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The Zodiac Symbol Is A Watch Face Rather Than Crosshairs

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As I posted in nebie section I was looking at the Zodiac Killer case over the last two days and I think he did tell us a lot more in his correspondence and communications. I believe he told us how he played his ‘game’, the meaning of his symbol, the source of his name and I believe he also told us his name atleast once.

I think that there is a lot of emphasis by the killer on the way he attacks and when it’s relevant to when he kills. While the Zodiac symbol may double as crosshairs of a gun, I actually believe it is the face of a watch/clock.

The way he attacks/kills corresponds with the time of day on his watch. The face is thus split into four quarters.

So if we assume the zodiac sign is actually a clock face (not crosshairs), and split the 4 quarters we get the following:
12-3 o’clock is death by fire
3-6 is death by rope
6-9 is death by knife
9-12 is death by gun

Now we are using the four methods outlined in the Halloween card; Gun, Fire, Knife and Rope. People already connected a comic about Tim Holt where a Wheel of Fortune decides the protagonist’s fate – he’s name is Redmask just as the skeleton inside the card also wears a red mask. Also, another person discovered that superimposing the four dots from one of the symbols in the card over the Tim Holt comic cover places them exactly over the four methods of death. Zodiac switched two, perhaps as it would be easier to find victims to shoot before midnight and easier to kill by arson during darkfall. Therefore we get this:

If we apply this system to the canonical attacks by the Zodiac (plus Katheleen Johns’ incident) we get this:

Jensen & Faraday attack at 11.30pm – falls in 4th quarter of clock face = death by gun

Ferrin & Mageau attack shown at about midnight – falls in 4th quarter of clock face = death by gun

Cecilia & Hartnell attack 6.30pm – falls in 3rd quarter of watch face = death by knife (maybe overlap with 2nd quarter hence rope was used initially) Killer would need to add time on Hartnell’s car door since bodies mightn’t be found for long time.

Stine attack at 9.55pm – falls in 4th quarter = death by gun

Katheleen Johns car attacked after midnight – falls in 1st quarter of watch face = car burnt out/fire

And if Leigh did get the watch in 1967 from his mom then it supercedes the attacks and the first known use of the Zodiac name. Adds further to him being the killer. Shows he does have higher IQ as believed and fits the profile best aswell (lives with mother, discharged from navy, his pedophilia explains no sexual assault on victims etc) He’d easily outwit the Police evidence tests. Just needs a wig during the crimes right? And Zodiac did say he looks different than normal when commiting his crimes.

Posted : December 15, 2020 6:47 pm
Russ Thompson
Posts: 268
Reputable Member

The "zodiac" signs are often depicted as segments of a single divided circle, like the player pieces of a "trivial pursuit" game board.

That was too much!

Posted : February 22, 2021 3:19 am
Posts: 418
Reputable Member

There has been a few of the "quadrant" theories over the years. So far I’m yet to see one that is satisfying, by which I not only mean that it provides a satisfying solution, but even more importantly that is aesthetically pleasing. What pleasure, or satisfaction is to be derived from creating a villainous persona based partly on Tom Holt’s death wheel, and then screw around with the positions of methods? The idea makes my eye twitch like a crooked picture frame. I’m an untidy person, but it’s just so dissatisfying to look at the quadrants on the Halloween card and then look at your quadrants with the swap around.

The problem I have with the death wheel is it’s different in different between comic books. If Zodiac was really inspired by it, I believe it was most likely in a more abstract way, the idea being that Zodiac picks the method of killing by a sort of random process. The idea that he divided the time of day, or the landscape into death wheel quadrants doesn’t really hold up. If he did I think he would have tried to make it look at least a little more like the source material.

Posted : February 23, 2021 5:10 pm