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"Zodiac: Settling the Score"

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There’s some activity on the author’s Talk page on Wikipedia, concerning some pushback on her attempts to restore the Zodiac Killer article’s mention of her book:



Posted : October 7, 2015 8:14 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member

There’s some activity on the author’s Talk page on Wikipedia, concerning some pushback on her attempts to restore the Zodiac Killer article’s mention of her book:


They used to have similar problems with Dennis Kaufman, and other people who try to push a suspect, theory or book that is unproven and/or has not gained general acceptance or even a degree of mainstream media coverage.

This idea that enlisted man Rader could just hop on USAF flights from Japan to the US whenever he needed to is ludicrous! I was an enlisted man in the Army & Army Reserve. When we went to training out of state we flew commercial. That’s why on so many commercial flights you will see a soldier, airman or sailor in uniform. I did hear from others about a few occasions when enlisted men would on an ad hoc, wait list, space available basis hitch a ride in the back of a cargo plane, if that plane was going where they needed to go. A very uncomfortable flight on a big slow plane, that might have to make other stops to deliver equipment before it gets to your location.

Rader would not even have had enough vacation time available, and even if he did, for leave he would have to pay to fly commercial. Maybe he could have hitched one cargo flight on a wait list space available basis, but it would be so long and time consuming there is just no way he would have the leave time to fly commercial or space available military to go back and forth from Japan to the US for the four confirmed Zodiac crimes, not to mention the several confirmed mailings, some of which took place weeks after the crimes. What utter nonsense.


Posted : October 7, 2015 10:55 pm
Posts: 2614
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Kimberly McGath’s theory about the Zodiac killer is getting some attention in this article by the Daily Star, a British tabloid paper:

http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest- … ting-match


Posted : February 7, 2016 12:59 am
Posts: 46
Eminent Member

Hi there,
It’s Kimberly, the author of Zodiac, Settling the Score, and wanted to join the forum/discussion :)

Posted : February 12, 2016 6:55 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

Hi there,
It’s Kimberly, the author of Zodiac, Settling the Score, and wanted to join the forum/discussion :)

Welcome, glad to have Authors here of these books. Be warned however, we are a brutally honest Bunch here that will point out the Good,Bad,and Ugly in your book. We are harsh critics seeking the truth in this case

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : February 12, 2016 7:03 pm
Posts: 46
Eminent Member

Thanks for the welcome!!! :) and that’s okay, I have a pretty thick skin, I don’t mind the criticisms and think a lot of them are valid, I’m my own worst critic anyway,

Posted : February 12, 2016 7:08 pm
Posts: 46
Eminent Member

Who the hell is Kimberly McGath?

Haaaaaaaa, good question, I’m a retired detective and don’t want to bore you with my bio but if you want to know more, just ask :)

Posted : February 14, 2016 2:17 am
Posts: 46
Eminent Member

"For the low price of only $38.99!" Ha! The book is 166 pages! Yikes…..

Hi there!

I know the book is expensive right, it was because of all the color ink for the charts, images, etc. I could have published it in black and white which would have been cheaper but I thought people would want to see color. The Kindle is 8.99 but my main purpose in publishing the book was to get the theory out not so much to sell books if that makes sense.

But good criticism nonetheless :)

Posted : February 14, 2016 2:19 am
Posts: 46
Eminent Member

Who the hell is Kimberly McGath?

The last psychic that frequented this board.


:D :D :D

Posted : February 14, 2016 2:20 am
Posts: 46
Eminent Member

That’s what I like about this case. It’s been solved so many times, and yet people keep working on it.


Very true!!!!! :)

Posted : February 14, 2016 2:20 am
Posts: 46
Eminent Member

From years and years of experience with "solutions ", I have learned before undertaking a serious and time consuming analysis of a proposed solution, I try to find out who the solution reveals as the Zodiac. If it reveals Allen, Gaikowski, a team, the solver’s stepdad or ex-husband, I will still take a look at the code work, if the work and reasoning is shown. But if it points to an unlikely suspect and/or involves excessive wide anagrams and trick methods, I mostly leave it to others (like doranchak, glurk, up2,etc.) to do a complete analysis or debunking.

She may be a former detective, but so was the guy who falsely accused his father of being Zodiac and the Black Dahlia Killer. And detectives have no special training in codes.

She is being mysterious and not freely sharing info, which is not a good sign. Anyone know who is revealed as the suspect ?

When I first released it, I thought people would enjoy little cryptic clues about who did it, because I grew up reading mysteries and loved puzzles. I was just trying to have fun with my Facebook friends more than anything but not trying to be distant, :)

Posted : February 14, 2016 2:23 am
Posts: 46
Eminent Member

She takes a shot at me and/or Doug Oswell at her site. She correctly notes that Z had a wider variance than most sk’s, going from killing couples to terrorizing a city with bomb threats. She then states this makes him unlike TK who "basically stuck to mailbombs." Yeah, uh, basically. Except for shooting mine site worker with a rifle. And poisoning and stabbing dogs. And fantasizing about killing noisy love making couples and promiscuous single women. Etc. ,etc.

She also says Z is unlike Gacy who only killed young boys. Except Gacy killed young men, not boys.

And she hints the code analysis involves holding them up to a mirror. I also find it odd she does not use the SF sketch but the Lake sketch, which may or may not be Z. Wanna bet her suspect looks nothing like the SF sketch?

I’m not sure what you mean by me taking a shot at you or Doug on my site. Could you be more specific because if I said anything like that I will remove it from my website. I am not that kind of person so can you be more specific so I can clarify or correct it. I have a lot of respect for any person with theories or thoughts about any case so hmmmmm let me know :)

Posted : February 14, 2016 2:25 am
Posts: 46
Eminent Member

I also find it odd she does not use the SF sketch but the Lake sketch, which may or may not be Z.

Indeed. I have a list of don’t-dos when it comes to presenting either theories in general, or "cases" against particular "persons of interest". It includes: "Do not make too much of the composite sketches associated with the case."

And in her case, I would add: "If you’re going to make a deal out of a sketch, at least go with the one that undoubtedly represents Z, flawed as it may be on all sorts of levels. Do not go with the one that could represent a person who is irrelevant to the investigation."

Hi there,

I couldn’t agree with you more. Composite sketches can be good tools in identifying a killer but they can be horribly inaccurate. Witnesses can be wrong and sometimes the person depicted in a sketch is not even the killer. The reason I posted the Napa Sketch and Rader together is because they are very similar.


Posted : February 14, 2016 2:27 am
Posts: 46
Eminent Member

Also, based on the evidence, the way to solve the case is definitely not to write a book. In fact, whatever you do, do NOT write a book.

Become a cop. That’s step one. Get a job in San Francisco. Step two. Get assigned to the (cold) Z case. Step three.

After having dug up all the relevant material nobody on here has seen, and drawn your conclusions based on that, get in touch with all the other jurisdictions – and look at their material. Some of which has not been seen by anyone on here either. That’s step four.

Then…draw your conclusion(s) again. That’s step five.

Then…hopefully you’ve made some kind of progress.

I doubt you’ll have solved the damn thing – but at least you should’ve gained some juicy info you can now share with the rest of us. Which would be step six.

Well I did step one, ha, and of course would not have been practical for me to do the rest, but I’ll share juicy info if I have it, just ask :)

Posted : February 14, 2016 2:29 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member

You seemed to be distinguishing Ted Kaczynski from the Zodiac. I assumed you knew Ted K is a suspect in the Zodiac case. Doug Oswell and myself are probably the best know advocates of the possibility that Ted was Zodiac. So I made the comment you were taking a shot at me and/or Doug. But perhaps you didn’t know this and thus there was no shot intended! No big deal. Don’t worry about it.

oug Oswell and myself have investigated Ted Kaczynski as the Zodiac Killer. See http://www.unazod.com and the Kaczynski section here as well.

Don’t worry about it, no offense taken.

I would like to see you lay out your case.

I served in the military and frankly find your idea of Rader as suspect baffling. Rader was in Japan in the military for all the confirmed Zodiac murders and letters. Correct? I heard your theory is Rader flew from Japan to SF on military flights. Can you lay out the details of that? From my experience in the military it just doesn’t work that way, and Rader would not have enough leave time anyway.

Welcome to the board. Look forward to hearing more from you.

You say you used the Napa sketch because it looks more like Rader. The problem is we don’t know if the man seen at the Lake was Zodiac. We know the SF sketch is Zodiac and thus it would be more accurate to use that sketch.


Posted : February 14, 2016 2:30 am
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