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Robert Tarbox's claim "zodiac" was a Merchant Marine E 1970s

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Israelite Wolfman
Posts: 80
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Following Robert Tarbox’s claim "zodiac" was a Merchant Marine back in "the early 1970s" (The California Maritime Academy is in Vallejo, CA)

If Bob Tarbox’s testimony is correct (he claimed the guy who spoke with him showed him a legit Merchant Marine documentation and was 35-45 yo WMA, 5’11.5"-6’1", about 225 lbs, "not blonde" with some gray hairs when they met) then we should search for the "zodiac" among the people who have been there between the years 1968/1969 in the alumni yearbooks:

*1968: http://www.e-yearbook.com/sp/eybb?school=505&year=1968

*1969: http://www.e-yearbook.com/sp/eybb?school=505&year=1969

*1970 – if really stretching it: http://www.e-yearbook.com/sp/eybb?school=505&year=1970

I want to believe that the 2 (first? unless the RCC 1966 murder was his doing as well) murders in Vallejo occurred while the academy was "off to holiday/holiday mood" (Christmas of 1968 and 4th of July, 1969) and most (if not the vast majority) of the students were released to celebrate the event with their families while some stayed to "guard the place" (been in the army, this is how we do), for some reason "zodiac" didn’t wanted to go back home, or had problems with his folks as suggested by psychologists in the past, so he stayed in Vallejo’s vicinity "cruising around" with his car (as he phrased it), probably sleeping in the academy (Yup, even after the murders took place). If someone here has an account there, you’re more than welcome to check it out (compare the faces to the facial features of the Paul Stine murder scene sketch – Officer Don Fouke suggested the sketch caught/reminded the face he saw but "zodiac", if that was him, was heavier) and maybe put an end to this mystery.

Disclosure: STOP calling the "zodiac" killer "z", just like in the case of "isis" (the islamic terror faction), they’re nothing to fond despite having English initials that sounds like something from the X-MEN, this sick (whether diagnosed or not) SOB is not your friend and he’s not a person to be sympathetic with or have containing-feeling towards. What I feel from the forums and sites I’ve explored ranges from sympathy to admiring this lame POS. Cecilia Shepard’s sister and family are right!

That’s my poi: viewtopic.php?f=96&t=4009

Posted : June 8, 2017 8:07 pm
Posts: 624
Honorable Member

Tarbox said that the guy didn’t look like the sketch, so the sketch wouldn’t be of much use.

Posted : June 9, 2017 4:24 am
Posts: 2309
Member Moderator

A merchant marine would not necessarily have gone to an academy. My husband was a merchant marine in the SF Bay at that time but became one by virtue of having been in the Coast Guard. He did not go to an academy. Additionally, if Zodiac did go to an academy it would be more likely that he went to the maritime academy in Vallejo.

Here’s the wiki on it and it was not with the California State University system back in the 60s.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Californi … me_Academy

Don’t get me wrong, I like the idea of Tarbox’s suspect but without any identity to go on it’s not possible to research him.


Posted : June 9, 2017 7:12 am
Israelite Wolfman
Posts: 80
Estimable Member
Topic starter

Tarbox said that the guy didn’t look like the sketch, so the sketch wouldn’t be of much use.

I doubt that IF the one who talked to Tarbox was indeed "zodiac" THAT he could have changed his head size/shape and jaw form, weight is something that can be lowered with diets and sports but it doesn’t seems as he done any and his body size was still "heavy set" when Tarbox met him, I doubt rhinoplasty places were available/common then as now and that he would go under such a procedure after the Paul Stine’s murder suspect sketch.

I do believe that he had make-up to look different than his normal self (fake age look – that’s why the kids were sure he was 25-30 as Michael Megeau and Bryan Hartnell offered while trained officer as Fouke thought he was 35-45 years old) and used glasses which he doesn’t use on his daily life as a "disguise", also – maybe the red tint he had in his hair was actually henna that he covered/painted his true hair color with, it’s washable and can wear off after a decent amount of water. Also, quite cheap to buy it.

Bottom line is: We need to see if in those yearbooks there’s a beefy white guy (who weights by eyewitness anywhere between 80-113 KG), with big head and jaw that resembles any of the Paul Stine sketches’ shape. I don’t know if the short curly hair he had in the Blue Rock Springs murder was his real hair or a wig, depends on the restrictions they had there in the Maritime Academy. If we are lucky then the attached text to his picture will refer to his fondness of reading (mystery/crime) books and watching movies/theater plays or solving puzzles. OR even better with a mentioning of a stint in the Air Force, Navy or Marines to explain the Wing Walkers from Lake Berryessa.

That’s my poi: viewtopic.php?f=96&t=4009

Posted : June 9, 2017 5:11 pm
Posts: 70
Estimable Member

I interviewed Tarbox back in 2014 and this was for my own personal curiosity. He said that the guy was probably in his early forties was average height range 5"9.5-5"11. I wrote an article that never got published, but if you have any questions feel free to ask, but you know a lot I’m sure.

Posted : June 9, 2017 11:53 pm
Israelite Wolfman
Posts: 80
Estimable Member
Topic starter

I interviewed Tarbox back in 2014 and this was for my own personal curiosity. He said that the guy was probably in his early forties was average height range 5"9.5-5"11. I wrote an article that never got published, but if you have any questions feel free to ask, but you know a lot I’m sure.

Please, do tell, I’m only into the "zodiac" case sine April 10th or so, don’t hold yourself, spill the beans. :D
The funny thing is I’m 6’1" (due to Scoliosis, should be 6’3"-6’4") and I found it weird that some of the witnesses said "zodiac" was about 5’8"-5’11" and Tarbox according to another source I saw (think it was the one I’ve attached here) said he could have been 6’1" too, which is weird to mistake so "drastically" in height adjustment from the minimum assumed to this.
I wonder if there will be a mentioning of the alumni’s hometowns in those yearbooks and there will be a "Riverside, Ca" listed there.

That’s my poi: viewtopic.php?f=96&t=4009

Posted : June 10, 2017 12:06 am
Posts: 53
Trusted Member

Two thirds of the way through the article is a quote from a local person who said kids thought at the time the killer was a local man who was in the Merchant Marine. But it doesn’t elaborate on why they thought that.


Posted : July 11, 2020 3:36 am
Posts: 36
Eminent Member

This guy left some signed paper or something or just speak on it? Im not dout of tarbox, his declaration could be true, if it was zodiac its a different thing.

Posted : July 11, 2020 10:52 pm
Posts: 166
Estimable Member

Quicktrader asked;
"Tarbox"…"His office was in San Francisco, correct? Thus,
what made Z contact him instead of any other SF lawyer?"

Tarbox, when interviewed in 2009, opined that "My office was
halfway between Belli’s home and Belli’s office,"…"He might
have been looking for Belli, and wound up finding me."
https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/ … 225232.php

My take on this matter is this;
It was months, perhaps many months, after the murder of Paul
Stine that the Zodiac came to the decision to consult a lawyer
– but which lawyer and how could Zodiac be sure that that lawyer
would keep his mouth shut? I believe Zodiac chose Tarbox for a
number of reasons. One is that Zodiac would have made enquiries
and was satisfied from those enquiries that Tarbox seemed to be
a competent lawyer.
Another was that Tarboxes business office was easy to surveil –
1090 Montgomery is right on the street corner of Vallejo St and
Montgomery St, it would easy to see when the office lights are
turned off (at the end of the work day) and may possibly be easy
to intercept anybody who is exiting the office building or possibly
in the vicinity of their carpark space (depends on which carspace
Tarbox used);
and that building would be easily observable whilst standing or
sitting some way up on the Vallejo Street steps (depending if the
steps were in existence during "the early ’70s", which is when
Tarbox said that man entered his office);

Tarbox said the man entered his office just prior to closing time –
we can theorize that Zodiac’s intention was to have and complete
the lawyers consultation, then leave Tarboxes office… and then
perhaps wait and watch to see what then occurs.
Consider a few possibilities – Tarbox listens to the Zodiac, but declines
to be his lawyer , and/or perhaps Zodiac having now talked to Tarbox,
judges that Tarbox might not keep client confidentiality. Even worse –
suppose the office lights don’t go out and after a few minutes, a police
cruiser pulls up outside Tarboxes office. Zodiac, watching hidden up on
the Vallejo steps, then knows that Tarbox is a danger to him as a person
who can’t be trusted and who could potentially identify him from say,
photographs (for instance if Tarbox refused to make a formal statement
of Zodiac’s appearance, but still was prepared to inform police of his
appearance or look through mugshot books or suspect photographs, then
or in the future, which police could ask Tarbox to do ‘on the quiet’).
If this had occured, then Zodiac could have intercepted and shot dead
Tarbox that night or on the following nights, as Tarbox left 1090
Montgomery St.

As it actually occurred however, Tarbox simply closed up the office and drove
to the "Buena Vista Cafe near Aquatic Park" for several drinks and never told
anyone until 2007 (except perhaps his law partner Git Jue?) about the man
who had claimed he was Zodiac, even then still not breaking client
confidentiality as to that man’s exact appearance or identity (the name
Zodiac gave Tarbox was probably false anyway, IMHO).

The 1969/70 Polk’s lists Tarboxes Business address as 1090 Montgomery
St and Residential address as 2430 Leavenworth St (which is only a short
drive away from Montgomery St);
https://archive.org/details/polkssanfra … 8/mode/2up
https://archive.org/details/polkssanfra … 0/mode/2up

In the 1973 Polk’s; The Business and residential addresses are shown
In the 1974 Polk’s; The Business address secton still has a listing for Tarbox law
business and residence but the listings by street householder;
https://archive.org/details/sanfrancisc … 2/mode/2up
no longer shows Tarbox as resident at 2430 Leavenworth St.
So probably sometime in 1973 to 1974 Tarbox moved out of the
Leavenworth St residence.
This suggests, taking into account
Paul_Averly‘s post about how,
"When the event occurred Tarbox’s office was in SF but he lived in Vallejo
(Tarbox also had ads for his law practice in the Vallejo area)".
https://www.zodiackillersite.com/viewto … 104#p11104
that the year that Tarbox talked to the man claiming to be Zodiac was
possibly 1973 or 1974.

In the 1975 Polk’s; Tarboxes Business and residential listings are no
longer listed, which matches known information, i.e. Tarbox had
moved to Nevada about that year.

Further EDIT: I note that guild1995, who also talked to Tarbox, stated
that 1972 was the year that Tarbox talked to the man claiming to be
the Zodiac;

Posted : December 9, 2020 4:59 pm
Posts: 47
Trusted Member

Tarbox said that the guy didn’t look like the sketch, so the sketch wouldn’t be of much use.

I wonder if the man who went to visit Tarbox was not Z but was a brother. The family might have realised what he was up to and this way they could speak with a lawyer confidentially.

Posted : December 11, 2020 6:38 am
Posts: 47
Trusted Member

Following Robert Tarbox’s claim "zodiac" was a Merchant Marine back in "the early 1970s" (The California Maritime Academy is in Vallejo, CA)

If Bob Tarbox’s testimony is correct (he claimed the guy who spoke with him showed him a legit Merchant Marine documentation and was 35-45 yo WMA, 5’11.5"-6’1", about 225 lbs, "not blonde" with some gray hairs when they met) then we should search for the "zodiac" among the people who have been there between the years 1968/1969 in the alumni yearbooks:

*1968: http://www.e-yearbook.com/sp/eybb?school=505&year=1968

*1969: http://www.e-yearbook.com/sp/eybb?school=505&year=1969

*1970 – if really stretching it: http://www.e-yearbook.com/sp/eybb?school=505&year=1970

I want to believe that the 2 (first? unless the RCC 1966 murder was his doing as well) murders in Vallejo occurred while the academy was "off to holiday/holiday mood" (Christmas of 1968 and 4th of July, 1969) and most (if not the vast majority) of the students were released to celebrate the event with their families while some stayed to "guard the place" (been in the army, this is how we do), for some reason "zodiac" didn’t wanted to go back home, or had problems with his folks as suggested by psychologists in the past, so he stayed in Vallejo’s vicinity "cruising around" with his car (as he phrased it), probably sleeping in the academy (Yup, even after the murders took place). If someone here has an account there, you’re more than welcome to check it out (compare the faces to the facial features of the Paul Stine murder scene sketch – Officer Don Fouke suggested the sketch caught/reminded the face he saw but "zodiac", if that was him, was heavier) and maybe put an end to this mystery.

Disclosure: STOP calling the "zodiac" killer "z", just like in the case of "isis" (the islamic terror faction), they’re nothing to fond despite having English initials that sounds like something from the X-MEN, this sick (whether diagnosed or not) SOB is not your friend and he’s not a person to be sympathetic with or have containing-feeling towards. What I feel from the forums and sites I’ve explored ranges from sympathy to admiring this lame POS. Cecilia Shepard’s sister and family are right!

wouldn’t his class be much earlier?

Posted : December 11, 2020 6:38 am
Posts: 56
Trusted Member

I recall that someone posted a California merchant academy yearbook in the ‘Tarbox suspect’ thread.

What’s really interesting about that is the outfit that the shooting team wore. Fits the Presidio description very well.

Posted : February 15, 2021 4:27 am
Posts: 418
Reputable Member

Disclosure: STOP calling the "zodiac" killer "z", just like in the case of "isis" (the islamic terror faction), they’re nothing to fond despite having English initials that sounds like something from the X-MEN, this sick (whether diagnosed or not) SOB is not your friend and he’s not a person to be sympathetic with or have containing-feeling towards. What I feel from the forums and sites I’ve explored ranges from sympathy to admiring this lame POS. Cecilia Shepard’s sister and family are right!

I find this sentiment even more disingenuous than the people it’s trying to call out. If you feel that way, what on earth are you doing on a sleuth forum? There is a middle ground between glorification and sanctimonious moralizing. It’s a 50 year old mystery, yes some people are a little fascinated by it, get a grip.

I confess my own interest is primarily curiosity, I would love to see him caught and bought to justice, but I’m not going to pretend that I have a strong emotional investment, for me it’s primarily academic. I have to have the honesty to admit that, and not pretend I’m on some righteous mission. Also from a practical stand point "Z" is just so much faster when I’m trying to clarify who I’m referring, I honestly get sick of typing "Zodiac". As time has gone on though, my empathy for the victims has grown.

When I first joined this forum I admit, Zodiac held a odd mystique, but that has diminished overtime and has been primarily replaced by disgusted a sense of wasted lives, young lives. Zodiac is a character though, he did have some unusual traits, and it’s hard not to be a little fascinated. Also Reddit is mostly 12-year-olds, and they have no sense of what death really means, so it’s no surprise that their imaginations run wild.

Posted : February 15, 2021 5:22 am
Posts: 541
Honorable Member

One of the bigger red herrings in the case, IMO. I don’t think Z was couch-surfing with a general mailbox. The letters imply he had a home. Basement. Flooded house.

Posted : February 15, 2021 9:08 pm
Posts: 214
Member Moderator

I noticed in passing, someone (forum user: traveller1st?) mentioned that Michael A. Aquino, Jr. of the Temple of Set lived in the same building as Tarbox in 1971. Given that other mention of the Merchant Mariner comes from people related to LeVey, it all seems a bit convenient–as if they’re trying to drum up interest in their respective Satanist churches. It has the whiff of grift about it.

Posted : February 17, 2021 7:21 pm
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