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Poll Question, When will the Zodiac Case Be Solved? Vote now

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Like Morf I have as suspect too. very hard to get more information when we live in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. :mrgreen:

Posted : July 9, 2015 5:13 am
Posts: 11
Active Member

There is enough evidence to eventually tie a POI to Z. Palm prints, finger prints, partial DNA, physical description, and vocal description as flaky is some of it is will still be enough to eventually get him. JTR is much more difficult since there is very little evidence at all to tie anyone to the scenes. It is most likely one of the prominent POI’s.

Posted : July 25, 2015 7:35 pm
Posts: 794
Prominent Member

A serious problem for a serious amateur investigator is the difficulty in obtaining personal records. Since 9/11, such as schools have refused to give any info re a current or former student–including the dates they attended a school, or even IF they attended it. If anyone knows a way around these stonewalls, I’d appreciate your sharing it.

Posted : July 25, 2015 8:17 pm
Posts: 643
Honorable Member

There is enough evidence to eventually tie a POI to Z. Palm prints, finger prints, partial DNA, physical description, and vocal description as flaky is some of it is will still be enough to eventually get him. JTR is much more difficult since there is very little evidence at all to tie anyone to the scenes. It is most likely one of the prominent POI’s.

If the POI has died and been cremated prior to having his palm prints, fingerprints, voice recorded, then these pieces of evidence might not be of use.

If LE really wanted to solve the case this year, they would look long and hard for every bit of DNA they could find, from what was under Cheri’s fingernails to what might be under the postage stamps and cutouts Z used in his mailings. Then consult with Z experts (including amateurs), compile a list of the top 20 or so suspects, and systematically start testing DNA of POIs or relatives to zero in on the guy.

If nothing else, positively eliminating a bunch of suspects would also help, as we’d know to start looking elsewhere.

Obviously there are other things too, like mental health records, Social Security contribution records, and so on. But as I say, if Z is dead and has been combusted, DNA might be the only way to ID him positively.

Posted : July 26, 2015 1:14 am
Posts: 189
Estimable Member

I’d like to know who the optimist is on here that believes the case will be solved this year. I don’t think it will be solved in my life time. Maybe in the distant future thanks to technological advances. One reason is that most people, including Californian LE, don’t seem to care, but also it is because there is so much information available surrounding the case it is impossible to decipher the relevant from the extraneous. I remember a critic writing on Fincher’s Zodiac remarking that the film was one for our contemporary times because it was really about the overload of information.

I’m not sure if anyone else feels this way, but I get a sense that some 45 years and counting since the murders, there is still some tidbit right under all our noses that we are not seeing because there is just so much else to sort through.

I guess I will come out of the closet- I am the optimist. I have my reasons, but if I’m wrong, so be it. First- follow Occam- the simplest path, is usually what is true. Second, throw out all current POIs, he may be in there, he might not. Start fresh, ask questions, and most important, ask for or find the proof (a police report, witness statement, heck, even a newspaper article). By the end of the year may be hasty, but within a year- yes, I think it can be. Might take longer to confirm with touch DNA, but its all right in front of us.I have some info and ideas I haven’t posted yet.

Being East Coast is a detriment- however, the internet is a wealth of information (you just gotta work on some tricks of the trade), with more and more added daily. If you are alum somewhere, you may have access to e-publications that can date back to the 1800’s.

And my last major suggestion is the possibility of a concerted effort to get agencies to release info they are sitting on. I have read there are confirmed letters the FBI has from Z that were not released to the public. Pressure Riverside to release CJB.

Happy cybersleuthing!

-Marie- the optimist

The problem when solved will be simple– Kettering

Posted : July 26, 2015 9:46 am
Posts: 857
Prominent Member

I has been solved! When will it will be officially solved? Maybe never.

My thinking at this point, the way it might be solved is with Riverside PD. If they get enough good evidence to investigate a suspect in the CJB murder, they might find a match to the evidence they have.

If that happens, the other agencies (SF/Napa/Vallejo) would have good reason to investigate and link the CJB murderer to the Zodiac crimes.

So my vote is 2016 – 50 years for Riverside to get it done.

Posted : July 27, 2015 2:48 am
Posts: 1764
Noble Member

Damn, didn’t know it had been solved already. What a waste of time.

I guess I have to go back to collecting potatoes that look like famous people then.

Anyone interested in a potato which looks exactly like the Stine composite? I’ll trade it for one which looks like it has a shuffling lope.

Posted : July 27, 2015 9:05 pm
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

Damn, didn’t know it had been solved already. What a waste of time.

I guess I have to go back to collecting potatoes that look like famous people then.

Anyone interested in a potato which looks exactly like the Stine composite? I’ll trade it for one which looks like it has a shuffling lope.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : July 27, 2015 9:26 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin
Topic starter

I has been solved! When will it will be officially solved? Maybe never.

My thinking at this point, the way it might be solved is with Riverside PD. If they get enough good evidence to investigate a suspect in the CJB murder, they might find a match to the evidence they have.

If that happens, the other agencies (SF/Napa/Vallejo) would have good reason to investigate and link the CJB murderer to the Zodiac crimes.

So my vote is 2016 – 50 years for Riverside to get it done.

I like Ross a lot, but declaring the case solved, is simply, irresponsible & premature

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : July 27, 2015 10:19 pm
Posts: 810
Prominent Member

Damn, didn’t know it had been solved already. What a waste of time.

I guess I have to go back to collecting potatoes that look like famous people then.

Anyone interested in a potato which looks exactly like the Stine composite? I’ll trade it for one which looks like it has a shuffling lope.

Lmao. That is hilarious. I love it.


Posted : July 29, 2015 12:12 am
Posts: 556
Honorable Member

I honestly believe after learning more about the case from awesome people here and reading up recently that it is likely ALA was the Zodiac and the case is essentially solved. and I believe the DNA from the letters not matching ALA isn’t significant enough to rule him out – if it is indeed true that he may have asked others to lick his stamps/handle his letters for him as some articles have asserted then all the more. Also must take into account that the letters were likely handled by multiple individuals and the chance of transferring false evidence from someone who was not the actual killer/letter writer is possible. ALA having a supposed connection to a Riverside and the International Racing speedway there prior to the CJB murder also made me believe it is likely he is connected to CJB and the Zodiac murders. I’m not sure if ALA had an accomplice, but wouldn’t necessarily doubt it. I could see ALA having some relationship with a guy and they go out on crime sprees together (not that they would be only homosexual, but likely bisexual and pedophiles … Anything they could get and easy).

Not opposed to other theories or suspects. I love theories and any new info found!

Posted : August 17, 2015 8:17 pm
Posts: 857
Prominent Member

I honestly believe after learning more about the case from awesome people here and reading up recently that it is likely ALA was the Zodiac and the case is essentially solved. and I believe the DNA from the letters not matching ALA isn’t significant enough to rule him out – if it is indeed true that he may have asked others to lick his stamps/handle his letters for him as some articles have asserted then all the more. Also must take into account that the letters were likely handled by multiple individuals and the chance of transferring false evidence from someone who was not the actual killer/letter writer is possible. ALA having a supposed connection to a Riverside and the International Racing speedway there prior to the CJB murder also made me believe it is likely he is connected to CJB and the Zodiac murders. I’m not sure if ALA had an accomplice, but wouldn’t necessarily doubt it. I could see ALA having some relationship with a guy and they go out on crime sprees together (not that they would be only homosexual, but likely bisexual and pedophiles … Anything they could get and easy).

Not opposed to other theories or suspects. I love theories and any new info found!

ALA was ruled out in every way possible. I don’t know what you are reading, but it might be old information. It’s been very well established that ALA couldn’t have been Z.

Posted : August 17, 2015 8:34 pm
Posts: 556
Honorable Member

With all due respect, Well established how? He circumstancially fits better than any other suspect or PIO entertained – I don’t think many people have tried to refute the significance of those circumstancial connections (obviously not direct evidence but…). I am not dead set on ALA, but I have to admit that I do think circumstancially speaking he is the strongest suspect JMO.

Posted : August 17, 2015 8:38 pm
Posts: 857
Prominent Member

With all due respect, Well established how? He circumstancially fits better than any other suspect or PIO entertained – I don’t think many people have tried to refute the significance of those circumstancially connections (obviously not direct evidence but…). I am not dead set on ALA, but I have to admit that I do think circumstancially speaking he is the strongest suspect JMO.


Posted : August 17, 2015 8:41 pm
Posts: 556
Honorable Member

With all due respect, Well established how? He circumstancially fits better than any other suspect or PIO entertained – I don’t think many people have tried to refute the significance of those circumstancially connections (obviously not direct evidence but…). I am not dead set on ALA, but I have to admit that I do think circumstancially speaking he is the strongest suspect JMO.


Thank you for offering up some reading. Will look through now :)

Edit: the information provided is all stuff I already knew as far as "evidence" exonerating ALA. The DOJ was split on ALA BC one side believed the circumstancial evidence should have been sufficient enough to secure search warrants earlier on and to pin ALA, but the other side was strict in their belief that the lAck of direct evidence was sufficient for exoneration. Graphology and lie detector tests are notoriously moot when it comes to evidence of exoneration. I also
Believe the theory that the bloody print on the cab that they compared to ALA may not have been zodiacs print – I’ve believed for some time even before reading of ALA that the amount of time he took by the cab was BC he was planting false evidence. Wasn’t the Stine incident 5 days after ALA was questioned? What an opportunity for him to frame someone else and take heat off himself?

My issue lies in that I believe ALA was much more intelligent than Many in LE gave him credit for. All
Of these people coming to LE in relation to ALA and their stories must have been significant enough to stand out beyond all of the other suspects presented. ALA’s own brother being trusted to search the potential crime scene of ALA before police was absolutely ridiculous. They were way too intent on getting ALA and telling a blood relative RA about the case against ALA I’m sure ruined it! JMO. Sounds like RA played the police to save his brother IMO.

Posted : August 17, 2015 8:42 pm
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