steak while cutting it..)
– animals (e.g. biting, less likely but I guess some rat bit some Chinese chef..so don’t accuse the bats..)

Most likely, aearosol infection is responsible for 98% of the infections: Virus can stay up to three hours in the air. All you have to do to get infected is to take the same sidewalk: With unprotected eyes, the virus gets on your eye’s surface – and has already found its host.

2.) High risk of contagion, long incubation
– ~10x more contagious than a flu. And we all know how easy it is to get a flu.
– yesterday met a friend, she coughed all the time. Both were protected, desinfection etc. but I have to wait five more days at least to know if it was such a good idea to meet her.
– in France, out of two tests, one is positive.

3.) Severety of the disease
– all age groups are targeted, even if elder people die more likely from it. Breath machines not necessarily available.
– huge mortality…out of 600k infected two weeks ago, 100k area already dead. Time-lagged mortality amongst positively teste: Between 15-20%.
– tricky: everybody thinks it is similar to a flu

The disease is still growing with 5-6% – per day – although everybody is in lockdown..me since ~2.5 months (so get prepared, mentally…this thing isn’t way over in the US, yet). But people loosen that lockdown more and more, even government here plans to open the shops on Tuesday, because of slight decrease in numbers…

Assume one country to be Covid-free: One guy from another state/country is enough to start the same game over and over again. Yesterday 100k new cases, globally, today less than 30k? The world is running out of tests, imo.

USA 525,000 casesindividuals, more deaths than Italy (~20,000)….we started to look at somewhat around 100-500 cases..NY city meanwhile using mass graves to get rid of the amount of bodies:




Posted : April 11, 2020 11:30 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Please take a couple of minutes to watch this video about the COVID-19 Virus.

Google the Wayne Dupree Show – Documentary on Facebook . About the virus and how researchers found it started, it is jaw dropping!

Posted : April 12, 2020 12:46 am
Posts: 166
Estimable Member

QT said;
" animals (e.g. biting, less likely but I guess some rat bit some Chinese chef..so don’t accuse the bats..)"

The Epoch Times reports there are some notable similaries with pangolin & bat corona viruses.
However bats, at that time of year in China, pretty much hibernate. I suppose an insectivorous
pagolin could have ingested dirt & small stones covered in bat droppings in some cave whilst
foraging for ants, etc., and then a bit later ended up killed and the meat sold in a Wuhan ‘wet’
meat market.

https://www.theepochtimes.com/the-myste … ssion=true

Posted : April 12, 2020 10:51 am
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The bat theory is easy – they are innocent. All they possibly do is – at least some of them – biting rats.

It is a more likely, however, that bats and rats have similar covid, from (m)eating each other, but rat bit chef and it was transmitted. If not spread by purpose. Simply thinking that because there is more rat-human contact than bat-human contact…

New (governmental) study in Austria figured out that 2x more people are actually infected than so far officially tested positive (n=1544). Such data copied (only in theory) to the US population would lead to about 1.8m cases. However, even if such estimated number of non-reported cases is not triple but only twice those already tested, every 300th person – no matter if in Austria or the US – is already infected with Covid-19.

Global growth of the disease, however, slowing down. Still on a high level, though, considering quarantine in most if not all countries.



Posted : April 12, 2020 9:53 pm
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NEW YORK – 9,800 cases.

Per day.

Growth, despite lockdown actions, still around 5% globally. Here around (Europe) approximately every 300-500′ person infected. Austria surprisingly almost no new cases, I guess the government is or has been lying. Injection of desinfectants, so far, not the best idea. ~12% mortality (T -14) globally. Borders closed, most people wearing a mask. Funny people demonstrating against the virus…what else to say..

Kim Jong Un? Covidding..



Posted : April 25, 2020 9:26 pm
Posts: 1197
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kim took donalds advice with the bleach and and now they are having trouble getting the blue light out of his arse

Posted : April 26, 2020 3:49 am
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One third of all infected are from the US.

Over 22,000 dead in NY. Massachusetts, California, Illinois following New Jersey and New York. Disease, despite all actions, still growing. What happened? Most likely some scientists tried to modify some flu virus to treat HIV. Instead, the HIV/Flu virus is spreading like hell now.

Years ago, VAXGEN had some HIV vaccine trial in phase III. Tested in Bangkok hospitals…they are famous for such trials. Vaxgen bankrupt, as the vaccine worked only 20-30% (cost’ me fn 20 grands) but yes, they did such stuff, I guess ( https://jvi.asm.org/content/94/4/e01120-19 ).

Stay healthy.



Posted : April 28, 2020 11:42 pm
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Slow but steady.

The world believes the ‘media issue’ Covid-19 to be over.

The opposite could be the case. Some immunologists speak from ‘a start’. Almost quadruple active cases since beginning of April. Steady growth about 80,000 cases a day. DESPITE people wearing masks, social distancing etc..

Some countries doing better than others. Here US was mentioned with a few dozens of cases, now 1.2m. Russi is getting highter, too. Second/Third world countries? I doubt they have enough tests when in Sao Paolo doctors are used to operate with their mobilephone’s flashlight..

We’ll see. If quadrupling continues, it’ll be about 6-7 months that everybody is infected. The sad side of that story: Deaths develop in a similar way. No politician will ever tell you: "You will all die because someone messed up in the lab.". Thus – keep distance. Aerosol transmission is the one I am frightened of, personally. One tiny little virus into the eye, on some pedestrian way, after some infected person just BREATHED there around 3 hours ago…weird thought.



Posted : May 6, 2020 11:12 pm
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but on Feb 26th, 2020, at a count of 54 Covid infections (US) I first mentioned the disease to come up in a potentially disastrous way. I later on even mentioned to take the issue seriously, stay at home.

Now, the US has 251;183 deaths and approximately 4m active cases. 190,000 infections per day in the US alone. The leader? Nope – best greetings from Austria. From today on we will have another lockdown, all shops closed (bars etc., too, of course). No. 1 in ‘cases per million inhabitants’.

Globally, total cases is going rapidly towards a 500m infected people in the next few days/weeks. The lazy number 54m is just the start.


Part One: Nobody knows how the virus affects those infected on the long term – HIV symptoms in 3 years?? Part Two: Getting infected twice makes the virus dangerous: If every 40th person dies of Covid, I wouldn’t like to get it two or three times in ten years.

Look around you, if you still can, and every 20th person you know will die. However have to credit Doranchaks post – it will take longer than expected. However: The more activities are done against the virus, the longer it will survive. No chance to get rid of it, imo, anymore.



Posted : November 15, 2020 2:39 am
Posts: 92
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Qatar is very note worthy for they Treat with HCQ before any formal Covid-19 diagnosis is given.

The lack of HCQ use is entirely political so much so that doctors are forbidden by law in many hard hit countries from prescribing it off label in the treatment of Covid-19. Prescribing off label is what good doctors do when other avenues are offering a 10%~ death rate.

Posted : November 15, 2020 11:48 am
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28, Nov 2020: 17,919,197 cases
28, Oct 2020: 10,842,699 cases


The monthly growth rate of – future – Covid-21:
1.65265 or 65.3% per month, despite lockdowns.

1.65265^12 = 415.1200 p.a. x 17,919,197 = 7,438,617,929 (approximately equal to the world’s total population 7,828,781,316).

Needless to say, this way or another, our world will suffer a complete Covid-2021 breakdown over the next months. Vaccine? Might or might not work; most likely as good as any other vaccine (influenza still exists..).


The total deaths related to Covid have increased 23,41% over the last month (!). This is ‘better’ than 65% (infection growth) but is this data 14 days ‘delayed’, too. So far, a total of 276,514 people has passed away due to or after having Covid in just one month. That’s more than a quarter of a million..

THE FUTURE (my personal opinion, for details watch ‘Soylent Green’):

1) The virus is definitely out of control, mutating.

2) The growth is difficult to impossible to reduce, thus, on a larger basis, over the next 12-36 months at least 50% of the world’s population will be infected.

3) Any vaccines will or will not be produced, financed, injected, non-working, or, or, or……(eg. mutations)

4) Countryside areas will be less infected but will be affected on the long-term, too.

5) Unexpected events will become more important than the virus itself (riots, wars, economic problems)

#5 will be the toughest one: Yesterday we have seen e x c e s s i v e riots in Paris, London and other cities. Currently, MANY people run out of money. They tend to violence, riots, of course. Words of love won’t help a lot if they don’t know or don’t want to ‘do’. Violence does not help either. THIS will become the biggest problem over the next months,IMO. Many people are afraid, desperate, with regard to their businesses, health, studies, financials, homes, families, living quality etc.

SECOND biggest – because automatically related – ‘problem’ will be the large amount of dying people: Out of 44,837,466 cases (one month ago), a total of 1,457,547 have died. The mortality is still ~3.2% (slightly reduced from previous 3.5% a few months ago). Everybody who is telling elsewise is talking bogus This is most trivial ALGEBRA (total covid infections vs. total covid-related deaths). Which death is covid-related? I don’t know.

Conservatively estimated 50% of the world’s population to be infected, we have to deal with approximately 130,175,816 people dying over the next few months (12, 36, 48…the time frame might be the only variable, true?). Having a look back at the 276,514, this figure – meanwhile – is everything else but fiction.

I’d even go further and say this will happen every ‘virus’ period, so to say every 12-36 months. A reduction of the world’s population by Covid of ~1.66% (‘yearly’?). Most likely, this disease will not even stop the world’s population growth towards overpopulation but might Covid ‘balance out’ the world’s population to a certain level.

However, troubles will remain, e.g. governmental regulation, more aggressive virus mutations, or individually e.g. dying family members/friends, avoiding ‘infected zones’ etc.

Latter, the individual challenges with regard to those two problems (virus; side effects) will certainly be our focus over the next years. To a) not become part of those ‘3.2%’ or 130m people dying and b) to avoid the riots and problems related to the virus itself.



Posted : November 30, 2020 1:29 am
Posts: 166
Estimable Member

Riverside County Sheriff’s Department – not in full agreement with Governor Newsom’s orders

Posted : December 6, 2020 1:56 pm
Posts: 92
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These death statistics stink a little,
Cases deemed “Seriously critical” are only ever a fraction 0.005%~ of active cases.
To actually die from corona you would need to enter a seriously critical state (any other path is not a death from corona).

Seriously critical state averages 1-2 days, it’s as if people are “dying from corona” with out ever entering such a state..

Posted : December 6, 2020 6:07 pm
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My figures are different:

I have got 1,557,648 ‘Deaths’ compared to 63,609,677 ‘Total cases’ considering a 14-day period from infection to death. No matter what other people are telling you, this is 2.448% of all all ‘total cases’ dying. This percentage used to be somewhere from 3.5% to 3.2%, previously.

Thus, forget about the idea of 0,0005% whatsoever.




Posted : December 8, 2020 11:49 pm
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