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Navy SEALs and the Mobile Riverine Force

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I find it strange that this is never discussed, I really can’t find it anywhere. But this always gets me thinking so feel free to pick it apart, I don’t want to accuse any hero’s – but there is some things that have always stuck out to me. So any veterans of the Vietnam War that might be Sleuths, please correct me or maybe provide or solidify what I am so novice putting together. I can only go off what my Father has alluded to who was in special forces.

Here’s what it looks like to me:

I read in an article that the FBI Thinks he was a –

Possibly a Navy man Korean War veteran (due to the type of code he used)

But also we see –
Uses a Zodiac call sign. As in “This is the Zodiac” “Over”, like a boat radioing back to base. On the Zodiaccipher.com site they have FBI files of a Marine Amphibious soldier correspondence where he calls himself the Zodiac to a comrad who calls himself the riddler. The FBI cleared this man, because it is probably a well used call sign. But the Navy SEALs are a amphibious unit, literally one called Amphibious Scouts and Raiders before combining with UDTs and becoming the UDT/SEALs. All amphibious divisions use Zodiac speed boats, we see it in all the pictures of them so much so that Famous SEALs have become spokesmen for the company.

The Zodiac Sea Wolf diving watch, which has the Zodiac crosshair symbol. They have this in the movie, it’s what everyone connects the Zodiac to, it’s even in the Movie. The watch that Arthur Lee Allen wore. It’s also the adopted watch of the Navy SEALs

What else does the Zodiac use and know other than Cryptology, which is literally taught at Mare island, to Signals team and Radar men(I’ve read stories of SEALs having to take Crypto training at Mare during the Vietnam war for quick communications, on there rafts, trying to keep their Crypto machines dry)

Home made explosives
Police(Patroling Procedures, calling into police station in proximity to it, so he could watch all cars leaving and have a clear escape for himself)
Ambush Tactics(Flashlight in the Eyes, car battery disengaging with Bates)

Roy Boehm, the 1st Navy SEAL as he called himself ran the Mobile Riverine Force at the time and would train them with SEALs for the MRF for the Brown water Navy all through the Marshes of that area. As well as Army since it was a joint Venture.

If he was in the Korean War and also the Vietnam war, which would explain why he dropped off from writing for a while after 1971, all Special Forces were called home from 1971.

Also at the Benicia shooting, in the Police report, Peggy Your said she saw a man standing next to the body on the ground with a long pistol. This could have been one of the Hunters, but it wasn’t disclosed in the report, I do know one of the hunters had a revolver that I believe was long but I don’t think they disclosed that it was the hunter or not. The Zodiac said that he used Super X Winchester which is long rifle .22lr on that and that is the Ammo used in Vietnam for the Ruger Mk1, which was used in MACV-SOG and by the Navy SEALs, here’s an article about the pistol:
http://www.smallarmsreview.com/display. … icles=1873

So please pick this apart or maybe even add to it, it just looks like a SEAL the Mobile Riverine Force or of course a wanna be that has close proximity to them or the SEALs.

Posted : September 15, 2019 8:02 pm
Posts: 36
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Also would like to add his knowledge of photoelectric sensors as a triggering mechanism, MACV-SOG used these systems in Vietnam to trigger alarms and explosives as well.

Posted : September 15, 2019 8:57 pm
Posts: 383
Reputable Member

Very interesting, I would like to hear more of your thoughts. Especially, about any connected info connected to anything "Korean War".
What would be any Navy Seal Connection to Korean War? Something stand out to you?

Also, Do you know anything that would connect Navy Seals to the Golden Gate Bridge, as I would think the Golden Gate Bridge should be a huge concern. and probably a strange question but who would they have guarding the Golden Gate Bridge at this time? Did they ever have Navy Seals guarding bridges since they have special water training? I don’t understand a lot of this stuff, but I would think guarding the Golden Gate Bridge might be a priority.

Where was most of the training for the Seals? And where is it now?

Posted : September 25, 2019 3:23 am
Posts: 383
Reputable Member

Do you know which years they were teaching cryptos at Mare Island? That is interesting, as I did not know that, however, I should have known it I suppose since I have a lot of albums with a LOT of Mare Island people. I probably should have asked more questions while they were still around. They probably did not know anything anyway. but the history of Mare Island is all very interesting to me, as now I am wondering if anyone in these photos are cryptos. Kinda just a personal curiosity now. Funny how just normal regular people who seem not to know anything, really do. You just never know who your parents really are until someone else tells you.

Posted : September 25, 2019 9:52 am
Posts: 383
Reputable Member

As far as your mention of a Marine Amphibious Soldier, hmmm, again very interesting. I guess that is something else to think about.
again, I don’t know a whole lot about anything like this, but it is very interesting and picking it all apart as you suggested I kinda see how some of this might fit with zodiac. Of course I would have to study up and understand a lot more of what you are referring to before I could really make my own conclusion.

Sorry, I’m not very educated on these subjects as well as you seem to be. But I did like the article about the gun you linked to. Aren’t those obsolete now though, for the most part? I mean if you want to collect things for a hobby or something but if you want the higher quality real deal that will do a much better job, do you think some other weapon with different ammo might be more suitable? something not so big and loud, or I guess you could alway use a silencer if need be. But then who really needs one? did Zodiac need one? I guess it all depends on what he was talking about? Perhaps some people have very sensitive hearing and would hear a bang even if it were silent. Dogs hear whistles we don’t here. So on the other hand maybe zodiac was deaf and he didn’t here any sounds anyway.

anyway, thanks for this thread, again, it is very interesting.

Posted : September 25, 2019 10:06 am
Posts: 383
Reputable Member

Well I took some time and really looked at all you said. Now it is REALLY getting interesting, I hope you are still around. I want to hear more of your thoughts.
part of your post
What else does the Zodiac use and know other than Cryptology, which is literally taught at Mare island, to Signals team and Radar men(I’ve read stories of SEALs having to take Crypto training at Mare during the Vietnam war for quick communications, on there rafts, trying to keep their Crypto machines dry)

okay I get this now.

Posted : September 29, 2019 10:27 am
Posts: 24
Eminent Member

Also at the Benicia shooting, in the Police report, Peggy Your said she saw a man standing next to the body on the ground with a long pistol. This could have been one of the Hunters, but it wasn’t disclosed in the report, I do know one of the hunters had a revolver that I believe was long but I don’t think they disclosed that it was the hunter or not. The Zodiac said that he used Super X Winchester which is long rifle .22lr on that and that is the Ammo used in Vietnam for the Ruger Mk1, which was used in MACV-SOG and by the Navy SEALs, here’s an article about the pistol:
http://www.smallarmsreview.com/display. … icles=1873

So please pick this apart or maybe even add to it, it just looks like a SEAL the Mobile Riverine Force or of course a wanna be that has close proximity to them or the SEALs.

A SEAL wouldn’t have left any survivors and you can take that to the bank. A SEAL wouldn’t need cover of darkness or a costume. A SEAL could kill all those people in one go in broad daylight with a ballpoint pen or his bare hands (and that’s not Jason Bourne fiction). What possible thrill could a SEAL get from killing couples parked in cars or lying on a blanket or a cab driver sitting with his back to him?

Posted : November 21, 2019 8:29 am
Posts: 624
Honorable Member

Where did this "Peggy Your saw a man standing next to the body on the ground" business come from? The Yours drove the past the Rambler before the shooting.


Posted : November 22, 2019 9:49 am