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Did Zodiac get whac…
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Did Zodiac get whacked out?

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White serial killers usually go after white victims. Black serial killers usually go after black victims. ( That is a known fact.) Some people in upper class neighborhoods most certainly did have guns to protect what they have. I keep a gun to not only protect myself , but my belongings as well.

Young couples don’t usually carry guns, Zodiac is a cowardly killer , he goes after whoever are easy targets . He couldn’t know if the young boys were enlisted in the military or not, when he would do his blitz attacks.

David was too young to enlist, he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Posted : October 14, 2019 3:52 am
Posts: 553
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White serial killers usually go after white victims. Black serial killers usually go after black victims. ( That is a known fact.) Some people in upper class neighborhoods most certainly did have guns to protect what they have. I keep a gun to not only protect myself , but my belongings as well.

Young couples don’t usually carry guns, Zodiac is a cowardly killer , he goes after whoever are easy targets . He couldn’t know if the young boys were enlisted in the military or not, when he would do his blitz attacks.

David was too young to enlist, he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Precisely, the Zodiac was stupid. Going up to cars at night with a gun is a recipe for disaster. If he continued to act in the manner that he was doing it is inevitable that he met his fate at the hands of a gun carrying intended target. It is impossible that he could get away unscathed if he continued his demented and murderous escapades. The bottom line is that somebody stuck the Zodiac’s gun up his own arse for him. They handed him his head and they drove away into the night to let the culprit bleed to death in the darkness all alone.

Posted : October 14, 2019 5:56 pm
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Many people started carrying guns in New York after the Son of Sam killings. Berkowitz was lucky he got arrested because it was very likely he would have been shot to death. People were on the hunt for him.

Posted : October 14, 2019 6:00 pm
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That is why he just disappeared, because somebody whacked him out.Many theories are that the Zodiac must have died. I think somebody helped him out with a bullet to the face.

Posted : October 14, 2019 6:05 pm
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The Process Church was most likely tied in with the Zodiac just like it was tied in to Son of Sam.

Posted : October 14, 2019 6:11 pm
Posts: 1375
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Please don’t take this as me wanting to argue with you about your idea that Zodiac died long ago. You and everyone else have a right to believe what ever you want.
I can only go by what I know about the man I saw and got away from the winter of 1968 Vallejo/ Napa. He was still alive as of about 8 months ago, because that was the last time I saw him for sure. Sense then I saw who could have been him last week, but I am not 100 percent sure.

This same man who claims to be Zodiac, walks , talks, writes the same as Zodiac, He has also tormented Darlene’s sister Pam over many years. ( His partner looks like the SFPD composite. )
I have had handwriting experts look at some of the notes/ letters I have received from this man and was told it is a match to Zodiac’s writing.

He did not stop killing in spite of what you believe, he has continued to kill. He did as he said he would and changed his way of collecting slaves. He is a suspect right now for over 12 murders in Contra Costa County! A few of his victims survived and some got away before he stabbed them. They have ID’d my suspect as the man who tried to kill them, so that is why I believe Zodiac is very much alive and still killing. The one who killed Paul Stine is not the one who was at Lake Berryessa. They are two different men who are connected to each other somehow. I have see both of them together is why I say this. I am very sure that he reads these message boards. If I say something about him that he doesn’t like , he lets me know about it.

Posted : October 14, 2019 8:07 pm
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Zodiac must be in his late 70s or early 80s. The best shot with a pistol at my old gun club was a man about 80 years old. He could shoot real good. The Zodiac would still be a very dangerous culprit it must be assumed then. In Rhode Island we have many mafia men who kill people at any age. Age doesn’t mean anything when you have guns. Or a knife too. An 80 year old man could cut your throat as easy as pie. Zodiac is just as dangerous, if not more so than ever. He must be hunted down like an animal and destroyed.

Posted : October 14, 2019 8:23 pm
Posts: 1352
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An 80 year old man could cut your throat as easy as pie. Zodiac is just as dangerous, if not more so than ever. He must be hunted down like an animal and destroyed.

Here we have a troll (at best) or a delusional mental case (at worst).

Posted : October 14, 2019 9:08 pm
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Cowboy just came in.

Posted : October 14, 2019 10:52 pm
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He is the Midnight Cowboy.

Posted : October 14, 2019 10:53 pm
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Perhaps M. C. is trying to lead this investigation on a wild goose chase. Whenever somebody gets a theory that is accurate and close to the whole truth the saddle tramp throws a monkey wrench into the works. He only wants people to talk about his lame ideas on the subject.But that is his nature. That is the way he works. He has failed to find out who the Zodiac is. He has failed miserably. Now his goal in life is to rain on my parade. This charlatan knows what he is doing but I will never let him derail my theories with his constant foolishness and lame excuses for his own shortcomings.

Posted : October 14, 2019 11:31 pm
Posts: 419
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There is an old saying fighting is for the young…fighting somebody in your 40’s may get you shot..fighting an old man definetly will get you shot….i dont think z was stopped at any point but he could have been….z had a fairly good plan for his victims…isolated couples or couples alone in the dark..obviously stein was different but z assumed the risk…i dont think z was ever in a rage during any of the known victim homocides…still think he was a methodical killer and did plan which included sticking with what worked in the past….i have never believed the sexual angle on why he choose couples either but its a dam fine theory…z possibly to me enjoyed the hunt as much or more than than the killing…if we ever find that bastard we can sit around and argue who had the right theory…right now that bastard z is still winning…which i am sure still puts a smile on his face…z liked the game and was very competitive opponent across the board….sob probably played chess as his hobby

Posted : October 15, 2019 1:39 am
Posts: 553
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White serial killers usually go after white victims. Black serial killers usually go after black victims. ( That is a known fact.) Some people in upper class neighborhoods most certainly did have guns to protect what they have. I keep a gun to not only protect myself , but my belongings as well.

Young couples don’t usually carry guns, Zodiac is a cowardly killer , he goes after whoever are easy targets . He couldn’t know if the young boys were enlisted in the military or not, when he would do his blitz attacks.

David was too young to enlist, he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Im watching a scary movie called the Norliss Tapes. Angie Dickenson is in the picture. She resembles you Sandy.

Posted : October 15, 2019 4:15 am
Posts: 643
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I think the "real" Zodiac was responsible for LHR, BRS, and PH, and that the attack at LB was a different person. There are many reasons, but they’ve been discussed before. My point on this thread is this: The theory that Z was killed while attempting another attack is possible if we are talking about "Real Z" and his MO. The theory is impossible if we are talking about LB Z and his MO.

With the shootings, there was no way for anyone to know that the killer was Z, until he wrote letters days or months later. Suppose, for instance, Stine or Foulke had shot and killed Z. We would never know that he had, in fact, been Z. This scenario is entirely possible: one of the next would-be victims killed Zodiac, and nobody, to this day and forever, ever knew it.

However, had an attacker using the MO that was used at LB gotten killed while attempting another attack, his costume would have revealed his Z identity.

For that matter, had the attacker at LB, after ditching his outfit, been caught or killed while fleeing the scene, the fact he had "autographed" the car of his victims would also have identified him.

This was a huge risk the Z at LB took, that "Real Z" did not. As far as we know, he wore no costume at PH, he had no knife with him (if he had, cutting Paul’s shirt would’ve been easier than ripping it) and he didn’t write his symbol on Paul’s cab (not even on the inside.) The "innovations" that set the LB attack apart from the shootings were not examples of Z evolving, because none were carried over to his next attack.

Bottom line: Shooter Z could have been killed in a subsequent attack, or fleeing immediately after, and we would not ever know, not to mention, his DNA would very likely be gone forever, having never been entered into any database. But Stabber Z could not have been killed during a subsequent attack without being tied to the Zodiac crimes.

Posted : October 15, 2019 4:53 am
Posts: 419
Reputable Member

LB is kinda weird but i still think it was z…certianly others believe otherwise and thats fine too….tossed around many a times X arrived by boat and left by boat….be nice to find those 3 girls?? who reported suspicious subject earlier and see what they have to say today …course may not be alive today….the shape of that hood looks to me like it resembles a sandblasting hood or firefighter apparatus (nitromethane ) …..X would have been aware of both ….random thoughts on my end but i dont fault anybody for putting LB outside known/confirmed z crimes.

Posted : October 15, 2019 5:37 am
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