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Significant that Z refutes all claimes made, except the 'La

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Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
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Welsh Chappie, Subject: Significant that Z refutes all claimes made, except the ‘Latent Homosexual’ one? Mon Feb 18, 2013 11:17 pm

In an article published Oct 18, 1969 in The Chronicle, Chief of Inspectors Marvin Lee makes several accusations about Zodiac. They are…

The killer of five who calls himself "Zodiac" is a clumsy criminal, a liar and possibly a latent homosexual.

That’s the opinion of homicide detectives assigned to bring in the boastful mass murderer.

"He has made some mistakes," Chief of Inspectors Marvin Lee said of Zodiac. Mistakes such as:

— Possibly leaving his fingerprints in the Yellow Cab in which he shot taxi driver Paul Stine last Saturday night.

— Allowing himself to be seen by three witnesses as he fled from the Presidio Heights murder scene.

"His boast of being in the area we were searching while we were searching it is a lie," Lee said. "We had the whole area flooded with lights. We had seven police dogs and a large number of patrolmen searching the area tree by tree and bush by bush. The dogs are the best in the country. A mouse couldn’t have escaped our attention."

Lee said the fact that Zodiac failed to mention the dogs and floodlights proves "he wasn’t anywhere in the vicinity."

Zodiac reposnds and denies all above allegations, all except the ‘Latent Homosexual’ one. He says in response…

"I have grown rather angry with the police for their telling lies about me.

"1 I look like the description passed out only when I do my thing, the rest of the time I look entirle different." (Refute’s the claim he allowed himself to be seen due to being clumsy)

"2 As of yet I have left no fingerprints behind me contrary to what the police say" (Refute’s the claim he left prints behind at the cab.)

And then to prove Chief Lee wrong when he states that Zodiac wasn’t anywhere in the vicinity because he failed to mention the dogs, Zodiac states…

"I enjoy needling the blue pigs. Hey blue pig I was in the park — you were useing fire trucks to mask the sound of your cruzeing prowl cars. The dogs never came with in 2 blocks of me + they were to the west + there was only 2 groups of parking about 10 min apart then the motor cicles went by about 150 ft away going from south to north west."

The one thing that the article did say they took serious about Zodiac, was his threat to ‘Wipe out a school bus’, and states that the school buses are being followed by armed officers. And this one thing they do take him serious about and say in the article that they believe him, Zodiac promptly point out their stupidity by stating…

"If you cops think I’m going to take on a bus the way I stated I was, you deserve to have holes in your heads."

But its interesting that he rebuffed and refuted all claims made about him, and against him, except the claim he was a Latent Homosexual.

‘It is the knife attack that leads investigators to consider that Zodiac may be a latent homosexual. His cryptic writings and hand- lettered boasts don’t indicate this — but the way in which he wielded the knife does hint of it.’ The article claims.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Significant that Z refutes all claimes made, except the ‘Latent Homosexual’ one? Mon Feb 18, 2013 11:51 pm

How does one refute being homosexual?

Screaming "I am not gay!" is often see as a sign one is gay.

After Stine, the most often cited possible victims of Zodiac were Kathleen Johns, Judith Hakari, Nancy Bennallack and Donna Lass. Also some felt the Santa Rosa/Sonoma County cases could have been Zodiac, and those victims were all young women, some found nude, some bound, some molested, some raped.

entropy, Subject: Re: Significant that Z refutes all claimes made, except the ‘Latent Homosexual’ one? Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:30 am

Interesting question, WC, but I kind of agree with AK. While I suppose there may be some basis for considering the "latent homosexual" theory, I honestly believe this was purposely thrown in there by LE to piss off Zodiac and keep him communicating. Judging by the response, it seems to have worked. He does respond point for point regarding the alleged evidence against him and obviously has a vested interest in disproving that evidence. Disproving that you’re a latent homosexual, as AK suggested, seems like a losing proposition.

The point about ridiculing the cops for believing his specific threat is really interesting too. I never really noticed that. Like the claim of being stopped by Fouke and Zelms, I think this may be a case where telling the truth may have served his taunting agenda. He lies to counteract true beliefs about the physical evidence and truthfully(?)acknowledges lying when it serves his agenda of making police look incompetent for believing his lies. :suspect:

I started a thread on ZKF a long time ago about Zodiac’s lies. I think that would be an interesting topic to revisit here.

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Significant that Z refutes all claimes made, except the ‘Latent Homosexual’ one? Tue Feb 19, 2013 8:11 am

Yeah, having thought about it, i’d have to agree your both correct. Z may have been able to claim he was not seen by witnesses because he is stupid and clumsy, but actually allowed himself to be seen by people as he had taken steps to change and disguise his appearence. (That would be something he’d probably have done because at the time of night, and on a public street, the odds of him being seen were very high). And it may be fairly simple to dismiss claims that you were not in the Park during the search by simply offering details of the position of the cars parked alongside JK play area, the motorbikes that went by etc, but how could he, as you said, provide evidence to dismiss the allegation of him being homosexual? I mean other than the very unliekly "This is the Zodiac Speaking. I am the hetrosexual murderer of the taxi driver over by W’ton & M’ple streets. To prove this, here is the phone number of my fiancee Bernice." Lol.

And yeah entro, thats what struck me in his letter, everything they accused him lying about, he refuted that by giving apparant reasons and evidence, and the one thing that they did give him credit for telling the truth about, and for wich they took him and his claim very seriously, he instantly announces was an idle threat, a complete lie, and he was not serious about it, and the police are stupid and deserve to be shot for ‘taking the bait’.

It almost seems like when they dismiss Zodiac as a liar, he happily provides proof and evidence as to why they are wrong about that, and thus he win’s and is simply fantastic, they lose and are again, stupid and incompetent. And i think Zodiac only tells the truth about not really even considering to attack a school bus, simply because they not only state they believe him, but have put armed patrol cars behind every school bus to prove it, and so he tells the truth that his threat to wipe out a school bus, was a lie.

onewhoknows, Subject: Re: Significant that Z refutes all claimes made, except the ‘Latent Homosexual’ one? Tue Feb 19, 2013 12:26 pm

Yes yes and yes Chappie. A latent homosexual, in a world where in the 1960’s in SF they were still
arresting homosexuals and putting them in jail for being gay. Zodiac was frustrated with heterosexuals
hence all the couple killing. How do you mess up someone sexually? Abuse them as a child…IMO

morf13, Subject: Re: Significant that Z refutes all claimes made, except the ‘Latent Homosexual’ one? Tue Feb 19, 2013 12:51 pm

I wish I could find it, but I have looked and looked and can’t, but I had an article that was done regarding Zodiac being a latent homosexual, and that there was a good chance he was. While lots of friends of his may have been dating girls,parking,necking,etc, Z may have been lonely and fighting homosexual urges that were much more taboo back then. The one example from his writing that they cited w’s the fact in his 1st cipher, he had written ‘more fun than getting your rocks off with a girl’ it mentioned that a straight man would not have felt the need to add tha part about ‘with a girl’, but a person unsure of his sexuality and wanting to project the image of being straight, likely would unconsciously add the part about ‘wtih a girl’

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Significant that Z refutes all claimes made, except the ‘Latent Homosexual’ one? Tue Feb 19, 2013 1:10 pm

I wish I could find it, but I have looked and looked and can’t, but I had an article that was done regarding Zodiac being a latent homosexual, and that there was a good chance he was. While lots of friends of his may have been dating girls,parking,necking,etc, Z may have been lonely and fighting homosexual urges that were much more taboo back then. The one example from his writing that they cited w’s the fact in his 1st cipher, he had written ‘more fun than getting your rocks off with a girl’ it mentioned that a straight man would not have felt the need to add tha part about ‘with a girl’, but a person unsure of his sexuality and wanting to project the image of being straight, likely would unconsciously add the part about ‘wtih a girl’

Well the reasons given in the above article for the belief that the offender may have been gay is…

"It is the knife attack that leads investigators to consider that Zodiac may be a latent homosexual. His cryptic writings and hand- lettered boasts don’t indicate this — but the way in which he wielded the knife does hint of it.

The knife fell again and again and formed the mysterious symbol — like the crosshairs of a gun sight — that has come to be Zodiac’s hallmark.

Psychiatrists and criminologists have told investigators that such a modus operandi could mean Zodiac is unsure of his manhood."

How they decide that because he stabbs in a way that appears as thought he’s trying to stab the crossed circle into his victims, this automatically means he’s unsure of his manhood, i don’t know. I can understand fully their assumption based on the way he may have held the knife, but not the second conculsion they make. I don’t think i have ever heard Bryan Hartnell ever make reference to Zodiac holding, or stabbing, in a homosexual ‘Camp’ kind of way.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Significant that Z refutes all claimes made, except the ‘Latent Homosexual’ one? Tue Feb 19, 2013 1:15 pm

The idea that gay people stab differently than straight people is moronic.

This might have been part of a strategy to anger Zodiac.

If not it is just press hype, stupidity and maybe homophobia.

Most gay serial killers kill men – look at Gacy, Dahmer, etc. They target the object of their their blocked affection, men. Zodiac is interesting in that he targets couples, so that could be hetrosexual envy or confused sexuality. But if you think he killed Bates, and attacked Johns, and perhaps killed Lass, Bennallack, etc., the primary target of his rage seems to be women. Abd arguably that is even shown in that in two of the couple attacks, the male lived while the female died. His rage seemed more directed at women.

Zodiac may have had a confused sexuality, but I see no evidence he was homosexual.

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Significant that Z refutes all claimes made, except the ‘Latent Homosexual’ one? Tue Feb 19, 2013 1:16 pm

Then again, maybe this explains why he stabbed Cecilia in the crotch area. I made reference to this meaning something to Zodiac on another thread on this site and most people disagreed saying that was simply down to her rolling around and trying to get away. But as i said then, i’ll say now, Zodiac could have dropped his knees onto her body and held her down like he did Byran. I am positive he stabbed her genital’s deliberately and if he was a closet gay, then then may explain why he did it. Lashing out at the very thing that he resented himself for not being able to be attracted to?

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Significant that Z refutes all claimes made, except the ‘Latent Homosexual’ one? Tue Feb 19, 2013 1:17 pm

Then again, maybe this explains why he stabbed Cecilia in the crotch area. I made reference to this meaning something to Zodiac on another thread on this site and most people disagreed saying that was simply down to her rolling around and trying to get away. But as i said then, i’ll say now, Zodiac could have dropped his knees onto her body and held her down like he did Byran. I am positive he stabbed her genital’s deliberately and if he was a closet gay, then then may explain why he did it. Lashing out at the very thing that he resented himself for not being able to be attracted to?

Well we are getting into pure speculation now. It could fit a hetrosexual man who was a virgin, unsuccessful with women yet angry at them for the denial.

I would say look at facts. Look at most known homosexual men who became serial killers, like Dahmer and Gacy. For the most part, they killed men, period.

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Significant that Z refutes all claimes made, except the ‘Latent Homosexual’ one? Tue Feb 19, 2013 1:25 pm

The idea that gay people stab differently than straight people is moronic.

This might have been part of a strategy to anger Zodiac.

If not it is just press hype, stupidity and maybe homophobia.

Most gay serial killers kill men – look at Gacy, Dahmer, etc. They target the object of their their blocked affection, men. Zodiac is interesting in that he targets couples, so that could be hetrosexual envy or confused sexuality. But if you think he killed Bates, and attacked Johns, and perhaps killed Lass, Bennallack, etc., the primary target of his rage seems to be women. Abd arguably that is even shown in that in two of the couple attacks, the male lived while the female died. His rage seemed more directed at women.

Zodiac may have had a confused sexuality, but I see no evidence he was homosexual.

Ak i am not homophobic at all. Camp gay men would hold and stab differently, IMO, to that of non camp gay men. Now thats not me being homophobic and simply making a remark that is intended in anyway to make camp gay men appear less able or in any other way ment to be prejudice, i’m simply stating what i believe to be the case.

It is commonly known that homosexual camp men, if in a fight, are more likely to slap and such, rather than punch. Again, i’m not being homophobic, i’m stating that based on seeing a gay couple fight on more than one occasion.

If you want to call me moronic for stating my opinion, just because you have decided that i am simply being homophobic, then that is up to you. I was not being homophobic,i was being realistic and thats that.

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Significant that Z refutes all claimes made, except the ‘Latent Homosexual’ one? Tue Feb 19, 2013 1:34 pm

Then again, maybe this explains why he stabbed Cecilia in the crotch area. I made reference to this meaning something to Zodiac on another thread on this site and most people disagreed saying that was simply down to her rolling around and trying to get away. But as i said then, i’ll say now, Zodiac could have dropped his knees onto her body and held her down like he did Byran. I am positive he stabbed her genital’s deliberately and if he was a closet gay, then then may explain why he did it. Lashing out at the very thing that he resented himself for not being able to be attracted to?

Well we are getting into pure speculation now. It could fit a hetrosexual man who was a virgin, unsuccessful with women yet angry at them for the denial.

I would say look at facts. Look at most known homosexual men who became serial killers, like Dahmer and Gacy. For the most part, they killed men, period.

Yes AK, thats correct, i am speculating, i am making various assumptions and i am using circumstancial evidence. Thats what you do when you have an offender who is unapprehended and unknown. You theorise, speculate, and assume based on what is known about him. Its called an opinion!

I am offended to be honest at being indirectly refered to as a moron by youself after you read my post, instantly decided i was not so much making a point about Zodiac or his attck, but rather simply using it as an opportunity to bash gays and its obvious that was my intent because i’m basing my opinion on nothing at all and so thus its confirmed i am just gay bashing. You could not be more wrong.

entropy, Subject: Re: Significant that Z refutes all claimes made, except the ‘Latent Homosexual’ one? Tue Feb 19, 2013 1:50 pm

I may be wrong but I always presumed that the article was suggesting that it was Zodiac’s decision to stab rather than sexually assault a bound female that led to the conclusion about his "latent homosexuality". He had every opportunity to sexually assault Cecilia with both her and Hartnell bound in a relatively isolated location but he showed no interest in her sexually.

I tend to think that tells of Zodiac’s lack of an overt sexual motive but it could certainly be interpreted as evidence of sexual preference as well. The insinuation of homosexuality was obviously a lot bigger deal in 1969 than it would be today.

tahoe27, Subject: Re: Significant that Z refutes all claimes made, except the ‘Latent Homosexual’ one? Tue Feb 19, 2013 2:29 pm

Latent homosexuality = psycho babble.

He didn’t rape her so he must be gay…or just doesn’t know it yet! Say what??

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Significant that Z refutes all claimes made, except the ‘Latent Homosexual’ one? Tue Feb 19, 2013 3:22 pm

Latent homosexuality = psycho babble.

He didn’t rape her so he must be gay…or just doesn’t know it yet! Say what??

The stabbing itself is the penetration, according to one serial killer interviewed about why he never raped his victims, but only murdered them.

Not saying that is what motivated Z for an instant, just speaking in general.

tahoe27, Subject: Re: Significant that Z refutes all claimes made, except the ‘Latent Homosexual’ one? Tue Feb 19, 2013 3:29 pm

So was he Bi?

Kidding…that was bad.

I understand where it stems from, I just don’t think it applies to Bryan and Cecelia.

entropy, Subject: Re: Significant that Z refutes all claimes made, except the ‘Latent Homosexual’ one? Tue Feb 19, 2013 3:32 pm

Latent homosexuality = psycho babble.

He didn’t rape her so he must be gay…or just doesn’t know it yet! Say what??

Not suggesting that assessment is correct, tahoe. It’s just what I took away from reading the article. Chief Lee is suggesting that "It is the knife attack that leads the investigators to consider that Zodiac may be a latent homosexual". I think Zodiac’s choice of penetration by knife when he had the clear opportunity for sexual assault is what led to this conclusion but I also may be totally wrong about that.

morf13, Subject: Re: Significant that Z refutes all claimes made, except the ‘Latent Homosexual’ one? Tue Feb 19, 2013 3:34 pm

According to some of the expert profiles, the sexual satisfaction Z got was in the murders themselves, he did not need to rape the girl. Also, possibly, in reliving and thinking about the crimes.

tahoe27, Subject: Re: Significant that Z refutes all claimes made, except the ‘Latent Homosexual’ one? Tue Feb 19, 2013 3:37 pm

Sorry entropy–hope you don’t think my comment was directed at you. It was in response to the original person who suggested it back in 1969. :)

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Significant that Z refutes all claimes made, except the ‘Latent Homosexual’ one? Tue Feb 19, 2013 4:02 pm

According to some of the expert profiles, the sexual satisfaction Z got was in the murders themselves, he did not need to rape the girl. Also, possibly, in reliving and thinking about the crimes.

Thats what i ment when i said that the stabbing itself is the penetration for some offenders. BTK, Andrei Chikatilo & others said that the act of stabbing itself would cause them to ….Have trouser accidents shall we say? Pmsl.

I know, i know, too much information!! Lol.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Significant that Z refutes all claimes made, except the ‘Latent Homosexual’ one? Tue Feb 19, 2013 4:05 pm

Welsh Chappie – No no not calling you a moron at all. I was refering to the original press and police comments which I thought were not based on fact and reflected now outdated ideas on gay men. I disagree with you on Kane and the stabbing style but enjoy your posts and energy and many frsh ideas. We do not insult people here we try to keep debates polite. This is an interesting topic and I think entropy tahoe and morf and you made some good comments on why they said what they did back then. I just think it has no validity.

Nachtsider, Subject: Re: Significant that Z refutes all claimes made, except the ‘Latent Homosexual’ one? Tue Feb 19, 2013 4:28 pm

If anything, I think Zodiac was a straight man who became almost entirely asexual after several emotionally painful experiences with women.

Funny, though, how a good number of Zodiac suspects were either gay (Marshall, Walker, Gaikowski, Mike Kelleher’s suspect Gregg), bisexual (Allen) or sexually confused (Kaczynski).

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Significant that Z refutes all claimes made, except the ‘Latent Homosexual’ one? Tue Feb 19, 2013 4:48 pm

Welsh Chappie – No no not calling you a moron at all. I was refering to the original press and police comments which I thought were not based on fact and reflected now outdated ideas on gay men. I disagree with you on Kane and the stabbing style but enjoy your posts and energy and many frsh ideas. We do not insult people here we try to keep debates polite. This is an interesting topic and I think entropy tahoe and morf and you made some good comments on why they said what they did back then. I just think it has no validity.

Thats ok, i have no problem with people differing with an opinion i have, i welcome debate. If we all agreed with each other, we wouldn’t need these threads :-)

I thought that your comment stating that "The suggestion that Gay people stabing differently to straight people is moronic" (or words to that effect) were directed directly at me. "We do not insult people here we try to keep debates polite." That is the exact reason i took offence to the comment as i thought it was pesonally ment for myself. I refuse to go on other sites to discuss Zodiac issues because of insults, slanders etc, thats what i like about this site so much, its not seen on these threads :-)

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Significant that Z refutes all claimes made, except the ‘Latent Homosexual’ one? Tue Feb 19, 2013 4:51 pm

If anything, I think Zodiac was a straight man who became almost entirely asexual after several emotionally painful experiences with women.

Funny, though, how a good number of Zodiac suspects were either gay (Marshall, Walker, Gaikowski, Mike Kelleher’s suspect Gregg), bisexual (Allen) or sexually confused (Kaczynski).

It mentions in Kanes report aswell ‘Dependant on mother, incapapable of forming adult relationships, possibly Homosexual’.

Zamantha, Subject: Re: Significant that Z refutes all claimes made, except the ‘Latent Homosexual’ one? Tue Feb 19, 2013 5:10 pm

Opinions ah we all have them. Myself I think Z had some issues with his sexually.
And also feel he could of been a "latent homosexual" (what a term?) He was mad,
mad or upset at something very strong to make him act & do his terrible deeds.

tahoe27, Subject: Re: Significant that Z refutes all claimes made, except the ‘Latent Homosexual’ one? Tue Feb 19, 2013 5:32 pm

Zodiac reminds me of someone angry and pissed off at the world. LE especially. Has to show them up and enjoys the publicity.

Hey–anyone capable of murder has issues, but he seems more pissed of then sexually deprived…or whatever.

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Significant that Z refutes all claimes made, except the ‘Latent Homosexual’ one? Fri Feb 22, 2013 10:30 am

And whoever he was, he seemed, according to Bryan Hartnell’s testimony, to be skilled in needlework as quoting Bryan directly "And on the front was a…about a 4 inch crossed circle, with a cross-hairs and looked like it had been made with some kind of machine or with some degree of care….it wasn’t just scrawled on with white paint, it was proportional"

So we’re looking for a military man, who knows how to, & like’s to sew. It’s not logical that anyone other than him made the hood so, were any of the suspects known to be trained in needlework?

morf13, Subject: Re: Significant that Z refutes all claimes made, except the ‘Latent Homosexual’ one? Fri Feb 22, 2013 10:56 am

And whoever he was, he seemed, according to Bryan Hartnell’s testimony, to be skilled in needlework as quoting Bryan directly "And on the front was a…about a 4 inch crossed circle, with a cross-hairs and looked like it had been made with some kind of machine or with some degree of care….it wasn’t just scrawled on with white paint, it was proportional"

So we’re looking for a military man, who knows how to, & like’s to sew. It’s not logical that anyone other than him made the hood so, were any of the suspects known to be trained in needlework?

Certain career fields required men to know how to sew,such as military, people that worked with parachutes,etc

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Significant that Z refutes all claimes made, except the ‘Latent Homosexual’ one? Fri Feb 22, 2013 11:08 am

And whoever he was, he seemed, according to Bryan Hartnell’s testimony, to be skilled in needlework as quoting Bryan directly "And on the front was a…about a 4 inch crossed circle, with a cross-hairs and looked like it had been made with some kind of machine or with some degree of care….it wasn’t just scrawled on with white paint, it was proportional"

So we’re looking for a military man, who knows how to, & like’s to sew. It’s not logical that anyone other than him made the hood so, were any of the suspects known to be trained in needlework?

Certain career fields required men to know how to sew,such as military, people that worked with parachutes,etc

Yes i know there would be certain employmet that requires these skills, i just wondered if it any of the suspect were known to possess the skills?

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Significant that Z refutes all claimes made, except the ‘Latent Homosexual’ one? Fri Feb 22, 2013 11:18 am

And whoever he was, he seemed, according to Bryan Hartnell’s testimony, to be skilled in needlework as quoting Bryan directly "And on the front was a…about a 4 inch crossed circle, with a cross-hairs and looked like it had been made with some kind of machine or with some degree of care….it wasn’t just scrawled on with white paint, it was proportional"

So we’re looking for a military man, who knows how to, & like’s to sew. It’s not logical that anyone other than him made the hood so, were any of the suspects known to be trained in needlework?

Certain career fields required men to know how to sew,such as military, people that worked with parachutes,etc

Yes i know there would be certain employmet that requires these skills, i just wondered if it any of the suspect were known to possess the skills?

Welsh Chappie and Morf, I give a POI specific answer to your question here: http://zodiackillersite.forummotion.com … abin#40113

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Significant that Z refutes all claimes made, except the ‘Latent Homosexual’ one? Fri Feb 22, 2013 11:28 am

AK, interesting. I just had a look at the hood comparison you have added. But was Ted known to be able to sew designs and logos, such as we see on Zodiac’s chest in the Berryessa attack?

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Significant that Z refutes all claimes made, except the ‘Latent Homosexual’ one? Fri Feb 22, 2013 12:32 pm

I think a Quote by the late public intellectual, christopher hitchens, is one that we (myself included) should keep in mind. Hitch was asked "Isn’t there a place for mystery though…" His reply was…

"Well, as long as thats what it is, and no one claims it isn’t a mystery because they know the answer. The people that say they do (know the answer), are out of the argument and shouldn’t even be considered. They are claiming to know something, that by definition, they can’t know."

I’m not directing this toward anyone on this site. I just think its a great quote from Hitchens that would be useful for myself, and others, to remember.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Significant that Z refutes all claimes made, except the ‘Latent Homosexual’ one? Fri Feb 22, 2013 6:50 pm

AK, interesting. I just had a look at the hood comparison you have added. But was Ted known to be able to sew designs and logos, such as we see on Zodiac’s chest in the Berryessa attack?

Well, I know he sewed hoods, and jackets and other clothes. As far as designs, I don’t know. If you can sew a hood, I would think you can a design or logo.

He carved a nice raven, I think he could do crosshairs!

And no, I don’t claim to have THE ANSWER. I think my POI was probably the Zodiac, but there are gaps and holes in the evidence, and it is a mystery who the Zodiac was. I am searcher and a seeker. I feel I am on the right track with TK, but only time will tell – and a DNA match!

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Significant that Z refutes all claimes made, except the ‘Latent Homosexual’ one? Fri Feb 22, 2013 7:11 pm

AK, interesting. I just had a look at the hood comparison you have added. But was Ted known to be able to sew designs and logos, such as we see on Zodiac’s chest in the Berryessa attack?

Well, I know he sewed hoods, and jackets and other clothes. As far as designs, I don’t know. If you can sew a hood, I would think you can a design or logo.

I’d have to agree, its logical to assume that if you can sew a garment, then you are likely able to sew design’s and logo’s.

He carved a nice raven, I think he could do crosshairs!

And no, I don’t claim to have THE ANSWER. I think my POI was probably the Zodiac, but there are gaps and holes in the evidence, and it is a mystery who the Zodiac was. I am searcher and a seeker. I feel I am on the right track with TK, but only time will tell – and a DNA match!


I feel the same about Kane and echo your comments, it is my opinion that Kane is Z, but i also have doubts and questions regarding that opinion. Thats why i am awaiting any and all Documents from the FBI regarding suspect Kane so i can try and find answers to any of the questions in these documents, and also, determine if anything is known about Kane that would seem to eliminate him (Such as he was known to be elsewhere at the time of a Z attack).

The S.F FBI office wrote me back in email yesterday saying they are, at present, gathering the info i have requested and that a reply from them will be forthcoming shortly.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : May 1, 2013 3:32 am
Posts: 628
Honorable Member

What’s a "camp gay man", like a Cub Scout Leader?

Posted : May 1, 2013 3:45 pm
Posts: 101
Estimable Member

I too thought the Zodiac was gay as soon as I read the words ‘with a girl’. To me, only a gay man would think of adding that. I mean, what else would you get your rocks off with, if you were a straight man?

Also, many little things, such as the shampoo ad content in the dripping pen letter, or his use of words such as ‘boy’, and, in a disputed letter, ‘closets’. I think he was nothing if not a drama queen, and his language quite often slipped into high camp.

But what if being gay has nothing to do with his motives?

I remember when I was a child, if a gay man came on tv, someone would say, ‘Ooooh, I just washed my hair and I can’t do a thing with it’. This was in homophobic Britain. (Did the US have that tv advert?)

Just my thoughts on it.

Posted : May 29, 2015 3:02 am