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William McDuff Andrew AKA 'Mac' McGruber McDuff

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A troll has for weeks been posting this suspect’s name at every turn, and on multiple sites.

He seems to be craving attention, and he shouldn’t get it as he has posted lots of lies, and incorrect info. He lied saying that this suspect’s widow’s home was searched and that DNA was taken from the home. (Nobody has accused Mrs Andrew of any wrongdoing, just making that clear)

He photoshopped previously Macs photo to make his hairline match closer to the Zodiac sketch. 

In an effort to put an end to the BS, the bogus info etc, I am posting Mac’s info here- many of you know who he is already, and I hope that some of you with an interest in researching him may find things of use to help rule him in or out as being Zodiac. 


PLEASE, keep all discussion of Mac here. Do NOT post bogus info. If you have questions do NOT ask people who have made up or supplied fake info, please ask myself or someone who has researched this suspect. There are a couple of us here on this forum that have been quietly researching and compiling info on Mac for months. If they want to introduce themselves to the thread, I’ll leave that up to them




Mac Timeline compared to Zodiac’s:

*Mac grows up in Vallejo living in apartments connected to his father’s realty business 500 feet from intersection of Springs and Tuolumne

*June 1968, MacGruber graduates from Chico State College

*December 20, 1968, Faraday & Jensen killed at Lake Herman Rd about 7 miles East of Mac’s parents on outskirts of Vallejo

*July 4, 1969, just before midnight Ferrin & Mageau attacked by Zodiac at Blue Rock Springs about 4 miles North East of Mac’s parents. Mageau described Zodiac as 5ft8, 195-200Lbs, chubby with a large round face, 26-30 years old, no glasses. Mac was 24 years old, 5ft8, 200 lbs, chubby with a large round face and sometimes wore glasses, but not always.

*July 5,1969 30-40 minutes after the Blue Rock Springs attack, Zodiac calls police from phonebooth approximately 500 feet from Mac’s parents.

*September 21, 1969, Mac’s cousin in Deer Lodge, MT is examined by a doctor due to illness.

*September 25, 1969 After taking a turn for the worse, Mac’s cousin in Deer Lodge, MT is once again examined by a doctor and it’s determined she has Broncopneumonia.

*September 27, 1969, Zodiac attacks at Lake Berryessa in Napa County. During conversation, Zodiac mentions being an escaped prisoner from a prison, presumed to be in Deer Lodge, MT.

*October 11, 1969, Zodiac kills Paul Stine in San Francisco

*October 13, 1969, Mac’s Cousin dies in Deer Lodge, MT

*October 13, 1969, Zodiac mails letter w/ piece of Paul Stine’s shirt

*1970, Mac shows an address in Chico

*June 19,1970 Officer Richard Radetich gunned down in SF near 643 Waller St

*June 26, 1970 Zodiac writes a letter hinting he killed Radetich

*October 1971, Mac shows an address in San Francisco at 551 Duboce Ave, 0.2 miles from Radetich shooting.

*March, 1971, Zodiac mailed his last letter for almost 3 years

*Spring, 1971, Mac takes a job with the State of CA, unsure what position he had, but by the end of his 30 year career, he was a prison sergeant

*Sometime in 1971, Mac’s future wife moves with her family from another state to Vallejo

*1973, Mac listed as living at his parents new home in Vallejo, still within 500 feet of their previous home

*January, 1974, Zodiac writes his first letter in 3 years

*June, 1974, Mac gets engaged

*July, 1974, Zodiac mailed his last confirmed letter

*October 1974, Mac gets married and moves to Vacaville where he lives 300 feet from a couple who had received in 1969 when they lived in Vallejo, a letter containing baseball tickets from someone claiming to be Zodiac

*December, 1990, possible card from Zodiac mailed from Eureka, CA- a town 200+ miles from Vallejo. Mac purchased property in Eureka area in the 1980’s.

*2014 Mac dies in Oregon

*August 2015 Mac’s widow posts on her blog that she found a box of Mac’s old stuff that she called ‘The Guilt Box’ (Guilt was written on side)Inside the box was a copy of David kahn’s book- The Codebreakers, the same book experts believe Zodiac used as a guide to create his ciphers. Mac’s widow mentions that Mac had originally read the book in 1980(as far as she knows) and lost his original copy. He liked the book so much, he asked her to get him another copy, which is the one found in the box.


*Mac’s friends recall him driving or having access to what two different friends called a Volvo, or Volvo like car in the late 60’s.One thought it was Tan or Brown, the other recalled it being Blue.

*Mac’s friends recounted that he was a bit odd, but felt he was harmless. They said he did not date or have any relationships when they knew him prior to end of college. Although Mac hadn’t seen most of these friends since college in 1968, he invited them to be in his wedding in 1974. When one of them found out he had become a prison employee, they were shocked because they felt he was too timid to do that job. None of Mac’s friends recalled him having any interest in The Mikado, The Most Dangerous Game, etc, but they said that their group of friends did read comic books and crime noir style detective magazines

*Mac was licensed for one of his jobs, which was to teach firearms training to prison guards for Pistols, rifles, and shotguns

*Mac possessed fishing and hunting licenses *Mac’s writing looks quite similar to Zodiac’s *Mac was heavily involved in Freemasonry in the 1960’s and 1970’s

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : October 1, 2021 5:48 pm
Cremcraw, Indubitably, Andr3w_0 and 6 people reacted
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How much did they move the hairline? I’ve luckily not been trolled.

Posted : October 2, 2021 12:02 am
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@blemblem I didn’t save the pic but it was pretty obviously photoshopped

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : October 2, 2021 1:51 am
Posts: 1266
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The geographic links are certainly interesting.

Posted : October 2, 2021 7:10 pm
Posts: 608
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Sorry you had to experience all that. It’s shocking how much hate some people let flow through them. They seem to gravitate to each other also. And yes, they do stuff like you described to mislead even their own.

The best move you have made so far is to take it here, where all the other experts worth a shake have been all along. To need to go through 30 pages of toxicity to find a few posts actually dealing with your topic and then another 30 is a slog.

The best move I ever made was to leave them to their own devices. When I did that, I started to make some serious ground, properly.

What exactly have they had to offer since 2013 when Tahoe27 made the Halloween Card/Tim Holt connection?


www.zodiachalloweencard.com has a 400 paged book for free containing the super solution with an overarching explanation of the cards and more.

Posted : October 3, 2021 9:48 pm
Tahoe27, Tahoe27 and Tahoe27 reacted
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Posted by: @bdholland

The best move I ever made was to leave them to their own devices.

You mean when you got banned for editing your old posts in an attempt to rewrite history? Mmmkay.

Posted : October 4, 2021 12:09 am
Posts: 608
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Posted by: @tomvoigt
Posted by: @bdholland

The best move I ever made was to leave them to their own devices.

You mean when you got banned for editing your old posts in an attempt to rewrite history? Mmmkay.

I deleted my posts and put them here on this site instead because you don’t deserve one single word of them. It is all here for anyone to read. Plus the discovery this is where the best researchers went after 2013.

The current nonsense being pulled on Morf which you perniciously allow is an example of why you don’t deserve any of it and also why they went here or Reddit.

I am nonchalant about being banned from your ‘forum’. As you can tell I am getting on quite well without the need for a quantum of anything you think you have offer. If you did there would be something in the box. Hot air isn’t a commodity with real researchers.

www.zodiachalloweencard.com has a 400 paged book for free containing the super solution with an overarching explanation of the cards and more.

Posted : October 4, 2021 1:40 am
Posts: 1352
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Posted by: @bdholland
Posted by: @tomvoigt
Posted by: @bdholland

The best move I ever made was to leave them to their own devices.

You mean when you got banned for editing your old posts in an attempt to rewrite history? Mmmkay.


The current nonsense being pulled on Morf which you perniciously allow

You mean the troll posts that I deleted?

You edited your old posts. Not going to argue. Own up to it.

Posted : October 4, 2021 1:46 am
Posts: 608
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Posted by: @tomvoigt
Posted by: @bdholland
Posted by: @tomvoigt
Posted by: @bdholland

The best move I ever made was to leave them to their own devices.

You mean when you got banned for editing your old posts in an attempt to rewrite history? Mmmkay.


The current nonsense being pulled on Morf which you perniciously allow

You mean the troll posts that I deleted?

You edited your old posts. Not going to argue. Own up to it.

If you think deleting is editing you are welcome to that with bells and whistles on. While your gang of trolls were actively coming up from under the bridge at the end of the thread, I went ahead and deleted what was at the start and linked elsewhere. Took you months to even realize it was happening you were so busy with the toxicity.

Are you now trying to pass off that you are a good admin doing the right thing over there? Troll posts you deleted? For that to happen you would need a board wipe of 99% of submissions from approximately 2015 onward.

Anyway back to Morf’s POI instead of the time wasted with you. At least his POI actually looks like the Zodiac and not just some guy with glasses.


This edit is just to let someone know that they don’t even own, but borrow/subscribe, to their troll farm forum, and that there are no rules against editing or deleting whatever people want. So let’s bin those little dictator notions about what one can’t do with their posts online (especially if there are no rules against it) and bin trying to trample your freedoms to edit and delete whatever you so wish. Pulling rules out of hot air.

Edit: Here have another edit. I was banned months after I had left. Moving everything off his site to here and them too busy trolling to have noticed. Epic. Glad he found it ban worthy. 

www.zodiachalloweencard.com has a 400 paged book for free containing the super solution with an overarching explanation of the cards and more.

Posted : October 4, 2021 2:00 am
Posts: 1352
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Your sense of self importance is mind boggling.

Posted : October 4, 2021 2:12 am
Posts: 7527
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Can we PLEASE keep this on point? No arguing 

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : October 4, 2021 2:42 pm
Russ Thompson, TomVoigt, Russ Thompson and 3 people reacted
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The only writing found for Mac so far 

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : October 4, 2021 8:22 pm
Posts: 7527
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One more single word- sneakers 

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : October 4, 2021 8:24 pm
Posts: 7527
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Mac 1971 SF address in relation to Radetich shooting referenced by Zodiac 

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : October 4, 2021 8:41 pm
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Mac’s property 200 miles from Vallejo in Eureka area

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : October 4, 2021 8:48 pm
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